The Word Spring 2014 Final

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The Word

The Epsilon Chapter Publication

Spring 2014

In This Issue:
Epsilon Group Photos
Pg. 1
Officer Reports Pg. 2-9
Phi Delta Chi: Careers in
Pharmacy Week Pg. 10-11
Accepted Students Day
Pg. 12
Report from NERC Pg. 13
Graduating Brothers Pg.
New Brothers Pg. 15-19
Cornball Jokes Pg. 20
Brothers Poem Pg. 21
Editor: Alexander Bimson Black Hawk Down

Group Photos: Epsilon Chapter

Epsilon Brothers at their Founders Day

photograph in front of Griffith Hall

Brothers at University of the Sciences Fall Fest

Enjoying Refreshments at an Alumni
Speaker Event

Epsilon: A Current History/Overview

Worthy Correspondent Report
After serving another year as Worthy

our Brothers from across the Schuylkill at

Alpha Omicron ever since their chapter had

Correspondent, my appreciation for this

attended our Bid Night early in the spring

fraternity and all the Brothers of my

semester and also engaging with them at

chapter has only grown stronger. As part

NERC as well as our Pill Counting

as my responsibility as WC, I had

Competition at University of the Sciences.

overseen several professional and service

Overall, it has been another excellent

projects including Philadelphia College of

year at Epsilon Chapter. At the completion

Pharmacys Accepted Students Days and

of my second term as WC, I am ready to

Open Houses, Phi Delta Chi: Careers in

hand over the torch to WC-elect, Jordan

Pharmacy Week, numerous poster

Kolbush. I am more than confident that

presentations, and a host of other

combined with his leadership and the

projects that will be described in greater

support of the rest of the chapter, next year

detail later within this publication.

holds nothing but greatness for the

Epsilon chapter certainly hit the ground

Achievement Award Program.

running in terms of our output of

professional and service project thanks to


the hard work of our Professional and

Alexander Bimson, Most Worthy Brother

Service Chair (and WAL-elect), Ethan

Black Hawk Down

Six Brothers, including myself,
embarked on a 5 hour journey to
Connecticut to attend the Northeast
Regional Conference hosted by Alpha
Lambda for a fun and insightful weekend.
Some new bonds have been forged with

Epsilon: A Current History/Overview

Worthy Chief Counselor/Worthy
Vice Counselor Report
Looking back at the year in review, the brothers of the
Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Chi kept extremely busy,
hosting and participating in numerous university events
meanwhile accepting new brothers and strengthening

This prestigious award coupled with the widely

successful Careers in Pharmacy Week made our chapter
highly sought after to collaborate with other organizations on
our campus to help promote and run other events.
Our chapter contributed to APhAs Month of Spirit

their fraternal bond. As is tradition, before the school

year was even under way, brothers volunteered to help

for October Pharmacists Month. We cohosted a bake sale

freshman move into the residence halls. This led our

and also a trituration competition for the Pharmacy

fine organization to be invited to participate in all three


organizational fairs held at our university: the university

auction and supported the fight against breast cancer by

wide organizational fair, Greek carnival, and professional

allowing other students to throw a pie at them during

pharmacy organizational fair. Being present at all of the


Brothers also were auctioned off for a date

To support St. Judes, we hosted a campus wide

organizational fairs in which prospective members come

to learn more about organizations is an honor not

No-Shave November in which participants donated $5 to

extended to most.

charity in order to compete and be have their beards judged at

To further demonstrate the Epsilon chapters dedication

the end of November.

to the profession of pharmacy, the chapter held its third

Association Heart Walk in Philadelphia and donating a

annual Phi Delta Chi: Careers in Pharmacy Week,

Thanksgiving meal to a family in need through the USciences

adding a new twist by making the theme of the week

Appeal for a Meal program further demonstrated the

interprofessional practice. Ethan Englert will further

Epsilon brothers philanthropic efforts.

Walking in the American Heart

The spring semester kicked off with more

describe this week in his column.

