is a female unicorn pony who transforms into an Alicorn and becomes a princess in
Magical Mystery Cure. She is also the younger sister of Shining Armor and sister-inlaw to Princess Cadance (Princess Mi Amore Cadenza). At the beginning of the series,
she and Spike, her best friend and assistant, move from Canterlot to Golden Oak
Library in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship, and in Twilight's Kingdom Part 2, she gains her own castle as part of her Friendship Rainbow Kingdom and is
named the "Princess of Friendship"; "a whole episode in Season 5" is "devote[d]" to
answering the question of whether she is "still going to use/live in her library." [7]
Twilight Sparkle represents the element of magic. Before becoming a princess, she
regularly sends friendship reports to Princess Celestia.
Development and design
As an Alicorn, Princess Twilight is a little taller,[12] her neck is more curved, and her
horn is a bit longer than when she was a unicorn.
Love of books
alt="Twilight's vest S1E11" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Twilight
%22see_you_next_time%22_S4E15.png" alt="Twilight "see you next
time" S4E15" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Twilight_
%22see_you_next_time%22_S4E15.png" data-image-name="Twilight
&quot;see you next time&quot; S4E15.png" width="180" height="101" >
Twilight teaching the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
In the episode Twilight Time, Twilight takes time each week to teach the Cutie Mark
Crusaders various skills. She attempts to teach Sweetie Belle to use the telekinetic
component of her magic, Apple Bloom how to make botanic growth potions, and
Scootaloo how to strip and reassemble various types of scooter and cycle. Twilight is
overjoyed when she thinks the other classmates also want to learn new things, but is
disappointed when she finds out that they merely want to spend time with a local
Twilight's ability as a teacher is proven in that she succeeds in teaching all three
Crusaders the skills she intended to teach them. They all demonstrate a high degree of
aptitude at the end of their lessons.
Twilight attempts to teach Rainbow Dash the history of the Wonderbolts, but her
methods of study prove futile when Rainbow Dash acts as a class clown in Testing
Testing 1, 2, 3.
This section is transcluded from the article magic. If you wish to edit this
section, click here.
pic_blue_and_purple_ring_of_magic_S2E01.png/180pxEpic_blue_and_purple_ring_of_magic_S2E01.png" alt="Epic blue and purple ring of
magic S2E01" class="thumbimage " data-imagekey="Epic_blue_and_purple_ring_of_magic_S2E01.png" data-image-name="Epic
blue and purple ring of magic S2E01.png" width="180" height="101" >
wilight_confidently_using_her_magic_S2E24.png/180pxTwilight_confidently_using_her_magic_S2E24.png" alt="Twilight confidently using
her magic S2E24" class="thumbimage " data-imagekey="Twilight_confidently_using_her_magic_S2E24.png" data-imagename="Twilight confidently using her magic S2E24.png" width="180" height="101"
Twilight's horn glowing deep pink.
In the first season, Twilight's horn usually glows white or the same hue as her coat,
and the objects she is manipulating glow white, lavender, or pink. When she
manipulates multiple objects at once, several other colors are used as well, for
example in the gem-finding scene in A Dog and Pony Show. Starting with the second
season's third episode, Twilight's magic is uniformly depicted using a pink glow.
See also: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki:Workshop/Relationships
Main article: Twilight Velvet and Night Light
For the first three seasons of the show, Twilight possesses a crown containing the
element of magic. She receives it in Friendship is Magic, part 2 when she defeats
Nightmare Moon. The crown is studded with sapphires and a magenta star-shaped
gem shaped like Twilight's cutie mark.
After Twilight becomes a princess in Magical Mystery Cure, she wears a different
crown with the element of magic embedded in it. It is a lighter shade of gold, no
longer has sapphires, and rests horizontally, not vertically, on Twilight's head.
