Names, Numbers and Destinies
Names, Numbers and Destinies
Names, Numbers and Destinies
How Numbers Shape Your Life
Tania Gabrielle
Wealth Astro-Numerologist
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
1. Tania Gabrielle Bio
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Wealth Astro-Numerologist
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Lets look at Tiger Woods numbers. Eldrick is not a name that would
have helped him become the legendary golfer he is today and the
highest paid athlete in 2005. The numbers for the name Tonter Woods
arent any better. Just saying these names out loud only proves what
Pythagorean Numerology already confirms. The numbers for Tonter
Woods and Eldrick Woods dont have a sense of confidence and
The sound of Tiger Woods is imbued with power and confidence
even without knowing the numbers, you feel its a great name. No
coincidence then that the numerological vibration for the name Tiger is
out of this world. He truly changed his life by taking on that name.
Heres why.
Tiger resonates to a magical number ruling people and nations. It
gives protection. Just as importantly for this star athlete, the number
for Tiger adds up to a vibration befitting a warrior. He couldnt have
asked for a better first name. When you add his last name Woods to
the equation you get a highly evolved intellect and a probing mind that
seeks and finds answers. Which is exactly what Tigers known for
someone with laser-like focus and a tireless seeker of knowledge. This
number also represents a person who is well organized, reliable and
extremely popular.
Add to that the incredible feeling he must get every day from being
called Tiger - as opposed to Tonter or Eldrick and theres no
Your name happens to play a BIG role in creating your destiny. But
what does my name have to do with numbers?, youre probably
asking. A lot. You see, every letter in the alphabet corresponds to a
Magic Johnsons story is especially riveting.
Magics birth name was Earvin Effay Johnson. The numbers for that
name ALL point to someone who wants to write, compose, teach or
act. Well, did you know, Johnson had NO interest in becoming a
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
What about those three letters - FDR well, they add up to the Media
number, ensuring well be referring to his Presidency in books and in
the media for a long time.
Lets not forget that both Roosevelts benefited from the Double Power
Letter the two Os in Roosevelt signify a great vision. When coupled
with their freedom loving life purpose, it turns those Os into a pair of
eyes and forecasts the ability to see through situations and visualize
the future.
While were looking at these two Presidents with great names - many
of you have asked. And now Ive listened.
If youve ever wondered, Is MY Name Fortunate?
Click here:
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Ill let you in on a secret. Tom Cruises name hides some deep
secrets of his personality and goals. And can explain his ties to
Scientology as well.
With his Unauthorized Biography causing a stir, I thought Id reveal a
few of the qualities hidden in Toms name.
Cruise is an all or nothing type A personality who thinks he can cure
most peoples problems. Toms name shows he has ice in his veins.
This comes across in his movie roles as well. He definitely has a
penchant for recruiting new followers into the Church of Scientology.
In a sense, Scientology is like a serum for Tom Cruise. A cure-all
serum he uses to cut to the core of any issue or feeling. Cruise will use
this serum to manifest his goals, and to battle all controversies
people or organizations. And that means, hes not afraid to sue, and
will cry foul against anyone who he feels is misrepresenting his image
or the image of his church. In other words, as a recruiter and
ambassador, Cruise has no fear. In his mind theres no such thing as
Mission Impossible.
Are these same qualities reflected in his numbers? Yes.
Tom has a Number 28/1 Life Purpose. 28 propels him to leadership
and an urge to help people. Its a big reason Scientology is such an
active part of his life. It gives Tom a vehicle to express his deepest
desire to heal and inspire others.
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Of course, this advice and counseling is not always necessary and can
backfire, as it did when Cruise publicly denounced Brook Shields and
called psychiatry a pseudo science. He proceeded to tell Matt Lauer of
the Today Show You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.
The bizarre video making its way around the internet right now shows
Cruise acting like his church is the only way to freedom and happiness.