Not only are the brothers of Epsilon committed to

community service from the Epsilon brothers by showcasing

pharmacy, but we also stand strongly against hazing. All

St. Judes at the Greek Organization Philanthropy Fair during

brothers made the pledge against hazing by

Martin Luther King Jr. day of service. The P4s who remained

participating in the 2013 National Hazing Prevention

exceedingly involved with chapter operations during the year

Week. In doing so, we all wore

hosted an event open to all students in which they shared

anti-hazing/anti-bullying ribbons throughout the week

their experiences and offered suggestions on how to be

and signed a university-wide banner against hazing.

successful during pharmacy school, on rotations and beyond.

Did I mention, everything above occurred within the

first month of school? I am very proud and amazed by
my brothers efforts right out of the gate, as was the
University of the Sciences Inter-Greek Council (IGC).
The Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Chi was named the
first IGC Organization of the Month for the month of

Riding on our professional skills and reputation for advancing

pharmacy, we were invited to host an educational game table
for Phi Lambda Sigmas Pharmacy Phair. Brothers enjoyed
educating students, faculty and staff on the difference
between acetaminophen and ibuprofen as well as parenteral

Officer Reports
Worthy Chief Counselor/Worthy
Vice Counselor Report
To further enhance our chapters reputation for
professionalism and etiquette, many brothers
attended an on-campus Etiquette Dinner
presented by Career Services. Philanthropic efforts
continued with the chapters volunteerism at Give
Kids Sight Day at Wills Eye Hospital where
uninsured children received free eye exams and
The year concluded with the initiation of 9 new
members! Unfortunately, we are saying goodbye to
the re-founding class as they pass from collegiate to
alumni status. We congratulated them with our
second annual Graduation Roast. The end of the
year was also filled with fun during the Greek
Olympics where our philanthropic efforts
throughout the year were recognized when the
Epsilon chapter of Phi Delta Chi paired with Sigma
Phi Zeta placed first in the philanthropy event.
This past year was a monumental year for the
Epsilon chapter. As our beloved brothers enter the
real world and younger members are molded into
future leaders of pharmacy through their
involvement in Phi Delta Chi, I would like to
congratulate each and every brother and wish them
luck for the next year. Let us continue to be a
presence on our campus and be highly regarded as
leaders not only in pharmacy, but also in scholarship
and our philanthropic efforts.

Most Worthy Brothers HJ & Maynard
Marc Wagner (WCC) & Anthony Morrione (WVC)

Officer Reports
Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals Report
Epsilon has made several
improvements to intrafraternal
communication this year. We began a
group texting service under GroupMe,
which helped keep brothers in the know
about upcoming events. This application
proved to be especially helpful to the
brothers on rotations over the past year
because it allowed them to have an easily
accessible medium to view real time
updates to event and meeting information
and potential time changes regardless of
where they were doing their rotations. The
app played a large role in their continued
involvement throughout the year. In
addition to GroupMe, we instituted a
Google Calendar and expanded our Google
Drive. The calendar is very useful because it
can be viewed on brothers phones at any
time, making event times and locations
easier to remember, and the Google Drive
provided a great way to consolidate chapter
documents and photos to make them
accessible to the brothers.
Christopher Noce, WKRS

Officer Reports
Worthy Keeper of Finance Report
From my perspective as WKF, this was a very
successful year. We did a substantial amount
with little money, and actually ended the year
well on top. Kudos to our fundraising
chairperson, Josh Cohen, for his great work this
year. We were able to run our annual white coat
nametags fundraiser twice this year and we had a
very successful cardigan fundraiser. We were
able to fund many events, including a very well
organized Phi Del Careers in Pharmacy Week
and a What is a Rotation? round-table type
event, as well as funding brotherhood bonding
Also, I would like to thank all of our chapter
brothers for paying their dues on time, as this is
crucial to the functioning of our chapter and our
ability to hold the events we do. Not only is it
beneficial to the organization, but your fellow
brothers, so that they to0 will not have to pay
increased dues...remember AAAE.
Looking forward, we were able to develop a
financially stable organization. We cannot carry
out any of our ideas without funds. Also, we
must not overspend and deplete our funds. I
believe we will have a firm start, financially, in
the 2014-15 school year, which will allow us to
grow stronger as an organization, and increase
our presence in the campus community.

