Handbook 2014-15new

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Victory Christian
2015-2016 Administrative
Parent Student Handbook

Table of Contents

Mission and Ministry


Statement of Belief

Mission Statement

Mission Scope

Interdenominational Mission

Doctrinal Code
Spiritual Training and Ministry
Statement of Philosophy
Honor Code

Basic Educational Goals

Home Life

Admissions and Fees




Nondiscrimination Policy

11, 12
Available Discount


Early Withdrawal


Book Fees


Supply List


General Policies and Procedures



Phone Policy


Visitor Policy


Student Drivers
Parking, Loitering


Leaving, Passengers, Damage

Dress Code


Attendance & Schedule

Student Conduct


First Day of School


Morning Schedule


Daily Schedule


Early Release


Check In & Out



Work Release



Church Attendance Forms


18, 19



Emergency School Closings


Personal Belongings




Lost and Found

Student Assistants





Kindergarten Snacks


Fire & Tornado Drill Procedures


Student Work


Classroom Rules & Regulations


22, 23

Homework Policies




Junior & Senior High (includes Class work)


Grading Scale


Passing and Failure Procedures

Student Progress

24, 25

Three Week Progress Reports

Report Cards


Parent-Teacher Conferences


Honor Roll


Graduation Requirements

25, 26

Curriculum Requirements


Criteria for Valedictorian and Salutatorian


Expectations and Consequences

Building and Equipment Regulations
Sports Regulations



28, 29

Important Policies


29, 30
Drugs and Profanity

30, 31



Character Guidelines

31, 32



Christian Conciliation


Expulsion Policy
33, 34

Miscellaneous Concerns
Including: PDA, Mutual Respect, Food, Backpacks, Gum, Electronics, Cellular Phones
and Beepers, Weapons, Skateboards, Roller Blades, Heelies, Horse Playing, Attitude

Guidance Services
Health Services



Dear Parents:
Welcome to our Christian school family. Your childs educational and
spiritual development is important to us. We believe that your
association with us will be a happy and rewarding experience. Our
faculty and staff are here to serve you and your family in any way we
can. Please, do not hesitate to ask for assistance and guidance.
This handbook explains most of the rules and regulations of our school.
Of course, each teacher and activity may have special rules and
regulations. Please read the Handbook carefully and help your children
understand the relevant portions. We expect each student to follow the
rules and be governed by the spirit of the Handbook. If you have any
questions about any part of the Handbook, please ask any faculty or
staff member of the school.
We believe you have made a wise decision in providing a Christcentered education for your children. We will do our best to help them
develop into the people God wants them to be. Working together, we
promise to do our part to help our children learn to make good
decisions and to grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We
want to help each child fully develop their unique God-given natural
and spiritual gifts and talents. We are accountable to both parents and
God for the time children are entrusted to our care. Let us agree to
pray for one another every day. Let us resolve in every situation to
demonstrate our Christian love for each other.
In our Masters service,
Victory Christian School Administration


Statement of Belief
We believe the Bible is the verbally inspired word of God, that it is the final
authority that guides our faith and life. We believe there is one God, eternally
existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. We believe that
Jesus Christ willingly died on the cross as substitute for us. We believe that
Jesus Christ physically arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, and
that He is currently our advocate with the Father. We believe in the personal
return of Jesus Christ and that through faith in the redemptive blood of Jesus
Christ on the cross, we may now have forgiveness of sin and be made
partakers of His divine Nature through a born-again experience. We believe
that healing (spirit, soul, and body) has been provided for in the atonement of
Christs redeeming work on the cross and made available to all believers
through faith.
We believe in the personality and the work of the Holy Spirit. We believe the
Holy Spirit calls unbelievers to repentance and invites them to accept the
indwelling of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We believe that the Holy
Spirit has been called along side to help by giving us the power and ability to
lead Godly lives. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives each believer gifts,
talents, and abilities that must be developed and used for the benefit of the
body of Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit makes available to believers the
infilling, evidenced by the gift of speaking in other tongues, along with
many various gifts, anointings and ministries for personal and spiritual
edification of the church. (Acts 2:4, 12:45-46, 19:6, I Corinthians 14:4-5)
We believe in a literal heaven as the eternal dwelling place of believers and in
a literal hell as the eternal dwelling place for unbelievers. We believe that
man was created in the image of God, but has been separated from God
because of his sin. We believe that because of his sin, everyone deserves
physical and eternal death, and no one can save himself by his own effort,
but that God makes available a free gift of eternal life through the redemptive
blood of Jesus Christ. We believe in salvation through Jesus Christ alone by
believing that he was raised from the dead and by making Him Lord of ones
life. We believe that after ones decision to follow Christ is made public, that
he should be water baptized as an outward sign of an inward change.
We believe in the power of prayer to change circumstances, to alter
outcomes, and to give us strength in any and all situations to be more than a
conqueror, and that if or when we learn to pray in accordance with Gods
desires, He will answer our prayers.
We believe in the church and its mission of carrying out Christs work on
earth, and we believe commitment to His church to be a priority in the life of
every believer.

Mission Statement
Victory Christian Schools mission is to create an environment that is Christcentered; Holy Spirit empowered, and academically sound to all students
from all denominations.
Mission Scope
We will maintain a disciplined environment in where classes are taught by a
Spirit-filled, academically qualified staff. The Bible is the center of our
curriculum, and all subjects will be Biblically integrated. Victory Christian
School will pursue excellence in all areas in order to nurture, develop, and
sustain our youth in Gods calling for their lives. By Gods help, Victory
Christian School will empower students to be leaders who will seek Gods will
and be equipped to successfully meet the spiritual, relational, governmental,
cultural, and intellectual challenges in their world.
Interdenominational Mission
Victory Christian School has an interdenominational mission. Our students
come from various backgrounds such as Southern Baptist, Church of Christ,
Pentecostal, Independent Baptist, Methodist, Church of God in Christ,
Assembly of God, Missionary Baptist, and Catholic to name a few.
We use the term Interdenominational because it better describes our vision.
Interdenominational means you respect a fellow believers opinions, even
though they may occasionally differ from your own, and you accept them the
way they are. They do not have to change to suit you. Interdenominational
means that how you are baptized is not as important as the fact that you
have been baptized and that how we worship God is not as important as that
we do worship God. Interdenominational means that we hold to I
Corinthians 12:24, which says, God combined the members of the body.
Doctrinal Code
We understand that all students attending V.C.S. will not believe the same
doctrine. In fact, students are encouraged to express their beliefs and are
expected at all times to be courteous and respectful of others. For the
guidance on doctrinal issues, we recommend that students ask their pastor
and parents in keeping with the command, Children, obey your parents in
the Lord for this is right. Colossians 3:20
Spiritual Training and Ministry
Chapel and ministry teachers and preachers come from a variety of
denominational backgrounds reflecting the community of students. The
schools spiritual curriculum, the schools teaching staff and the ministry they
present will reflect the statement of beliefs listed above with love and
understanding for the various backgrounds of the students.
Statement of Philosophy
Victory Christian School is an extended ministry of Victory Ministries and
accepts the God given responsibility of the home and church to educate

