Mike Evans, Has Compressed: ISBN 978-0-935199-50-5
Mike Evans, Has Compressed: ISBN 978-0-935199-50-5
Mike Evans, Has Compressed: ISBN 978-0-935199-50-5
9 780935 199505
Why Christians
Support Israel
Why Christians
Support Israel
were much taller than the Empire State Building. However, it was the second part of his
doomsday prediction that came true much earlier.
It was 1982 and Israel had declared its own
war on terrorism by invading Lebanon to root
out Arafats terrorist infrastructure. I was summoned to New York by Prime Minister Menachem Begins aide, Reuven Hecht, for a
meeting with Begin prior to his meeting with
President Ronald Reagan. Hecht had just met
in Washington with secretary of state Alexander
Haig, who had told him that America had
changed its mind: it would no longer support
Israels war against terrorism in Lebanon.
Begin was in shock. The Westwhose
planes had been blown out of the sky, its diplomats, soldiers, and civilians murdered by terroristswas now fighting to save the primary
organization responsible for these vile acts. In
the end, American pressure prevailed and
Arafats 10,000 PLO terrorists, rifles in hand,
were escorted out of Beirut to safe bases in
Tunisia and other Arab lands. The cries of Israeli
mothers whose sons had died in Lebanon and
who stood outside his apartment screaming
Murderer! were more than Begin could bear.
He resigned a depressed and broken man.
Since then hundreds of Israeli civilians have
Be Blessed!
As we have seen, both the Old and New Testaments make abundantly clear that Christians must
support Israel in every possible way. This does not
mean that the Israeli people and their government
are perfect. Far from it: They are fallen human
beings like everyone else on Earth, in desperate
need of salvation. But the Biblical prophets, including the Apostle Paul, foretold that the restored Jew16
2. Because Israeland
Jerusalem in particularis
the Heart and Soul of the
Jewish People and God
Has Chosen it as His
Earthly Capital
Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name
may be there... (2 Chronicles 6:6).
blind all the horses of the nations. Then the leaders of Judah will say in their hearts, The people
of Jerusalem are strong, because the LORD
Almighty is their God. On that day I will
make the leaders of Judah like a firepot in a
woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves.
They will consume right and left all the surrounding peoples, but Jerusalem will remain
intact in her place (Zechariah 12:1-6, NIV).
the city of Jerusalem. Umayyad Caliph Abd alMalik built the Dome of the Rock over the Foundation Stone, the Holy of Holies. It was thought to
have been erected in direct competition with Christianity. The edifice still stands today. Islam later
attributed another event to the Foundation Stone:
the binding of the son of Abraham the Hanif, the
first Monotheist. As the Koran does not explicitly
mention the name Isaac, commentators on the
Koran have identified the son bound by Abraham
as Ishmael. Thus Islam teaches that the title deed to
Jerusalem and the Temple Site and all of Israel
belong to the Arabsnot the Jews.
In fact, Mohammed never set foot in Jerusalem,
nor is the city mentioned by name in the Koran. His
only connection to Jerusalem is through his dream
or vision where he found himself in a temple that
is most remote (Koran, Sura). It was not until the
7th Century that Muslim adherents identified the
temple most remote as a mosque in Jerusalem
(perhaps for political reasons).
The truth remains that this site on which now
stands the Dome of the Rock, and is sacred to Jews
as the Temple site, will be the basis for the battle of
ages that will be fought.
There is a divine reason the Church was born in
Zion! All roads lead to Jerusalem, Judea, and
Samaria. The world is hopeless, not knowing what
3. Because When We
Support Israel, We are
Preparing for Our
Lords Coming!
For the Lord shall build up Zion; He shall
appear in his glory! (Psalm 102:16)
hen we pray for Jerusalem we are saying, Maranatha, come Messiah! The
Messiah is indeed coming back, and He
is coming to Jerusalem. That is something on which
both Jews and Christians agree. As Christians, we
believe that we knowHis name, while the Jewish
people say they dont. But there is noquestion that
when Messiah comes, everyone will know His
Our Lord was asked by His disciples in
Matthew 24:3, And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? He clearly gave them
the signs beginning with the destruction of the Temple. In verse 2, Jesus prophesied that the Temple
would be taken apart stone by stone40 years before
it happened. The fig tree has always been a symbol
of the Nation of Israel. In verses 32-36, Jesus laid out
the key sign of His return, and the end of the
age...the sign of the fig tree. That fig tree bloomed
on May 14, 1948, in fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8: Shall
the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a
nation be born at once? Jesus warned to not set dates
forno one would know the dayor the hour. He also
The Nation of Israel heard his words. The following day, I was asked to speak up for Israel after
their meeting. I lifted my Bible heavenward and
declared, This is the final Word. Its non-negotiable. The land belongs to God Almighty, and He
alone has decided its destiny.