In the video he proclaims, We are the authorities on getting people off
drugs, we are the authorities on the mind, the authority on improving
conditions. We are the way to happiness, we bring peace and unite
Hmm. Interesting. But lets get back to his numbers. Its pretty
apparent he likes to be Number 1 and has been in the top echelon of
Hollywoods elite players for 20 years. Now thats a huge
accomplishment in itself.
Toms Destiny Number 4 explains how hes done it. Hard work.
Diligence. Unwavering dedication. Management.
And his 3 day of birth explains another crucial ingredient his famous
grin. 3 - the number of happiness and self expression.
His current name Tom Cruise adds up to 35/8 using the ancient
Chaldean system. (I dont use the Pythagorean system for your
current name, since the Chaldean reveals so much more about HOW
your birth blueprint is activated RIGHT NOW).
35/8 is a powerful number, giving him the leadership and executive
status of a true star. On the other hand, this current name number will
also attract fateful events into his life, which is usually why I dont
recommend it to my clients.
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More importantly there are two numbers, 4 and 8, both men had in
common. These two numbers, especially when combined, are often
referred to as Numbers of Fate. They can result in life-changing,
fateful events.
Often, people with 4s or 8s will be magnetically drawn to others with
4s or 8s as well. Whats important to know is that, when a 4 or 8 are
the Day of Birth or Life Purpose Number, you are warned to avoid
these same numbers in all other ways. This includes staying away
from events, names, addresses, phone numbers and important dates
adding up to 4 or 8.
Yet, often precisely the opposite happens, since 4s and 8s attract each
Unfortunately for Pope John Paul I, who has a 4 Life Purpose Number,
he was made pope on August 26. The 26 is an 8, and August is the 8th
month. He ended up dying 33 days later on September 28, 1978,
which adds up to an 8. Plus look at all the eights in that date alone.
His immediate successor, Pope John Paul II, who has a 26/8 Life
Purpose Number, became pope on October 16, 1978, a day adding up
to 33. Amazing. That 33 day signified his continuation of his
predecessors smiling vibration, and guaranteed a strong emotional
connection to his followers.
Notice too the harmonious ties between John Paul IIs Life Purpose
Number 26, and the 26 Day on which John Paul I became pope.
As for the 16th of October 16/7 can signify a possible fatal
connection. This number brings a possibility of assassination. Which is
precisely what happened, not once but 3 times, to John Paul II.
On May 13, 1981 a 22/4 day - he was shot and critically wounded by
Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peters Square
to address an audience. He lost nearly three-quarters of his blood, and
was seconds from bleeding to death. That in spite of the fact that the
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bullets missed his main artery and abdominal aorta. There is more to
this story, which I will elaborate in my upcoming book.
Two more assassination attempts followed in 1982 and 1995.
The May 13 attack on Pope John Paul II life sent another signal as
well. Over two decades later the 13/4 connection appeared in his life
again. This time on the day he died, April 2, 2005 which is a 13/4
This example shows how number 4 and 8 connections run very deep
for people who have these numbers in their blueprint. It doesnt mean
youll be assassinated. No, far from it. But remember, if your name or
birthday add up to 4 or 8, the power of these numbers is increased if
you combine them with other 4 and 8s. This rule applies whether you
are planning a significant event on the 4th, 8th, 13th and so on, to
numbers in your address, to the name of the city you live in, to the
numbers of the person you are married to, or to your phone number.
And the result of combining a 4 or 8 with each other in this way is that
your life can be more difficult.
Its just another important reason why you want to be sure your
current name adds up to a good, positively charged number. A number
of least resistance. A number that guarantees effortless flow.
Madonna did it when she dropped her last name. But Ill leave that
story for another time.
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There is a strong pattern of change with 14 and 41, but the gains and
losses are temporary. So people may be angry at her today, and go
out next week to buy her book. Just out of curiosity. Thats what he
name number does. Coulter can gamble, and that includes taking a
gamble on her verbiage yet shell usually, but not always, remain
However, there is a warning with this number.
Overconfidence to the point of arrogance will reverse this fortunate
vibration. Coulter, at some point, may be guided to hold her tongue, in
order not to fall prey to truly negative results. Being outrageous to the
point of repugnancy will stop people from laughing and turn away.
