LS10 8
LS10 8
LS10 8
OBJ: Recognize how the development of mammals differ from that of other animals.
I. Water Animals - most fish and amphibians lay their eggs in the water.
EGG = female reproductive cell.
- the animal deposits sperm on the eggs.
SPERM = are male reproductive cells.
FERTILIZATION = joining of a sperm cell nucleus and an egg cell
- eggs are fertilized outside the female’s body.
- The embryo begins to develop inside the egg.
- The embryo uses food stored in the egg.
II. Land Animals - the eggs of reptiles, birds, and mammals are fertilized
inside the body of the female.
- In snakes and birds, the eggs develop a shell after
fertilization and are then laid.
- the embryo uses the food stared in the yolk.
III. Embryo Development in - in all mammals, fertilization takes place inside the
Mammals body of the female, or mother.
- most mammals give birth to living young.
GESTATION = time it takes the embryo to fully develop inside its
mother’s body.
- dog – 9 weeks
- humans – 9 months
- elephants – 22 months
IV. Embryo Nutrition - comes from the mother through the placenta.
- digested food and oxygen from the mother’s blood
pass into the bloodstream of the embryo.
- the embryo uses it for growth and development.
- wastes from the embryo are passed to the mother
through the blood.
- the mother excretes it through her own waste.