At Camp David in July 2000, President Bill Clinton almost succeeded in dividing Jerusalem. He
placed the pen in the hands of Arafat to sign the
agreement that would have accomplished that.
Arafat would not sign; the President was in shock.
If Arafat had, Jerusalem would have been divided.
All Christian sites would then be under Islamic rule
of law! This includes Mount Calvary and the Garden Tomb, and even the Christians who live there.
The Bible says that Jerusalem will be in the hands
of the Jewish people when Messiah returns! America was challenging God Almighty and His
prophetic plan. Not a wise thing to do!
Why did Arafat not sign the agreement? He
wanted ALL of the Temple Site! Why did he not succeed in his efforts to exert control over this site? The
sons of Esau live in the desert, and run their oppressive governments by the bullet, not the ballot. Those
who take a stand against Israel will be fighting God
himself! Arafat could not win in a battle against God
Almighty. Why? For thousands of years, their
fathers have spoken curses over Jacobs seed. When
4. Because Gods
Word is True.
For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the
word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3).
he survival of the Jews is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. If the Jews had not survived,
Gods Word would not be true! Satan
attempted to force Christ to pervert the word of
God, but Jesus rebuked him. We must do the same.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the
power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16). Throughout the Bible God has made eternal promises to the
people of Israel that He will yet fulfill.
You either believe the entire Bible, or you do not
believe any of it. Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical
prophecy; she is the apple of Gods eye. To purposefully close our eyes to the cries of His people is like
willfully and disdainfully poking our finger in
Gods eye. The fact that the Jewish people exist is a
miracle. The rebirth of the Nation of Israel is a miracle. The restoration of the Hebrew language is a
miracle, as are the return of the Jewish people to
their homeland, and the reunification of Jerusalem.
You either support Israel or you oppose Israel.
Its just that simple. Why do we as Christians support Israel? Because God supports Israel, and His
Word supports Israel. I have heard some Christians
5. Because Salvation
is of the Jews.
You worship what you do not know; we
know what we worship, for salvation is
of the Jews (John 4:22).
posers, scientists, doctors, teachers, writers, and others contributed their significant talents and intelligence to the land of Luther, and were repaid with
Hitlers death chambers. American Christians
should be the first to welcome the many contributions and blessings brought to this great land by our
Jewish citizens.
During one of my first trips to Israel nearly
three decades ago, I spent an afternoon with a brilliant Jewish scholar. He was researching, and writing a book on the Spanish Inquisition. We talked for
hours about his findings.
Have you ever wondered why Columbus sailed
in search of a new land in 1492? Queen Isabella and
King Ferdinand had issued an edict of ejection
regarding the Jews. It stated that every person of
Jewish descent had to leave Spain or be executed.
Jewish businessmen went to Christopher
Columbus, an Italian Jew, and pledged to finance
his efforts to discover a new land. They purchased
the ships that carried Columbus across the ocean to
the shores of what would become America.
In 1776, when the 13 Colonies were fighting the
British during the American Revolution, the colonial soldiers were poorly armed, starving to death,
and on the verge of defeat. A Jewish banker from
Philadelphia, Hyman Solomon, went to the Jews in
America and Europe, and gathered a gift of one mil70
lion dollars. He gave the money to George Washington to buy clothes and arms to outfit the American
troops. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
were born on American soil as a result of that gift.
To show his appreciation, George Washington
had the engravers of the U.S. one dollar bill include
a memorial to the Jewish people over the head of
the American eagle. Look closely. You will find 13
stars of the Mogen David, the Star of Israel. Around
that star is the cloudburst of the glory in the tabernacle. Our God-fearing President George Washington decreed that there must be a memorial to the
Jewish people for the contributions they made to
further this nation.
