Vajrapani Mahachakra Daily Practice
Vajrapani Mahachakra Daily Practice
Vajrapani Mahachakra Daily Practice
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Portland, OR 97214 USA
2010 FPMT Inc.
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Set in Calibri 12.5./15, Century Gothic, Lydian BT, and Tibetan Machine
Printed in the USA.
Vajrapani Mahachakra
Vajrapani Mahachakra
From within the state of emptiness [appears the syllable] PAM from
which arises a variegated lotus with eight petals. At the center of the
lotus are Brahma and Indra, lying on their left sides. Resting on their
arms are sun and moon cushions on which appears a syllable HUM.
The HUM transforms into a wrathful five-pronged vajra, marked
with HUM. From the vajra light radiates [in all directions] and fulfills
the two purposes [of self and others].
Vajrapani Mahachakra
Vajrapani Mahachakra
All becomes empty. From the sphere of emptiness arises, from AH,
skullcups, inside of which appear HUMs. From the melting of the
HUMs arise the substances endowed with three characteristics: in
nature, bliss and voidness; in aspect, the various oering substances; and in function, granting uncontaminated bliss.
OM AH HUM (3x)
Vajrapani Mahachakra
Mantra recitation
Follow the instructions. Without any distraction from your concentration (samadhi) recite the mantras:
Heart mantra
Vajrapani Mahachakra
Dedication Prayers
Through the merits of these virtuous actions,
May I quickly attain the state of Vajrapani Maha Chakra,
And lead all living beings, without exception,
Into that enlightened state.
May the supreme jewel bodhichitta
That has not yet arisen, arise and grow,
And may that arisen not diminish,
But increase more and more.
Just as the brave Manjushri, and Samantabhadra, too,
Realized things as they are,
I also dedicate all these merits in the best way,
So that I may follow their perfect example.
I dedicate all these roots of virtue
With the dedication praised as the best
By the victorious ones of the three times,
So that I might perform the noble bodhisattvas deeds.
Vajrapani Mahachakra
Vajrapani Mahachakra
basis the blue-robed Vajra Holder demands that these orders be followed).
Originating from the tantra of blue-robed Arya Vajrapani called,
Calming the Three Wrathfuls.
Vajrapani Mahachakra
With the hope that this text will prove useful to some, it has been compiled by
Losang Chokyi Gyltsen a Buddhist monk. It was transcribed by Zhaluwa Tsering
It was translated into English by Lobsang Gyltsen for the teachings of the great
teacher Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche at Vajrapani Institute in May 1999. The mantras
were checked with Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche at Vajrapani Institute, and the text
was edited by Ven. Constance Miller, FPMT Education Department. All errors are
the sole responsibility of the editor.
May all beings benefit.