Moving from Ann to Nobel Peace Prize Winning author Al Gore.
Gores name resonates to a less fortunate number. I wasnt surprised
he lost the Presidential race to George W. Bush. Even with fewer
votes, George W. Bush won because his name adds up to a far more
fortunate number.
Al Gore is a really bad name no matter how you slice it.
The number for his name signifies that he craves education on every
level, from physical to spiritual. Since losing to President Bush, Gore
has amassed a wealth of knowledge on the effects of global warming.
Gore had to sacrifice politics in order to reinvent himself as another
kind of leader. Since he paid attention to his spiritual and intuitive
education he was ultimately successful.
Gore sacrificed his personal goals in order to help someone else,
namely Bill Clinton, achieve his ambitions. But with a 29/11 Life
Purpose Number, Gore is a leader by nature. Al never was meant to be
in a subordinate position.
Hes finally fulfilled his deep desire to lead.
Gores Day of Birth Number, 31, signifies not so much a President, but
a genius and deep thinker. Thus, his withdrawal from politics was the
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best thing he could have done. I dont think Al Gore will ever run for
President again. Unless he takes on bad advice a challenge anyone
with his name number has to watch out for.
Both Ann Coulter and Al Gore are very different types of people.
Whether you dislike one or both of them matters not. Their numbers
speak volumes about who they are, how they got there, and what feel
compelled to do.
Numbers are impartial. They speak the truth and nothing but the
Its imperative you know the truth about YOUR name and numbers.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
You see, as I was descending the refreshing trail a few days back, I
realized these mountains have something in common. All of their
names either begin with the letter M or W. Most with the letter M. This
is very significant in numerology.
One important aspect of the letter M is greatness in height and visual
impact. Think of the names Majestic, Mountain, Millionaire, Momentous
all signify reaching peaks and heights. Then there is the greatness in
quality of being - such as in Master. Every name beginning with the
letter M, such as Michael, Mary, Mark, Marion, and Maxwell will have
this quality. This goes for your last name as well.
W is the M turned on its head. Its energy is a little different.
W looks like a mountain with two deep valleys. People with this letter
usually have a change of consciousness sometime in their lives. They
will have felt the deep valleys from which they can only pull out and
scale the peaks. This is why the W looks like arms upraised seeking
the light.
In Africa Mount Kilimanjaro and in Australia Kosciusko are the
respective highest mountains. If you turn the K on its side, its the
only other letter that could resemble a mountain, in this case with the
line of the sky represented over the peak.
Mount Everest used to be a K mountain as well - the Tibetans referred
to it as Komolangma.
Each of the letters in your name are significant. During your Personal
Numerology Intuitive Counseling phone call Ill tell you in detail what
the first consonant and vowel in your name vibrate to. Everyone who
hears this information is amazed at how a letter can say so much
about who they are.
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The powerful Love of this number is expressed in the fact that it takes
9 months to create a human being.
The mean normal heartbeat or pulse is 72 times a minute, equaling 9.
The circle has 360 = 9 degrees.
There are 86,400 seconds in a day = 18 reducing to 9.
Average number of heartbeats per hour is 4,320, equaling 9.
In 24 hours, a heart beats an average of 103,680 times - again 18/9.
So, by the very design of our heart, our bodys cells, the stars, planets
and our circle around the sun, Love is expressed mathematically by
always reducing to a 9. Now thats extraordinary.
If your Pythagorean Blueprint includes the number 9 as your Life
Purpose, Soul, Destiny or Personality Numbers, consider yourself
blessed. Compassion is a feeling you resonate with. Remember you
will be asked to help others, because of your loving nature.
The numbers in our lives are real. Like your beating heart, they are
alive and active all the time. For this reason alone it is vital for you to
know your personal numbers.
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On Tuesday our daughter Clara had her first day ever of school.
Shes been asking some deep questions lately.
How far and big is infinite?, was one of her questions.
Is infinity past the sky and stars?, was another.