America has been blessed because she has
blessed the nation of Israel (Genesis 12:1-3). But
America is in danger of moving away from the
place of blessing to the place of cursing. The landfor-peace deals of recent years have placed Israel
and the Jewish people in grave danger. To weaken
Israel is to risk the peace of the world, for the road
to world peace runs through Israel. Israel is the firewall between America and the anti-Semitic Islamic
nations. Americas ability to win the war on terrorism will be directly related to Americas willingness
to support Israel in winning the war against terrorism. Israel is the only power that restrains Islamic
terrorism from the West. Jews are dying so that
Restoration to the
Promised Land
In light of the Biblical evidence presented until
now, we must conclude that Christians have a Godgiven mandate to honor the Jewish people, wherever they are. But how does this connect to modern
Israel? Many Christians seem happy enough to
salute Jewish neighbors living alongside them in
largely Gentile lands, but are indifferent or even
hostile to the proposition that we also have a duty
to support the controversial Jewish State of Israel.
Some Believers bristle at the mere suggestion that
God has anything to do with Israels amazing
restoration in our era.
Centuries before the Jewish people first were
forced into foreign captivity, God revealed that they
would be expelled from their covenant land due to
sin. But He also promised to eventually restore them
to the Promised Land. This prophecy came via
Moseswhose parents came from the tribe of
Leviwhile he was in the process of boldly leading
the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt into
That the Lord your God will bring you
back from captivity, and have compassion on
you, and gather you again from all the nations
where the Lord your God has scattered you
(Deuteronomy 30:3).
This prophecy could be speaking of the return
of the Jewish people from Assyrian and Babylonian
captivity hundreds of years before the time of
Christ. Yet the ancient Hebrew prophets also foretold that Israels loving God would restore His people to their Promised Land in the Last Days of
history, just before Messiah begins His reign in
Jerusalem. This implies that the Jews would be
exiled two times from their beloved homeland,
which is exactly what has taken place in history.
The prophets also foretold that the final Jewish
ingathering would be from all over the globe, unlike
the first return from lands directly to the east of
Israel. It would be a permanent return, meaning no
additional exiles would follow. Most significantly, it
would end with the spiritual revival that King
Solomon prophesied in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
There are many prophetic Scriptures about this
important topic in the Biblefar too many to quote
in this small booklet. But lets take a look at a few of
I will bring back the captives of My people
ism, or supersessionism?
Ask yourself some questions:
1. Does my church pray for the Jewish people,
the peace of Jerusalem and Israel?
2. Does my church give offerings of compassion to comfort them?
3. Does my church preach on Israel and its
Biblical significance?
4. Does my church take tours to Israel?
5. Is there an Israeli flag in my church?
6. Does my church teach on the significance of
the Churchs Jewish roots?
7. Does my church have a Night to Honor
Israel or a Jerusalem Prayer Summit annually?
8. Does my church ever preach against
replacement theology, progressive dispensationalism, or supersessionism?
If the answer to these questions is No, then
you may be a member of a church that refuses to
believe the Bible, and rejects Gods Eternal promises
to the House of Israel. If your church seems powerless, and appears not to be blessed by God, perhaps
this is the reason.
od has not permitted any power to exterminate the Jewish people, although no race
has been pursued more throughout history. Many attempts have been made to annihilate
the Jews, but such attempts have ended in utter failure, defeat, and humiliation.
Lets look at Pharaoh. So Pharaoh commanded all
his people, saying, Every son who is born you shall cast
into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.
(Exodus 1:22). The very nation that ordered the casting of every Hebrew male child into the river had
its own army thrown into the Red Sea when Moses
brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt!
Esther is another great example. During the
reign of King Ahasuerus, Haman decided to destroy
the Jews, but instead he was hanged on the gallows
that he had prepared for Mordecai, the Jew (Esther
Satans attempt to annihilate the Jews during
World War II is another major example. Hitler
declared they were not the Chosen People, that the
Aryan race was, and that he would resolve the
Jewish problem. Hitler is even quoted as saying,
There is no room for two chosen people. He murdered six million Jews in concentration camps. At
the end of the war, Germany was divided, and
Hitler committed suicide. On the other hand, and at
almost the same time, Israel was reborn and Gods
people were preserved.