children. The purpose of this ministry is to educate the whole child spirit,
soul, and body.
Victory Christian School is established on Biblical principles and uses the
Bible as a standard to conduct its business. Victory is determined to use the
authority of the Holy Scripture as the foundation for all educational practices.
The knowledge of Truth through the avenue of academia will be pursued
knowing that the Truth will free the minds of our youth. Ye shall know the
Truth and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32
Victory Christian School, as a ministry of Victory Church, provides an
opportunity for students to be educated in a Godly environment and taught
by teachers who are born again and led by the Spirit. We believe the entire
process of education is a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring students into
fellowship with God, to develop the mind of Christ in them, and to train them
in Godly living.
The mission statement of the school is simply to affect destiny for Gods
kingdom in our world.
The schools philosophy as expressed in the mission statement to affect
destiny is certainly in agreement with the capital, fundamental truths of the
Assemblies of God.
Affecting destiny is discipleship here at home, and also adhering to the
basic truth of Scripture that we are to go into the uttermost parts of the world
preaching, teaching and baptizing. This truth should be part and partial of the
program of every Assemblies of God church and school.
Honor Code
Students in secondary school will be required to follow the school Code of
Recognizing Jesus as the author and finisher of my faith, and the Word
as the supreme standard for all wisdom and knowledge, it is my aim to
develop myself accordingly, realizing that as I seek His kingdom and
righteousness all these things shall be added. (Matt. 6:33; Heb. 12:1-2;
James 1:5-6; I Peter 1:24; I John 2:5-6)
I will endeavor to follow the will of God for my life and to exemplify
Christ-like character through daily personal prayer and consistent study of
the Word of God, and through faithful group worship both at school and
church. (Matt. 7:7-11; James 1:22;
I Peter 1:24; I John 2:5-6; 5:3-5)
I will apply myself to my studies and endeavor to develop the full
powers of my mind in Christ. (Luke 2:52; Phil. 2:5; I Cor. 1:5)
I will practice good health habits and regularly participate in
wholesome physical activities. (I Cor. 3:16-17; Romans 12:1)
I will yield my personality to the healing and the power of the Holy
Spirit. (James 5:14-16; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4)

I will endeavor to faithfully give heed to the call of God on my life and
develop the gifts and abilities God has given me. (I John 2:20; I Cor. 12:18-31;
Eph. 4:11-12)
I will seek to practically share the love of Christ through personal
witness and specific ministry on a regular basis in an area of Christian service
where I feel led/called. (Matt. 28:19-21; and 10:8; John 15:17; I Cor. 15:58; II
Cor. 9:22)
I will submit myself to the leadership of Victory Christian School and/or
any rules or regulations that may be adopted or changed from time to time. I
realize that my attendance here is a privilege and not a right. I determine to
give my best and prayerfully support the school and its philosophy of
providing a quality education without compromising the Word of God.
Basic Educational Goals
For the Spiritual and Moral Growth of our students, we seek:
to teach the Bible as Gods inspired Word and to develop attitudes
of love and respect toward it.
to teach the basic doctrines of the Bible.
to lead the pupil to a decision of confessing Christ as Savior and
to develop a desire to know and obey the will of God as revealed in
the Scripture.
to equip the student to carry out the will of God daily.
to impart an understanding of each Christians place in the church;
the churchs world wide task of witnessing, evangelizing and
discipling, and to stimulate the students involvement in this task.
to develop the mind of Christ toward godliness and sin and to teach
the students how to overcome sin.
to encourage the development of self-discipline and responsibility in
the student based on respect for the submission to God and all
other authority.
to help the student develop for himself a Christian world view by
integrating his life and studies with the Bible.
For the Students Personal and Social Development, we aim:
to help the student develop his personality based on a proper
understanding and acceptance of himself as a unique individual
created in the image of God and on the fullest possible
development of his own capabilities.
to teach the student to treat everyone with love and respect since
they, too, are made in Gods image.
to make the student a contributing member of his society, realizing
his dependence on others and their dependence on him and the
need to serve them.
to promote an understanding of time as a God-given commodity
and the individual responsibility for the effective use of time.
to show a realistic and Biblical view of life and work, and to provide
skills for personal relationships and future endeavors.
to develop both good and proper attitudes toward marriage and the
family and also the understanding and skills needed to establish
God-honoring homes.


to promote physical fitness, good health habits, and wise use of the
body as the temple of God.
to impart the Biblical attitudes toward material things, and to
encourage individual responsibility of using them for Gods glory.

For the Students Academic Achievement, we endeavor:

to promote high academic standards within the potential of the
individual as uniquely created by God, and to help the student
realize his full academic potential.
to help each student gain a thorough comprehension and command
of the fundamental processes used in communication and dealing
with others, such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and
to teach and encourage the use of good study habits.
to teach the student how to perform independent study in areas of personal

to motivate the student to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest.
to develop creative and critical thinking and proper use of Biblical criteria for
to promote good citizenship through developing the understanding and
appreciation of our Christian and American heritages of responsible freedom,
human dignity and acceptance of authority.
to discuss current affairs in all fields and relate them to Gods plan for man.
to produce an understanding and appreciation of Gods world, and an awareness of
mans role in his environment and his God-given responsibilities to use and present
it properly.
to engender an appreciation of the fine arts through the development of the
students understanding and personal expression.

As you are considering enrolling or have already enrolled your child at V.C.S., there are
some important aspects of your childs home life you need to consider in order to ensure
the best results from our school.
First and foremost for all ages is the area of discipline. If you as a parent do not expect a
reasonable level of discipline at home there is a good possibility your child will have
discipline problems at school.
When children are taught obedience and respect for adults at home they will show the
same at school. On the other hand if you allow your child to argue with you or be
disrespectful either by word or actions, then this is what you can expect at school. If your
children hear foul language around the house they are eventually going to use it at school.
Dont be surprised if we call or you receive a note that your child has used such words. We
live in a time when children make adult decisions and some act more mature than their
age, but remember, they are still kids. They need boundaries and adult guidance and
supervision to know how to make good choices when they become adults.
Children learn discipline and self-control at a very early age. If you wait until they are four
and five years old to teach them to obey, you are most likely going to see discipline
problems at home and school. V.C.S. demands a higher level of self-control and discipline
because we are trying to accomplish more than the average school. Discipline is a key
ingredient in the life of a child and must be taught and reinforced at home.
Another area for parents to consider is that of teaching responsibility. In other words, what
responsibilities does your child have at home? Do they clean up after themselves? Do


they make their bed, wash dishes, take out trash? These duties build responsibility in
children which carry over into their school work.
Children whose parents do everything for them, whether they are preschoolers or
teenagers, will expect to be catered to in the same way at school. They will not know how
to keep desks and work areas neat and will ignore assignments and deadlines. Building
responsibility is another important consideration in the home of the child.
Parents also need to understand that as a Christian school we believe a home cannot be
complete or healthy without genuine spiritual goals. The real value of the training and
education your children will receive at V.C.S. will only be realized when the home expresses
a spiritual concern by doing things together, such as praying and worshiping at church
The two areas of home life will be greatly emphasized in both chapel and classroom Bible
study time. We are here to help turn our young people around, to be respectful, godly
youth and children that will not be ashamed to live a life of honor to God.
While we do not attempt to set specific requirements in this area, we do suggest parents
who need help setting up spiritual goals at home, contact the school administrator or one
of the staff here at Victory Christian School.


All applications are made to the governing authority of Victory Christian
School, which reserves the right to accept or reject any application. The
admission procedures include the submission of a written application form
with the registration fee, an application review, a family interview, payment
of the registration fees and testing to enable the Administration to make a
AND CONTINUED ENROLLMENT. All applicants who are accepted are done
so on a nine-week trial basis. Also, if at any time during the school year, the
students conduct or academic performance or any other requirement for
admission falls below the acceptable standards as established by the V.C.S.
Administration and the V.C.S. School Board, then tutoring, testing or
withdrawal may be required.
Acceptable Standards:
The student has shown the ability to handle the academic level of the school by
passing all core subjects.
The student has displayed a good attitude and/or Christian character in his/her
relationship with teachers, students and staff.
The student has accomplished all requirements or conditions established at the
time of enrollment by the V.C.S. Administration with the student and parents.
A student cannot be accepted in VCS if he/she is in a suspended or expelled mode
from another school.