I explained the unending feeling of infinity as best I could. Then I
showed her the figure for infinity - the number 8 on its side. I began
drawing an 8 so she could see its the only number you can draw
repeatedly without lifting your pen.
This never-ending quality shows, in a nutshell, why the number 8 is a
very powerful vibration.
Theres a good reason eight is called the Executive and the Judge.
Many successful business people, musicians, and politicians have
created abundance and fame with the influence of the 8. Eight
represents eternity, continual energy and stamina, which is why many
great athletes have a prominent 8 in their personal blueprint.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Last night I was sitting in a comfy chair thinking about all the things I
am grateful for. I made a note to myself to look at the number for
While I sat there, my husband Clay said to me, You have the best job
in the world. You love what you do and you help others doing it. How
lucky is that.
I thought for a moment and replied, I couldnt be happier.
I couldnt ask for more than to grow and prosper while helping others
to do the same. And so, in the spirit of Pythagorean Numerology, I
want to look at two words Thanksgiving and Gratitude.
I had my hunches at least one of the words would be a 6, but what I
found freaked me a little. They both add to 6.
The Destiny Number for the name Thanksgiving is 60. The Destiny
Number for Gratitude is 42, also a 6. Additionally, Thanksgiving has
a double 6 vibration going 60/6.
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6 is the number for home, family and roots. It symbolizes the gift of
responsibility, honesty and truth. 6 is called the cosmic parent
number. It even looks like a woman who is pregnant, and stands for
service and love.
6 also represents wealth. And so todays celebration of natures
harvest is a great symbol of inner and outer riches.
Adding the zero to the 6 gives the word Thanksgiving divine
protection. So Thanksgiving is a day of family, joy, wealth and love
all blessed by divine protection.
The words Thanksgiving and Gratitude come from the same family.
Gratitude adds up to 42/6. 42 represents two cups, held by a man and
a woman to demonstrate the law of give and take. It is a sensitive,
affectionate, receptive and highly fortunate number.
Tears of gratitude are the gifts of love. When we thank someone with
joy, we are saying, I love you.
The 4 in 42 is also a family vibration it represents the square, the
foundation of our home. 4 is about devotion, loyalty and discipline.
And 2 is the kindest number of all. It stands for someone who wants to
bring peace and harmony. It is the number of relationships, of seeing
both points of view, of tact and diplomacy.
Combining the solid foundation of the 4 and the peaceful nature of the
2 to make 6 is a profound entry into how gratitude cements and
blesses relationships of all kinds.
Once again, we see how numbers confirm the essence of the words.
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The other night I was talking to a good friend and client. In the
course of our conversation he asked me whether the number 13 was a
bad number.
Why do you ask, I said.
He answered, Im staying in a hotel room, and the numbers add up to
13. Doesnt that mean death?
Has your visit gone well? I asked.
Yeah, its been a really good week, and Ive gotten some great
insights into my life.
I answered, there you go. You actually just confirmed the beautiful
and powerful energy this number has. 13 is really about
Then I proceeded to tell my friend how the number 13 is about death
but not the scary movie, blood and guts, Friday the 13th kind. And it
doesnt mean physical death. Actually, thirteen represents the death of
limited thinking and a rebirth as an enlightened person who reaches
for higher consciousness.
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All of us have times in our lives when we shed our current skin and
leave our past thinking. Im talking about how you think about things.
When the number 13 appears in our life and it can be as simple as
my friends extended stay in a hotel room which adds up to 13 pay
attention. Because change is afoot. Parts of the old you will die
metaphorically speaking. Your past attitudes and understanding will
undergo a shift. This is whats happened to my friend.
Notice how he felt the vibration in force BEFORE asking me about it.
Thats the wonderful thing about numbers. They confirm and explain
why we feel the way we do. They tell you how you can approach each
situation. They show you trends in your current life, so that youre
Numbers and letters are tools. Theyre active whether you are aware
of them or not. And theres NO such thing as a bad number.
