Ineffective Protection
Ineffective Protection
Ineffective Protection
Long Term Goal: Pt will remain free of further infection, wounds will heal
Pt temp will be 97.0-99.4F
as assessed q4h
Assess temperature
Assess Oxygen
saturation levels q4h
Fever is usually in initial indication
that an infection is present. The
release of cytokines works to
increase core temperature which
can help to kill microorganisms
unable to survive at a higher temp.
This is a defense mechanism
indicating systemic infection. These
messenger cells also cause
manifestations of inflammation.
Infection may also lower
temperature; therefore it must be
monitored closely for abnormalities.
Oxygen is needed for the body to
maintain optimal health. If O2 sats
stay above 95% that means that
diffusion is occurring properly.
Tissues require adequate oxygen to
perfuse and antibodies in the blood
are able to reach and fight infection.
Systemic infection can cause acute
inflammation and swelling in the
lungs making it harder to breathe,
and causing oxygen levels to drop
which could possible lead to sepsis.
Initially the patient may
hyperventilate as a compensatory
mechanism, resulting in respiratory
alkalosis which can then lead to
ARDS or even death.
Met: Pt maintained
a temp WNL
throughout the shift
Met: Pt O2 sat
remained at 97% or
Monitor VS q4h
Met: Pts VS
remained WNL
throughout the shift
Partially Met: Pt
verbalized 3 foods
to eat, but couldnt
identify 3 foods to
Pt will verbalize
importance of adequate
periods of rest q4h
Encourage proper
hygiene and bathing
every day
Met: Pt verbalized
importance of
bathing to reduce
risk of infection
Partially Met: Pt
understanding, but
did not wash his
hands before eating
Intake will be at least
2000mL/day and output
will be within 200mL of
intake as assessed qshift
Pt will verbalize
understanding of
completing follow up
appointments qshift
Teach importance of
follow up care qshift
Pt will verbalize
understanding of avoiding
crowds and sick people
Teach Pt to avoid
crowds and sick people
Administer Oxacilin 2g
in sterile water IV q6h
Met: Pt drank
900mL by 1pm and
had output of
Met: Pt verbalized
understanding of
frequent checkups
and follow up
Met: Pt verbalized
Met: Pt showed no
increased signs of
infection besides
minor tenderness
surrounding one
acetaminophen 650mg
PO q4h PRN
Administer prednisone
50mg PO every day
drain site
Met: Pt remained
afebrile and denied
pain throughout the