Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
In brief the aforementioned website is an anti-vaccine oriented website
and resource. It contains factual information about the adverse effects of
immunization of children, links to support groups for parents rejecting
vaccination of children and links to books and studies which are alleged to
validate their claims while disproving those of their opposition. The website
also examines case studies and lists local and national laws on un-vaccinated
children and legal issues pertaining to anything anti-vaccine.
Before even beginning to understand and debate philosophy one must
understand the reasoning behind philosophy. Literally translated philosophy
means love of wisdom, therefore one must ensure their statements are
wise and free from logical fallacies in order to be even considered valid. The
anti-vaccine movement is one movement in contemporary life which claims
many followers and is proclaimed to be the best option for children by some.
In order to be considered valid however we must first examine these claims
which have a profound impact on the lives of many. Riding a tide of new-age
healing, many opponents to vaccination boldly proclaim their method of life
to be the best option for children and many in fact claim that vaccination
amounts to child abuse. With such powerful claims one would think that the
entire movement is worthy of scrutiny to see if their message is in fact valid.
Despite thousands subscribing to the cause, when exposed to the slightest
scrutiny the entire crusade literally collapses under its own weight. It suffers
from an absurd amount of logical fallacies (never mind the mistaken facts).
Fallacies such as false cause (autism and other diseases caused by
vaccines), appeal to emotion (do you want your children to suffer),
anecdotal evidence (one death caused by vaccines foreshadows many
more) and appeals to authority (some medical professionals claiming
vaccines are unhealthy and so their word is infallible) are just a few of the
appalling lapses in logic committed by the anti-vaccine lobby. To make
matters worse, the process of philosophic inquiry seems to have been
completely ignored by the group. When gathering information, vaccine
deniers completely ignore the mountain of scientific literature opposing their
argument and cherry pick data (yet another fallacy) which leads to lapses in
reasoning and a flawed conclusion.
Addressing the issue in class