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Before Wall began talking, a 13-minute clip of Enter the Dragon was
shown. It featured the famous scene where Bruce Lee fights and
eventually kills Bob Walls character, the horrible villain OHara.
Having never seen the movie, I was blown away by Bruce Lees
intense charisma and fierce intelligence. Sure enough, during his talk,
Bob Wall referred to Lee as a genius. Not once but several times. I
decided to check out his numbers right then and there.
I expected to see the genius number in either Bruce Lees name or day
of birth. Was I in for a surprise!
Lee not only had this number once - but twice. I understood instantly
why he became an icon. AND, why he died so young. The genius
number Bruce Lee had is a challenging vibration. When a number like
this is doubled up, life is amazingly intense.
Bruce Lee was able to key in on this numbers strong ability to focus
and concentrate. Martial arts was the perfect outlet for this actor and
world-class athlete, since the genius number is associated with power.
Heres the catch. The power must not be used for selfish reasons, or it
WILL turn destructive. Im guessing Lee had some powerful enemies
as a direct result of his immense success.
Bruce Lee broke many barriers. He was the first male star whose
ethnicity transcended all barriers appealing equally to women and
men around the world. He was not really considered Asian. Bruce Lee
was the first international star from Asia.
When it came to his untimely death, the genius number did not help
matters. People who have this number in their blueprint are confronted
with challenging situations throughout their life.
Bob Wall was asked how Bruce Lee really died.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Larry King is truly a king. His interview program on CNN was one of
the longest running talk shows in history over 20 years to be exact.
This weekend I was watching a clip of Fridays show where Larry
interviewed Jerry Seinfeld. The verbal beating Seinfeld gave Larry
about the so-called cancellation of his successful Jerry Seinfeld show,
was classic Larry King stuff. Guests LIKE him. Theyll poke fun at him,
like Seinfeld did. They are taken off guard and confide to Larry as if
hes their best friend.
Feeling emotionally comfortable allows Larrys guest to reveal things
about themselves other hosts would never be able to coax from them.
Larry Kings magic touch attracts guests who would not otherwise
appear on any other show. Most people dont know this, but King
never prepares for interviews. He even bragged at one time that he
never reads the books of authors who appear on the show.
Hes purely looking for a one-on-one emotional connection. His frank
and no-nonsense approach to guests feels totally genuine and nonforced.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Had Larry King kept a version of his given birth name, Lawrence
Harvey Zeiger, he would not have come close to reaching the pinnacle
of success. Larry King also sounds powerful without being overpowering. Key to getting guests on your show.
Numbers are alive. Some work miracles for one person, and not for
another. The relationship of all your numbers creates the whole mental
picture of who you are.
Picking a name that resonates with the positive picture you have in
your head is crucial to making that picture go to work for you.
Your Personal Pythagorean Numerology Blueprint - paints your picture with
the greatest detail. And at the end of the blueprint you receive a free
gift your Is My Name Fortunate? report. I help you choose the
perfect name. A name that allows you to let go of resistance, leverage
your gifts and fly.
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When people talk about Bill Gates or Michael Jordan, they always
refer to them by first and last names. Not so with Oprah and Madonna.
In fact, many youngsters probably dont even know Madonnas last
name is Ciccone. As for these two icons single names they have
fabulously positive numbers, as expected.
Oprah resonates to the powerful 23/5 vibration, a truly fortunate
number blessing her with much grace.
Even with Oprahs negative day of birth number, the 23 is so strong a
presence that her 29 day will be transmuted. 23 is called The Royal
Star of the Lion. No other number can challenge the Lions strength
and win.
If anyone in TV Land symbolizes a lions strength, its Oprah Winfrey.
Even her full name resonates to a fortunate vibration. So, shes in
great hands.
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easy time of it. She doesnt necessarily pop into my head as one of the
happiest people in the world.
Her 11 name will always give her a sense of incompletion. She feels
divided. This name number often results in a refusal to see the other
side. A sense of harmony is usually rare for people with an 11 name.
More often, Streisand will feel conflicted about her decisions.
