Info Iec62067 (ed2.0.RL) B

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S+ IEC 62067
Edition 2.0



Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) Test methods and
Cbles d'nergie isolation extrude et leurs accessoires pour des tensions
assignes suprieures 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) et jusqu' 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
Mthodes et exigences d'essai



ICS 29.060.20

Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

Marque dpose de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale


ISBN 978-2-88912-779-5

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IEC 62067
Edition 2.0



Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) Test methods and

IEC 62067:2011

Cbles d'nergie isolation extrude et leurs accessoires pour des tensions

assignes suprieures 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) et jusqu' 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
Mthodes et exigences d'essai

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62067 IEC:2011

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 8

Scope ............................................................................................................................... 9

Normative references........................................................................................................ 9

Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.) ...................... 10

3.2 Definitions concerning tests ................................................................................... 11
3.3 Other definitions .................................................................................................... 11
Voltage designations and materials ................................................................................. 12

4.1 Rated voltages ...................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Cable insulating materials ...................................................................................... 12
4.3 Cable metal screens/sheaths ................................................................................. 12
4.4 Cable oversheathing materials ............................................................................... 12
Precautions against water penetration in cables .............................................................. 12

Cable characteristics ...................................................................................................... 13

Accessory characteristics................................................................................................ 13

Test conditions ............................................................................................................... 14


Ambient temperature ............................................................................................. 14

Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages .................................... 14
Wave form of impulse test voltages ....................................................................... 14
8.3.1 Lightning impulse voltage ........................................................................... 14
8.3.2 Switching impulse voltage .......................................................................... 14
8.4 Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages ........................................................ 14
8.5 Determination of the cable conductor temperature ................................................. 14
Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories ............. 15

9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 15

9.2 Partial discharge test ............................................................................................. 15
9.3 Voltage test ........................................................................................................... 15
9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable ............................................................... 15
10 Sample tests on cables ................................................................................................... 16

General ................................................................................................................. 16
Frequency of tests ................................................................................................. 16
Repetition of tests .................................................................................................. 16
Conductor examination .......................................................................................... 16
Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and of metal screen/sheath....... 16
Measurement of thickness of insulation and cable oversheath ................................ 17
10.6.1 General ..................................................................................................... 17
10.6.2 Requirements for the insulation .................................................................. 17
10.6.3 Requirements for the cable oversheath ...................................................... 17
10.7 Measurement of thickness of metal sheath............................................................. 17
10.7.1 Lead or lead alloy sheath ........................................................................... 18
10.7.2 Plain or corrugated aluminium sheath ........................................................ 18
10.8 Measurement of diameter ...................................................................................... 18
10.9 Hot set test for XLPE and EPR insulations ............................................................. 19
10.9.1 Procedure .................................................................................................. 19
10.9.2 Requirements ............................................................................................ 19
10.10 Measurement of capacitance ................................................................................. 19

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62067 IEC:2011

10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation ......................................................... 19

10.11.1 Procedure ............................................................................................... 19
10.11.2 Requirements ......................................................................................... 19
10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test .............................................................................. 19
10.13 Water penetration test ......................................................................................... 19
10.14 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape or
foil, bonded to the oversheath .............................................................................. 19
11 Sample tests on accessories ........................................................................................... 20
11.1 Tests on components ............................................................................................ 20
11.2 Tests on complete accessory ................................................................................. 20
12 Type tests on cable systems ........................................................................................... 20

General ................................................................................................................. 20
Range of type approval .......................................................................................... 20
Summary of type tests ........................................................................................... 21
Electrical type tests on complete cable systems ..................................................... 22
12.4.1 Test voltage values .................................................................................... 22
12.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests ...................................................................... 22
12.4.3 Bending test .............................................................................................. 23
12.4.4 Partial discharge tests ............................................................................... 23

12.4.5 Tan measurement ................................................................................... 24

12.4.6 Heating cycle voltage test .......................................................................... 24
12.4.7 Impulse voltage tests ................................................................................. 24
12.4.8 Examination ............................................................................................... 25
12.4.9 Resistivity of semi-conducting screens ....................................................... 25
12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable ................... 26
12.5.1 Check of cable construction ....................................................................... 26
12.5.2 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation before
and after ageing ......................................................................................... 26
12.5.3 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of oversheaths
before and after ageing .............................................................................. 27
12.5.4 Ageing tests on pieces of complete cable to check compatibility of
materials ................................................................................................... 27
12.5.5 Loss of mass test on PVC oversheaths of type ST 2 .................................... 28
12.5.6 Pressure test at high temperature on oversheaths ...................................... 28
12.5.7 Test on PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) at low temperature ..................... 28
12.5.8 Heat shock test for PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) .................................. 28
12.5.9 Ozone resistance test for EPR insulation .................................................... 29
12.5.10 Hot set test for EPR and XLPE insulations ................................................ 29
12.5.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation .............................................. 29
12.5.12 Measurement of carbon black content of black PE oversheaths (ST 3
and ST 7 ) .................................................................................................. 29
12.5.13 Test under fire conditions ......................................................................... 29
12.5.14 Water penetration test .............................................................................. 29
12.5.15 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath ....................................................... 30
13 Prequalification test of the cable system.......................................................................... 30
13.1 General and range of prequalification test approval ................................................ 30
13.2 Prequalification test on complete cable system ...................................................... 30
13.2.1 Summary of prequalification tests .............................................................. 30
13.2.2 Test voltage values .................................................................................... 31
13.2.3 Test arrangement ...................................................................................... 31

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62067 IEC:2011

13.2.4 Heating cycle voltage test .......................................................................... 31

13.2.5 Lightning impulse voltage test .................................................................... 32
13.2.6 Examination ............................................................................................... 32
13.3 Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a cable system............................. 32
13.3.1 Summary of the extension of prequalification test ....................................... 32
13.3.2 Electrical part of the extension of prequalification tests on complete
cable system.............................................................................................. 32
14 Type test on cables ......................................................................................................... 34
15 Type test on accessories ................................................................................................ 34
16 Electrical test after installation ........................................................................................ 34
Annex A

General ................................................................................................................. 34
DC voltage test of the oversheath .......................................................................... 35
AC voltage test of the insulation ............................................................................. 35
(informative) Determination of the cable conductor temperature .............................. 42

Annex B (normative) Rounding of numbers ........................................................................... 47

