WPL - Website - Pledge Form
WPL - Website - Pledge Form
WPL - Website - Pledge Form
enrichment of our citizens, and the need to provide a larger, improved facility for expanded materials,
services and programs for our community, I/we are pleased to support the WPL Growing Again Campaign.
I/We will contribute a gift of $ __________________ to be paid over a period of ___________ years.
Name (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Ms., Miss) ________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone __________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________
Designate my/our gift as follows: A Gift from ______________________________________________________________________
(please indicate how you prefer your name/s to be recorded if different from above)
Signature ___________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________
Please return this card to: Wells Public Library Foundation, WPL Growing Again Campaign, 1434 Post Road, Wells, ME 04090.
Your donation and pledge payments are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!
To protect your privacy and the security of your credit card information, this authorization
form will be detached and destroyed after your credit card payment is processed.
of $ ________________________. The Wells Public Library Foundation is authorized to make these deductions beginning
on _______________________________ from my
(month and year payments are to begin)
American Express
Account # _________________________________ Exp Date _____________ Security Code (on back of card) ______________
Name (as it appears on card) ________________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address(if different from pledge card) ______________________________________________________________________________