James Airplanes
James Airplanes
James Airplanes
By: James
Page 3: Introduction
Page 4: Pilots
Page 5: Airlines
Page 6: How Airplanes Fly
Page 7: Biggest and Fastest Airplanes
Hi, my name is
James, and I am an
expert on passenger
airplanes. I will be telling
you about pilots,
airlines, how an airplane
flies, and the biggest
and fastest airplanes.
Pilots of airplanes need to
concentrate mostly on three
parts of flying, take-off, taxi, and
landing. When pilots take off,
they need to look at many
indicators and gauges. The four
most important gauges are
thrust, lift, drag, and weight.
Thrust and lift have to beat
drag and weight or the plane
will not take-off. Most pilots
train in militaries before they
can fly for an airline.
There are many airlines in the world. Each
country has a few airlines that are sometimes
named after them or sponsor them. Poland has
LOT Polish Airlines, Ireland has AerLingus, and
RyanAir, the U.S. has United Airlines, American
Airlines, Delta, and many more. Sports teams
often have airlines that they sponsor. Airlines
also form in big groups and make alliances.
One well known alliance is Star Alliance. In
Star Alliance, there a program called Miles and
More, in which they record how many miles
you flew in a flight. If you get enough miles, you
could get a free flight anywhere you want.
United Airlines
An airplane can fly just because of 4
forces, thrust, lift, drag, and weight. Thrust
and lift are the forces that push the plane up
and forward in the sky, and drag and weight
are the other two forces that try to pull the
plane down and out of the air.
The Concorde
Airbus A380
SR-71 Blackbird