Annex C (informative) List of type and prequalification and extension of
prequalification tests of cable systems................................................................................... 48
Annex D (normative) Method of measuring resistivity of semi-conducting screens ................ 50
Annex E (normative) Water penetration test ......................................................................... 52
Annex F (normative) Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath .................................................................................... 54
Annex G (normative) Tests of outer protection for joints ....................................................... 57
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 1 Extension of prequalification test arrangement for the prequalification of a
system with another joint, designed for rigid as well as for flexible installation ........................ 33
Figure A.1 Typical test set-up for the reference loop and the main test loop ........................ 43
Figure A.2 Example of an arrangement of the temperature sensors on the conductor
of the reference loop ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure D.1 Preparation of samples for measurement of resistivity of conductor and
insulation screens ................................................................................................................. 51
Figure E.1 Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test ................................ 53
Figure F.1 Adhesion of metal foil ........................................................................................ 54
Figure F.2 Example of overlapped metal foil ....................................................................... 55
Figure F.3 Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ................................................................ 55
Table 1 Insulating compounds for cables ............................................................................ 35
Table 2 Oversheathing compounds for cables ..................................................................... 35
Table 3 Tan requirements for insulating compounds for cables ........................................ 35
Table 4 Test voltages ......................................................................................................... 36
Table 5 Non-electrical type tests for insulating and oversheathing compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 37
Table 6 Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables (before and after ageing) ............................................................................................ 38
Table 7 Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of oversheathing
compounds for cables (before and after ageing) .................................................................... 39
Table 8 Test requirements for particular characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 40

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62067 IEC:2011

Table 9 Test requirements for particular characteristics of PVC oversheathing for

cables ................................................................................................................................... 41
Table C.1 Type tests on cable systems ............................................................................... 48
Table C.2 Prequalification tests on cable systems ............................................................... 49
Table C.3 Extension of prequalification tests on cable systems ........................................... 49
Table G.1 Impulse voltage tests ......................................................................................... 58

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62067 IEC:2011


ABOVE 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) UP TO 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
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Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as IEC
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in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and nongovernmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
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International Standard IEC 62067 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 20: Electric
This second edition of IEC 62067 cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2001, and
its Amendment 1 (2006), and constitutes a technical revision.
The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:

addition of the extension of prequalification test, requiring significant less time to be

completed compared with the full prequalification test;

during the routine tests on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories the required
sensitivity level for the partial discharge test is reduced from 10 pC to 5 pC.

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62067 IEC:2011

For a more detailed history of events leading up to this second edition, see the Introduction.

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:


Report on voting



Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data related to
the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

replaced by a revised edition, or

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62067 IEC:2011

As a result of major developments in cable systems with extruded insulation for voltages above
150 kV, CIGRE Study Committee (SC) 21 set up Working Group (WG) 21.03 in 1990. The
terms of reference of WG 21.03 were "to prepare recommendations for electrical type tests,
sample and routine tests, based on extending IEC 60840:1988 up to 400 kV and to make
proposals for prequalification/development tests which, as a minimum, should be performed ".
WG 21.03 reported that the extension of IEC 60840 to voltages above 150 kV needed extra
consideration because of the following factors:

such cables form part of the backbone of the transmission system and, therefore, reliability
considerations are of the highest priority;

these cables and their accessories operate with higher electrical stresses than cables up to
150 kV and, as a result, have a smaller safety margin with respect to the intrinsic
performance boundaries of the cable system;

such cables and accessories have a thicker insulation wall than those up to 150 kV and, as
a result, are subjected to greater thermomechanical effects;

the design and coordination of the cables and accessories becomes more difficult with
increasing system voltage levels.

The recommendations of the WG 21.03 were published in Electra No. 151 in December 1993
and taken into account by IEC in 1995 in the preparation of this standard for cable systems
with extruded insulation for voltages above 150 kV. IEC considered that the new standard
should also cover the 500 kV level. Thus, at its meeting in September 1996, CIGRE SC 21 set
up task force 21.18 to study the extension of the initial recommendations to the 500 kV level.
The updated recommendations were cited in Electra No. 193 in December 2000 and thus were
also taken into account by IEC Technical Committee (TC) 20 in the preparation of the first
edition of this standard.
On the advice of CIGRE, a long term accelerated ageing test was introduced in the first edition,
in order to gain some indication of the long term reliability of a cable system. This test, known
as the "prequalification test", was to be performed on the complete system comprising the
cable, joints and terminations in order to demonstrate the performance of the system.
In addition, CIGRE WG 21.09, published recommendations for tests after installation on highvoltage extruded insulation cable systems in Electra No 173 in August 1997. These
recommendations (which state, amongst other things, that d.c. tests should be avoided on the
main insulation, as they are both ineffective and potentially damaging) were also taken into
account in the first edition of this standard.
At its meeting in November 2004, TC 20 concluded that the next revision of IEC 62067 should
include the recommendation for testing of HV and EHV extruded cables that was under
preparation by the CIGRE SC B1 (previously SC 21) WG B1.06. This was made available as a
CIGRE Technical Brochure 303 before the meeting of TC 20 in October 2006, which confirmed
this view. Therefore Technical Brochure 303 has been considered by TC 20 and major parts
implemented in this standard. This has resulted in some modifications to the prequalification
test requirements, a major change being the addition of the extension of prequalification test.
The latter test requires approximately one quarter of the time to complete when compared with
the full prequalification test.
A list of relevant CIGRE references is given in the bibliography.

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62067 IEC:2011


ABOVE 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) UP TO 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)


This International Standard specifies test methods and requirements for power cable systems,
cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for fixed installations, for rated voltages
above 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) up to and including 500 kV (U m = 550 kV).
The requirements apply to single-core cables and to their accessories for usual conditions of
installation and operation, but not to special cables and their accessories, such as submarine
cables, for which modifications to the standard tests may be necessary or special test
conditions may need to be devised.
This standard does not cover transition joints between cables with extruded insulation and
paper insulated cables.

Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE The IEC 60811 series is currently undergoing a revision, which will lead to a restructuring of its parts. A
description of this, as well as a cross-reference table between the current and planned parts will be given in
IEC 60811-100.

