BI Business Content Overview-FI

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BI Business Content Overview

Copyright 2012 Tata Consultancy Services Limited

BW for FI

Domain/ Service/ Technology /Geo: SAP Shared Services

Name of the Project/Support Fn:
Name of the Author: Veena Rao/Prateek Jain
Date Created:5/10/2012

FI Overview

Standard Business Content for FI

Tables Used for Data Source

FI Info Providers

Info Provider based Queries

Financial Accounting
External Accounting


Financial Position
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet

Bankers, Lenders

External Auditors
IRS, Taxing Authority





Co code

Co code

Co code


Co code

Co code

Highest hierarchical level in an SAP
A complete database containing all the
tables necessary for creating a fully
integrated system
Master records are created at the client

Consolidated financial statements are
created at the company level
A company can include one or more
company codes
All company codes must use the
same chart of accounts and fiscal

Company Code

A required structure

A legally independent entity

The smallest organizational unit for which

accounting can be carried out

The level where business transactions are

The level where accounts are managed
The level where legal individual financial
statements, such as the balance sheet and the
profit and loss statement, are created

Chart of Accounts
This is a list of all G/L accounts used by one or several company
For each G/L account, the chart of accounts contains the
account number, account name, and the information that controls
how an account functions and how a G/L account is created in a
company code.
We have to assign a chart of accounts to each company code.
This chart of accounts is the operating chart of accounts and is
used for the daily postings in this company code.

You can use the same chart of accounts for all company codes


Controlling Area
An organizational unit defining the company's cost/
managerial accounting operations
A company code is assigned to one and only one
controlling area
A controlling area can have multiple company
codes assigned to it
This allows cross company cost allocations and reporting


Fiscal Year Variant



2 3 4

Determines the fiscal year

Calendar year or
non-calendar year
Allows the use of special
periods to aid year-end
Is assigned to a company


Master Data in FI
Document Type(0AC_DOC_TYP)
The document type determines where the document is stored
as well as the account types to be posted.
A ledger consists of the transaction figures and documents
that represent the changes in values and quantities arising
from business transactions.

Business Transaction(0FI_RACTIV)
This search and analytics model provides business
transaction data for financial reporting in the Financial
Accounting (FI) application component.


Account Type(0ACCT_TYPE)
Examples of account types are:
Asset accounts
Customer accounts
Vendor accounts
G/L accounts
The account type is required in addition to the account
number to identify an account, because the same account
number can be used for each account type.
Business Area(0BUS_AREA)
An organizational unit of financial accounting that
represents a separate area of operations or
responsibilities within an organization and to which value
changes recorded in Financial Accounting can be
allocated. You can create financial statements for
business areas, and you can use these statements for
various internal reporting purposes.


Charts of Accounts(0CHRT_ACCTS)
This search and analytics model provides data for financial
reporting in the Financial Accounting (FI) application
Company Code(0COMP_CODE)
This search and analytics model provides data for financial
reporting in the Financial Accounting (FI) application
Reference Transaction(0FI_AWTYP)

This search and analytics model provides reference

transaction data for financial reporting in the Financial
Accounting (FI) application component.


Dunning Area(0DUNN_AREA)
An organizational unit within a company code from which
dunning is conducted.
The dunning procedure is controlled and the dunning notices
are sent separately per dunning area. A dunning area can
represent the following:

Distribution channel
Sales organization
Business area

Dunning Key(0DUNN_KEY)
A tool that identifies items to be dunned separately, such as
items you are not sure about or items for which payment
information exists.


Functional Area(0FUNC_AREA)
An organizational unit in Accounting that classifies the
expenses of an organization by functions such as:

Sales and distribution
Research and development
G/L Account Number(0GL_ACCOUNT)

This search and analytics model provides the general ledger

account number data for financial reporting in the Financial
Accounting (FI) application component.


Clearing Status of Line Item(0GL_CLRSTAT)

This search and analytics model provides line item clearing
status data for financial reporting in the Financial Accounting
(FI) application component.