We understand that parents are the ultimate educators and are responsible to
God for the education of their children. This responsibility is shared with
V.C.S. during school hours when the Biblical directive to raise children in the
nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) is transferred to the
teacher. Parents, teachers and the church are partners in teaching the


children at home, at school and at church with the consciousness that all
truth comes from God (Colossians 2:3). Godly precepts and truths practiced
and taught at home (Deuteronomy 6:5-9) should be consistent with those
adhered to at school and at church.
Victory Christian School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic
origin. Victory Christian School does reserve the right to not admit students
that do not meet our spiritual requirements or if the administration
feels V.C.S. is unable to meet their special educational needs.
Students entering four or five-year-old kindergarten must have reached age 4
or 5, respectively, by September 1 st of that current year. First grade students
must be 6 years old by September 1 st. The V.C.S. Administration may approve
exceptions to the cut-off date.
Enrollment for the coming school year usually begins in March, with members
of Victory Christian School and present students at the school and other
family members having the first option to enroll or to re-enroll before
enrollment is open to the public.
Nondiscrimination Policy
We admit students of any gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin to all
rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to students at the
school. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national or
ethnic origin in administration of our educational policies, admission policies,
athletic, and other school-administered programs.
The annual tuition is payable in ten equal payments. Each tuition payment is
due on the first of the month starting with August. The monthly tuition does
not reflect the number of days the student has attended, but rather the
annual tuition being broken up into ten equal payments. Therefore, the same
amount is paid in August as is paid in September although the student only
attends a few days of class in August. Also the same amount is paid in May as
is paid in April. The first tuition payment is non-refundable and nontransferable.
*Tuition payments do not cover the cost of books, supplies or other costs
associated with being a student at Victory Christian School.
Available Discount
A 10% discount will be given if the entire tuition is paid by August 1 st. If
the student leaves during the school year, the balance not due will be
refunded. Tuition is always due for the current month regardless of the


number of days a student has attended that month. Example: If a

student leaves April 4th, the entire April payment is due, but Mays
tuition will be refunded.
Early Withdrawal
All student withdrawals must be arranged through the school office. A
transfer request must be filled out, and all tuition and fees must be
paid in full.
When proper procedures are followed, unused tuition will be refunded
on a monthly prorated basis. Book fees, registration, student activity,
and similar payments are not refundable.
Book Fees
A book fee is charged to cover the cost of the textbooks and workbooks that
each student will need during the school year. Destroyed, lost or damaged
books will be charged to the parents, and new ones will be purchased to
replace them.
Supply List

A classroom supply list will be provided by each teacher for grades K

12th indicating what supplies each student will need to purchase for the
school year.


1. Pencils may be bought in the office before school or during break times. They
will not be available during class time. Pencils are 20 each.
2. Change will only be given in the office before school. During lunch, change will
usually be available in the cafeteria. The office and cafeteria will only be able to
change up to a $10 bill. Please do not ask the school to cash personal
checks. We do not carry enough cash to do that.
Phone Policy
1. No student is allowed to use the office phone, unless he has oral
permission from a faculty member and must have phone wand in hand
given by said faculty member.
2. The telephone is for school use only. No personal calls will be allowed. No
student will be called to the phone unless the call is considered an
emergency by the Administration.
3. Parents are asked to not make calls to students unless absolutely
4. Cell phones are not to be used during school hours and will be taken away
from any student violating this rule. The cell phones may be picked up in
the office by a parent.
Visitor Policy
1. All visitors must report to the office (Room 105) for a visitors pass. Please
return the pass when the visit is complete.


2. Parents needing to talk to their childs teacher are requested to call for an
3. Parents wishing to visit their childs class are required to notify the teacher
in advance, so that the teacher may inform the secretary to bring the
parent to the classroom when they arrive.
4. If parents come before dismissal time, we ask that you wait in your cars
and not in the office or the halls.
Student Drivers
Student driving on campus is a privilege. Students are allowed to drive their
personal vehicle to and from school within the following standards: 1) Student
has a valid drivers license; 2) Written permission has been received by the
school from the parent or guardian; 3) The school Principal has granted
approval; and 4) The student drives in a responsible manner while on school
All students granted permission to drive to school are expected to park in the
SCHOOL IS DISMISSED. Loud and questionable music will not be tolerated on
school grounds.

There will be no loitering in vehicles. When students arrive at school in

the mornings, they are to immediately come into the school. They are
not allowed to go to anyones vehicle and get in and wait until time for
school to begin.
There will be no leaving school grounds except, when permission is
granted by Principal. Repeated violation of school rules concerning
automobiles and/or the first time a student behaves recklessly around
the school in his/her vehicle, they automatically lose the privilege of
driving to school.
No student is allowed to ride to or from school with a student driver.
Exceptions may be made after permission has been granted by the
administration. A written request by the parents must be received by
the school before exceptions are considered.
Students are responsible for the reimbursement of the cost of any
damage they may cause to school property with their vehicle.
Dress Code
The Victory Christian School dress code is based upon the importance of a
modest, academic and respectful appearance. Due to the tendency of some
students to dress in current fashion/fads that may be sloppy, distracting or
inappropriate for school, we have had to tighten up on our guidelines. We


appreciate your help in having our students dress in a style that is modest
and adheres to the guidelines set forth.
Shirts uplifting Jesus are welcome. No shirts that have pictures of
non-Christian groups or artists, unsuitable advertisements,
questionable words, phrases, or movies are permitted. No shirts
with secular emblems (e.g. skulls, tattoos, death, etc.), sayings or
logos (e.g. rebel signs, happy bunny, etc.) are permitted; also,
nothing that celebrates Halloween.
No half-shirts, spaghetti straps, tank tops, tops that cannot be kept
tucked in, halter tops, short skirts, or short dresses (length of skirt
and dresses must be no shorter than middle of the knee when
standing) are permitted on campus or at school related functions
unless special permission is given. Sleeveless shirts, tops and
blouses will be allowed as long as they are modest and unrevealing
and have a modest tank top worn under them. Bra straps may NOT
show at any time. If you cannot take your jacket off and still
abide by these rules, then your clothing is inappropriate.
Boys must wear shirts at all times during sports.
Jeans, pants, or shorts must fit appropriately and must not be skin
tight or too baggy. Pajamas are not allowed. All students are
allowed to wear modest shorts. Shorts must measure no shorter
than two inches above the top of the kneecap when standing.


Boys All jeans, pants, and shorts, must be worn at the

waistline (waistline is defined as the line where your navel is
located) and must not sag, exposing underwear, when
sitting or standing. Garments may not contain holes that are
larger than one inch. Belts must be buckled and will be required
if needed to keep the garment at the waistline. No frayed or
distressed jeans are allowed.
Girls All jeans, slacks, shorts and skirts must be worn at the
waistline (waistline is defined as the line where your navel is
located), tailored to fit the individual, including traditional leg
width, and modest enough to conceal undergarments and
the line of undergarments when sitting or standing.
Garments may not contain holes that are larger than one inch.
No frayed or distressed jeans are allowed.
Caps and hats may be worn only outside or in the gym after school
hours. NOTE: This applies to boys and girls.
Hairstyles must be modest for both boys and girls. No punk cuts,
Mohawks, designs, blinds, rattails, ponytails (boys) or other
extreme styles or colors are permitted.
Boys may not wear earrings.
Body piercings, nose rings/studs, chains and tattoos, are not
Shoes must be worn at all times.
P.E. clothes and sweat pants are not permitted in the main
education building between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.



All students participating in sports activities during or after school

must wear the approved uniform or practice apparel. No athletic
clothing may be tight fitting, excessively loose fitting or shorter
than 4-inches above the knee. NOTE: Dress Code Rule #2
applies here also.
On field trips where swimming is allowed, observe these rules:
Girls No two-piece swimwear is allowed. The one-piece swimwear
must be modest, unrevealing, and worn with a tank top or shirt over
Boys A tank top or shirt must be worn with swimming trunks.
NOTE: There are no exceptions to these rules.
No clothing, jewelry, book bags, lunch boxes or other items may
display messages, symbols, logos or pictures that would be considered
contradictory to our Christian values, distasteful or inappropriate for
school. These include but are not limited to the following: Items
depicting death, tattoos, skulls, off-color slogans, tobacco, drugs,
alcohol, bars, pubs, non-Christian bands, wrestlers or wrestling,
animated or fictional characters that depict attitudes or values
contrary to our beliefs, etc.
Parents and other visitors are expected to dress modestly as proper
role models when on school grounds or at school related activities.
Final Note:
It is not possible for us to list every possible item that can or
cannot be worn; however, the school administration has the
final say on what is permissible. We expect neat, modest,
Dress Code approved clothing for school. School is not the
place to make a fashion statement or dress according to a
current fad. The dress code will be enforced, so please make
sure your student comes to school properly dressed.