IEC 60060-1 High-voltage test techniques Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
IEC 60183, Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables
IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60229:2007, Electric cables Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special protective
IEC 60230, Impulse tests on cables and their accessories
IEC 60287-1-1:2006, Electric cables Calculation of the current rating Part 1-1: Current
rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses General
IEC 60332-1-2, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions Part 1-2: Test
for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed
IEC 60811-1-1:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables and optical cables Section 1-1: Methods for general application Measurement of
thickness and overall dimensions Tests for determining the mechanical properties
Amendment 1 (2001)

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62067 IEC:2011

IEC 60811-1-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1: Methods for general application Section Two: Thermal ageing methods
Amendment 1 (1989)
Amendment 2 (2000)
IEC 60811-1-3:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1-3: General application Methods for determining the density Water
absorption tests Shrinkage test
Amendment 1 (2001)
IEC 60811-1-4:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1: Methods for general application Section Four: Tests at low temperature
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2001)
IEC 60811-2-1:1998, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
and optical cables Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds Ozone resistance,
hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
Amendment 1 (2001)
IEC 60811-3-1:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds Section 1: Pressure test at high
temperature Tests for resistance to cracking
Amendment 1 (1994)
Amendment 2 (2001)
IEC 60811-3-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds Section two: Loss of mass test
Thermal stability test
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2003)
IEC 60811-4-1:2004, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables
Common test methods Part 4-1: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene
compounds Resistance to environmental stress cracking Measurement of the melt flow
index Carbon black and/or mineral filler content measurement in polyethylene by direct
combustion Measurement of carbon black content by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
Assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope
IEC 60885-3, Electrical test methods for electric cables Part 3: Test methods for partial
discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables

Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document the following terms and definitions apply.

Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.)

nominal value
value by which a quantity is designated and which is often used in tables
NOTE Usually, in this standard, nominal values give rise to values to be checked by measurements taking into
account specified tolerances.

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62067 CEI:2011

AVANT-PROPOS .................................................................................................................. 66
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 68

Domaine d'application .................................................................................................... 70

Rfrences normatives ................................................................................................... 70

Termes et dfinitions ...................................................................................................... 72

3.1 Dfinitions de valeurs dimensionnelles (paisseurs, sections, etc.) ....................... 72

3.2 Dfinitions relatives aux essais ............................................................................. 72
3.3 Autre dfinitions .................................................................................................... 73
Dsignations des tensions et des matriaux ................................................................... 73

4.1 Tensions assignes ............................................................................................... 73

4.2 Mlanges isolants pour cbles .............................................................................. 73
4.3 Ecrans et gaines mtalliques pour cbles .............................................................. 73
4.4 Mlanges pour gaines extrieures de cbles ......................................................... 73
Prcautions contre l'entre d'eau dans les cbles........................................................... 74

Caractristiques du cble ............................................................................................... 74

Caractristiques des accessoires ................................................................................... 75

Conditions d'essai .......................................................................................................... 75


Temprature ambiante .......................................................................................... 75

Frquence et forme d'onde des tensions d'essai frquence industrielle .............. 75
Forme d'onde des tensions d'essai en choc ........................................................... 76
8.3.1 Tensions en choc de foudre ....................................................................... 76
8.3.2 Tensions en choc de manoeuvre ............................................................... 76
8.4 Relations entre tensions d'essai et tensions assignes.......................................... 76
8.5 Dtermination de la temprature de lme du cble ............................................... 76
Essais individuels des cbles et de lisolation principale des accessoires
prfabriqus ................................................................................................................... 76

9.1 Gnralits............................................................................................................ 76
9.2 Essai de dcharges partielles ................................................................................ 77
9.3 Essai de tension .................................................................................................... 77
9.4 Essai lectrique sur la gaine extrieure du cble ................................................... 77
10 Essais sur prlvements des cbles ............................................................................... 77

Gnralits............................................................................................................ 77
Frquence des essais ........................................................................................... 78
Rptition des essais ............................................................................................ 78
Examen de l'me ................................................................................................... 78
Mesure de la rsistance lectrique de l'me et de lcran mtallique ..................... 78
Mesure de l'paisseur de l'enveloppe isolante et de celle de la gaine
extrieure du cble ................................................................................................ 79
10.6.1 Gnralits ................................................................................................ 79
10.6.2 Exigences relatives l'enveloppe isolante ................................................. 79
10.6.3 Exigences relatives la gaine extrieure du cble ..................................... 79
10.7 Mesure de l'paisseur de la gaine mtallique ........................................................ 79
10.7.1 Gaine de plomb ou d'alliage de plomb ....................................................... 80
10.7.2 Gaine lisse ou ondule en aluminium ........................................................ 80
10.8 Mesure des diamtres ........................................................................................... 80

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10.9 Essai d'allongement chaud des enveloppes isolantes en PR et en EPR.............. 81

10.9.1 Mode opratoire ........................................................................................ 81
10.9.2 Exigences .................................................................................................. 81
10.10 Mesure de la capacit ........................................................................................... 81
10.11 Mesure de la masse volumique des enveloppes isolantes en PEHD ...................... 81
10.11.1 Mode opratoire ........................................................................................ 81
10.11.2 Exigences .................................................................................................. 81
10.12 Essai aux chocs de foudre..................................................................................... 81
10.13 Essai de pntration deau .................................................................................... 81
10.14 Essais sur les composants de cbles avec un ruban ou une feuille mtallique
pos(e) en long et contrecoll(e) la gaine extrieure .......................................... 82
11 Essais sur prlvements des accessoires ....................................................................... 82
11.1 Essais des composants ......................................................................................... 82
11.2 Essais sur accessoires complets ........................................................................... 82
12 Essais de type des systmes de cble ........................................................................... 82

Gnralits............................................................................................................ 82
Etendue de l'acceptation de type ........................................................................... 83
Rsum des essais de type ................................................................................... 83
Essais lectriques sur systmes de cble complet ................................................ 84
12.4.1 Valeurs des tensions dessai ..................................................................... 84
12.4.2 Essais et squence d'essais ...................................................................... 84
12.4.3 Essai d'enroulement .................................................................................. 85
12.4.4 Essai de dcharges partielles .................................................................... 86
12.4.5 Mesure de tan ......................................................................................... 86