Movement Type(0MOVE_TYPE)
This search and analytics model provides movement type data
for financial reporting in the Financial Accounting (FI)
application component.
Indicator: Negative Posting(0NEG_POSTNG)
This search and analytics model provides negative posting
indicator data for financial reporting in the Financial
Accounting (FI) application component.


Financial Statement Item(0GLACCEXT)

The financial statement item is the key account assignment,
and forms the basis for data entry, posting and reporting in FILC.
Financial statement items are not only used for accounting
purposes within the balance sheet and income statement.
They can also be used for statistical purposes (number of
employees) to produce the group reports.
The types of financial statement items used in FI-LC:
Value items
Totals items
The FS item is identified by a 10-digit number.


Profit Center(0PROFIT_CTR)
An organizational unit in Accounting that reflects a
management-oriented structure of the organization for the
purpose of internal control.
Operating results for a profit center can be analyzed using
either the cost of sales approach or the period accounting
By analyzing the fixed capital as well, you can expand your
profit center for use as an investment center.
Special G/L Indicator(0SP_GL_IND)
This search and analytics mode provides special general
ledger indicator data for financial reporting in the Financial
Accounting (FI) application component.


Payment Method(0PROFIT_CTR)
A method that specifies how payment is to be made: check,
bill of exchange, or bank transfer.
Prerequisites that have to be met are defined so that a
payment method can be used (for example, bank information
is necessary for transfers, the address for checks, limits for
tax reporting, and so on).
A division of a company that can create its own financial
statements for external reporting.
A segment can be entered in the master record of a profit
center. The segment is then derived from the assigned profit
center during posting.


General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)

Tables Used for Data Source
FI Info Providers
Info Provider based Queries


Financial Accounting

G/L Reporting
Legal or external
Balance sheet
Income Statement
Statement of
Financial Position


Introduction of FI-GL


Tables Used for Data source

General Ledger Accounting (Classic)

Table Name:


General Ledger: Transaction Figures

(This DataSource replaces 0FI_GL_1)
T001, GLT0


General Ledger: Cost of Sales Ledger Using Delta Extraction

(This DataSource replaces 0FI_GL_2)


General Ledger: Direct Line Items



Tables Used for Data source

General Ledger Accounting (New)

Table Name:


General Ledger: Balances, Leading Ledger



General Ledger Accounting (New): Line Items of the Leading Ledger

FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD


General Ledger Accounting: Transaction Figures



FI InfoProviders

General Ledger Accounting (Classic)

GL(Classic): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_C01)
This InfoCube contains all the transaction data from the general ledger that were loaded from the
integrated source system(s).

General Ledger: Line Items (0FIGL_O02)

The ODS object General Ledger: Line Items contains all line items transferred from the source
system(s) using the InfoSource General Ledger Line Items (0FI_GL_4).


FI InfoProviders

General Ledger Accounting (Classic)

General Ledger Accounting: Balance Sheet & P&L Statement (0FIGL_VC1)
This InfoCube is a virtual cube with service. This means that it contains no data. Queries based on this
cube are supplied by the implemented services with data from Basis Cube 0FIGL_C01
For queries for displaying a balance sheet and P&L according to a balance sheet/P&L structure, these
services calculate the result (profit / loss) and ensure correct display of the balance-dependent
accounts assigned in the balance sheet/P&L structure

Cost-of-Sales Ledger: Balance Sheet and P&L ( 0FIGL_VC2)

This is a virtual cube with services. This means that it contains no data. Queries based on this cube are
supplied by the implemented services with data from BasisCube 0FIGL_C02.
For queries for displaying a balance sheet and P&L according to a balance sheet/P&L structure, these
services calculate the result (profit / loss) and ensure correct display of the balance-dependent accounts
assigned in the balance sheet/P&L structure


FI InfoProviders

General Ledger Accounting (New)

GL(New): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_C10)
This InfoCube contains all the transaction data (transactions figures) from the leading ledger in
new General Ledger Accounting that was loaded from the integrated source system(s).

