Spreadsheets Notes
Spreadsheets Notes
Spreadsheets Notes
Analyzing data is one of the most demanding tasks. This is why human beings have
been struggling to come up with better tools for handling figures. This started with
abacus but today we have electronic calculators and spreadsheets.
A spreadsheet is made up of sheets of papers divided into rows and columns on
which various numerical data is entered manually. For a long time, manual
spreadsheets have been used in accounting for book keeping. However, these
spreadsheets are being replaced by specialized accounting packages and electronic
Electronic spreadsheet, simply referred to as spreadsheet, is an application software
used to calculate, organize and analyze numerical data. It consist of rows and
columns similar to the ones of the manual spreadsheet. Eg of electronic
spreadsheets are Microsoft Excel, lotus 1-2-3, quick books etc
Worksheet is the work area made up of rows and columns where data is entered.
Each row is labeled using a number (eg 1,2,etc) while each column is labeled
with a letter (eg A, B, C etc). The intersection between a row and a column is
called a cell.
Application areas of a spreadsheet:
Statistical analysis
Mathematical and scientific
Labels: any text or alphanumeric characters entered in a cell are viewed as labels
by the spreadsheet program. Labels are used as row or column heandings usually
to describe the contents of the row or column. Eg if a column has names of people
the column header can be NAMES. Sometimes numbers can be formatted so that
they are used as labels. To do this use an apostrophe` eg. 1990 will be treated as
numeric. By default labels are aligned to the left of the cell and cannot be
manipulated mathematically.
Values: these are numbers that can be manipulated mathematically. They may
include currency, date, numbers (0-9) special symbols or text that can be
manipulated mathematically by the spreadsheet.
Formulae: formulae are mathematical expressions that create a relationship
between cells to return a new value. In excel, a formulae must start with an equal
sign. Excel formulae use cell addresses and arithmetical operators; addition(+) ,
subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division(/).
Using cell addresses, also called referencing, enables Microsoft excel to keep
calculations accurate and automatically recalculates results of a formula in case the
value in a referenced cell is changed. This is called automatic recalculation.
Functions: are inbuilt predefined formulae that the user can quickly use instead of
having to create a new one each time a calculation has to be carried out. Eg to add
contents of cells say B3 to E3, type =Sum(B3:E3)
Arithmetic operators: Mostly follow the rule similar to mathematical concept of
BODMAS. ie whatever is in parenthesis is evaluated first. Multiplication and division
are evaluated from left to right while addition and subtraction are evaluated last
/ division
*multiplication +addition
- subtraction
Cell referencing:
When copying formulas, correct cell references are especially important in
determining result of the formula. Formulas that are copied to a new location can
use either relative or absolute cell references
There are three types of cell referencing used when creating formulae and
manipulating cell(s) content:
Relative Referencing: When you copy a formula that contains cell references, say
A3 the references adjust to their new location. Eg if C1 contains a formula =A1+B1
is copied to C2, the reference changes to A2+B2 ( nb. A1 and B1 are relative
References that change automatically when you copy them are called relative
When you copy a formula containing relative references, the references are
automatically adjusted to reflect the new location of the formula
Absolute referencing: is made to a specific address and does not change even if
the formula is copied to another cell. If you want to copy the formula and refer to
the same cell you should use absolute referenced cells in the formula
In excel an absolute cell reference is made by placing a dollar $ sign before the
reference eg. $A$2
Mixed cell referencing; is a combination of relative and absolute
reference eg. $A3 (the column reference is absolute while the row is relative
or A$3 (column reference is relative while the row reference is absolute)
Both cells are relative references in the formula
Both cells are absolute references in the formula
Formula with absolute column references and relative row
Formula with absolute row references and relative column
SUMIF() Conditionally adds the specified cells according to the set criteria.
=SUMIF(A3:A10, >=1000) returns a value if, and only if, the sum is greater
than or equal to 1000.
PRODUCT () Multiplies all the values in the argument. Eg =PRODUCT (40, 3,2)