Jordan Kolbush, WKF

Officer Reports

Worthy Master at Arms/ Worthy Inner

Guard Report
This year we welcomed nine new brothers
into Epsilon Chapter. As a change from years
before, we started with a Fall pledge class of
only two members, Travis Murray and
Alexander Kowalczyk. These two initiates were
instrumental in helping recruit members that
were in their own year and eventually led to the
initiation of seven additional new Brothers
including Spencer Knauss, Edgard Trott, Jose
Lazo, Amit Gohil, Michael Severo, Shem Park,
and Ryan Fox. Rush events for both semesters
consisted primarily of informal gatherings such
as to watch a Flyers game and other sports
events. Formal Rush events included a Grillin
and Chillin Rush, a Superbowl Party, and Bid
night accompanied with Brothers from Alpha
Omicron and Ralph Saroyan. Many of the new
Brothers have stepped up and took leadership
positions in the chapter with our latest
elections including Travis Murray as WKF, Jose
Lazo as WKRS, Alexander Kowalczyk as WMA,
and Spencer Knauss as WIG. Overall, it was
excellent year for recruitment and new member
education; we hope to keep up the momentum
for next year.
Anthony Cairo, WMA &
William Tomlin, WIG

Officer Reports
Worthy Prelate Report
This year, brotherly bonding within our
chapter continued as usual. With the
numerous events on campus that Epsilon
chapter had organized, Brother turnout was
excellent, especially from our newer additions
to our chapter. Rush events that were held
throughout the year served a dual role of
gathering interest from potential brothers
while also catering to the relationship of
current brothers. Our local Millcreek Tavern
(aka The Track) served as a meeting place for
several formal events including our Winter
and Formal and Graduation Roast for our
recently graduated Brothers. Our year
concluded with our Spring Formal which as a
change from our usual dinner in Atlantic City,
was held at Barra Italian restaurant in Old City.
I look forward to the new chapter in Epsilons
history as we say farewell to our refounding

Joseph Cutillo, WP

Officer Reports
Officer Reports

Worthy Alumni Liaison Report

The WAL bridges the gap between the past and
the present. In this case, the past and present
refers to our alumni and current chapter
members, respectively. As brothers advance
from pharmacy school, establish careers, and
create families, it becomes difficult to make the
fraternal obligations of alumni status a top
priority. It becomes my job to ease the burden
of staying active. With this help, we have kept
alumni active from years as far back as the

Its this informality we have with our alumni

that makes our bond with them strong. The
Epsilon chapter has always taught of equality
among brothers, young or old. It is with this
mentality that we strive to reestablish
connections with all of Epsilon alumni, young
or old. Our chapter is more than 100 years old.
However, our alumni contact list is only of
90-plus brothers. Epsilon strives every year to
reestablish contact with these alumni that are
no longer involved with the fraternity. It is our
hope to touch base with all the alumni that
have moved on from the Epsilon chapter and

The chief reason behind our success with our

the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

alumni is due to our chapters incessant want

for alumni participation. During the year, we
ask for our alumni to come and speak at our


pharmacy events. An example of one such event

was our Speaker Event during the Phi Delta Chi
Pharmacy Week. Speaking alongside our alumni
at this event were some of our P4 students
whom were on their APPE rotations. Our
alumni and active brothers were able to paint an
elegant and broad picture of what the field of
pharmacy holds for you, in terms of
opportunities and experiences.
Along with inviting alumni to come speak,
the Epsilon brothers also invite the alumni to
come over to meet new members during their
new member education or just to hang out.

Stefan Kolodij, WAL

Epsilon: A Year in Review

Phi Delta Chi : Careers in Pharmacy Week
(9/23/13 9/27/13)
In the fall, our chapter kicked off the semester by organizing a Phi Delta Chi: Careers in
Pharmacy Week. The week included a professional pharmacy carnival night which offered
pharmacy related games, a St. Jude's letter writing event in which letters were sent to friends and
family asking them to donate, a pharmacy rotation speaker event led by our own P6 brothers who
provided information regarding rotations, an alumni speaker event, and two pharmacy poster
presentations. The pharmacy carnival included games such as pill grinding competitions, pill
counting competitions, a "Pokmon or Drug" trivia game, and a "Name that Drug" jeopardy
game. Along with the games, we provided participants with pizza and other refreshments. The
pharmacy rotation speaker event focused on unique rotation experiences that our P4 pharmacy
brothers had while on rotation in the fall such as ambulatory care and home infusion. It was held
in one of our major auditoriums. For the alumni speaker event, a few of our distinguished alumni
attended and discussed their roles in pharmacy, the path that got them there, and opened the
floor for questions. Finally, the pharmacy poster presentations were held midday in the lobby of
our cafeteria building on two separate days. Their topics included the dangers of mixing Adderall
and alcohol and the basics of community pharmacy. Overall, Phi Delta Chi Week helped to not
only allows members of our university to learn more about the field of pharmacy, but to spread
the sense of professionalism and community that our fraternity was built upon.