GL(New): Transaction Figures, Remote (0FIGL_R10)

This InfoCube contains all the transaction data (transactions figures) from the leading ledger in new
General Ledger Accounting that was loaded from the integrated OLTP system(s).
You can use this RemoteCube to select current data in real time. It is not necessary for the data to be
replicated in InfoProviders. The data is read directly from the OLTP system by means of a BAPI


FI InfoProviders

General Ledger Accounting (New)

GL(New): Financial Statement (0FIGL_V10)
This InfoCube is a virtual cube providing services only. This means that the InfoCube itself does not
contain any data. Queries based on this InfoCube are filled with data using the implemented services,
which take the data from the InfoCube General Ledger (New): Transaction Figures (0FIGL_C10).
In the case of queries used to display the financial statement using a financial statement version,
these services calculate the result (profit/loss) and ensure that the accounts assigned in the financial
statement on the basis of the balance (contra items) are displayed correctly.

GL(New): Financial Statement , Remote (0FIGL_V11)

This InfoCube is a virtual InfoCube providing services only. This means that the InfoCube itself does not
contain any data. Queries based on this InfoCube are filled with data using the implemented services,
which take the data from the InfoCube General Ledger (New): Transaction Figures .Remote
In the case of queries used to display the financial statement using a financial statement version, these
services calculate the result (profit/loss) and ensure that the accounts assigned in the financial
statement on the basis of the balance (contra items) are displayed correctly.
You can use this InfoCube to select current data in real time. It is not necessary for the data to be
replicated in InfoProviders. The data is read directly from the OLTP system by means of a BAPI.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(Classic): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_VC1)

Balance Sheet and P&L: Actual/Actual Comparison:

This query is used to display the balance sheet and P&L in two different report periods. The report periods are broken down in the columns, the
balance sheet structure/P&L is displayed hierarchically in the report rows.
The balance sheet/P&L is created for exactly one company code. This must be entered using a variable.

Example Query: Cash Flow Statement (Cash Flow) :

The cash flow statement delivers a key figure that evaluates the cash flow and cash holdings of a company. This key figure shows where a
companys funds have been accrued, where they have been spent, and which investment and financing measures have been executed.
This query portrays the cash flow statement (cash flow) in two different reporting time frames. The reporting time frames are drilled down in the
columns. The balance sheet key figures for the cash flow statement (cash flow) are drilled down in the report rows. This means that the
intermediate results for the cash flows from the areas ongoing business activities, investment activities, and financing activities are shown
The cash flow statement (cash flow) is created for one company code. This has to be entered by means of a variable.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(Classic): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_C01)

Asset Turns :
Asset Turns finds the ratio of product revenues to the average value of the fixed and current assets.

General Ledger: Balances Period Breakdown

This query displays the debit and credit totals and the balances of a G/L account or G/L account interval for the individual posting periods of the
specified fiscal year.
. This query is not designed to be called up directly from the Business Information Warehouse. Instead, you can branch to it from the queries that
display the accumulated or quarterly balances of the separate G/L accounts, and use it to display how an accumulated or summarized account
balance or a financial statement item is distributed between the individual posting periods.
General Ledger: Balances Quarterly Breakdown
This query displays the balances of your G/L accounts as a quarterly breakdown of the selected reporting period. The account balances of the
year under review are compared with the balances of the previous year.
You can restrict the number of accounts whose balances are to be displayed. To do so, enter an account interval on the selection screen. If you
do not enter a G/L account interval, the balances of all G/L accounts will be displayed


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(Classic): Financial Statement (0FIGL_C01)

General Ledger: Balances Accumulated, Comparison with Previous Year :

This query displays the accumulated account balances for the selected reporting period. The account balances of the year under review are
compared with the balances of the previous year, and the difference between the two is shown both in absolute terms and as a percentage.