12.4.6 Essai de cycles de chauffage sous tension ................................................ 86

12.4.7 Essais aux chocs ....................................................................................... 87
12.4.8 Examen ..................................................................................................... 88
12.4.9 Rsistivit des crans semi-conducteurs ................................................... 88
12.5 Essais de type non lectriques sur les constituants du cble et sur cble
complet ................................................................................................................. 88
12.5.1 Vrification de la constitution du cble ....................................................... 89
12.5.2 Dtermination des proprits mcaniques des enveloppes isolantes
avant et aprs vieillissement...................................................................... 89
12.5.3 Dtermination des proprits mcaniques des gaines extrieures
avant et aprs vieillissement...................................................................... 89
12.5.4 Essais de vieillissement sur tronons de cbles complets pour
vrifier la compatibilit des matriaux ........................................................ 90
12.5.5 Essai de perte de masse pour les gaines extrieures en PVC du type
ST 2 ........................................................................................................... 91
12.5.6 Essai de pression temprature leve sur les gaines extrieures ........... 91
12.5.7 Essai sur les gaines extrieures en PVC (ST 1 et ST 2 ) basse
temprature ............................................................................................... 91
12.5.8 Essai de choc thermique pour les gaines extrieures en PVC (ST 1 et
ST 2 ) .......................................................................................................... 91
12.5.9 Essai de rsistance l'ozone des enveloppes isolantes en EPR ............... 91
12.5.10 Essai d'allongement chaud pour les enveloppes isolantes en EPR
et en PR .................................................................................................... 92
12.5.11 Mesure de la masse volumique des enveloppes isolantes en PEHD .......... 92
12.5.12 Mesure du taux de noir de carbone des gaines extrieures en PE de
couleur noire (ST 3 et ST 7 ) ........................................................................ 92

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12.5.13 Essai des cbles soumis au feu ................................................................. 92

12.5.14 Essai de pntration d'eau ........................................................................ 92
12.5.15 Essais sur les composants de cbles avec un ruban ou une feuille
mtallique pos(e) en long et contrecoll(e) la gaine extrieure ............. 92
13 Essai de prqualification sur le systme de cble ........................................................... 93
13.1 Gnralits et domaine dacceptation de lessai de prqualification ....................... 93
13.2 Essai de prqualification sur systme de cble complet ........................................ 93
13.2.1 Rsum des essais de prqualification ...................................................... 93
13.2.2 Valeurs des tensions dessai .................................................................... 94
13.2.3 Montage dessai ........................................................................................ 94
13.2.4 Essai de cycles de chauffage sous tension ................................................ 94
13.2.5 Essai la tension de choc de foudre ......................................................... 95
13.2.6 Examen ..................................................................................................... 95
13.3 Essais dextension de prqualification dun systme de cble ............................... 95
13.3.1 Rsum de lextension de prqualification ................................................. 95
13.3.2 Partie lectrique des essais dextension de prqualification sur un
systme complet de cble ......................................................................... 95
14 Essai de type des cbles ................................................................................................ 97
15 Essai de type des accessoires ........................................................................................ 97
16 Essais lectriques aprs pose ........................................................................................ 98
16.1 Gnralits............................................................................................................ 98
16.2 Essai sous tension continue de la gaine extrieure ............................................... 98
16.3 Essai sous tension alternative de lenveloppe isolante .......................................... 98
Annexe A (informative) Dtermination de la temprature de lme du cble ....................... 104
Annexe B (normative) Arrondissement des nombres .......................................................... 109
Annexe C (informative) Liste des essais de type et des essais de prqualification et
dextension de prequalification des systmes de cble ....................................................... 110
Annexe D (normative) Mthode de mesure de la rsistivit des crans semiconducteurs ........................................................................................................................ 112
Annexe E (normative) Essai de pntration deau .............................................................. 114
Annexe F (normative) Essais des composants de cbles comportant un ruban ou une
feuille mtallique appliqu(e) longitudinalement et contrecoll(e) la gaine extrieure ....... 116
Annexe G (normative) Essais de la protection externe des jonctions .................................. 118
Bibliographie ....................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 1 Montage dessai de lessai dextension de prqualification dun systme
pour la prqualification dun systme avec une autre jonction, prvu pour une
installation rigide aussi bien quune installation souple ......................................................... 96
Figure A.1 Montage typique de la boucle de rfrence et de la boucle principale
dessai ................................................................................................................................ 105
Figure A.2 Exemple de disposition des capteurs de temprature sur lme de la
boucle de rfrence ............................................................................................................ 106
Figure D.1 Prparation des chantillons pour la mesure de la rsistivit des crans
sur me et sur enveloppe isolante ...................................................................................... 113
Figure E.1 Schma de principe de lappareillage pour lessai de pntration deau .......... 115
Figure F.1 Adhrence de la bande mtallique .................................................................. 116
Figure F.2 Exemple de bande mtallique avec recouvrement ........................................... 117
Figure F.3 Force de dcollement au recouvrement de la bande mtallique ...................... 117

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62067 CEI:2011


Tableau 1 Mlanges isolants pour cbles ........................................................................... 98

Tableau 2 Mlanges de gaines extrieures pour cbles ..................................................... 99
Tableau 3 Exigences pour tan pour les mlanges isolants pour cbles ............................ 99
Tableau 4 Tensions dessai ............................................................................................... 99
Tableau 5 Essais de type non lectriques pour mlanges pour enveloppes isolantes
et pour gaines extrieures de cbles................................................................................... 100
Tableau 6 Exigences d'essai pour les caractristiques mcaniques des mlanges
pour enveloppes isolantes de cbles (avant et aprs vieillissement) ................................... 101
Tableau 7 Exigences d'essai pour les caractristiques mcaniques des mlanges
pour gaine extrieure de cbles (avant et aprs vieillissement)........................................... 102
Tableau 8 Exigences d'essai pour les caractristiques particulires des mlanges
pour enveloppes isolantes de cbles .................................................................................. 102
Tableau 9 Exigences d'essai pour les caractristiques particulires des mlanges
base de PVC pour gaines extrieures de cbles ................................................................. 103
Tableau C.1 Essais de type sur des systmes de cble ................................................... 110
Tableau C.2 Essais de prqualification sur des systmes de cble .................................. 111
Tableau C.3 Essais dextension de prqualification sur des systmes de cble ............... 111
Tableau G.1 Essais aux ondes de choc ........................................................................... 119

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62067 CEI:2011


SUPRIEURES 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) ET JUSQU' 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
1) La Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (CEI) est une organisation mondiale de normalisation
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de brevets et de ne pas avoir signal leur existence.

