Lesson Plan - Grade One Ela - Horton Hears A Who Respect 1
Lesson Plan - Grade One Ela - Horton Hears A Who Respect 1
Lesson Plan - Grade One Ela - Horton Hears A Who Respect 1
DURATION: 60 - 90 Minutes
Subject-Specific Competencies
(English Language Arts):
Comp. 1: To read and listen to
literary, popular and informationbased texts.
Comp. 4: To use language to
communicate and learn.
Comp. 1: Reflects on ethical
Cross-Curricular Comp.:
1) To communicate appropriately
2) Organizes his/her work.
Desired Results:
This is an introductory lesson to a unit on respect for one another. The lesson
will have the students listening to, and discussing the story Horton Hears a
Who. The students will also collaboratively work on a Persons a Person
book. The point of this lesson is to expand on a previous lesson on adjectives,
while beginning to discuss the importance of respect for one another. Each
child will be given a sheet with the line I think________ is a great friend. I
like ________ because he/she is ________. Each student will be given a
classmate to write about. Together, we will, as a class, come up with a nice
adjective for each classmate. The student who was assigned that classmate will
have to fill out the sentence and draw a nice picture of the classmate doing
something nice. At the bottom of the page, it will say I am happy to call you
my friend. From ________. The student will write their name on this line.
When reading the story, I will have the students who are typically the most
Ideas for
disruptive sit close to me, so that I may have an eye on them at all times. I will
also attempt to keep specific students away from each other as they tend to
rattle each other up. In this particular class, there are two boys that should not
sit close together as they do not get along. I will try to keep these boys apart at
least for the reading and discussion portions of the lesson.
We will be working together to come up with adjectives for each classmate. I
will have a list of the students names on the board. I will also have a written
example of the line that the students have to fill out. As a class, we will fill out
the template for each student one at a time. Because it is impractical to wait for
each student to finish their sheets before continuing on, I will write down each
adjective next to the classmates name. For example, if Katies adjective is
smart, I will write down smart next to Katies name. That way, the children
are able to have a reference. Another possibility is to have the children fill out
the adjective right away and the other spaces later on.
Another scaffold is to have the first blank space already filled with the
classmates name. For example, Jeremy will be filling out the sheet about
Katie. Because he is not sure on how to spell Katies name, it will be already
written for him on the sheet so that he has a reference on the page
Competency 2: To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing,
using correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching.
Competency 3: To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the
students concerned and the subject content with a view to developing
the competencies targeted in the programs of study
Competency 4: To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned
and to the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of
Competency 5: To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and
mastering the related competencies.
Competency 6: To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students'
learning and social development.
Competency 7: To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students
with learning disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps.
Competency 11: To engage in professional development individually and with others.
Competency 2: I will use this lesson to better my communication skills, especially when it comes
to writing on the board. Because I am modeling for the students and since this is a grade one class,
my penmanship must be impeccable. I will also strive to address the students properly and
professionally. I also need to learn to speak slowly and clearly so that all my students can hear me.
Competency 3: This field experience requires that I create a lesson plan for every lesson that I
teach. So far, I have not been doing very well in drawing up a lesson plan. I want to better practice
my skill at creating and implementing a lesson plan, so that it comes to me naturally when I enter
the profession.
Competency 4: I will take into consideration the very diverse needs of the students. I will also test
to see how flexible I can be with my lesson. I will also see how well my lesson caters to the needs
of all the students in the classroom. I will also test my ability to ask good guiding questions and
provide proper feedback to the students.
Competency 5: Evaluation and assessment are very important within the classroom. I have not had
much experience with evaluating and assessing. I want to use the worksheets I have created in
order to see what my students understand and where the gaps in their learning exist.
Competency 6: I will attempt to hone my classroom management skills. While I have improved
my classroom management skills from the last field experience to this one, I still have a lot to
learn. I must practice taking control of a classroom when things start to get out of my control.
Competency 7: I have had many difficulties thus far with coming up with possible supports for a
differentiated classroom. I will work extra hard to take notes on what a student needs and provide
that for him/her.
Competency 11: I will attempt to be a more prolific note-taker when it comes to the lessons I
conduct. I will do this to understand what I need to change within my teaching practice. I will be
aware of my faults and of my capabilities as a teacher and will use this to my advantage when
planning future lessons.
- Call the students to the reading corner. Say that you are so happy that they have
brought in their Dr. Seuss and that you hope that they are as excited as you are to see
so many great books that are filling our library.
- Lead into reading Horton Hears a Who.
10 - 15
- - Briefly explain that over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on respecting each
other and taking care of our friends.
- Ask the students if they know what respect means? What does it mean to respect
someone? How do you know when you are being respected?
- Ask this particular question: Do we all deserve respect? Why do we all deserve
- Depending on this response, ask this question: What if we are completely different?
What if we like weird strange things or seem different, do we still deserve respect?
- After reading the story, explain that something very special about Dr. Seuss books, is
that many of them have a special message behind them.
- Ask the student what they think the message of the story is? Press their thinking and
lead them to start discussing that the story is about treating each other properly because
regardless that we are big, small, or any size, we are people and we all deserve respect.
- Briefly explain that over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on respecting each
other and taking care of our friends.
- Ask the students if they know what respect means? What does it mean to respect
someone? How do you know when you are being respected?
- Ask this particular question: Do we all deserve respect? Why do we all deserve
- Depending on this response, ask this question: What if we are completely different?
What if we like weird strange things or seem different, do we still deserve respect?
Integration / Closure:
- Explain to the students that we will be creating our very own A Persons A Person
Book! We will all be writing something nice about someone in our class.
- Ask they students if they know how to describe someone? Use the example of Horton
from the story. How would we describe Horton? Write down a few examples that the
students give you.
- Reinforce that a word that describes a person is called an ADJECTIVE. Remind them
that we used adjectives in our Halloween writing earlier this week.
- After describing Horton, start the activity with student sheets.
- Go one sheet at a time. Give the sheet with a students name on it to the person they are
linked to (Ex: The sheet with Romeos name will go to Mario). Write down the
sentence on the board.
- Ask the student if they can come up with a nice adjective for this person.
- Fill out the sentence with the responses given from the students.
- Ask the student why they would call the student that particular nice adjective (Ex: Why
would say Katie is smart/nice/caring?)
- Write down the adjective for the student on a class list so that the students have easy
access to the adjectives.
- Have the student write down the adjective on the specific line.
- Tell the student to now draw a NICE (emphasize this) picture of the person they have
been assigned doing something nice. State that you will be possibly grading the way
they write and the way that they draw and colour. Go over some examples of good
work verses poor work.
- Tell the student to write their name at the bottom of the page, on the line From
- Repeat until each child has a sheet and is working on their sheets.
Assessment Evidence:
- This activity will judge the students capacity to come up with respectful adjectives for
their classmates.
- I will also be looking at how they are forming their letters on the lines and how they are
- The students will be required to draw and colour their pictures properly. I will be
taking notes on how well they colour, so that I may start evaluating them for a later
Assessment Criteria:
- Is your drawing neat?
- Did you colour properly?
- Did you add a lot of detail to your colouring?
- Did you stay between the lines?
- Are you using uppercase/lowercase letters properly?
- Are you paying attention to your lines?