General Ledger: Structured Balances - Accumulated :

This query displays the accumulated account balances for the selected reporting period. The G/L accounts appear in a hierarchical structure. The
account balances of the year under review are compared with the balances of the previous year, and the difference between the two is shown both
in absolute terms and as a percentage.
General Ledger: Structured Balances, Quarterly Breakdown :
This query displays the balances of your G/L accounts as a quarterly breakdown of the selected reporting period. The G/L accounts appear in a
hierarchical structure. The account balances of the year under review are compared with the balances of the previous year.
Return on Assets:
This query calculates the key figure "Return on Assets".


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(New): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_C10)

General Ledger (New): Balance Display:

Provides an overview of the transaction figures in your G/L accounts. You can perform drilldowns and set filters on this query using the
characteristics Segment, Profit Center, Value Type, Functional Area, Cost Center, G/L Account, and Fiscal Year/Period.

General Ledger (New): Balances Cumulated, Comparison with Previous Year:

This query displays the cumulated account balances for the selected reporting period. The account balances of the year under review are
compared against the balances of the previous year, and the difference between the two is shown both in absolute terms and as a percentage.
You can restrict the number of accounts for which the balances are to be displayed. To do so, enter an account interval on the selection screen. If
you do not enter a G/L account interval, the balances of all G/L accounts are displayed.

When you call up the query, you must enter the posting period until which the cumulated account balances are to be displayed for the specified
posting period and the previous posting periods of the selected fiscal year.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(New): Transaction Figures(0FIGL_C10)

General Ledger (New): Balance Display:

Provides an overview of the transaction figures in your G/L accounts. You can perform drilldowns and set filters on this query using the
characteristics Segment, Profit Center, Value Type, Functional Area, Cost Center, G/L Account, and Fiscal Year/Period.

General Ledger (New): Balances Cumulated, Comparison with Previous Year:

This query displays the cumulated account balances for the selected reporting period. The account balances of the year under review are
compared against the balances of the previous year, and the difference between the two is shown both in absolute terms and as a percentage.
You can restrict the number of accounts for which the balances are to be displayed. To do so, enter an account interval on the selection screen. If
you do not enter a G/L account interval, the balances of all G/L accounts are displayed.

When you call up the query, you must enter the posting period until which the cumulated account balances are to be displayed for the specified
posting period and the previous posting periods of the selected fiscal year.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(New): Financial Statement (0FIGL_V10)

Financial Statements (New): Actual/Actual Comparison :

This query portrays financial statements in two different reporting time frames. You can use this query to create financial statements on the basis
of several characteristics. The query reads data from the new General Ledger.

Financial Key Figures: Overview:

This query provides an overview of the most important current financial key figures. These financial key figures are used in the KPI Monitor. The
query reads data from the new General Ledger.

Financial Key Figures: Details :

This query provides a detailed breakdown of the most important current financial key figures. The breakdown is by G/L account numbers. For
example, the total net sales can be displayed in a breakdown structured by account numbers (such as product sales, license sales, and so forth).
The query reads data from the new General Ledger.
The query allows you to branch to the KPI Monitor.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(New): Financial Statement , Remote (0FIGL_V11)

Financial Statement (New): Actual/Actual Comparison, Remote :

This query portrays the financial statement in two different reporting time frames. This query allows you to create financial statements on the basis
of several characteristics. The query reads data from the new General Ledger.

You can create financial statements in real time with this query. It is not necessary for the data to be replicated in InfoProviders. The data is read
from the OLTP system by means of a BAPI.


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
GL(New): Transaction Figures, Remote (0FIGL_R10)

General Ledger (New): Balance Display, Remote :

This query is structured and used corresponding to the query General Ledger (New): Balance Display (0FIGL_C10_Q0001).
The only difference is that this query is based on the RemoteCube General Ledger (New): Transaction Figures, Remote
(0FIGL_R10). This means that you can display balances in real time with this query.
It is not necessary for the data to be replicated in InfoProviders. The data is read from the OLTP system by means of a BAPI.