Twilight relinquishes her crown when she and her friends restore the Elements of
Harmony to the Tree of Harmony in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2. At the
Summer Sun Celebration, she wears a new crown, which has the same shade of gold
just like and looks completely different from her element of magic crown. It has more
of a "classic" crown shape, with each point studded with a small magenta jewel. It
becomes her regular crown for the rest of the season, as seen in Trade Ya, Equestria
Games, and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1.
Depiction in films
My Little Pony Equestria Girls
stolen element of magic from Sunset Shimmer. Twilight and Spike enter Canterlot
High and meet the human counterparts of their Ponyville friends. When Twilight
discovers that Principal Celestia will award the crown to the Princess of the Fall
Formal dance, she decides to run for Princess. She wins, despite a smear campaign
orchestrated by Sunset Shimmer, and receives the crown at the dance.
However, Sunset Shimmer takes the crown by force and transforms into a rage-filled
demonic creature. She hypnotizes the students, whom she plans to use as an army to
invade Equestria. When she attacks Twilight, Twilight's friends shield her and
inadvertently activate the magic of friendship. They defeat Sunset Shimmer, who is
remorseful for her actions.
After the dance, Twilight and Spike return to Equestria. Twilight feels more confident
about being a princess than before. She bumps into Flash Sentry, who she
encountered several times in the human world, and blushes. Twilight's friends tease
her for having a crush, but she denies it.
Twilight in her human form.
gives up hope, only to discover that the reason the magic of friendship never worked
was because the Rainbooms had allowed a few minor suggestions that they could not
agree upon to drive a rift into their friendships. That caused it to become warped into
something the Dazzlings could feed upon to regain their former powers, and render it
Twilight Sparkle leading the Rainbooms in Rainbow Rocks.
Once the Rainbooms realize their error and make amends, together with DJ Pon-3,
who was immune to the Dazzlings' spell thanks to her headphones, and Sunset
lending her strength to them, Twilight and the band are able to overpower and destroy
the Dazzlings' power sources, stripping them of their dark powers permanently, and
leaving them to be forced off the stage in disgrace by the angry students and faculty.
Afterwards, Twilight returns home to Equestria, but thanks to how she was able to reenergize the portal, she can come back to visit anytime she wants. Sunset also takes it
upon herself to write her friendship reports into her old journal for Twilight to read
back in Equestria.
In the novelization, Twilight is actually still in Equestria and, in the end, imagines that
she is performing with her Canterlot High friends.
"All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!"
Friendship is Magic, part 1
"You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the
spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the
element of... magic!"
Friendship is Magic, part 2
"Hee-hee! Isn't this exciting? We'll do everything by the book, and that will
make my slumber party officially fun."
Look Before You Sleep
"I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name:
Pinkius Piecus, in its natural habitat."
Feeling Pinkie Keen
"Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends,
maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still
searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows, maybe you
and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow."
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
"I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of
this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever!"
The Best Night Ever
"Move! Look out, here comes Tom!"
The Return of Harmony Part 2
"We've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt it's
worth fighting for."
The Return of Harmony Part 2
"Clock is ticking, Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking. Keep it together. If I can't find a
friendship problem... I'll make a friendship problem!"
Lesson Zero
"I'm Star Swirl the Bearded! Father of the amniomorphic spell? Did you even
read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history?"
Luna Eclipsed
"I have to finish this report to the princess summarizing all my other reports to
the princess."
Baby Cakes
"Reading is something everypony can enjoy, if they just give it a try."
Read It and Weep
"Gee, maybe her name should be "Princess Demandy-pants.""
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1
"Spike! I'm going to need you to quiz me on everything! Everything I've ever
learned! Ever!"
The Crystal Empire - Part 1
"Just a test? Just a test!? Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of
exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a test?!"
The Crystal Empire - Part 1
"Something tells me everything is not going to be fine."
"No doubt about it, Spike. There's definitely something strange going on at
that school..."
Human counterpart, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
"Im the Princess of Friendship now, and lots of ponies are going to be
looking to me to solve their problems. But it was foolish of me to think that I
should have all the answers. What I do have are good friends who will always
be there to help me find them."
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks - The Mane Event