Attendance & Schedule

Regular and punctual attendance is required of all students. Any student who,
at the end of the school year, has been present every day with no more than
two (2) tardies will receive a Perfect Attendance Award.
Since a student coming into class late disrupts the entire classroom and
hinders the late students school routine, parents are strongly encouraged to


assist in making sure their children are prompt in arriving to and departing
from school.
Students may not leave the campus during school hours without
receiving permission from the Principal and Supervisor or Teacher.
Absences for sickness or other reasons are considered unexcused
without a doctors written excuse. Absences for sickness with a
doctors or dentists written excuse and emergencies, such as death
in the family, are excused. Absences due to doctor or dentist
appointments are considered to be excused for the time of the
appointment only. Students with such appointments should return
with a note verifying the appointment including the name of the
doctor and the time of the appointment.
Parents are encouraged to arrange for routine appointments
(doctor, etc.) at times other than regular school hours.
If a student is absent more than five (5) days, a written doctors
excuse is required. Parents of students with chronic and/or recurring
medical problems that do not require medical attention each time
should inform the school at the beginning of the school year
regarding the medical problem.
All pre-approved excused absences due to church sponsored trips
count as one absence per occurrence (e.g. one mission trip of 5
days counts as one (1) day of absence). After a student has
accumulated 5 absences in a semester, there will be a parent
contact made by the Administration. After seven absences there will
be a required meeting between the parents and the Administration.
Any student who accumulates 10 absences in one semester,
including both excused and unexcused absences, will fail that
semester. Students who experience an extended illness will be
evaluated on an individual basis in reference to the above
regulations. Absence notification letters will be sent out after the 5 th
absence. Excessive absences hinder academic performance and
must be avoided.
If a student is absent, the next day he must first go to the office for
an admit slip and then report to his teachers to reschedule any quiz,
test or exam. Make-up tests will not be given for an unexcused
Morning attendance will be taken at 8:15 a.m. and reported to the
office. Any student arriving after 8:15 a.m. will need to stop by the
office to sign in and get an admit slip.
Students arriving after class begins are considered tardy. When a 7 th
12th grade student is late, he/she is to report to the school office
for a tardy slip. When arriving late, students should bring a note
explaining their tardiness. This slip is necessary to enter class and
must be presented to the teacher to be excused. The 7 th 12th
grade student will receive a detention for three tardies.
One tardy is equal to 1/3 day missed. Three tardies equal 1
If a student is late to class, a late slip will be filled out and turned in
to the late slip clerk by the teacher. The clerk will give the student
an after school detention after three late slips. Tardiness to class




during the school day can result in 10 minutes of after school

detention for every minute late for class. The total amount of time
to be made up will be determined by the teacher.
Any prearranged absence or vacation must be approved by calling
the school office in advance (preferably one week before student
leaves). A note from home should be in the students file. All class
assignments must be obtained from the teacher prior to leaving for
the prearranged absence. All assignments are due the day the
student returns to class.
It is the student or parents responsibility to see the teacher
and ask to make up the necessary work or test.

Student Conduct
Attending our Christian School is a privilege and not a right. Our goal is
to build Christian character and to train Christian youth in the highest
responsibility, personal integrity and good citizenship. Modest dress is
always required. Students should be well dressed and remember they
represent Christ to school visitors.
First Day of School
We feel it is in the best interest of the child if parents leave him/her
with the teacher on the first day of school. Even if the child seems
frightened or uncertain, the teacher is trained to help your child soon
feel loved and comfortable in their classroom. Parents remaining at the
door make the period of adjustment more difficult for the child, the
parent and the teacher.
Morning Schedule
The building will not open until 7:30 a.m. V.C.S. will not be responsible
for students until this time. Please do not allow your child to come
before this time.
All students that arrive before 8:05 a.m. must go to their assigned area
and remain seated until picked up by their teacher for 1 st period class
at 8:05 a.m.
Elementary --- Go to Chapel Room #205
High School --- Go to the Assembly Hall #214
Upon arrival on campus, all students must go to their designated area.
No loitering on campus; this includes students in their own vehicles.
Daily Schedule
Parents are responsible for their childrens safety before and after
school. The school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. for
elementary and at 3:10 p.m. for 7 th 12th grades. Therefore, parents
should deliver their children to school no earlier than 45 minutes
before the start of school and pick them up within 15 minutes of
dismissal of school or special activities. Students left after the 15minute period after school will be charged an additional fee for


Late pick-up after 3:20 p.m. will result in a late charge of $10.00 being
added to the students account for each 15 minutes or portion thereof
past 3:20 p.m.
All after-school payments are due on the first day of each month along
with tuition payments.
Students are to be under the direct supervision of an adult at all times.
If any arrangement differs from the normal way a student is to go
home, a written note must be given to the teacher. Otherwise, the
student will be expected to go home the authorized way.
Early Release of Students
For the protection of your child, our school cannot release
students to leave earlier than regular dismissal time unless the
parent or guardian contacts the school to secure a release for
the child. A student cannot be released without Administrative
(office) knowledge and approval. Identification may be required
before students are released to persons unfamiliar to school
personnel. A person whose name is not listed in the students
enrollment forms cannot pick up a child without written
permission to the school personnel by the parent or guardian.
Check In & Out
If it is necessary for a student to arrive late or leave for any
reason, you must sign the CHECK IN/OUT sheet in the office. An
office assistant will get the student to or from the classroom for
After School Procedures
Each elementary teacher will walk their children to the
cars each afternoon.
All students are to clear the building by 3:20 p.m. each
Staff members that may be staying after school will be
required to keep their children in their room until they
leave campus.
Work Release Procedure
Seniors may be excused as early as 1:22 p.m., provided they
have a regular employment and such information is on file in
their folders. This file should contain the actual work schedule of
the student. The student will not be excused more than 30
minutes before his job starts.
Students must attend the church of their choice a minimum of
once a week. Jesus said, The gates of hell will not prevail
against the church. Without church there are no Christian
Schools, therefore our students MUST be active members of a


Recommendation Form; we will be in close contact with your

Pastor to promote the spiritual growth of your child, which is why
he/she is in a Christian School. In the past we have encountered
parents who do not attend church and do not care about the
spiritual life of their children and accordingly, we cannot be of
much help to the student. Church attendance is a MUST. WE
WILL BE checking on your attendance.
Church Attendance Forms
No church slips will be accepted after 12:00 p.m. Tuesday.
Forms will not be filled out at V.C.S.; each form will have
only one name on it, except for brother and sister
situations. This form should be signed by any of the
students church ministers. The exception to this would be
when a child attends a church out of town. For this
situation, the students parent or guardian may sign the
church attendance form.
If these forms are NOT TURNED IN or are TURNED IN
AFTER the deadline, the following will occur:
1ST OFFENSE -- Warning to student and note to parents
2ND OFFENSE -- One evening detention
3RD OFFENSE -- Two evening detentions
4TH OFFENSE -- Suspension from school until parent
meeting is arranged.
1ST OFFENSE -- Note to parents
2ND OFFENSE -- Note to parents
3RD OFFENSE -- Phone call to parents
4TH OFFENSE Sent to Administration for further
Chapel is intended to provide a meaningful worship experience
for students. Chapel is an opportunity for freedom to worship. All
students are required to attend all chapel services. Where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Students will often
participate and lead in chapel activities. Some goals of our
chapel services are:
1. to worship God in Spirit and in truth.
2. to build school unity, to learn about school rules and routines.
3. to reinforce important Biblical character traits, to allow the
Holy Spirit


