Lesson Plan 7
Lesson Plan 7
Lesson Plan 7
Week 4
Date: Monday 20th of April 2015
Duration: 60 minutes
Lesson: 7 of 10
Humanities and social sciences
Australia as a nation
The contribution of individuals and groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and
migrants, to the development of Australian society, for example in areas such as the economy,
education, science, the arts, sport. (ACHHK116).
o Examining influential Indigenous individuals that have contributed to Australian history.
Historical questions and research
Identify questions to inform an historical inquiry (ACHHS119).
o Developing key questions about what makes a person influential and what impact have they
had on the history and character of Australian society?
Identify and locate a range of relevant sources (ACHHS120).
o Using internet to source documents that help make informed decisions.
Lesson Overview
Integrating socially model of inquiry stage: Going further and making connections
This lesson has been designed to allow student to think out of the box and understand that there are
many factors that influence positive change. Students will have the opportunity to voice their opinions
and create multifaceted opinions about the individuals that shaped Australian history. Students will
learn about values and resilience and characteristics that bring about holistic unity in a nation.
Lesson Objectives
Students will have the ability to:
o Identify and understand the 9 values for Australian schooling.
o Understand how individuals positively influenced and shaped Australian history.
Trish Gee, Deashni Pillay, Rosalba Contarino, Bianca Polino & Amy Gampe
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Assessment for learning:
o A series of higher order thinking questions will be asked throughout the lesson; this will ensure
that students are challenged in their thinking processes.
o Observations will be also made to ensure that students are engaging with the lesson and
keeping on task.
Inquiry question
Key inquiry question:
o Who and what types of individuals were responsible and influential in shaping Australian
Lesson Structure
Orientation Phase
20 minutes
20 mins
Main Content
Enhancing Phase
30 minutes
Trish Gee, Deashni Pillay, Rosalba Contarino, Bianca Polino & Amy Gampe
o http://www.valu
o Whiteboard and
o List from prior
o History list
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30 mins
Class debate
o The teacher will begin session by writing the name
Ned Kelly on the whiteboard.
o Students will then be requested to quickly read over
his profile from their lists.
o The teacher will then divide the class into 2 teams and
pose the debate question on the whiteboard
o Team A will agree that Ned Kelly was an influential
historical Australian that shaped Australian history.
o Team B will disagree with this statement.
o Both teams need to support their argument with facts
from their findings.
o Display document on the interactive whiteboard Students can refer to the National Framework: Nine
Values for Australian Schooling document.
o Whiteboard
o Markers
o List of individuals
from previous
of views.
o Guide students whenever needed and ensure that
they are being respectful of each others feeling.
o Ensure that the key enquiry question was covered in
o Stop debate.
Summarising Phase
10 minutes
10 mins
o Workbook for
note taking
Differentiation of learning
Zone of proximal development:
Throughout the lesson students will be working in pairs or small groups to ensure scaffolding of the
different ability groups. This method ensures that students are helping each other during the learning
process (Ashman and Elkins 2012).
Trish Gee, Deashni Pillay, Rosalba Contarino, Bianca Polino & Amy Gampe
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o Did the students connect with the learning outcomes of the unit through the inquiry question?
o Did the student enjoy the hands on approach to learning?
o What could be improved to assist those students who are having difficulties with the concepts?
Ashman, Adrian, and John Elkins. Education for inclusion and diversity. 4th. Frenchs Forest NSW:
Pearson Australia, 2012.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). Humanities and social sciences,
geography, year 6. Retrieved from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/humanities-andsocial-sciences/geography/curriculum/f-10?layout=1
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). Humanities and social sciences,
history, year 6. Retrieved from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/humanities-and-socialsciences/history/curriculum/f-10?layout=1#level6
National framework nine values document. Retrieved from
Trish Gee, Deashni Pillay, Rosalba Contarino, Bianca Polino & Amy Gampe
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