General Ledger (New): Balances Cumulated, Comparison with Previous Year, REMOTE:

This query is structured and used corresponding to the query General Ledger (New): Balances - Cumulated, Comparison
with Previous Year (0FIGL_C10_Q0002). The only difference is that this query is based on the RemoteCube General Ledger
(New): Transaction Figures, Remote (0FIGL_R10). This means that you can display cumulated balances in real time with this
It is not necessary for the data to be replicated in InfoProviders. The data is read from the OLTP system by means of a


Difference between Classic and New GL

(1) Extended Data Structure provides flexibility
SAP has consolidated the multiple totals table (GLT0, GLPCT, etc.) in classic GL into a single FAGLFLEXT Totals table with New
GL. One Summary Table provides flexibility and faster response time for reporting. FAGLFLEXT can also be enhanced by
adding customer defined fields.

(2) Segment Reporting to ensure Statutory Requirements

IAS accounting standards define the statutory requirements for segment reporting. New GL has document splitting functionality
that enables segment reporting. Standard Segment Reporting functionality is not available in Classic GL.

(3) Real Time Integration between FI and CO

Classic GL has the period-close reconciliation ledger functionality to synchronize FI and CO for cost transfers across functional
area, business area and company code originating in CO. New GL has a real-time integration between FI and CO that happens
with each transaction originating in CO instead of a summary posting done by reconciliation ledger during period-close.

(4) Parallel Accounting

New GL provides Non-leading ledgers for parallel accounting like IFRS and GAAP. Parallel accounting can also be implemented
using Account based approach which is also available in classic GL.


Difference between Classic and New GL

(5) Reduce TCO by Faster Period Close Activities
Faster Period Close is possible with New GL as,

Reconciliation Ledger is not required


Balance sheet Adjustments are not required


Profit and Loss Adjustment are not required


Activities related to Special Purpose Ledger are not required


Depreciation posting is online instead of a batch session

(6) Flexible Drill-down Reporting in New GL

New GL has advanced drill-down capabilities by segment and other characteristics.


Account Receivable Accounting(FI-AR)

Tables Used for Data Source
FI Info Providers
Info Provider based Queries


Introduction of FI-AR
Accounts receivable represents money owed by entities to
the firm on the sale of products or services on credit.
Invoices and credit memos
Down payments
Credit control management

Handling incoming payments

Payment run (bank collection)
Interest calculation
Account clearing

Accounts Receivable Accounting

Accounts Receivable





Payment Transactions

Dunning Notice



Tables Used for Data source

Account Receivable Accounting

Table Name:

Accounts Receivable: Line Items



Accounts Receivable: Transaction Figs w. Delta Extraction

KNC1, T001


Accounts Receivable: Special G/L Trans. Figs w. Delta Extraction

LFC3, T001


Credit Management: Central Data with Delta Extraction



Credit Management: Control Area Data with Delta Extraction



Accounts Receivable: Payment History with Delta Extraction



FI InfoProviders

Account Receivable Accounting

Accounts Receivable: Line Items (0FIAR_C03)
This InfoCube contains all the Accounts Receivable line items that were loaded from the integrated
source system(s).

Accounts Receivable: Payment History (0FIAR_C05)

InfoCube 0FIAR_C05 contains the payment history (payment volume and days in arrears) of customers
per company code and fiscal year period. The data comes from table KNB4 in the R/3 source system.


FI InfoProviders

Account Receivable Accounting

Accounts Receivable: Transaction Data (0FIAR_C02)
This InfoCube contains all accounts receivable data (transaction figures) that was downloaded from
the connected source system(s).


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
Accounts Receivable: Line Items (0FIAR_C03)
Accounts Receivable: Due Date for Net Payment Analysis:
This evaluation sorts open items by due date for each company code. Cumulative totals are displayed for all customers selected. The evaluation is
a preview, and overdue items are therefore not sorted. The due date for net payment is calculated as follows:
Due date for net payment key date
Grace days are not taken into account.