an opportunity to speak to individuals, and to encourage

children and
youth to rededicate their lives to God.
4. to develop a practical understanding of Biblical principles.
5. to promote each students commitment to life-long Bible
6. to accept the Scriptures as a personal moral compass for life
to sense Gods calling.
Chapel services should not replace local church participation. Every
student is expected to demonstrate faithful church attendance and
Participation in Chapel Service is required.
Students must attend chapel with a worshipful attitude.
Bible, paper and pencils must be brought to chapel everyday.
Seniors with jobs ARE NOT excused until after chapel.
When a chapel teacher has a guest speaker at his/her chapel class,
this person must submit a written outline of the subject he/she will
present at least three days before it is presented.
Victory Christian School will not emphasize the humanistic view of the
holiday seasons. The scriptural emphasis of each holiday will always be
maintained. For example, our fall emphasis will be on Harvest rather
than Halloween. The Christmas emphasis will be The Birth of Jesus
rather than Santa Claus. The emphasis at Easter will be The
Resurrection of Christ rather than the Easter Bunny.
Emergency School Closing
In case of bad weather, when the possibility of canceling school arises,
Y95 (FM station 95.3) will be informed by 7:00 a.m. Please listen for
our school closings on this radio station.
Personal Belongings
Students are granted the privilege of using assigned lockers for storage
of personal school-related belongings. Lockers will be assigned to
students at the beginning of the year. Priority will be given to older
students. Each student is responsible to purchase a lock and give the
combination number or a duplicate key to the teacher before the lock
is put on the locker. Lockers are to be kept neat and clean, and free of
writing and stickers, both inside and out. No food or drink is allowed
in lockers.
Lockers will be checked periodically by the school Administration
without advance notice in order to check for neatness and content.
Pictures or other items not adhering to school standards will be
removed from lockers. Locker privileges may be suspended if lockers


are not kept neat and properly locked or if abuse or misuse of lockers
No toys should be brought to school unless the teacher has given
permission for a specific reason, such as show and tell day. Please do
not allow your child to bring a special or expensive toy since we
cannot ensure that it will not be damaged or destroyed. The school is
not responsible for lost or damaged toys brought to the school.
Lost and Found
Items that are found on school grounds should be turned in to the
office and will be kept in the Lost and Found area. All items that are not
picked-up within one week may be disposed of at V.C.S.s discretion.
The Lost and Found is located in the closet across the hall from the
Student Assistants
Students will not be allowed to assist any staff member in any class during
any part of the day.
All lunch drinks and foods must be consumed in the cafeteria. No
food or drink will be allowed in any room.
When purchasing your lunch, please do not bring anything larger
than a $5.00 bill as our change is limited.
During breaks and before school, the student lounge is the
only area students are allowed to eat and drink, but no
student is allowed to eat or drink in the student lounge
during lunch.
All trash must be put in trash containers and all eating areas
cleaned by each student.
JR. & SR. HIGH SCHOOL - All lunches must be ordered by 10:13 a.m.
No one will be allowed to order a lunch during lunchtime.
We will not allow lunches to be charged. Money must accompany
each daily lunch order. If you do not send your child a lunch or
money does not accompany your lunch order, you will be called to
bring your child a lunch.
Nutritious snacks are critical to a childs performance during the school
day. It is recommended that parents send items such as fresh fruit, cheese
or peanut butter crackers, cookies, and drinks in individual servings such
as Squeezits, Capri Sun, or Sunny Delight. A nutritious breakfast and
understanding and behavior.


Fire and Tornado Drills

Fire and disaster/tornado drills are held periodically throughout the school
year. These are to be taken seriously. Fire and disaster escape routes are
posted in each room. Students should review them often. When the signal is
given, all activities should cease and an exit should be made promptly using
the following procedure:

Fire Drill
A. The fire signal consists of three (3) short rings of the school bell.
B. Walk quickly in a single line without running or pushing to the
designated areas.
C. Teachers are to be sure all windows and doors are closed.
D. Do not talk inside or outside of the building.
E. Attendance is taken by the teacher to account for all
F. Students may re-enter the building upon the direction of the


Disaster/Tornado Drills
A. The disaster/tornado signal consists of two (2) long rings of the
school bell.
B. The teacher will escort the class to their assigned area.
C. Students should assume the position* upon arrival in their
assigned area.
D. Attendance should be taken by the teacher to account
for all students.
E. Students may re-enter their classrooms upon the direction of the
*The position referred to above is as follows: Students should sit
facing the wall with both hands protecting their necks while bowing
their heads.


Classroom Rules and Regulations
Sharpening your pencil, throwing trash away, going to the restroom
or getting water, getting something out of your locker or talking to
someone are all to be tended to before school or during breaks
between classes.
No communication during any class time except with the
Note passing is not allowed during class time. Both the giver and
the receiver will be disciplined for note passing.
Excessive noises can easily disrupt an entire class, so keep quiet for
your neighbors sake and especially yours.
Your locker is your own territory. Respect each others space and
stay out of theirs.
Do not write on desks or anything that does not belong to you
Locks for lockers We must have a duplicate key or the
combination to your lock.
No drinking or eating of anything in class. (No food or drink items
will be allowed in ANY class.)
Gum is NOT allowed inside the building.
All medicines of any kind must be turned in to the office when you
No office telephone calls will be allowed unless it is an emergency
School offices are off limits unless you have permission from a
Do not sit on tables or desks.
Believing that homework is an integral part of the school program, each
teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid the students to advance in their
studies. Children in elementary grades will not be given more than one hour
of homework a night, based on a majority of the students being able to
accomplish this work in an hour. Minimal homework will be given on
Wednesday nights, in order that families may attend their Church service. No
tests, other than regularly scheduled spelling tests, will be given on Thursday
mornings in Elementary. Grades 7th 12th may have one test on
Thursday when needed. There will be no more than two major tests given
on any one day. Parental cooperation is necessary in order to meet this
responsibility. Failure to complete homework will affect the students daily
grade. Homework is given for several reasons:
For Reinforcement: We believe that most students require
adequate review to master material essential to their educational
For Practice: Following classroom explanation, illustration and
review of new work, homework is given so that the material will be




For Remedial Activity: As instruction progresses, various weak

points in a students grasp of a subject may become evident.
Homework following instruction is given to overcome such
For Special Projects: Book Reports, compositions, special
research assignments and projects are some of the activities that
are frequently used as homework assignments in certain areas of
study. Those having specific due dates may be turned in early;
however, those turned in late are subject to penalties for tardiness.
Work not turned in on the due date, will result in a zero grade for
the special project. Unless special arrangements have been made, a
student who is absent on the day the special/long term project is
due is still responsible to get the project to the school that day.

Homework Policies
We require homework and expect parents to help students to
remember. Failure to get homework will result in a homework zero
in that class. Three homework zeros will cause one point to be
taken off 9 weeks average.
Jr. and Sr. High School--1.
Students should write in black or blue ink on notebook paper. Very
fine felt-tip pens are acceptable. Paper should not be torn out of a
notebook or folded. Colored notebook paper is not acceptable.
The heading should include their first and last name on the first line
on the left, and the date on the first line on the right. The course
name should be centered on the second line. The subject of the
assignment on the third line
on the left, and the time spent on the assignment on the third line
on the right.
Students should begin their work on the fourth line.
They should never write left of the red margin and should leave a
neat margin on the right.
If a student makes a mistake, he should draw two straight lines
through the mistake. Students should not write in the last space at
the bottom of the page.
When the student turns his paper over to write on the back, he
should write on the top line.
After the first page, he should write his full name and the page
number in the upper right-hand corner.
All homework, quizzes and tests must be done in pen.
All classwork and class note taking must be done in pencil.
Test preparation Each student needs to have two writing
implements and a cover sheet for each test, with all other materials
under the desk. No students will be allowed to get another pen or
piece of paper from their book bag, purse or notebook once the test
has begun.