Ethan Englert

Raffle Wheel at the Pharmacy Carnival



Epsilon: A Year in Review

Epsilon Alum Matthew Grissinger (left) and P4 Brother Robert DeSantis (right) presenting at Alumni
Speaker Event on Interprofessional Care

Robert DeSantis
preparing for the
trituration race

William Tomlin (right) overseeing

the Pill Counting Competition

Jordan Kolbush, Ian Byerly, CJ Drodz, and Ethan Englert (Left to Right) at the St. Judes Letter Writing Campaign

Epsilon: A Year in Review

Accepted Students Days
Accepted Students Day comes around multiple times a year at the University of the
Sciences and time and time again, the brothers of Phi Delta Chi Epsilon chapter make their
presence known. Brothers of all class levels lead tours around campus, classrooms, dining
facilities, lecture halls and other locations, offering firsthand knowledge of the social, academic,
and professional aspects at the University.
Although students outside the fraternity offer great support, Phi Delta Chi brothers have a well
established position as the first line of support. Dean of Students Dr. Lawson and Dean of
Admissions Dr. Mandos, send out the request, and multiple brothers are always on hand to talk
with students and parents.
One aspect of the tour occurs in one of the main lecture halls, Griffith A. Students form a
Question and Answer panel designed to answer all questions about what its like to be in a
Pharmacy School. Parents tend to pose similar questions every year, What extracurricular
activities can my son/daughter get involved in on campus? What does my son/daughter have to
do to balance extracurricular activities and academics? Is it manageable? These types of
questions put a smile on the faces of brothers. This is because students in Phi Delta Chi balance
fraternity life and school work while also being involved in sports teams, student councils,
religious organizations, professional pharmacy organizations, and honors societies. Most of
involvement includes executive board positions and captaincies.
For the second part of the tour, parents and students make their way out of the lecture
halls to observe the classroom and lab environment. Phi Delta Chi brothers collaborate with the
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, another professional pharmacy organization, to describe the details of
the both practical and visual technologies offered at the University. One such room is the clinical
skills classroom. This room is set up in the style of a doctors office with 10 inspecting tables
dispersed evenly around the room. Students experience their first physical and professional
interaction in this room through blood pressure screenings, neural exams, etc.
All in all, the brothers of the fraternity are spread out in all years of the 6 year program. This creates
a wealth of knowledge and leadership being transferred onto the incoming class and a sense of calm and
security for the parents who know that their kids already have a good resource on campus through the
brothers of Phi Delta Chi.

Steven Galerkin


Epsilon: A Year in Review

Connecticut Ho! Epsilon at Northeast Regional Conference 2014
From March 14th to 16th, I attended my first Northeast Regional Conference in Norwich,
Connecticut. When I attended this event, I wasnt a brother for even a year yet so naturally I was a
little nervous about how my first big road trip/NERC experience would turn out. As soon as we
walked into the lobby of the hotel, a warm sense of brotherhood could be felt from all corners. It was
as if I walked into a room of long lost friends eager to pick up with me where they left off even
though I couldnt find a familiar face in the room. This sense of comradery did not let up once
throughout the conference making the entire experience enjoyable from start to finish. This
represents only one of the many enjoyable aspects of the weekend. Another particularly exciting
facet that I liked was the manner in which we got to discuss how our chapters functioned and how
we could improve. Everyone, including the presenters, gathered around in a giant circle and held an
informal yet constructive guided conversation. It allowed me to feel as though I could talk freely
about our chapter without any pressure. Along with these enjoyable experiences, I also gained some
new perspectives on how Phi Delta Chi runs at the national level. For example, I had no idea how
bylaws were created or reevaluated. It was exciting to sit in some of the meetings and feel as though I
had a voice and was a part of the decision making process. A second new perspective I acquired was a
whole new way to view how formal meetings are held. I really never understood the level of passion
and fire behind the words until the ritual meeting where we read through every line as though the
founders were in the room critiquing us. Overall, I had a blast at NERC and took home a book of
invaluable experiences that I will carry with me throughout my life. I hope to instill my newly gained
ideals in my fellow brothers and I highly recommend that all brothers attend at least one Regional
Conference before graduating.

