Satyadeep Pathak's pay slip for October 2014 from MEDSAVE HEALTHCARE (TPA) LIMITED shows that as a Manager in the Marketing department, his gross pay was Rs. 60,000 consisting of a basic salary of Rs. 30,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 15,000, medical allowance of Rs. 6,000 and conveyance allowance of Rs. 9,000. A total of Rs. 1,500 was deducted as TDS, resulting in a net paid amount of Rs. 58,500.
Satyadeep Pathak's pay slip for October 2014 from MEDSAVE HEALTHCARE (TPA) LIMITED shows that as a Manager in the Marketing department, his gross pay was Rs. 60,000 consisting of a basic salary of Rs. 30,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 15,000, medical allowance of Rs. 6,000 and conveyance allowance of Rs. 9,000. A total of Rs. 1,500 was deducted as TDS, resulting in a net paid amount of Rs. 58,500.
Satyadeep Pathak's pay slip for October 2014 from MEDSAVE HEALTHCARE (TPA) LIMITED shows that as a Manager in the Marketing department, his gross pay was Rs. 60,000 consisting of a basic salary of Rs. 30,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 15,000, medical allowance of Rs. 6,000 and conveyance allowance of Rs. 9,000. A total of Rs. 1,500 was deducted as TDS, resulting in a net paid amount of Rs. 58,500.
Satyadeep Pathak's pay slip for October 2014 from MEDSAVE HEALTHCARE (TPA) LIMITED shows that as a Manager in the Marketing department, his gross pay was Rs. 60,000 consisting of a basic salary of Rs. 30,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 15,000, medical allowance of Rs. 6,000 and conveyance allowance of Rs. 9,000. A total of Rs. 1,500 was deducted as TDS, resulting in a net paid amount of Rs. 58,500.
Pay Slip for the month of October-2014 Satyadeep Pathak Department Marketing Emp. Code Mb002149 DOJ 21/02/2014 Gender Male Designation Manager A/C No. PAN AFHPP8305B MOP PF No. N/A Days Payable 31 ESI No. N/A Location Ahemdabad Earning Deduction Description Amount Description Amount Basic Salary 30000 TDS 1500 House Rent Allowance 15000 Medical Allowance 6000 Conveyance Allowances 9000 Gross Pay (A) 60000 Gross Deduction (B) 1500 Net Paid (A - B) 58500 (in words) Rs. Fifty Eight Thousand Five Hundred only. Remarks : This is computer generated Payslip and does not require any signature.