BB People Bouncing Back Revised
BB People Bouncing Back Revised
BB People Bouncing Back Revised
Lessons to support the BOUNCE (BACK) acronym, previously taught by teachers across all Grades in Term 1, 2015.
7 weeks
(starting Week 4)
4 x Teacher-led lessons for students K3 x Year 6 Peer Leader-led lessons for students K-4
Unit overview
Using the Bounce Back, Level 2 program (by Helen McGrath and Toni Noble), teachers and Year 6 Peer
Leaders (with Year 5 co-leaders) will introduce K-4 students to the Bounce Back strategies for resilience and
Peer Leader/Co-leader Evaluation sheets (to be completed by teachers provided by Joel Alexander)
positive psychology. This will trialled as our Peer Support program in Term 2, 2015. Following evaluation,
This whole-school approach aims to develop a culture of positive psychology. There will be ongoing
evaluation as problems are resolved in the classroom and playground throughout the year.
Multi-Stage Outcomes
Peer Support group participants:
Early Stage 1
PDHPE-COES1.1 expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways
PDHPE-INS3.3 acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative
PDHPE-PSS3.5 suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when resolving problems
PDHPE-SLS3.13 describes safe practices that are appropriate to a range of situations and environments
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.
Term 2, 2015
Week 2
1. Welcome
Leaders to make
Teacher welcomes new Year 6 Peer Support Leaders (and Year 5 Co-leaders). Introduces peer support group (multi-Stage students Kindy to
Lesson 1 -
Year 4). May use name badges. Explains purpose of Peer Support and how we are using the Bounce Back program for this year's theme.
Name badges
2. Text
Teacher reads a book to the group (Kate Westoby, Librarian to provide from selected book list in Bounce Back, Level 2).
People bouncing
School Day
Sunday Chutney
A True Person
Selected poems:
Doctors and dentists help us to bounce back with their treatment and medications.
Lesson 2 -
BLM 2.1
Teacher -led
Peer Leader-led
Animals and
Why do people feel so much love for their pets that they try to help them bounce back, often spending a lot of money on treatment?
How do pets and animals help us to bounce back?
How do plants bounce back when they have been hurt or neglected?
Term 2, 2015
1. Review
Week 4
Peer Leaders ask chn to recall what they did last lesson. Then PLs demonstrate making giant BOUNCE BACK letters in the air ask chn to guess
Lesson 1
the letters, then spell them out. Chn then copy letters.
Peer Leader-led
2. Making activity
Divide into two groups. Peer Leaders and Co-leaders assist chn in making a Bounce Backer.
People bouncing
3. Song
PLs ask if chn know the song, Im a little teapot. One or two could demonstrate actions while others sing. PLs then teach the chn Im a Bouncy
Im a bouncy person
I bounce back
When I feel unhappy
And my world is black.
When Im feeling miserable
I dont crack.
I stay hopeful
And bounce back!
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.
Term 2, 2015
1. State focus for weeks lesson - Other people can help if you talk to them. Get a reality check.
Week 5
Divide chn into two groups. Organise an Inside-Outside Circle (inner circle faces outwards, outer circle faces inwards so that chn are paired,
Lesson 3 -
facing each other). Ask chn to share each of the following questions: (After each question, outside circle moves on one to find a new partner).
felt sick?
were worried about your school work?
felt you were letting your sports team down?
Other people can
help us
have two people sharing a problem; other people help us to get a reality check, that is some evidence about what is really true and not
just our imagination, exaggeration, panicking or jumping to conclusions.)
Who are some of the people we could talk to about a problem we had?
Do we talk to different people depending on the kind of problem?
Who are the people whose job is to help others by talking to them, helping them to solve problems and helping them with a reality
check? (Doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychologists, ministers, priests, teachers, police.)
What is a reality check? (Checking your facts, looking for evidence, finding out what other people think.)
BLM 3.1
Peer Leader-led
4. Peer Leaders assist chn to fill in BLM 3.1 - Talking to people who can help us.
Week 6
1. Review
Lesson 2
Peer Leaders ask chn to recall the focus of the last lesson, ie Other people can help us.
Peer Leader-led
2. Activity 1 - Chatterbox
PLs assist chn to each make a chatterbox. On each of the flaps, write How does a . . . . . . . help us? Examples are: a doctor, a teacher, a
Other people
can help us
parent, Peer Leader. PLs ask the question and assist younger chn to write the answers. Older students can write themselves.
3. Activity 2 - Bookmark
PLs assist chn to each make a Bounce Back bookmark. Chn to write a BB message and decorate appropriately. Chn to finish at home and bring
BLM 3.3
Week 7
1. State focus for weeks lesson - Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. Think again.
Lesson 4
When I read aloud in class I didnt know how to read some of the words.
Helpful thinking
versus unhelpful
Teacher initiates discussion on each statement, asking chn how they would feel and how they would act.
2. Circle Time Discussion
Teacher refers back to previous feelings and actions and guides discussion into what was helpful thinking and what was unhelpful thinking, giving
examples of both.
3. Display or Posters
Display on IWB or as a poster, the Dos and Donts of Helpful Thinking (BLM 2.5) and Unhelpful and Helpful Thinking (BLM 2.6). Go through each
and ask different students to give examples in relation to each of the statements displayed.
Peer Leader-led
4. Life Maze
PLs assist chn in small groups to go through the Life Maze, asking helpful thinking questions v unhelpful thinking.
1. Review
Lesson 3
Peer Leaders ask chn to recall the focus of the last lesson, Unhelpful thinking makes us feel more upset.
Peer Leader-led
2. Quiz
Bouncing back
How well do you bounce back? Chn colour in sheet with PL support.
BLM 3.2
Divide chn into two groups, then split into two again. Play the Bounce Back game.
Write 10 dashes on the IWB or Whiteboard (Hangman style). Each teams set of 10 BOUNCE cards are put in a separate container. In turn, pull
out one card at a time and ask one student in that team to tell what the letter stands for. If they are correct, write the letter on the dash on the
board. Make sure that you do not pull out the same letter that the previous team just had.
of the cards.
Aim: To be the first team to complete all of the 10 BOUNCE BACK letters on the board.
4. Song
Teach chn to sing We can bounce back to the tune of Frere Jacques.
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.
BLM 3.6
BLM 3.7
BLM 3.8
At this rate (30 minutes per week), we have covered only B-O-U. The remaining letters (N-C-E) could be continued in Term 3. Given the time it
takes to assemble the chn in correct groups, there may be an even slower pace. For this reason, Lesson 1 is taught over two weeks (Teacher-led)
with the Peer Leaders starting their lessons in Week 4.
Evaluation - Joel Alexander to provide simplified evaluation sheets for teachers to assess Peer Leaders/Co-Leaders lessons
Peer Support Groups
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW - Program Builder -
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.