During World War II, there were five strategic
incidents where the Allies could, and should have
lost the war. Because of the supernatural intervention of God, they did not. The reason, I believe, was
because of Germanys stance against the Jewish
people. If the nations that come against Israel do not
repent, Almighty God will once again bring judgment upon those nations.
The preservation of Israel through all of its suffering, wars and afflictions over the centuries is further evidence that Israel is Gods miracle nation.
Why have the Jews been hated so? Because Satans
only adversary would come through the Jews: The
Messiah. And ultimately that Messiah would
destroy the powers of Satan.
And he gathered them together to the place
called in Hebrew, Armageddon (Revelation
On that day his feet will stand on the
Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem (Zechariah
14:4, NIV).
How you are fallen from heaven, O
interest because of our common bonds, our common values, our common belief in social justice, and the Godly
principles on which our two countries were founded.
In affirmation of these beliefs, we hereby set our
hands this 10th day of February, 1982.
God calls the land of Israel, My Land (Ezekiel
38:16), and He gave it to Israel by a blood covenant
that cannot be changed. God has assigned the land
of Israel to the children of Israel. God has never cancelled what He assigned.
Jews returning to Israel is a fulfillment of
God said that Israel would be scattered among
the heathen and they were. But He also said they
would be re-gathered and they have been.
He will set up a banner for the nations,
And will assemble the outcasts of Israel, And
gather together the dispersed of Judah From the
four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:12)
I will bring back the captives of My people
Israel (Amos 9:14)
For I will take you from among the
nations, gather you out of all countries, and
bring you into your own land (Ezekiel
I will bring them back to this place, and I
will cause them to dwell safely (Jeremiah
humanity is prayer.
God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. The
lives of our nation and the nation of Israel are
dependent on prayer. His will and His blessings are
bound up in prayer. Almighty God created the
world, and He created the nation of Israel. His purposes and plans are more important than anything
that man can do.
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and
shew thee great and mighty things, which thou
knowest not (Jeremiah 33:3, KJV).
As Jeremiah prophesied to the Jewish people
during their captivity in Babylon, he was given this
promise. The Jews were ultimately delivered from
captivity, and revival came to Israel.
Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of
Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come
concerning my sons, and concerning the work of
my hands command ye me (Isaiah 45:11, KJV).
God takes prayer so seriously that He even says
that we can command Him (Isaiah 45:11). Although
this sounds like heresy, it is nonetheless true.
Daniel in Babylon (Iraq) refused to obey the
decree of the king. The king had decreed that no one
could ask any petition of any God or man for 30
days. But Daniel, who prayed three times a day
(Daniel 6:1-23), continued to pray just as he had
done before the decree. The God that Daniel was
Then another angel, having a golden
censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given
much incense, that he should offer it with the
prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar
which was before the throne. And the smoke of
the incense, with the prayers of the saints,
ascended before God from the angels hand. Then
the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from
the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there
were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an
earthquake (Revelation 8:3-5).
For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their
spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to
them in material things (Romans 15:27).
careful before one begins negotiating on Bible Lands without considering the God who gave these lands. If one
determines that they are going to divide what God
Almighty has given, then indeed, the judgment of God
could very severely fall upon the head of that individual.
Either God existsor He doesnt. Either Gods Word is
trueor it isnt. If He does, and it is, then one must walk
very softly.
At the 43rd Session of the U.N. General Assembly
meeting in Geneva on December 13, 1988, Arafat made
the statement
The only birth certificate for the establishment for
the state of Israel is resolution 181 approved by the General Assembly on November 29, 1947.
the first and decisive resolution of our Palestine
National Council was the proclamation of the establishment of the state of Palestine with the Holy City of
Jerusalem-al-Quds ask-Shareef as its capital.
Arafat, on December 13, 1988, stated in his speech:
I condemn terrorism in all its forms.
Only God knows the number of funerals you have
had since 1988 when Arafat lied. Prime Minister Rabin,
I have written six major books on your nation and hundreds of articles. I have worked very closely with, and
have had eighteen meetings with your last four prime
ministers. In the last two decades, when Israel has had a
crisis, I have always been there. Based upon my experience and knowledge, I do not believe for a second that
did not.