My husband Clayton Haslop, world-class violinist, has recorded with
Streisand. I remember him coming home in the early 1990s and
saying two things. Barbra is an amazing musician, who has never
learned to read music and sings everything by ear. And, she is one
of the toughest artists hes ever worked with.
One night Clay arrived home at 3am. The recording session was
supposed to end at 5pm the previous day. Streisand didnt like the
arrangements. Professional musicians will tell you, if someone doesnt
read music its hard to quibble about arrangements. And youre talking
professional musicians who are the best at what they do who come
into the studio and record music theyve never seen before after one
And so for a week, the recording sessions with Streisand lasted 16
hours instead of 7, partly because she wanted to make sure she got a
perfect take.
Contrast that to French singer Camille who sings on the movie score of
Ratatouille. Clayton led the orchestra from the concertmaster chair
for that film. Camille sang just one take of the song Le Festin and
that was that. One take. Well, who didnt say the French arent
Which brings me back to Streisands 11 name.
According to Clayton, if she had relaxed a little and enjoyed the
process more, all would have been accomplished a lot sooner. So the
disharmony of her 11 name made for some stressful and long
recording days.
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Youd think with her 8 Life Purpose and 11 current name Barbra would
have ended up being CEO of a large company. Its something she
could have easily accomplished, were it not for her strong pull towards
the arts. You see, her Destiny Number requires her to perform, to
express herself on stage. Her full name at birth, Barbara Joan
Streisand, adds up to 75/3. Those of you with 3 Destinys have NO
choice but to entertain, or express your inner gifts in some way to
uplift and inspire others.
It doesnt necessarily have to be on stage or in film. As long as words
or colors or sound are used as a tool of self-expression. This can be
done through speeches, concerts, exhibitions, or authoring articles and
In Barbras case, due to the influence of her powerful 11 and 26/8
Numbers, the stage turned out a worldwide, mega successful
showcase for her talents.
The best number Barbara has going for her though, the number which
ties it all together and wraps her blueprint in a beautiful bow, is her
Day of Birth - 24. Number 24 is a highly fortunate vibration. First off, it
gives her help from people in high positions. Secondly, her financial
success is greatly enhanced. Third it gives her happiness in her love
relationships. And lastly, the 24/6 imbues her with a great deal of
Its pretty obvious the number 24/6 has played a mega role in Barbra
Streisands life. Shes hit a homerun on all four counts.
Without a doubt, her 24 Day gave Barbra the luck and fortune inherent
in reaching the hundreds of millions of fans she has around the world.
This unique Numbers Recipe her 8 Destiny, 11 current name and
24/6 Birth, not to mention her Number 1 Essence, gives her the
boundless creativity and intense drive to succeed. She innately
understands the importance of each and every opportunity that comes
down the lane. Who knows how she would have felt about herself and
her career had her name been fortunate as well.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
As you can see, her numbers tell a powerful and continuous story. The
plot of her life-story continues to evolve. Most of her major successes
have involved either number 3 or 6.
How appropriate these two numbers are to Celines life and career. 3 is
a vibration of artistic self-expression. People with this number
prominent in their blueprint - and remember she has three 3s - have a
deep urge to bring joy and uplift peoples lives. Through singing,
writing, speaking or the fine arts.
3 is also a performers number. No question this number describes her
gifts to a tee.
The zero in her three 30s gives Dion divine protection. This is very
apparent when you look at her life. The fact that her manager and
husband, Rene Angelil mortgaged his home, after hearing her sing, in
order to fund her first recording, says much about the influence of the
zero. She will always be helped in unexpected ways.
And she DID need Angelils help. After all, Celine was raised in a
poverty-stricken home. And herein lies another clue to her amazing
success. Dion was the youngest of 14 children. 14 is the number
symbolizing magnetic communication with the public. She certainly is
the epitome of someone having a love affair with her millions of fans.
A 6 Destiny often indicates using your voice in your career, whether
through counseling, singing, speaking or teaching. How fitting her
music is then, as people listen to her songs for healing and comfort.