La Norme internationale CEI 62067 a t tablie par le Comit d'tudes 20 de la CEI: Cbles
Cette seconde dition de la CEI 62067 annule et remplace la premire dition, parue
en 2001, et son Amendement 1 (2006), et constitue une rvision technique.
Les modifications principales par rapport ldition prcdente sont les suivantes:

ajout dune extension dessai de prqualification, exige significativement moins de temps

pour tre achev compar lessai de prequalification complet;

lors des essais courant concernant lisolation principale des accessoires prfabriqus, le
niveau de sensibilit exig pour lessai de dcharge partiel est rduit de 10 pC 5 pC.

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62067 CEI:2011


NOTE Voir lIntroduction pour un historique plus complet sur les evenements qui conduissaient la publication de
cette deuxime dition.

Le texte de cette norme est issu des documents suivants:


Rapport de vote



Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant
abouti l'approbation de cette norme.
Cette publication a t rdige selon les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 2.
Le comit a dcid que le contenu de cette publication ne sera pas modifi avant la date de
stabilit indique sur le site web de la CEI sous "" dans les donnes
relatives la publication recherche. A cette date, la publication sera

remplace par une dition rvise, ou

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62067 CEI:2011

En raison des dveloppements importants des rseaux de cbles isolation extrude pour
les tensions suprieures 150 kV, le Comit dtudes (CE) 21 de la CIGRE a constitu un
Groupe de Travail (GT) 21.03 en 1990, dont les termes de rfrence taient de prparer
des recommandations pour les essais de type lectriques, les essais sur prlvements et les
essais individuels, en tendant la norme CEI 60840:1988 jusqu 400 kV, et de faire des
propositions pour les essais de prqualification/dveloppement qui doivent tre effectus a
minima .
Le GT 21.03 a indiqu que lextension de la CEI 60840 aux tensions suprieures 150 kV
mritait une considration particulire en raison des facteurs suivants:

ces cbles constituent lun des lments essentiels des rseaux de transport et, par
consquent, les considrations de fiabilit sont de la plus haute importance;

ces cbles et leurs accessoires fonctionnent sous des contraintes lectriques suprieures
celles des cbles de tensions jusqu 150 kV et, de ce fait, ont une marge de scurit
plus restreinte par rapport la performance intrinsque des liaisons par cbles;

ces cbles et leurs accessoires ont une paisseur disolation plus forte que celle des
matriels jusqu 150 kV et sont donc soumis des contraintes thermomcaniques plus

la conception et la compatibilit des cbles et de leurs accessoires deviennent plus

difficiles avec laccroissement des niveaux de tension des rseaux.

Les recommandations du GT 21.03 ont t publies dans Electra n151 en dcembre 1993 et
prises en compte par la CEI en 1995 dans la prparation de la prsente norme pour les
rseaux de cbles isolation extrude de tensions suprieures 150 kV. La CEI a cependant
considr que cette norme devrait aussi couvrir le niveau 500 kV. Ainsi, lors de sa runion de
septembre 1996, le SC 21 de la CIGRE a cr un groupe ad hoc 21.18 pour tudier
lextension des recommandations initiales au niveau 500 kV. Les recommandations mises
jour ont t exposes dans Electra n 193 en dcembre 2000 et ont alors, t galement
prises en compte par le Comit dtudes de la CEI 20 dans la prparation de la premire
dition de cette norme.
Sur avis de CIGRE, un essai de vieillissement acclr de longue dure avait t introduit
dans la premire dition, afin dobtenir des indications sur la fiabilit long terme dun rseau
de cbles. Cet essai dnomm essai de prqualification, devait tre effectu sur le
systme complet comprenant cble, jonctions et extrmits afin de dmontrer la performance
du systme.
En outre, le GT 21.09 de la CIGRE, dont la tche tait dtudier les essais aprs la pose des
rseaux de cbles haute tension isolation extrude, a publi ses recommandations dans
Electra n 173 en aot 1997. Celles-ci avaient galement t prises en compte dans la
premire dition de la prsente norme. Ces recommandations indiquent, entre autres, qu'il
convient que les essais sous tension continue soient vits sur lisolation principale car ils
sont la fois inefficaces et dangereux.

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Lors de sa runion de novembre 2004, le TC 20 a dcid que la prochaine rvision de la

CEI 62067 devrait incorporer les recommandations dessais des cbles extruds HT et THT
que prparait le GT B1.06 du Comit Technique B1 (antrieurement appel SC 21). Ces
recommandations parurent sous forme dune Brochure Thmatique 303 avant la runion
doctobre 2006 du TC 20 qui confirma cette position. Pour cette raison, la Brochure
Thmatique 303 a t prise en compte par le TC 20 qui en a introduit d importantes parties
dans cette norme. Il en a rsult quelques modifications aux exigences dessai de
prqualification. Un changement majeur a t lajout de lessai dextension de
prqualification. Pour tre ralis compltement cet essai requiert approximativement le quart
du temps de lessai de prqualification dans son entiret.
Une liste des rfrences CIGRE appropries est donne dans la bibliographie.

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62067 CEI:2011


SUPRIEURES 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) ET JUSQU' 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)

Domaine d'application

La prsente Norme internationale spcifie les mthodes et les exigences d'essai applicables
aux systmes de cbles dnergie, comprenant les cbles isolation extrude et leurs
accessoires pour installations fixes, pour des tensions assignes suprieures 150 kV
(U m = 170 kV) et jusqu' 500 kV (U m = 550 kV) compris.
Les exigences sont applicables aux cbles unipolaires et leurs accessoires, pour des
conditions habituelles d'installation et de fonctionnement, mais ne le sont pas des cbles
spciaux et leurs accessoires comme les cbles sous-marins, pour lesquels il peut tre
ncessaire d'apporter des modifications aux essais normaux ou dlaborer des conditions
d'essai particulires.
Cette norme ne concerne pas les jonctions de transition entre cbles isolation extrude et
cbles isols au papier.

Rfrences normatives

Les documents suivants sont cits

partie, dans le prsent document
rfrences dates, seule ldition
dernire dition du document

en rfrence de manire normative, en intgralit ou en

et sont indispensables pour son application. Pour les
cite sapplique. Pour les rfrences non dates, la
de rfrence sapplique (y compris les ventuels

NOTE La srie CEI 60811 subit actuellement une rvision, qui mnera une restructuration de ses parties. On en
donnera une description, aussi bien qu'une table de correspondance entre les parties actuelles et planifies dans
IEC 60811-100.