Accounts Receivable: Days Agreed / Days Taken:

This evaluation analyzes the cash discount history (days agreed/days taken) of the chosen customer(s). It shows how the customer has used the
payment conditions you offered him/her. Starting from a starting date, a date in the past is analyzed, normally 30 days. All invoices that are posted
in this period are included in the evaluation. It does not matter whether they have since been cleared or not. The invoices are sorted according to
the payment conditions offered into net, discount 1 and discount 2.

Accounts Receivable: Overdue Analysis:

You can use this evaluation to determine those customers whose credit limits need to be monitored intensively as a result of considerable arrears.
The overdue amounts of each customer are sorted by the number of days overdue:
0 days | 1 - 30 days | 31 - 60 days | 61 - 180 days | 181 - 365 days | > 365 days


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
Accounts Receivable: Transaction Data (0FIAR_C02 )
Accounts Receivable: DSO Analysis, Current Period :
DSO stands for Days Sales Outstanding. The day sales outstanding (DSO) analysis is concerned with the customer payment history. This
analysis is always made within a specific period. The DSO analysis delivers general information using the customers outstanding debts based on
the average daily sales of this customer. DSO is measured in days and represents the daily sales value owed by the customer in DSO days.
For calculating the DSO days, the balance (= debts outstanding (open customer items) for the current period) is set against the sales (= average
sales for the previous period) according to the following formula:
DSO = balance/sales for the previous period * 30

Customers: DSO Analysis for a Period (Credit Management):

This query shows the Day Sales Outstanding (DSO) by customer, and is used in the KPI monitor


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
Accounts Receivable: Payment History (0FIAR_C05)

Accounts Receivable: Payment History :

This report shows the payment volume per fiscal year period for a chosen customer in the report columns, once with cash discount and once
without cash discount. The days in arrears are also shown in the report columns. The chronological development over fiscal year periods is shown
in the report rows.

The chronological development of payment volume, the ratio of cash discount payments to payments without cash discount and the number of
days of arrears in each case can be used to predict how the payment history of a customer will develop in the future (to foresee liquidity problems,
for example).


Account Payable Accounting(FI-AP)

Tables Used for Data Source
FI Info Providers
Info Provider based Queries


Accounts Payable Accounting

Accounts payable is money owed by a business to its suppliers and shown on its
Balance Sheet as a liability.

Invoices and credit memos

Down payments

Automatic payment run (with creation

of payment media)
Outgoing payments and manual bank
statement handling

Outgoing payments via bank collection

and manual bank statement handling
Account clearing


Accounts Payable Accounting

Accounts Payable




Cash Mgmt
Mgmt &
Forecast Date

Payment Transactions

Payment Program


Tables Used for Data source

Account Payable Accounting

Table Name:


Accounts Payable: Line Items



Accounts Payable: Transaction Figs w. Delta Extraction



Accounts Payable: Special G/L Trans. Figs w. Delta Extraction

LFC3, T001


FI InfoProviders

Account Payable Accounting

Accounts Payable: Line Items (0FIAP_C03)
This InfoCube contains all the Accounts Payable line items that were loaded from the integrated
source system(s).

Accounts Payable: Transaction Data (0FIAP_C02)

This InfoCube contains all accounts receivable data (transaction figures) that was downloaded from the
connected source system(s).


InfoProvider based Queries

Sample Queries
Accounts Payable: Transaction Data (0FIAP_C02 )
Accounts Payable: Overview :
This query shows the total debit postings, the total credit postings, the accumulated balance and the sales of the period by vendor account
number, company code, and currency type.


Reporting Financials (EhP3)


You can only use this content if you use SAP Enhancement Package 3 for SAP ERP 6.0 and have activated
the Reporting Financials business function
The following graphic shows the basic structure of the data flow


General Ledger Accounting

The following reports are available:
Reports at document and line item level, organized by profit centers or segments, for example.
Balance Lists
Financial statements



0FI_GL_20 :General Ledger Accounting: Transaction Figures
DataSource Transactional Data: 0FI_GL_20
This DataSource returns general ledger transaction figures from the totals table (with the default setting
FAGLFLEXT) or from the archive.
It is only possible for totals records to be read from the archive once you have implemented SAP Enhancement Package 5 for
SAP ERP 6.0 and have activated the business function New General Ledger Accounting 3 (FIN_GL_CI_3).