History records that the Arab nations have always
run their countries off the bullet not the ballot. As you
well know, this feud has gone on for 3,000 yearssince
the days of Ishmael and Isaac. It is much bigger than a
handshake and political speeches.
We evangelicals have no hatred in our hearts toward
the Arab people. We love them and pray for them. But we
have no respect for an unrepentant terrorist who wants
to deceive America and the nations of the world. There
will be a man born in days to come who will be like Yasser
Arafat, but a thousand times worse. In your Jewish Bible,
he is prophesied in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 8:23-25:
And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the
transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
And his power shall be mighty, but not by his power: and
he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper
in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart,
and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up
against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Mr. Prime Minister, this prophecy describes a false
messiah who will rise up promising peace to the world,
and use economic leverage to manipulate the world into
that peace. Arafat is a perfect forerunner of that which is
Prime Minister Rabin, the P.L.O. covenant in Article II denies the possibility of dividing mandatory Palestine into more than one state. Article VI excludes all Jews
who arrive in Palestine after 1917 from remaining in the
projected Arab Palestine state. Article IX offers armed
struggle as the only way to liberate Palestine. Article XIX
and XX declares illegal the Balfour Declaration, and the
mandate for Palestine, and the 1947 U.N. decision to
petition Palestine and establish the state of Israel and
which determines the Jews are members of a religion not
a nationality or a nation. I do not need to remind you of
Article XXII challenging Zionism.
Mr. Prime Minister, I realize that a great number of
the Jewish organizations in America are applauding your
meeting with Arafatas are the World Council of
Churches. Both of these organizations have a lot in common. They both reject the Bible as the Word of God.
We evangelicals accept the Bible as non-negotiable.
God Almighty exists, and He miraculously gave your
beloved people Jericho, how in the world can this same
Jericho be given to Arafat as his transitional capital? Has
anyone asked Gods opinion or even consulted your Eternal Declaration of Independencethe Word of God?
I realize that you do have peace, to some degree, with
Egypt because Anwar al-Sadat presented a new type of
Islam in which he said,
No religion in politics. No politics in religionan
ecumenical Islam.
Prime Minister, two-thirds of the prophecies of your Jewish prophets have already been fulfilled concerning your
land. God does keep His promises. General George Keegan, a former head of the U.S. Air Force, mentioned to
me in the past that if the West Bank were to fall into
Arafats hands, and two brigades of well-equipped Soviet
divisions were introduced into the West Bank, in one
night, Israel would cease to exist. I dont believe it will
cease to exist because the Bible prophesies a battle called
the Battle of Armageddon. But God forbid that the winds
of that battle have to blow prematurely because of mistakes made by manbecause of a world that wants Israel
to give up its territory and lose the security of its nation.
President Clinton referred to the Arab and Palestinian children and said that this decision needed to be made
for their safety. What will the Soviet Union be like ten or
twenty years from now? High-level Soviet Generals, with
whom I have met, have told me that there will ultimately
be a revolution and it will be worse than before. If indeed
that is the case, could your decision be forcing the children of Israel into a premature Armageddon?
Prime Minister Rabin, when I founded the Prayer
Breakfast in honor of Israel in conjunction with the
National Religious Broadcasters, I gave a speech, which
is in the Congressional Record.
Mr. Prime Minister, the land of Palestine belongs to
the Jewish people. Millions of evangelicals signed this
proclamation. I appeal to you to read Psalm 83:3-5espe144
The Jerusalem
Prayer Team
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
After 61 days of fasting and prayer, God spoke
the vision for the Jerusalem Prayer Team in my
heart. This was to be Gods dream and Gods team.
After I heard from heaven, I flew to Jerusalem to
meet with Mayor Ehud Olmert to share the vision
of the Jerusalem Prayer Team. He was greatly
touched, and flew to Dallas in June 2002 to inaugurate this prayer movement. Dr. Franklin Graham,
Dr. Jerry Falwell, Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, Representative Dick Armey, and Governor Rick Perry were some of those who participated either by letter or video.
Christians from all over America have joined
the Jerusalem Prayer Team. Many are household
names, i.e., Rev. Tommy Tenney, Dr. Pat Robertson,
Coach Bill McCartney, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. John
Maxwell, Mr. Pat Boone, Dr. David Clark, Dr.
Michael Little, Ms. Kay Arthur, and others.
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