CEI 60060-1, Techniques des essais haute tension Premire partie: Dfinitions et
exigences gnrales relatives aux essais
CEI 60183, Guide pour le choix des cbles haute tension
CEI 60228, Ames des cbles isols
CEI 60229:2007, Cbles lectriques Essais sur les gaines extrieures extrude avec
fonction spciale de protection
CEI 60230, Essais de choc des cbles et de leurs accessoires
CEI 60287-1-1:2006, Cbles lectriques Calcul du courant admissible Partie 1-1:
Equations de l'intensit du courant admissible (facteur de charge 100 %) et calcul des pertes
CEI 60332-1-2, Essais des cbles lectriques et fibres optiques soumis au feu Partie 1-2:
Essai de propagation verticale de la flamme sur conducteur ou cble isol Procdure pour
flamme prmlange de 1 kW

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CEI 60811-1-1:1993, Mthodes dessais communes pour les matriaux disolation et de

gainage des cbles lectriques et des cbles optiques Section 1-1: Mthodes d'application
gnrale Mesure des paisseurs et des dimensions extrieures Dtermination des
proprits mcaniques
Amendement1 ( 2001)
CEI 60811-1-2, Mthodes dessais communes pour les matriaux disolation et de gainage
des cbles lectriques Premire partie: Mthodes d'application gnrale Section Deux:
Mthodes de vieillissement thermique
Amendement 1 (1989)
Amendement 2 (2000)
CEI 60811-1-3:1993, Mthodes d'essais communes pour matriaux d'isolation et de gainage
des cbles lectriques et optiques Partie 1-3: Application gnrale Mthodes de
dtermination de la masse volumique Essais d'absorption d'eau Essai de rtraction
Amendement 1 (2001)
CEI 60811-1-4:1985, Mthodes dessais communes pour les matriaux disolation et de
gainage des cbles lectriques Premire partie: Mthodes d'application gnrale
Section quatre: Essais basse temprature
Amendement 1 (1993)
Amendement 2 (2001)
CEI 60811-2-1:1998, Mthodes d'essais communes pour matriaux d'isolation et de gainage
des cbles lectriques et optiques Partie 2-1: Mthodes spcifiques pour les mlanges
lastomres Essais relatifs la rsistance l'ozone, l'allongement chaud et la
rsistance l'huile
Amendement 1 (2001)
CEI 60811-3-1:1985, Mthodes dessais communes pour les matriaux disolation et de
gainage des cbles lectriques Troisime partie: Mthodes spcifiques pour les mlanges
PVC Section une: Essai de pression temprature leve Essais de rsistance la
Amendement 1 (1994)
Amendement 2 (2001)
CEI 60811-3-2:1985, Mthodes dessais communes pour les matriaux disolation et de
gainage des cbles lectriques Troisime 3: Mthodes spcifiques pour les mlanges PVC
Section deux: Essai de perte de masse Essai de stabilit thermique
Amendement 1 (1993)
Amendement 2 (2003)
CEI 60811-4-1, Matriaux d'isolation et de gainage des cbles lectriques et optiques
Mthodes d'essais communes Partie 4-1: Mthodes spcifiques pour les mlanges
polythylne et polypropylne Rsistance aux craquelures sous contraintes dues
l'environnement Mesure de l'indice de fluidit chaud Mesure dans le polythylne du
taux de noir de carbone et/ou des charges minrales par mthode de combustion directe
Mesure du taux de noir de carbone par analyse thermogravimtrique Evaluation de la
dispersion du noir de carbone dans le polythylne au moyen d'un microscope
CEI 60885-3, Mthodes dessais lectriques pour les cbles lectriques Troisime partie:
Mthodes dessais pour mesures de dcharges partielles sur longueurs de cbles de
puissance extruds

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IEC 62067
Edition 2.0



Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) Test methods and

IEC 62067:2011

Cbles d'nergie isolation extrude et leurs accessoires pour des tensions

assignes suprieures 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) et jusqu' 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
Mthodes et exigences d'essai

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62067 IEC:2011


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 8

Scope ............................................................................................................................... 9

Normative references........................................................................................................ 9

Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 11

3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.) ...................... 11

3.2 Definitions concerning tests ................................................................................... 11
3.3 Other definitions .................................................................................................... 12
Voltage designations and materials ................................................................................. 12

4.1 Rated voltages ...................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Cable insulating materials ...................................................................................... 12
4.3 Cable metal screens/sheaths ................................................................................. 12
4.4 Cable oversheathing materials ............................................................................... 12
Precautions against water penetration in cables .............................................................. 13

Cable characteristics ...................................................................................................... 13

Accessory characteristics................................................................................................ 14

Test conditions ............................................................................................................... 14


Ambient temperature ............................................................................................. 14

Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages .................................... 14
Wave form of lightning impulse test voltages .......................................................... 14
8.3.1 Lightning impulse voltage ........................................................................... 14

Waveform of Switching impulse test voltage ................................................ 15

8.4 Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages ........................................................ 15

8.5 Determination of the cable conductor temperature ................................................. 15
Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories ............. 15

9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 15

9.2 Partial discharge test ............................................................................................. 16
9.3 Voltage test ........................................................................................................... 16
9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable ............................................................... 16
10 Sample tests on cables ................................................................................................... 16

General ................................................................................................................. 16
Frequency of tests ................................................................................................. 17
Repetition of tests .................................................................................................. 17
Conductor examination .......................................................................................... 17
Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and of metal screen/sheath....... 17
Measurement of thickness of insulation and cable oversheath ................................ 17
10.6.1 General ..................................................................................................... 17
10.6.2 Requirements for the insulation .................................................................. 18
10.6.3 Requirements for the cable oversheath ...................................................... 18
10.7 Measurement of thickness of metallic sheath ......................................................... 18
10.7.1 Lead or lead alloy sheath ........................................................................... 18
10.7.2 Plain or corrugated aluminium sheath ........................................................ 19
10.8 Measurement of diameter ...................................................................................... 19