Ethan Englert

Jordan Kolbush, Ethan Englert, Jenny Lam (AO),

and Alexander Bimson (Left to Right) at the NERC
2014 Banquet


Epsilon: A Year in Review


Graduation of Epsilons Refounding Class

In Fall of 2009, Epsilon Chapter was refounded by several of its alumni and 22 Brothers. This
year, we say farewell to the last of the refounding class who are all graduating. Below are listed the
Brothers of the refounding class and their current/prospective careers. We all hope for a bright
future for our graduating Brothers and for the chapter which they helped reinstate.
Christopher Cabrey (Class of 2013)- Fellowship in clinical development and medical affairs at
Rutgers University/Acorda Therapeutics Inc.
Julie Hyun (Class of 2013)
Eunice Park (Class of 2013)
Robert Rossi (Class of 2013)
Thomas Keyack- Fellowship in Managed Markets at Genentech
John Mondin- PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Resident at Saint Joseph Hospital in Lexington, KY
Daniel Purzycki- PGY-1 Resident at Seton Healthcare - Austin, TX
Christopher Kay- Pharmacist at CVS Pharmacy
Sam Ta- Pharmacist at CVS Pharmacy and Einstein Healthcare Network
Andy Yan- Fellowship in Medical Information at Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Sean Swisher- Pharmacist at CVS Pharmacy
Joseph Wagner- Pharmacist at Giant Pharmacy
Kartik Patel, Thomas Sastre, Robert McNeill, Robert Pfleging, Ryan Courtney, Robert DeSantis,
Nicholas Barszcz, Adam Boyde, Joseph Lombardo, and Michael Farsetta

Epsilon: A Year in Review

New Additions to Epsilon Chapter
This year, we welcomed nine new Brothers into Epsilon Chapter. Each new Brother is unique and
interesting as the last, as they can explain for themselves:

Travis Murray- Epsilon #1234

Travis J. Murray. Im going in to my first professional year of pharmacy school. I would like to
pursue a career in compounding pharmacy. Im interested in traveling, fishing, and skiing. I will be
serving as the WKF for the 2014-2015 school year.

Alexander Kowalczyk- Epsilon #1235

I am currently going into my P1 year at University of the Sciences for the PharmD program. I am
from Central, NJ. I recently became a brother in the fall semester of 2013. Some of my hobbies include
playing golf with my father and friends and just relaxing, watching TV. I am interested in most fields
of science and am fascinated in the history of our country. In regards to my career in Pharmacy, I am
interested in working in a retail setting.


Epsilon: A Year in Review

Spencer Knauss- Epsilon #1236
Resides in Audubon, Pa.
I am a triplet and look forward to hopefully becoming a third generation pharmacist.
Hobbies: Golfing and fishing
A potential field in pharmacy that interests me is retail since it is where I have experience.

Edgard Trott- Epsilon #1237

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Class of 2019
Im a third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and I was born in Russia. Joining Phi Delta Chi has
been an important part of my life and has been a gateway for many opportunities. The potential
field of pharmacy I am interested in pursuing is retail pharmacy.


Epsilon: A Year in Review

Jose Lazo- Epsilon #1238
My name is Jose Lazo and I am going to be a P1 student in the fall of 2014. I am from Newark, New
Jersey and my family is from El Salvador. I am the first person in my family to pursue a career in
pharmacy. Besides school, I like to partake in soccer. Looking ahead in my future, the field of
pharmacy that interests me most as of now is retail.