All books (reading, text or library) that are lost by a student will be
charged to the parent and a book will be reordered after one week
of book being lost.



100 90

89 80

79 70

69 60

59 and below

Passing and Failure Procedures

Abeka students with a grade below 60 in any subject will not pass the
entire grade level unless they attend summer school and pass the
subject that they failed.
A.C.E. students who do not complete 12 paces per subject will not pass
unless they finish them in the summer school program.
Student Progress
Reporting students progress is an important, yet difficult part of parent and
teacher communications. The reporting process is designed to convey the
development and growth of each student. Several reporting methods will be
utilized and in each case the focus will be upon the individual, not the group,
or comparison with a group. Report card grades will reflect each individuals
achievement, progress and effort.
Three-Week Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home every 3 rd and 6th week of the nineweek grading period so that parents can further monitor their childs
progress and work to overcome any deficiency before the nine-week
grade becomes official. The reports should be returned with a parents
signature. If parents have a special need, conferences can be arranged
at a suitable time. Parents should feel free to contact the school to
arrange a meeting.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued from K-4 through 12 th grades each quarter.
Specific dates will be noted on the school calendar. They will be
distributed to parents at the scheduled ParentTeacher conference
meetings. If parents fail to pick-up their students report card at the
Parent-Teacher conference, they must make an appointment with the
teacher through the office for a delayed conference and pick up their
students report card at that time. The report cards that are issued at
the end of the first semester (Christmas) and at the end of school will
be mailed to the parent. Parents are expected to examine the report
cards and indicate that in an appropriate fashion. Grade letters (A, B,


C, D, and F) are used for most of the academic subjects. In some cases
percentages may be used. Students grade-level placement may be
reported for some subjects. Some subjects may receive satisfactory (S)
or unsatisfactory (U) grades along with a plus or minus. More frequent
reports may also be provided as deemed necessary.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher conferences are part of the
schools reporting process. Specific opportunities will be given for
these conferences. Further, parents may schedule a conference with
the teacher of his or her child at any time throughout the year. We
recommend frequent contact with teachers. Although teachers will
gladly discuss your childs progress, parents are discouraged from
contacting teachers at home.
Honor Roll
Students will be recognized for academic achievement at appropriate
reporting periods throughout the year. Also the students will be given
the opportunity to be named to the Association of Christian
Teachers and Schools National Honor Society based on academic
achievement, student activities, spiritual development and social
Graduation Requirements
For the 2013-2014 school term, a minimum of 24 units earned in
grades nine through twelve shall be required for high school
A unit of credit shall be defined as the credit given for a course
which meets for the equivalent of a regular school period each day
for a full school year. (A minimum of 225 minutes per week).
The following units shall be required for all students for high school
graduation: English 4 units, Speech 1 unit, Social Studies 4
units, Math and Science 5 units (A student shall take either three
units of Math and two of Science or two units of Math and three
units of Science), Physical Education 1 unit, Bible/Chapel 4 units,
and 5 units of electives. Two units of foreign language and one unit
of Study Skills are also required.
Age A student must be 17 years of age by January 1 st of their
planned graduation year. Seniors who are on any type of probation
could lose certain senior privileges, such as senior banquet, senior
trip and the right to participate in graduation.


Curriculum Requirements
The secondary curriculum requirements for graduation are as follows:
Algebra I
Grammar & Comp.
Physical Science / Biology
World Geography
Health / P.E.
Bible I
Geometry / Algebra II
Grammar & Comp.
Biology / Physical Science
World History
Health / P.E.
Bible II



Algebra II / Geometry
Grammar & Comp.
Adv. Math / Science
U.S. History
Bible III



1 Credit
1 Credit
1 Credit

Grammar & Comp.
Adv. Math / Science
Bible IV



1 Credit
1 Credit
1 Credit
1 Credit

Criteria for Valedictorian and Salutatorian

The student with the highest overall grade average shall be the V.C.S
Valedictorian and the second highest overall grade average shall be the
V.C.S. Salutatorian. Selection to these positions of honor will be based
upon the following criteria:
Candidates must meet or exceed graduation requirements and
have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.
Candidates must have been enrolled for two full school years prior
to the date of graduation.
Grades used to compute the final average will be taken from all
classes taken in the 9th 12th grades.
In the event that the above criteria (3) fails to identify the
Valedictorian and Salutatorian, eligibility shall be determined by the
highest average in common courses in high school math and
Grades in all affected classes shall be computed at face value.
The standing of the candidates shall be computed on a numerical
basis through the end of the second semesters first grading period
of their senior year.
If letter grades are present, the candidate must have the respective
School(s) attended submit the grades in numerical form. If
numerical grades are not available, said students letter grades will
be converted to numerical grades at the mid-point of V.C.S.s
grading scale for use.



Building and Equipment Regulations
Each student is expected to respect the property God has provided to Victory
Christian School and the rights of others. The school will not assume
responsibility for the carelessness of a student. A student must never go into
a teachers desk, another students locker, or use items belonging to
someone else without permission from the owner or teacher. No student is to
add to or delete anything from any bulletin board without teacher approval.
Each student is expected to help maintain the general cleanliness of the
school by picking up any paper or litter dropped.
1. Any property damaged by students will automatically be billed to parents.
2. Students are not allowed in classrooms if a teacher is not present. If a
student is found there, he will receive a discipline form or detention.
3. Children who are not allowed outside by parents for health reasons must
report to designated areas during recess and lunch periods.
4. Students running and playing rough at any time in school building will be
5. Lining up to enter and exit the building will be required.
6. We have a closed campus with the exception of seniors who are allowed to
checkout at 1:22 or later due to job related situations. No one else will be
allowed to leave the building for any reason until it is time for him or her
to check out. This includes going to the store before school, at break, and
at lunch, going out to lunch or going on an errand. If the students parent
comes to the school and wants to take them to lunch, this will be allowed
as long as they return before the lunch period is over. If the student is
late, it will not be excused. The student will not be allowed to take anyone
with them.
7. All books issued to the students are not to be defaced by writing on their
covers, and are to be kept in good condition until testing.
8. Elementary students are to use Halls 1 and 3 for all their room changes. Jr.
& Sr. High students are to use Hall 2 for all of their room changes.
9. No elementary student is allowed in any high school room nor is any Jr. or
Sr. High student allowed in any elementary room.
10.If a students parent is a staff member here, he will not be allowed to go to
his parents room for any reason unless the student is enrolled in his
parents class.
11.School lockers and desks are property of the school and the school has a
right to open and search desks and lockers. The school is not responsible
for items or articles lost or stolen.
12.Lockers will be assigned to students at the beginning of the year. Priority
will be given to older students. Each student is responsible to purchase a
lock and give the combination number or a duplicate key to the teacher
before the lock is put on the locker. Lockers are to be kept neat and clean,
and free of writing and stickers, both inside and out. No food or drink is
allowed in lockers.