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62067 IEC:2011

10.9 Hot set test for XLPE and EPR insulations ............................................................. 19
10.9.1 Procedure .................................................................................................. 19
10.9.2 Requirements ............................................................................................ 20
10.10 Measurement of capacitance............................................................................... 20
10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation ........................................................ 20
10.11.1 Procedure ............................................................................................... 20
10.11.2 Requirements .......................................................................................... 20
10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test followed by a power frequency voltage test ........... 20
10.13 Water penetration test......................................................................................... 20
10.14 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape or
foil, bonded to the oversheath ............................................................................. 20
11 Sample tests on accessories ........................................................................................... 21
11.1 Tests on components ............................................................................................ 21
11.2 Tests on complete accessory ................................................................................. 21
12 Type tests on cable systems ........................................................................................... 21

General ................................................................................................................. 21
Range of type approval .......................................................................................... 22
Summary of type tests ........................................................................................... 23
Electrical type tests on complete cable systems ..................................................... 23
12.4.1 Check on insulation thickness of cable for electrical type tests Test
voltage values ............................................................................................ 23
12.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests ...................................................................... 24
12.4.3 Special provisions ...................................................................................... 24
12.4.3 Bending test .............................................................................................. 24
12.4.4 Partial discharge tests ............................................................................... 25

12.4.5 Tan measurement ................................................................................... 25

12.4.6 Heating cycle voltage test .......................................................................... 26
12.4.7 Impulse voltage tests ................................................................................. 26
12.4.8 Examination ............................................................................................... 27
12.4.9 Resistivity of semi-conducting screens ....................................................... 27
12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable ................... 28
12.5.1 Check of cable construction ....................................................................... 28
12.5.2 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation before
and after ageing ......................................................................................... 28
12.5.3 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of oversheaths
before and after ageing .............................................................................. 29
12.5.4 Ageing tests on pieces of complete cable to check compatibility of
materials ................................................................................................... 29
12.5.5 Loss of mass test on PVC oversheaths of type ST 2 .................................... 30
12.5.6 Pressure test at high temperature on oversheaths ...................................... 30
12.5.7 Test on PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) at low temperature ..................... 30
12.5.8 Heat shock test for PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) .................................. 30
12.5.9 Ozone resistance test for EPR insulation .................................................... 31
12.5.10 Hot set test for EPR and XLPE insulations ............................................... 31
12.5.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation ............................................. 31
12.5.12 Measurement of carbon black content of black PE oversheaths(ST 3
and ST 7 ) ................................................................................................. 31
12.5.13 Test under fire conditions ........................................................................ 31
12.5.14 Water penetration test ............................................................................. 31
12.5.15 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath ...................................................... 32

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13 Prequalification test of the cable system.......................................................................... 32

13.1 General and range of prequalification test approval ................................................ 32
13.2 Prequalification test on complete cable system ...................................................... 33
13.2.1 Summary of prequalification tests .............................................................. 33
13.2.2 Check on insulation thickness of cable for electrical prequalification
test Test voltage values ............................................................................. 33
13.2.3 Test arrangement ...................................................................................... 33
13.2.4 Heating cycle voltage test .......................................................................... 33
13.2.5 Lightning impulse voltage test on cable samples ........................................ 34
13.2.6 Examination ............................................................................................... 34
13.3 Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a cable system............................. 34
13.3.1 Summary of the extension of prequalification test ....................................... 34
13.3.2 Electrical part of the extension of prequalification tests on complete
cable system.............................................................................................. 34
14 Type test on cables ......................................................................................................... 36
15 Type test on accessories ................................................................................................ 36
16 Electrical test after installation ........................................................................................ 36
16.1 General ................................................................................................................. 36
16.2 DC voltage test of the oversheath .......................................................................... 37
16.3 AC voltage test of the insulation ............................................................................. 37
Annex A (informative) Determination of the cable conductor temperature .............................. 44
Annex B (normative) Rounding of numbers ........................................................................... 48
Annex C (informative) List of type and prequalification and extension of prequalification
tests of cable systems ........................................................................................................... 49
Annex D (normative) Method of measuring resistivity of semi-conducting screens ................. 51
Annex E (normative) Water penetration test ......................................................................... 53
Annex F (normative) Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath .................................................................................... 55
Annex G (normative) Tests of outer protection for joints ....................................................... 57
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 1 Example of extension of prequalification test arrangement for the
prequalification of a system with another joint, designed for rigid as well as for flexible
installation ............................................................................................................................ 35
Figure A.1 Typical test set-up for the reference loop and the main test loop ........................ 45
Figure A.2 Example of an arrangement of the temperature sensors on the conductor
of the reference loop ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure D.1 Preparation of samples for measurement of resistivity of conductor and
insulation screens ................................................................................................................. 52
Figure E.1 Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test ................................ 54
Figure F.1 Adhesion of metal foil ........................................................................................ 55
Figure F.2 Example of overlapped metal foil ....................................................................... 56
Figure F.3 Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ................................................................ 56
Table 1 Insulating compounds for cables ............................................................................ 37
Table 2 Oversheathing compounds for cables ..................................................................... 37
Table 3 Tan requirements for insulating compounds for cables ........................................ 38

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Table 4 Test voltages ......................................................................................................... 38

Table 5 Non-electrical type tests for insulating and oversheathing compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 39
Table 6 Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables (before and after ageing) ............................................................................................ 40
Table 7 Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of oversheathing
compounds for cables (before and after ageing) .................................................................... 41
Table 8 Carbon black content of thermoplastic polyethylene oversheathing
coumpounds for cables ......................................................................................................... 42
Table 8 Test requirements for particular characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 42
Table 9 Test requirements for particular characteristics of PVC oversheathing
compounds for cables ........................................................................................................... 43
Table 10 AC test voltages after installation ......................................................................... 43
Table C.1 Type tests on cable systems ............................................................................... 49
Table C.2 Prequalification tests on cable systems ............................................................... 50
Table C.3 Extension of prequalification tests on cable systems ........................................... 50
Table G.1 Impulse voltage tests ......................................................................................... 58

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62067 IEC:2011


ABOVE 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) UP TO 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
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Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as IEC
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
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This Redline version is not an official IEC Standard and is intended only to provide the
user with an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Only
the current version of the standard is to be considered the official document.
This Redline version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes
between this standard and its previous edition. A vertical bar appears in the margin
wherever a change has been made. Additions and deletions are displayed in red, with
deletions being struck through.
International Standard IEC 62067 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 20: Electric
This second edition of IEC 62067 cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2001, and
its Amendment 1 (2006), and constitutes a technical revision.