Amit Gohil- Epsilon #1239

My name is Amit Gohil. I am from central Jersey and it will be a 3rd year at USciences starting next
semester. A few of my hobbies include long boarding, motorcycles, and traveling. I like to expand
my traveling each year, this year by going to Dubai. I also enjoy playing sports such as basketball,
soccer and football.



Epsilon: A Year in Review

Michael Severo- Epsilon #1240
My name is Michael Severo, a member of the Epsilon chapter of Phi Delta Chi and Im entering my
P1 year at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Originally from Clifton, NJ, some things that I love
to do when Im not studying are playing tennis or going to the gym, going out to concerts, and
eating food. The two fields of pharmacy that Im currently interested in pursuing are pharmaceutical
law and industry.

Shem Park- Epsilon #1241

Hi, I am Shem. I am currently entering my P1 year this fall. My hobbies include going to the gym,
lifting weights, and getting big. Some fields of pharmacy I am interesting in pursuing include
hospital pharmacy and nuclear pharmacy.

Epsilon: A Year in Review


Ryan Fox- Epsilon #1242

Hello! My name is Ryan Fox, and as a freshman, I pledged to Phi Delta Chi this spring 2014. This fall,
I will be headed into my sophomore year at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy at the University
of Sciences in Philadelphia. When Im not busy studying, I enjoy watching and playing sports in my
free time. With summer coming up, I cant wait to get back on the golf course. I also enjoy baseball,
football, tennis, soccer, or generally anything else. Im always up for trying something new.
Coincidentally, pharmacy is still fresh to me, and I look forward to learning more about my field of
study. In the future, I hope to start out in clinical pharmacy and perhaps even delve into research. I
know that no matter which path I take, my Brothers will aid me whenever I require their assistance.

New Brothers participating in an etiquette dinner

New Brothers out for a stroll in Clark Park

Remarks for the Good and Welfare

Cornballs Corner of Jokes (Theyre A-maize-ingly Funny!!!)
1. Q: How many pharmacists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one, but it will take him ten days, three times a day!
2. Q: Why does a seagull fly over the sea?
A: Because if it flew over a bay, it would be called a Bagel!
3. Q: Why was six afraid of seven?
A: Because seven was a well-known six-offender!
4. Q: What is the easiest way to catch a squirrel?
A: Simply, climb a tree and act like a nut!
5. Q: Why dont you ever see hippopotamuses hiding in trees?
A: Because they are very good at it!
6. Q: What did the fish say when it ran into a wall?
A: Nothing. Fish cant talk.
7. Q: What do you call a cow that just had a baby?
A: Decalfinated.
8. Q: What did one hat say to the other?
A: You stay here, Ill go on a-head!
9. Q: Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
A: Because every play has a cast!
10. Q: Why do fish make bad guitars?
A: Because you cant tuna fish!

Ethan Englert


Remarks for the Good and Welfare


A Brothers Poem
The Epsilon brothers are at it again,

Tradition is kept, but progress is made,

With mortar and pestle in hand.

And thats the true spirit of every member.

Crushing academics with hard-working might,

We enjoy our good times and take care of


Stamping Philly with the PDC brand.

And when were done everyone will

It all starts with general meetings to get spirits
running high,
Professors cant help but admire.

Let us give our best efforts to our brothers, we

conclude in our oath.

When Phi Delta Chi combines minds on events,

Perhaps the most important line in our clan.

Freshmen students must approach and inquire.

In school and in life, no one can do it alone,

Pharmacy week is run annually through the

plains of our campus

But with the brothers you can bet therell be a


Dregs of wine and Old Gold flow abound.


Pills for refills and injections for Infections.

When info kings are sought, our brothers are
Success in academia is but one quality shared,
Brother involvement does not stop with books.
Music, fashion, athletics, and art
Top skill sets with charm and good looks.

The bond is strong, and the friends are for life,

During excitement and calm all the same.
Opinions are shared and new ideas ignite,
Change is made by all in the composite frame

Steven Galerkin

Thanks reading our latest edition of

The Word. We hope youve all
enjoyed it. At Epsilon Chapter our
hearts and doors are always open to
having a good time and helping out a
Brother in need. So feel free to stop
by and partake in this amazing
experience we call Brotherhood.
- The Brothers of Epsilon Chapter

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