Sports Regulations
1. No student will be allowed to participate in any sports activity that has a
cumulative academic GPA below a 2.0. If the GPA falls below a 2.0, the
student will be on academic probation until the next progress-reporting
period in order to evaluate the new GPA. If the new GPA is a 2.0 or better,
the student may resume any sports activities.
2. Any student participating in a sports activity (football, basketball, softball,
baseball, volleyball, cheerleading, etc.) must be a strong example of
Christian behavior at all times on campus and off. These students will be
representing our school in public places and we only want the best
Christians involved. Being active and faithful to your church is a strict
requirement for all participants.
3. Only students participating in sports are allowed to ride to out-of-town
games with the school. Only students who have been approved by the
Administration may go to out-of-town events without their parents.
4. All students that are given riding assignments for sporting events must
return to our school in the same vehicle.
No personal CDs, cassettes, MP3s, IPods, or any other music-playing
devices will be allowed on any trips. The adult driver will be the only
person who may select the Christian music played in any vehicle.
The Victory Christian School Media Library has been established to support
the Philosophy and Mission Statement of Victory Christian School.
The purpose of the Media Library is to support the administration, teachers
and support staff by providing media that will supplement, enhance and
enrich the curricula that is being used. The library is also used to encourage
students by providing a central area that houses information, introduce and
familiarize students with the skills needed to locate and use various sources
of information in a library, spark an interest in learning, and promotes lifelong
reading. The library provides reference material that can be researched by
students to complete homework assignments.
Book selection:
In support of the Philosophy and Missions Statement of Victory Christian
School, the library includes books that:
1. model positive character traits
2. will show conclusive results of actions whether positive or negative
3. will clearly draw the line between good and evil
4. will not contain blatant and frequent objectionable language
5. may include humanistic influence in parts of the book when the
major trust
emulates wholesome values


Books are selected for the library to fulfill the purpose of the library. Parents
should be aware that not all books selected for the library shall be Christian
or acceptable to every family. Because it is the schools desire to teach
students to critically evaluate what they read, some non-Christian materials
will be included in the library collection. It is important for parents to know
that they should be actively involved in helping their children evaluate what
they read and further censor where they feel it is necessary.
Donations are gladly accepted. A monetary donation is our first choice. This
allows for purchases that will meet specific staff and student needs. Gift
books are accepted if they meet the selection criteria and if shelf space
permits housing these books.
Library Procedures
1. Books may be checked out for 3 weeks. There is no limit on the number of
books checked out unless materials are popular. A book may be renewed
as many as two times provided that there are no requests from other
patrons. Reserved books may be checked out 1 week only.
2. A fine of $.05 per day is calculated beginning the day after the due date,
or $.50 per month.
3. Patrons will be notified two times of overdue books. Thereafter, it will be
the policy of the library staff to withdraw the privilege of checking out
books until the matter is cleared up.
4. A patron not responding to overdue notices will receive a warning notice
and be charged for the book until book is returned.
5. A report card will not be issued until books are paid for or returned.
Important Policies
The Scriptures are quite clear on the concept of fighting. The following
Scripture was taken out of the New Testament. (NASB)
I PETER 3:8-17
To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted,
and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but
giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that
you might inherit a blessing. For let him who means to love life and
see good days refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking
guile. And let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace
and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His
ears attend to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those
who do evil. And who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for
what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of
righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and
do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always
being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an
account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;
and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are
slandered, those who revile your good behavior, in Christ may be put


to shame. For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for
doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.
ROMANS 12:14-20
Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not. Rejoice with those
who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind
toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the
lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Never pay back evil for
evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. Never take
your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it
is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. But if your
enemy is hungry, feed him and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in
so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head.
The appropriate action if a student is provoked in word or deed is to
immediately report the incident to a teacher or person in authority. It
should be known that under no circumstances is the victim to take any
action upon himself/herself other than to protect ones person. This
does not mean that the victim has a right to attack in the name of
defense. If the student that was provoked takes it upon himself/herself
to strike back or take any type of revenge whatsoever, he/she is guilty
of fighting, too. Many times a student will say that he/she is defending
himself/herself by striking back. This is not defense; it is revenge. If
that student cannot control himself/herself, they must be prepared to
suffer the consequences. We realize that when struck by another
person it is hard to control ones emotions, but the Word of God is clear
on the behavior of a person, and it must be enforced as a policy of this
Drugs and Profanity
1. Any student possessing illegal drugs or tested positive for drugs or
alcohol on
or off the Victory Christian School campus or Victory Assembly of
God Church
premises will be turned over to the proper
authorities prior to parental notification and automatically expelled
for at least the remainder of the school year.
2. Any student who is arrested for possession of drugs off campus will
immediately expelled for at least the remainder of the school year.
3. Any student who is arrested for any reason or who does not behave
in the
Christ-like manner described in the handbook, on or off campus at
any time,
will be subject to be expelled.
Any student authoring any profane or obscene written work
(including notes)
or any such utterances on campus will be subject to an automatic
suspension. A second offense of this policy will result in expulsion
for the


remainder of the school year.

Discipline is necessary for the welfare of each student, as well as for the
entire school. Teachers and/or other agents of the school are expected to
make and enforce classroom regulations and school policies in a manner
consistent with Christian principles as set forth in the Scriptures. Teachers will
establish appropriate classroom rules and consequences for their violation.
Teachers will follow a four-step discipline pattern.
Step One: Instruction and Information of the acceptable behavior.
Step two: Training and Reminders of acceptable behavior patterns.
Step three: Correction of unacceptable behavior.
Step four: Punishment for defiant, dangerous and rebellious behavior.
Punishment includes more serious consequences such as: counseling, parent
conferences, loss of privileges, suspension, probation, dismissal from school
and other appropriate methods. Unacceptable items brought to school may
be confiscated. Property damage will require restitution. Defiance and
rebellion are always treated as serious discipline problems.
Kindergarten 4th Grade
If considered by the teacher and Principal to be a minor problem,
the child will be given a discipline slip.
If considered a more severe problem effecting morale and discipline
of the class, the child will be sent to the Principals office for
conference and discipline as needed.
If considered by school and Principal to be a major area needing
immediate discipline, the child will be suspended immediately from
the school until the next school board meeting where the situation
will be considered, and then it will be determined if the student will
be allowed to return to regular classes.
If a student receives 5 discipline slips for any reason in one
semester, he will be suspended for one day, which may or may not
require a parent conference before the students return. After 10
discipline slips in one semester, there will be a two-day suspension
and a parent conference will be required before the students return
to school. After 15 discipline slips in one semester, the student will
be suspended for 3 5 days and a parent conference will be
required before the students return to school.
5th 12th Grades
Detention is the penalty for routine offenses, and notices will be
given at the time of offense. Character problems such as cheating,
lying, and disrespectful responses will be referred to the
Administration the day that they occur.
Detention will be served from 3:15 p.m. 4:05 p.m. in Room
204 the day following the offense. Adequate amounts of work will
be assigned by the teacher to be completed in detention.
Failure to attend or being late for detention will result in an
additional day in detention. After receiving a detention notice, if the
student needs to reschedule his detention time, he must talk to Mr.



Dorey or Mrs. McRae by 8:25 a.m. the morning of his detention. It

will be the staffs decision whether the detention will be moved or
After the student has served three (3) detentions for any character
problems as mentioned in #1 above, there will be a required parent
meeting with the Administration. After five (5) detentions, a final
warning letter will be sent to the parent. After six (6) detentions,
the student will be brought before the school board and the student
will be expelled for the remainder of the school term.

All Grades
Any student who does not behave in the Christ-like manner described in
the handbook on or off campus at any time, will be subject to expulsion.
If a child has been suspended, there will be no changing of said decision
by Administrator, Principal, etc. until the next board meeting when the
parents and student may attend and share their comments.
Character Guidelines
There is a definite Good Manners policy on campus, which
includes the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness,
Gentleness, Temperance, Longsuffering, Meekness and Self-control.
Students reply Sir and Maam to adults and kind words to other
students. Name-calling is reason for suspension.
Anything considered by staff as sexual advances toward a teacher
or another student (either by word or action) results in suspension
of at least three (3) days or more and is considered unexcused.
Anything considered by staff to be rebellion (either by word or
action) such as talking back, being knowingly disobedient, etc. are
strict areas of discipline.
Anything (in word or action) to be against Christian principles is
considered discipline areas. We dont tolerate students who criticize
the school, their parents, teachers, and other students, church and
most importantly God and His Word.
Failure to act in love toward another student or teacher is reason for
Failure to get homework and continually forgetting to bring all
needed supplies to class are reasons for discipline.
The following articles are NOT allowed on V.C.S. campus:
drugs, tobacco, alcohol, knives, weapons, pornographic material,
non-Christian music, radios, CD players, MP3 players, iPods, tablets,
cell phones (see page 34), non-Christian posters and pictures in
lockers, etc. Other articles not to be brought to school are toys and
live animals. Students will be disciplined and/or suspended if ANY of
these articles are brought on V.C.S. campus.
Boyfriend-girlfriend relationships are not permitted on campus or
school related activities (unless dates are permitted on certain
functions). This includes sitting together in classes, handholding,



letter-writing to each other at school or any other action that would

suggest a boy/girl relationship. This keeps jealousy, strife and hurt
feelings off our campus. Every student is to treat every other
student as a brother or sister in Christ. This rule is strictly enforced
and constantly watched.
No student will be allowed to receive any gifts including
candy, etc. from anyone except immediate family.