Extractor Logic The Data Source first produces a list of all ledgers in new General Ledger
Accounting that fall within the ledger selection. The request for each ledger is
then processed individually.
If your totals record table contains customer fields, these fields are also available
in the DataSource.
Content Versions : 603
RemoteCube-Capable: Yes
Delta-Capable: Yes

Table of Origin : FAGLFLEXT


0FI_GL_40 :General Ledger Accounting: Transaction Figures
This Data Source provides the line items in General Ledger Accounting from tables BKPF, BSEG,
items can be requested in the general ledger view and in the entry view. Which view is applied depends on
the ledger selected: Enter the desired ledger for the general ledger view, and enter a restriction to the initial
value for the entry view (RLDNR = '')

0FI_GL_50 :General Ledger Accounting: Transaction Figures

This Data Source provides the plan line items in General Ledger Accounting from table FAGLFLEXP
Content Versions : 603
RemoteCube-Capable: Yes
Delta-Capable: No


General Ledger: Line Items (replicated) :0FIGL_D40
Contains replicated G/L line item data.

General Ledger: Transaction Figures (Direct) :0FIGL_R20

Provides G/L transaction figure data, based on data transfer process for direct access.

General Ledger: Plan Line Items (Direct) :0FIGL_R50

Provides G/L plan line item data, based on data transfer process for direct


General Ledger: Line Items (Direct) :0FIGL_V40
Provides G/L line item data, based on data transfer process for direct access.

General Ledger: Financial Statements (Direct) :0FIGL_V30

This virtual InfoCube provides direct access to operative financial statement

General Ledger: Financial Statements (from Replicated Balances) :0FIGL_V31

This virtual InfoCube provides financial statement data based on access to

replicated balances.


General Ledger: Transaction Figures (Replicated) :0FIGL_C20
Contains replicated G/L transaction figure data.


Contains G/L transaction figure data.

Contains G/L financial statement data.

Contains G/L line item data

Contains G/L plan line item data.


Queries Based on MultiProvider

This query lists transaction figures with additional period drill down capability.

This query analyzes general ledger account balances (opening, debit, credit, total) for a specific reporting period
within a fiscal year.

This query displays a hierarchy of financial statement items comparing data against a comparison period (or

This query displays a hierarchy of financial statement items comparing actual versus plan version data for an
analysis period

This query serves as the basis for formatted reports Balance Sheet and
Income Statement.


Queries Based on MultiProvider

This query displays customer-specific open general ledger line items for one or more profit centers (or a profit
center group).

This query displays vendor-specific open general ledger line items for one or more segments

This query displays specific plan version line items for aggregated or individual posting periods for one or more
general ledger accounts

This query displays a fixed-period statement about items not directly related
to cash (such as depreciation expenses)


Accounts Payable


0FI_AR_20 :Customer Balances
This DataSource provides customer balances (table KNC1).

Content Version : 603

RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : Yes
Extraction from Archives : No

0FI_AR_30 :Customer Line Items

This DataSource provides customer line items (tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) of subledger
Content Version : 603
RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : Yes
Extraction from Archives : No


0FI_AP_20 :Vendor Balances
This DataSource provides vendor balances (table LFC1).

RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : Yes
Extraction from Archives : No
Delta Update : After images via extractor (FI-GL/AP/AR)

0FI_AP_30 :Vendor Line Items

This DataSource provides vendor line items (tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) of subledger accounting.

RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : Yes
Extraction from Archives : No
Delta Update : After images via delta queue (FI-AP/AR)


0FI_AP_50 :Check Register
This DataSource provides subledger accounting payments based on checks (table PAYR).
RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : No
Extraction from Archives : No

0FI_AP_51 :Check Register: Line Items

This DataSource provides subledger accounting payments based on checks (table PAYR) and the corresponding
vendor line items
RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : No
Extraction from Archives : No


Vendors: Balances (Replicated) :0FIAP_C20
Contains replicated vendor balance data.