Her voice embodies her empathy for others. Additionally, 6 makes her
poised, affectionate, and generous.
On a side note, its interesting Hillary Clintons campaign song is Celine
Dions You and I. Why? Because Clintons Life Purpose Number also
happens to be 30/3. You may think this a coincidence, but its not.
There is a resonance between people and numbers.
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Celines fans adore her. And her 6 Destiny means she needs to feel
appreciated so its a mutual love affair.
Combining the 3 and the 6 makes her highly creative and artistic. She
must express herself to be happy. It also guarantees that her biggest
changes, results and transformations occur during a 3 or 6 cycle.
This has been the case for Celine. In fact, 2003 was a hard transition
year for her. She was in an 11 Personal Year. It was only when Celine
entered her 3 Personal Year in 2004, that she relaxed and really began
enjoying her five year stint at Ceasars Palace. She says of that first
difficult year, At one point, it was like feeling like the Titanic was
about to sink again. An 11 year can feel that way sometimes.
Makes you interested in your own personal cycles, right? Now you can
plan your life using your own personal forecast cycle revealed in the
powerful Your Next 12 Months Blueprint. Plus you receive a special
gift: a list of your most fortunate personal days for the next 12
Click on:
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follow her beliefs, and pursue her goals with tremendous ambition and
drive. As a result, there were always people who resented her power.
Putting them at ease would have kept them from interfering in her
plans. However, as her name will reveal, this wasnt always possible.
Here is the a stunning coincidence. Today is the 27th. 12-27-2007
adds up to none other than 21. So the most important numbers in her
birthday, 21 and 27 are mirrored IN REVERSE on the date of her
death. Remarkable.
As for her current name, Benazir Bhutto, it adds up to 51/6. When you
read what this number symbolizes in the ancient Chaldean system of
numerology, you will see why shes been in danger.
51 is symbolizes a warrior spirit. This means sudden advancements
and accomplishments were possible during Bhuttos life. Its an
especially fortunate number for leaders of any cause not related to
war. However, with a 51 name comes a strong warning of dangerous
enemies. In other words, the glory this number promises isnt worth
the risk. This is why I would never recommend it for a name.
And while Im looking at names
Benazir Bhutto comes from a tragic family. In addition to her fathers
assassination, both her brothers died under mysterious circumstances.
This begs the question, what about her family name, Bhutto.
The name Bhutto itself resonates to a number of contradictions. Both
immense success and powerful opposition from enemies and
competitors, as well as serious losses in courts of law are symbolized
by her family name. So, she carried a lot on her back, you could say
considering her familys legacy.
No doubt, Bhutto made mistakes. So, were there clues to what she
had to watch out for this year. Absolutely.
2007 was a 18/9 Personal Year for her. Any 9 year symbolizes endings
and transitions. She was about to enter a whole new 9-year cycle.
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Lets take a look at her lucky 6 connection first. Heigl was born on a 24
Day. Her Life Purpose Number is 33. Both these numbers add up to 6 and both are highly fortunate. Her journey from regular actress and
model to Hollywood starlet got a boost in 2005 when she was cast on
Greys Anatomy, a hugely successful TV show, originally just a
midseason replacement on ABC.
2005 was a 15/6 year for Heigl. So her lucky 6 connection was
activated that year. 6 is a fortunate number anyway, and for Heigl, the
number took on special significance due to the prominent 6s in her
Of course her 15/6 year in 2005 didnt make her the star she is now. It
was followed by a 16/7 year in 2006, keeping the lid on her fame a
little while longer. A 16 is rarely a year a star gets born or receives
mega public accolades. As you have guessed, she exploded onto the
scene the following year, 2007 - a 17/8 year for Heigl.
17/8 is about power, abundance and leadership. Anyone who enters a
17/8 year prepared, courageous and eager to keep learning has a
super chance of reaping huge financial and professional rewards.
And so it comes as no surprise that Katherine Heigl shot to stardom in
2007. Whats interesting too is that the number 17 symbolizes
immortality. Becoming famous in a 17 year could possibly mean her
name will live on long after shes gone.
