Year R Disco - Feb 15
Year R Disco - Feb 15
Year R Disco - Feb 15
Year R February Disco
Thursday 12th February 2015
3.30 4.30pm, 1.50 per child
Now that the Year R children have settled so well into school life, the Friends of Fair Oak
Infant School are organising a disco for them! At the end of the school day the children will
have the opportunity to change into their party clothes before being taken round to the
School Hall by their class teacher. At 4.30pm you can collect your child, please wait for
them outside their normal classroom.
If you would like them to take part, please ensure they bring 1.50 in a named envelope on
the morning of the disco for collection by FoFOIS volunteers. Please ensure they also have
their change of clothes in a bag clearly labelled with their name.
If your child normally attends Wyvern after-school club, please ensure you let the manager
know that your child will miss the first hour of club so that they are aware some children
may be late.
We are also looking for parents to help out at the disco so if you would like to come along and
join in the fun can you please contact us on or leave your
contact details with the School Office so that we can get in touch with you. Unfortunately
we can only accept offers of help from parents that have already had a DBS (previously CRB)
check carried out by the school.
Kind regards,
The Friends of Fair Oak Infant School Committee