Independent Project Design
Independent Project Design
Independent Project Design
Name of Project:
Strive to Thrive
4 weeks
Health - Redefining Success
Alyssa Goheen, Katherine Roth & Tracy Knecht
Grade Level:
Significant Content
(Learning Outcomes,
Objectives of Project)
Learning Outcomes: (What learning outcomes can be met through your project? Is your project connected to the curriculum in
any way? What will be your learning outcomes? Are your outcomes written in student-friendly language (e.g. I Will, I Can))
EDES 340:
2. Students will demonstrate understanding of the importance of creating a brain compatible classroom, and will learn
principles of
how this impacts teaching and learning.
5. Students will develop the understanding that all students can learn by having their needs met in a variety of ways,
and to
identify these different learning styles through a differentiated approach to learning.
6. Students will utilize various technologies to communicate, research, present and deliver content in a
teaching/learning context.
7. Students will demonstrate desirable qualities of a professional educator and life-long learner as well as growth as a
Alberta Education:
Scope and Sequence Exemplar
Objectives: (What do you hope to learn from completing this project? What do you hope others will learn through this
Success is not determined solely by money and power. Contrary to Western societys current portrayal, there are additional
elements we must consider in our definition of success. Through this self-directed learning project, participants will conduct an
in-depth investigation into the third metric of success, as introduced by Arianna Huffington in her critically acclaimed book
Thrive. The objective of this study is to gain a deeper insight into 4 specific aspects of success and the various ways in which we
can implement these elements in both our personal lives and our classrooms.
21st Century
Project Summary
Computer Literacy
- blogs
- podcasts
Description: (What will your project look like? How would you describe it?)
This self-directed learning project will consist of a 4 week study on the various elements of success and the ways in which we can
incorporate these elements into our lives more mindfully and purposefully. Each week will focus on a specific aspect of the 4 pillars that
form the third metric of success (wellness, wisdom, wonder and giving), as introduced by Arianna Huffington in her novel Thrive. Over
these week-long intensives, we will conduct independent research in each specific field, pose critical questions to one another, log selfreflection blogs/journals about our thoughts, feelings and experiences, and communicate our findings through a summary podcast at the
end of each week. As a final assignment, we will present our ideas at a public showcase to demonstrate our acquired knowledge and
spread awareness of the significance of this topic in our lives both personally and in the realm of education.
Rationale: (How does this project fit into what we are learning in our program as a whole, and why is it important for a
future middle
years teacher? How does this project impact what you have learned in other courses (e.g. curriculum, planning,
As future teachers, we have the responsibility of modelling behaviours conducive to learning the classroom. If our individual view of
success revolves around things like marks, ranking and being competitive rather than collaborative, we project anxiety. By shifting our
views of success to focus on wellness, wisdom, wonder and giving, we learn to thrive in life. This fits into our program as it promotes
effective teaching and learning in a middle school environment, where studies have shown major issues in terms of emotional health.
Driving Question
Driving Question: (What is the major inquiry question/problem to be addressed through your project?)
Personal Blogs, Self-Reflections, Self-Evaluations/Peer-Evaluations
(checklist), Mapping our growth via growth chart, feedback from
instructor (Brent) and mentors (Maxine/Anomi)
Rubric for evaluation from Maxine, podcasts and team discussions,
weekly questions created by team members for blogging, final
Public Audience
(Experts, audiences, or
product users that you will
engage with during/at end of
Resources Needed:
What resources will you
use to complete your
project (e.g. print, media,
guest speakers, internet,
community facilities,
etc.)? How will
you access these resources
for your project? How
will others access them?
recording device
Community Resources:
- Teachers/resiliency teacher @ Westpark
Reflection Methods
(Individual, Team, and/or
Whole Class)
Journal/Learning Log/Blog
- Individual journal/reflection
- Team Podcast
- Peer/individual checklist for formative
- Team checklist (Maxine Evans?)
- N/A
Timelines: What are the major timelines for this project (e.g. The Big Things Calendar)? What is the best sequence for acquiring the skills/knowledge
required of your project objectives? What are the small tasks to be completed and when do they need to be done? Attach a Task List that breaks down all
expected tasks of this project, tentative due-dates, and who is responsible for the completion of each task (e.g. See attached Sample Task List)
View our Teams Google Calendar and Task List
Final Product(s)
Products and/or
(individual and/or
Learning Outcomes/Targets
How will you demonstrate the content &
21st century competencies that were
acquired through the completion of this
2. Students will demonstrate understanding
of the importance of creating a brain
compatible classroom, and will learn
principles of how this impacts teaching and
- study the ways specific
elements of success affect brain
compatible learning/classrooms
through independent research, selfreflection blogs, and group
- (creativity and innovation,
communication, cultural, social and
global understanding, collaboration
and leadership)
Checkpoints/Formative Assessments
How will you check for learning and ensure
that you (and others) are on track?
accountability/reflection blogs
- Independent research:
notes and resources collaborative
- Providing questions for
other group members
- Weekly group
- Mentor evaluations (Maxine
- Meeting with Brent
Brainstorming and
- Writing and Journals
- Technology
- Project-Based/ProblemBased Learning
- DiscoveryBased/Exploratory Learning
- Additional strategies used
by each individual in their own
studies and research (ie music,
visuals, humor, etc)
reflective practitioner.
- reflection blogs
- group discussions (podcasts)
- exploring and developing a
different perspective on success
that supports us as individuals,
teachers and students
- (critical thinking, career
and life skills, collaboration and