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62067 IEC:2011

The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:

addition of the extension of prequalification test, requiring significant less time to be

completed compared with the full prequalification test;

during the routine tests on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories the required
sensitivity level for the partial discharge test is reduced from 10 pC to 5 pC.


For a more detailed history of events leading up to this second edition, see the Introduction.

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:


Report on voting



Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data related to
the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

replaced by a revised edition, or

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62067 IEC:2011

As a result of major developments in cable systems with extruded insulation for voltages above
150 kV, CIGRE Study Committee (SC) 21 set up Working Group (WG) 21.03 in 1990. The
terms of reference of WG 21.03 were "to prepare recommendations for electrical type tests,
sample and routine tests, based on extending IEC 60840:1988 up to 400 kV and to make
proposals for prequalification/development tests which, as a minimum, should be performed ".
WG 21.03 reported that the extension of IEC 60840 to voltages above 150 kV needed extra
consideration because of the following factors:

such cables form part of the backbone of the transmission system and, therefore, reliability
considerations are of the highest priority;

these cables and their accessories operate with higher electrical stresses than cables up to
150 kV and, as a result, have a smaller safety margin with respect to the intrinsic
performance boundaries of the cable system;

such cables and accessories have a thicker insulation wall than those up to 150 kV and, as
a result, are subjected to greater thermomechanical effects;

the design and coordination of the cables and accessories becomes more difficult with
increasing system voltage levels.

The recommendations of the WG 21.03 were published in Electra No. 151 in December 1993
and taken into account by IEC in 1995 in the preparation of this standard for cable systems
with extruded insulation for voltages above 150 kV. IEC considered that the new standard
should also cover the 500 kV level. Thus, at its meeting in September 1996, CIGRE SC 21 set
up task force 21.18 to study the extension of the initial recommendations to the 500 kV level.
The updated recommendations were cited in Electra No. 193 in December 2000 and again thus
were also taken into account by IEC Technical Committee (TC) 20 in the preparation of the first
edition of this standard.
Compared with IEC 60840 (1988), revised and published in 1999 as IEC 60840 edition 2, there
is a major difference On the advice of CIGRE, a long term accelerated ageing test was
introduced in the first edition, in order to gain some indication of the long term reliability of a
cable system. This test, known as the "prequalification test", was to be performed on the
complete system comprising the cable, joints and terminations in order to demonstrate the
performance of the system.
In addition, CIGRE WG 21.09, published recommendations for tests after installation on highvoltage extruded insulation cable systems in Electra No 173 in August 1997. These
recommendations (which state, amongst other things, that d.c. tests should be avoided on the
main insulation, as they are both ineffective and dangerous potentially damaging) were also
taken into account in the first edition of this standard. On the other hand, d.c. tests are
recommended on the oversheath.
At its meeting in November 2004, TC 20 concluded that the next revision of IEC 62067 should
include the recommendation for testing of HV and EHV extruded cables that was under
preparation by the CIGRE SC B1 (previously SC 21) WG B1.06. This was made available as a
CIGRE Technical Brochure 303 before the meeting of TC 20 in October 2006, which confirmed
this view. Therefore Technical Brochure 303 has been considered by TC 20 and major parts
implemented in this standard. This has resulted in some modifications to the prequalification
test requirements, a major change being the addition of the extension of prequalification test.
The latter test requires approximately one quarter of the time to complete when compared with
the full prequalification test.
A list of relevant CIGRE references is given in the bibliography.

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62067 IEC:2011


ABOVE 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) UP TO 500 kV (Um = 550 kV)


This International Standard specifies test methods and requirements for power cable systems,
cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for fixed installations, for rated voltages
above 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) up to and including 500 kV (U m = 550 kV).
The requirements apply to single-core cables and to their accessories for usual conditions of
installation and operation, but not to special cables and their accessories, such as submarine
cables, for which modifications to the standard tests may be necessary or special test
conditions may need to be devised.
This standard does not cover transition joints between cables with extruded insulation and
paper insulated cables.

Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to, or revision of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to
agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO
and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE The IEC 60811 series is currently undergoing a revision, which will lead to a restructuring of its parts. A
description of this, as well as a cross-reference table between the current and planned parts will be given in
IEC 60811-100.

IEC 60060-1:1989, High-voltage test techniques Part 1: General definitions and test
IEC 60183:1984, Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables
IEC 60228:1978, Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60229:1982 2007, Electric cables Tests on cable extruded oversheaths which have with
a special protective function and are applied by extrusion
IEC 60230:1966, Impulse tests on cables and their accessories

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62067 IEC:2011

IEC 60287-1-1:2006, Electric cables Calculation of the current rating Part 1-1: Current
rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses General
IEC 60332-1:1993, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions Part 1: Test on a single
vertical insulated wire or cable
IEC 60332-1-2, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions Part 1-2: Test
for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed
IEC 60811-1-1:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables and optical cables Part 1-1: Methods for general application Measurement of
thickness and overall dimensions Tests for determining the mechanical properties
Amendment 1 (2001)
IEC 60811-1-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1: Methods for general application Section Two: Thermal ageing methods
Amendment 1 (1989)
Amendment 2 (2000)
IEC 60811-1-3:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1-3: General application Methods for determining the density Water
absorption tests Shrinkage test
Amendment 1 (2001)
IEC 60811-1-4:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 1: Methods for general application Section Four: Tests at low temperature
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2001)
IEC 60811-2-1:1998, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
and optical cables Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds Ozone resistance,
hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
Amendment 1 (2001)
IEC 60811-3-1:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds Section 1: Pressure test at high
temperature Tests for resistance to cracking
Amendment 1 (1994)
Amendment 2 (2001)
IEC 60811-3-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds Section two: Loss of mass test
Thermal stability test
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2003)
IEC 60811-4-1:1985 2004, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables
Common test methods Part 4-1: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene
compounds Resistance to environmental stress cracking Wrapping test after thermal
ageing in air Measurement of the melt flow index Carbon black and/or mineral filler content
measurement in PE polyethylene by direct combustion Measurement of carbon black content
by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene
using a microscope
IEC 60885-3:1988, Electrical test methods for electric cables Part 3: Test methods for partial
discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables

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