Held Lawyers: Law Matters
Held Lawyers: Law Matters
Held Lawyers: Law Matters
Law Matters
In this months bulletin, we examine: changes to Vendors Section 32 Statements (again);
landlords passing on repair costs to tenants; and proposed changes to Victorian succession
If there are topics you would like us to look into, please let us know.
Each bulletin touches on a broad range of topics in an easy to read, practical way. We aim to
give you a brief, but better understanding of current issues as they arise, and food for thought!
We are happy to visit you in 2014 and provide staff or client briefings about a range of topics
or matters of interest to you. Please feel free to contact us in that regard.
We hope to see you (again) soon in person.
Adam Held
Malvern Office
Carlton Office
Postal Address
Contact Details
Level 1, 180-182
Glenferrie Rd
(corner Winter St)
113 Cardigan St
T: 03 9509 0710
M: 0407 548 632
F: 03 9500 0805
E: info@heldlawyers.com
Should you require non-legal assistance with various
matters, we are happy to provide you with contact details for
a range of service providers, including financial institutions,
accountants, real estate agents, brokers, etc.
Areas of practice
Property Law including conveyancing and leasing
Commercial and Business Law
This publication is intended to provide commentary and general information only. It should not be relied upon as legal advice. It is not intended to be a complete
or definitive statement of the law on the subject matter covered. Further professional advice should be sought before any action is taken in relation to the matters
described in this publication. Persons listed may not be admitted in all jurisdictions.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation