NNP Workshop Checklist
NNP Workshop Checklist
NNP Workshop Checklist
Hire of venues;
Catering meals, lunches, tea and coffee breaks etc.;
Conference stationery;
Translation services and equipment;
Evaluation report and publication of results of workshop;
Local accommodation for non-paying delegates;
Transport requirements e.g. shuttle bus to/ from venue; transport for site visits;
Opportunity to provide bursaries and cover the costs of participants with appropriate
backgrounds and/ or experience that would be useful to include and help achieve the
workshop objectives.
This list is by no means exhaustive, nor is it intended to cover every situation. It is
provided to start the thinking process involved in budgeting for a workshop. Each event
will have its own circumstances and considerations, vary in terms of scale and scope
regarding what the event is aiming to achieve/ who it is being provided for, and have
different capacities for absorbing costs or passing them on to individual delegates.
However, a budget is essential, in order to arrive at the total cost of the event, think
through all elements of the workshop and arrive at a cost per delegate. This is essential
for all workshops, but especially for those events where there is no opportunity to
legitimately access available project funding to cover specific items.
Sometimes, it is a condition of funding to demonstrate how and in what practical ways,
participants from target areas/ target groups have been enabled to attend a workshop for
example, this is the case for LIFE projects, a condition of funding being to communicate
the results and/ or funding to a wide European audience.
from the point of view of recipients easy to complete? / clear and unambiguous?;
With reference to the budget, establish the registration fee and think about:
o Late registration fees;
o Discount fees for students etc;
o Bursaries;
o Deposits and final payments (deadline);
o Specify preferred currency and method(s) of payment include bank account details and
other required information for international money transfers;
o Cancellation and refund conditions.
Final registration
Ensure all registration forms received have been processed and resolve any queries;
Send final confirmation of registration to participants;
Compile final list of registered participants;
Report updated list of participants to convener(s);
Produce name badges with participant's first name, family name and country of origin;
Produce name badges for workshop staff;
Final Mailing
Contents of final mailing:
Logistical Matters
Identify suitable workshop site and venue take into account remoteness of venue and ease of travel to
Guidelines on display facilities for information and literature about participating organisations and their
work posters, flyers, reports etc. Confirm things such as:
o Size of display areas / poster boards
o Mounting system at poster boards
o Arrangements to set-up and dismantle displays
o Preferred formats for text, lettering, banners etc;
Consider the need for receptions, depending on when any officials, special invitees or dignitaries, for
example, are arriving;
Preparations, venue, style, format and timing etc of a conference dinner. (Remember to confirm date,
location, timing etc, and consider all costs and who will cover them within the available budget. A sponsor
may be appropriate for this, especially as it is likely to be ineligible expenditure for most funders.);
Appropriate entertainment;
Parking facilities (parking lot, tickets);
Transport to and from conference venue and hotels.
Convention Stationary
Apart from the contents of the workshop pack, only badges are essential in the following list. The other items
listed here are subject to available budget and the scale of the event being planned;
[Note for ordering purposes, the number to order = participants + keynote speakers + workshop staff +
press + assistants + sponsors + some spares.]
minute registration forms, public transport time tables, city map and a list of all staff and their mobile
phone numbers;
Confirm arrangements for messages a message board is often useful;
Ensure workshop staff are familiar with emergency evacuation procedures, toilets and other services etc;
Co-ordinate the timing of coffee/tee breaks and meal services
Co-ordinate staffing of the registration desk
Co-ordinate assistance in the meeting rooms
Briefing with workshop venue staff
Meet and greet arrangements for speakers, especially to provide technical support for those making
Brief chairpersons and all speakers.
Meeting Rooms(s)
Confirm requirements for break-out discussion or meeting rooms flip-charts, white board(s) and special
Ensure glasses of water and/or soft drinks for chairpersons, speakers and panel members;
Check seating and room-layout has been arranged as required, as far in advance as possible of individual
programme elements;
Consider need for interpreter booths.
Look through the entire programme and consider when and where it would be useful to have
Make contact and enter an agreement with a photographer this may be a local member of staff rather
than an official photographer to keep costs as low as possible, but, for formal events, especially involving
officials and dignitaries, a professional photographer is worth considering;
If contracted-out, this should be a written confirmation, including:
1. acceptance of offer
2. conference site
3. shooting date and time
4. estimated group size
5. size and number of photographs required
6. black and white or coloured
7. delivery date
If the conference site has no house photographer, the involved photographer should visit the conference
site in advance to determine the best in- and outdoor shooting sites
of others participating. This can be a very formal expectation and requirements, especially for visiting
dignitaries and officials;
Compile mailing list for press release
Consider the need for a press conference - site, date and time
Determine a lead contact (official) spokesperson;
Make arrangements for press to interview VIPs, officials, speakers, etc.
Other Information
With the possible exception of speakers or invited dignitaries, organisers should encourage participants to
book their own accommodation as it saves a huge amount of work for workshop organisers. However, it is
helpful to compile a list of local hotels and other accommodation available within easy walking or travelling
distance of the workshop venue. This should aim to cover a range of budgets and provide a link to
appropriate websites etc;
For all possible accommodation, provide the following information:
The opinion expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the European Commission