The Word Spring 2014 Final
The Word Spring 2014 Final
The Word Spring 2014 Final
In This Issue:
Epsilon Group Photos
Pg. 1
Officer Reports Pg. 2-9
Phi Delta Chi: Careers in
Pharmacy Week Pg. 10-11
Accepted Students Day
Pg. 12
Report from NERC Pg. 13
Graduating Brothers Pg.
New Brothers Pg. 15-19
Cornball Jokes Pg. 20
Brothers Poem Pg. 21
Editor: Alexander Bimson Black Hawk Down
Six Brothers, including myself,
embarked on a 5 hour journey to
Connecticut to attend the Northeast
Regional Conference hosted by Alpha
Lambda for a fun and insightful weekend.
Some new bonds have been forged with
extended to most.
Martin Luther King Jr. day of service. The P4s who remained
Officer Reports
Worthy Chief Counselor/Worthy
Vice Counselor Report
To further enhance our chapters reputation for
professionalism and etiquette, many brothers
attended an on-campus Etiquette Dinner
presented by Career Services. Philanthropic efforts
continued with the chapters volunteerism at Give
Kids Sight Day at Wills Eye Hospital where
uninsured children received free eye exams and
The year concluded with the initiation of 9 new
members! Unfortunately, we are saying goodbye to
the re-founding class as they pass from collegiate to
alumni status. We congratulated them with our
second annual Graduation Roast. The end of the
year was also filled with fun during the Greek
Olympics where our philanthropic efforts
throughout the year were recognized when the
Epsilon chapter of Phi Delta Chi paired with Sigma
Phi Zeta placed first in the philanthropy event.
This past year was a monumental year for the
Epsilon chapter. As our beloved brothers enter the
real world and younger members are molded into
future leaders of pharmacy through their
involvement in Phi Delta Chi, I would like to
congratulate each and every brother and wish them
luck for the next year. Let us continue to be a
presence on our campus and be highly regarded as
leaders not only in pharmacy, but also in scholarship
and our philanthropic efforts.
Most Worthy Brothers HJ & Maynard
Marc Wagner (WCC) & Anthony Morrione (WVC)
Officer Reports
Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals Report
Epsilon has made several
improvements to intrafraternal
communication this year. We began a
group texting service under GroupMe,
which helped keep brothers in the know
about upcoming events. This application
proved to be especially helpful to the
brothers on rotations over the past year
because it allowed them to have an easily
accessible medium to view real time
updates to event and meeting information
and potential time changes regardless of
where they were doing their rotations. The
app played a large role in their continued
involvement throughout the year. In
addition to GroupMe, we instituted a
Google Calendar and expanded our Google
Drive. The calendar is very useful because it
can be viewed on brothers phones at any
time, making event times and locations
easier to remember, and the Google Drive
provided a great way to consolidate chapter
documents and photos to make them
accessible to the brothers.
Christopher Noce, WKRS
Officer Reports
Worthy Keeper of Finance Report
From my perspective as WKF, this was a very
successful year. We did a substantial amount
with little money, and actually ended the year
well on top. Kudos to our fundraising
chairperson, Josh Cohen, for his great work this
year. We were able to run our annual white coat
nametags fundraiser twice this year and we had a
very successful cardigan fundraiser. We were
able to fund many events, including a very well
organized Phi Del Careers in Pharmacy Week
and a What is a Rotation? round-table type
event, as well as funding brotherhood bonding
Also, I would like to thank all of our chapter
brothers for paying their dues on time, as this is
crucial to the functioning of our chapter and our
ability to hold the events we do. Not only is it
beneficial to the organization, but your fellow
brothers, so that they to0 will not have to pay
increased dues...remember AAAE.
Looking forward, we were able to develop a
financially stable organization. We cannot carry
out any of our ideas without funds. Also, we
must not overspend and deplete our funds. I
believe we will have a firm start, financially, in
the 2014-15 school year, which will allow us to
grow stronger as an organization, and increase
our presence in the campus community.
Jordan Kolbush, WKF
Officer Reports
Officer Reports
Worthy Prelate Report
This year, brotherly bonding within our
chapter continued as usual. With the
numerous events on campus that Epsilon
chapter had organized, Brother turnout was
excellent, especially from our newer additions
to our chapter. Rush events that were held
throughout the year served a dual role of
gathering interest from potential brothers
while also catering to the relationship of
current brothers. Our local Millcreek Tavern
(aka The Track) served as a meeting place for
several formal events including our Winter
and Formal and Graduation Roast for our
recently graduated Brothers. Our year
concluded with our Spring Formal which as a
change from our usual dinner in Atlantic City,
was held at Barra Italian restaurant in Old City.
I look forward to the new chapter in Epsilons
history as we say farewell to our refounding
Joseph Cutillo, WP
Officer Reports
Officer Reports
Ethan Englert
Epsilon Alum Matthew Grissinger (left) and P4 Brother Robert DeSantis (right) presenting at Alumni
Speaker Event on Interprofessional Care
Robert DeSantis
preparing for the
trituration race
Jordan Kolbush, Ian Byerly, CJ Drodz, and Ethan Englert (Left to Right) at the St. Judes Letter Writing Campaign
Steven Galerkin
Ethan Englert
Ethan Englert
A Brothers Poem
The Epsilon brothers are at it again,
Steven Galerkin