Victory Christian School is committed to offer a quality academic education in
a Christian context. The schools ability to educate properly is directly related
to controlling the child. A child who cannot be controlled cannot be educated.
Therefore, rules and programs have been established to permit learning and
teach self-discipline. They are detailed so a full understanding may be
obtained. They are strict only toward to those who have a tendency to stray
outside the boundaries of the school. Each student will find freedom as well
as security within the boundaries of VCS.
All students are to maintain the attitude that attendance at VCS is a privilege
and not a right. The administration reserves the right to dismiss a student
who, in its judgment, does not conform either to the stated regulations
governing student conduct or to the expressed principles, policies and
programs of the school.
Griping, grumbling, or talking back to the teacher is not the Biblical method
of solving a conflict and will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to
express their point of view to their teacher in private when conflict arises.
However, after their respectful appeal has been made, they must accept the
judgment of the teacher. (If something is said or done in the classroom that
the student does not agree with, he is not to respond in the middle of the
class, but rather see the teacher immediately after class to discuss the
situation. After he has explained his point of view, then he should accept the
judgment of the teacher.)
Talking back to the teacher will result in
disciplinary measure, and in extreme cases, suspension.
Daily we must deal with the fleshly desires that dwell within us. The flesh
reacts on different forms such as fighting, cursing, name calling, etc. None of
these actions will be tolerated and will result in discipline, swats, or
suspension. Students who support the misbehavior of others by their actions
or words, whether or not they are actual participants in misbehavior, will
receive equal consequences.

Christian Conciliation
Occasionally during the course of the year, misunderstandings or problems
can arise between the teacher and a student, teacher and parent, parent and
the School or any one of several possible areas. This is often the result of lack
of communication between those involved. As Christians, scriptural principles


for resolving conflicts should always be followed. Matthew 18:15-17 and I

Corinthians 6:1-7 determine the procedure of Christian conciliation that is
used in resolving all disagreements at Victory Christian School.
If a problem arises, a person should first go to the one directly involved or
through whom the offense came. If the problem cannot be resolved at this
level, they should agree to be in disagreement and together obtain counsel of
the Administration. If still unresolved, the individuals should ask the School
Board to arbitrate for a final solution.
On the basis of I Corinthians 6:1-7, all parties should agree to accept the final
resolution of any dispute as arbitrated by the School Board without pursuing
unnecessary court action.
Expulsion Policy
Any student that is expelled from V.C.S. will not be allowed to participate in or
attend any school activity, including, but not limited to: school field trips,
school sports practices and/or trips or any school events* on campus.
Expulsion shall mean the denial of the right of attendance to any single
subject or class or any full schedule of subjects or classes for an indefinite
period of time. An expulsion may include a denial of admission to or entry
upon any real and personal property that is owned or controlled by the
* School events on campus may include exceptions upon the consensus of
the V.C.S. Administration and School Board under the following conditions:
1. An expelled student who has a sibling that is a member of any
V.C.S. athletic team (e.g. basketball, football, track, etc.) may attend a
school event accompanied by a parent, grandparent or guardian only.
2. The expelled student must sit with the parent, grandparent or
guardian at all times during the event and may not leave the premises
(e.g. gym, field, building, etc.) without the accompanying person
mentioned in numbers 1 and 2.
3. If these conditions are not adhered to, then all rights and privileges
to attend all V.C.S. school activities will be prohibited.

No PDA: Public display of affection (for example: holding hands, hugs, etc.)
Mutual Respect: It is very important that students and teachers alike show
love and respect to one another. Name-calling, teasing or other means of
hurting each other will not be tolerated.
Food: Students are not allowed to have food in the classroom. Food may not
be consumed in the gym. Breath mints are permitted for Jr./Sr. High in the


classroom; however, cough drops must have a written parental permission on

file to be used.
Backpacks: Backpacks, if taken into the classroom, must be out of the
aisles so as to not impede movement during an emergency. Having the floor
covered with backpacks or similar items is a safety hazard.
Gum: Chewing gum is not allowed on school premises.
CDs, Tablets, MP3s, iPods, Etc.: These are not to be brought to school. If
students bring them to school, they will be confiscated. V.C.S will not be held
responsible for lost or stolen CDs, tablets, MP3s, iPods, etc. CD players are to
be approved by the teacher or coach and must remain in the students
backpack or athletic bag. Secular music or music contrary to our Christian
values is not permitted. Any equipment confiscated by faculty or staf
will be turned in to the office.
Weapons: Weapons (knives, pocket knives, guns, rifles, etc.) are not
allowed to be in the possession of any student while on campus or at any
V.C.S. sponsored event. Furthermore, V.C.S. will not tolerate the use of or
threat of violence against any student, or V.C.S. and its facilities.
Skateboards, Roller Blades and Heelies: Skateboards and roller blades
are not permitted at school. Heelies may be worn only if the wheels are
After School: All students must be out of the school building by 3:20 p.m.
Students will not be permitted to loiter after 3:20 p.m.
Horse Playing: There will be no horse playing on VCS Campus at anytime.
Horse playing will be viewed by administration as bullying, which is a criminal
Attitude: Perhaps the most important thing is the students attitude. If a
student has an inappropriate attitude his/her teacher will talk to him/her. If
that does not work, a conference will be scheduled with the parent(s).
Repeated bad attitude will be grounds for expulsion.
Cellular Phones: Due to several violations during the previous school years,
we are incorporating consequences for failing to comply with the cell phone
usage rules.
For your information, here is a list of some of the abuses that took place
during this past school year:
Cell phones were used during school hours, even though their
use was against policy.
Students hid the cell phones from the teachers view during
class (under books, in desks, in purses, etc) and used them
when the teacher turned his/her back.
Students used cell phones (and digital cameras) to take
unauthorized pictures.



Students used phones to text or IM during class.

Students used phones to send and receive emails during class.

Because of the above abuses, all cell phones brought to school must
be submitted to the office upon the students arrival and picked up
when he/she leaves the school property. Any student who violates this
policy will have his/her cell phone confiscated. The first time a cell
phone is confiscated, it will be returned to the parent or guardian at
the end of the school day. The second time a cell phone is confiscated,
the student will be suspended for three days, and either (1) the cell
phone will be returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the
semester or (2) the parent can pay a fine of $50 and have the cell
phone returned to them upon receipt of payment.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this clarification may cause,
but after reviewing the list of abuses, we are sure that you understand
the steps we must take to assure a safe and fair academic
environment for every student. We regret that this policy revision had
to be implemented because a few students decided to take advantage
of our previous policy.

Guidance Services:
Our School Administration offers guidance services for our students in
matters of academic, social, financial, college readiness, and spiritual
concerns. Appointments are available upon request.
Health Services:
In our Main Office, we offer Tylenol, first aid, cough drops, and
ointments for minor bumps and bruises. All medicines from home are to be
left in the office for supervised distribution as needed.
In summary, it is impossible to cover every incident that could arise
concerning dress code, attitudes or relationships. If we all have a loving
Christian attitude and a cooperative spirit, we will all do just fine. Thank you
for your help in these areas.


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