Vendors: Line Items (Replicated) :0FIAP_C30

Contains replicated vendor line item data.

Check Register (Replicated) :0FIAP_C50

Contains replicated data on vendor payments by check.


Vendors: Balances (Direct) :0FIAP_R20
Provides vendor balance data based on data transfer process for direct access.

Vendors: Line Items (Direct) :0FIAP_R30

Provides vendor line item data based on data transfer process for direct access.

Check Register Items (Replicated) :0FIAP_C51

Contains replicated line item data on vendor payments by check


Check Register (Direct) :0FIAP_R50
Provides data on vendor payments by check based on data transfer process for
direct access.

Check Register Items (Direct) :0FIAP_R51

Provides line item data for vendor payments by check based on data transfer
process for direct access.


Vendor: Balances (0FIAP_M20)
Contains vendor balance data

Vendor: Line Items (0FIAP_M30)

Contains vendor line item data.

Check Register (0FIAP_M50)

Contains data on vendor payment by check.

Check Register Items (0FIAP_M51)

Contains line item data for vendor payments by check.


Sample Queries
Vendors: Balances (0FIAP_M20_Q0001)
This query displays vendor balances with drill down capability based on periods and vendor
master data.

Vendors: Line Items (0FIAP_M30_Q0001)

This query displays vendor line items for detailed analyses

Vendors: Due Date Analysis (0FIAP_M30_Q0002)

This query displays open items for vendor due date analysis

Vendors: Overdue Analysis (0FIAP_M30_Q0003)

This query displays open items for vendor overdue analysis.


Sample Queries
Vendors: Due Date Forecast (0FIAP_M30_Q0004)
This query displays open items for vendor due date forecast

Check Register (0FIAP_M50_Q0001)

This query displays a list of vendor-related checks based on a defined vendor

Check Register Items (0FIAP_M51_Q0001)

This query displays vendor-related check register line items based on a defined
vendor selection


Accounts Receivable


0FI_AR_50 :Customer Payment History
This DataSource provides the data relevant for the payment history (table KNB4) of accounts receivable accounting.
Content Version : 603
RemoteCube-Capable : Yes
Delta-Capable : No
Extraction from Archives : No


Customers: Balances (Replicated) :0FIAR_C20
Contains replicated customer balance data.

Customers: Line Items (Replicated) :0FIAR_C30

Contains replicated customer line item data.

Customers: Payment History (Replicated) :0FIAR_C50

Contains replicated customer DSO and payment history data.


Customers: Balances (Direct) :0FIAR_R20
Contains customer balance data based on data transfer process for direct

Customers: Line Items (Direct) :0FIAR_R30

Contains customer line item data based on data transfer process for direct

Customers: Payment History (Direct) :0FIAR_R50

Contains customer DSO and payment history data based on data transfer
process for direct access.


MultiProvider based on Customer

Balances (0FIAR_M20)
Contains customer balance data

Line Items (0FIAR_M30)

Contains customer line item data.

Payment History (0FIAR_M50)

Contains customer DSO and payment history data


Sample Queries
Customer: Balances (0FIAR_M20_Q0001)
This query displays customer balances with drill down capability based on periods and
customer master data.

Customer: DSO Analysis (0FIAR_M20_Q0002)

This query displays the Day Sales Outstanding (DSO) by period.

Customer: Line Items (0FIAR_M30_Q0001)

This query displays customer line items for detailed analysis.

Customer: Due Date Analysis (0FIAR_M30_Q0002)

This query displays customer open items for due date analysis.


Sample Queries
Customer: Overdue Item (0FIAR_M30_Q0003)
This query displays customer open items for overdue analysis.

Customer: Due Date Forecast (0FIAR_M30_Q0004)

This query displays customer due date forecast for open items.

Customer: Payment History (0FIAR_M50_Q0001)

This query displays customer payment history.


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