Theres one little rub though. One reason Heigl may NOT have hit the
fame quotient she has now earlier in her career is her name.
Katherine Heigl adds up to an 11 in the Chaldean system not a
number I recommend, since its signified by division. Division of goals,
division resulting from interference of others, and division resulting
from refusing to see the whole picture. An 11 name can cause
disharmony and a feeling of incompletion.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Wow. What a game (on the rare occasion, Ive watched American
football). I couldnt imagine a week ago Id be talking about Eli today.
But Peyton Mannings little brother has arrived.
Hes been considered second to his famous older brother for four years
now, quietly battling his way to the spot hes in today on the road to
the Superbowl as Quarterback for the NFC Champion N.Y. Giants.
I didnt watch the first game between the Patriots and Chargers
yesterday. Not sure why, but I told my husband Clay that I couldnt
miss the Giants-Packers match-up in Siberia - because I had a feeling
all day the Giants might win. He just shrugged.
It was a nail-biter. I could just sense the immensity of the moment
affecting some of the players on each team, including the great Brett
Favre. The below zero temps and 24 wind-chill added to the drama.
Tied at 4 seconds to go, Eli Manning got the ball down the field for a
possible game-winning field goal. But no - Lawrence Tynes missed his
tremendous opportunity. Overtime begins.
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Speaking of the last four games all but one has taken place in 2008.
The Patriots-Giants 38-35 nail-biter was played on December 29. That
one got Eli on a roll. Once we hit 2008, hes propelled the Giants to
three straight wins. All as underdog.
Why have things changed for Eli in 2008?
Consider Eli was in a 13 Personal Year in 2007. A year of
transformation, endings and new beginnings. Old ideas were swept
away to make room for healthier, more successful ones. It was a year
of growth for Eli.
Heres a big reason 2008 began with a bang for Eli. His Life Purpose
Number is the SAME as his Personal Year number. This is huge. It
means, he has a double whammy of Freedom and Adventure going on.
And when you factor in what his Life Purpose means, youll understand
why Elis burst onto the scene.
His number represents honor, fame and material gain. It gives him a
quick and clever mind, and an ability to learn easily and retain what
hes learned. It also gives him the courage to manifest his ideas in the
physical world.
Eli thrives on constant change and adventure. Football is full of
changes, reversals, ups and downs. So its really important for him to
take each moment and mold it into something positive.
Yes, he has a quiet, aw shucks demeanor about him. But, believe me,
it hides a fiery internal nature.
Finally, his Life Purpose Number gives him tremendous physical agility,
increasing his brain power and circulation. His agile body and fiery
mind make him highly successful.
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2013 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
In the current race for Presidential Nominee, Hillary has the double L.
Now look at McCain and Obama - both have an 11 Life Purpose
Number. McCain also has the Double C in his name.
The double creativity number 11 also helped the other Clinton, Bill,
whose Life Purpose is 38/11, same as Madonnas. Both also have a
double letter in their names. Our current U.S. President, George Bush
is a 33 Life Purpose.
Ronald Reagan was born in 1911 he also had the double RR. Plus his
name adds up to 11. Jimmy Carter has the double MM. Kennedy the
Double NN.
Of course, double digits wont guarantee success. But they do HELP
you immensely in creating an environment where your goals are
achieved faster and more effortlessly.
How about your name and birthday? Lets say you dont have a
Master Number in your Day, Essence or Life Purpose. Thats ok.
You can always create one in your name. This is what makes
numerology so valuable. YOU can call the shots. Just be sure your
current name adds up to a fortunate number otherwise the effect of
a double letter wont be very strong. This is where Ive helped
countless of my clients. Its simple and its powerful.
Click on and order your
Personal Numerology Blueprint today. Remember this blueprint
includes your Is My Name Fortunate? report as a free gift.
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Personal Numerology Blueprint (includes Is My Name Fortunate? Report)
Is My Name Fortunate?
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Prosperity Power System
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