Critical Analysis Report
Critical Analysis Report
Critical Analysis Report
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Dover has two different programs for teen. One is
Delaware prevention Coalition (DPC), and the other is Strategic Prevention Framework- State
Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG). It took me a little while to understand the differences between these
two programs because they are pretty much doing the same thing, which is teen prevention.
The Delaware Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG),
awarded in July, 2009, is a five year cooperative agreement between the Substance Abuse Mental
Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA/CSAP) and
the Office of the Governor. The grant is administered through the Delaware Department of
Health and Social Services Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DHSS/DSAMH).
The goal for this program is to Reduce underage and binge drinking (12-25 year olds) and
its related consequences. Build Prevention Capacity and Infrastructure (Delaware Strategic
Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant, 2010).
Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware, and SPF-SIG have collaborated with Simon Circle
site to run a teen program. The program focuses on the Community outreach, Alternative
activities and prevention education for substance abuse. These programs run Monday through
Thursday from 5:00pm - 8:00 pm, and Friday 8:00pm 12:00 am. They have done a variety of
activities such as movie night, NBA field trips, bowling trips, sports team, SMART Moves
lesson, community rallies, teen conferences and much more.
Each program at Boys and Girls Club of Greater Dover has a director who is in charge.
The director who is responsible for this program is Juahana. Typically, whoever works in this
program is under contract, which means, once the grant is out, these people automatically dont
have a job. They will have to re-apply for the same or different position as the grant will be
SPF-SIG provides all funding for the grant, while Boys and Girls club of Greater Dover
provides the facility and part of the materials. They do have excellent program at the club. If I
was directing this program, I would be working on advertising and collaborating more with local
high school and middle school. Working together with other school base program will give more
access to introduce this program to the youth in the community. It seems like they are not
getting proper advertising out about these great activities. Some areas where the grant could use
more help would be in Community Outreach. Aside from advertisement, I would like to see an
increase in program supplies. While the prevention education program full of useful information,
the kids can be tired of seeing the same lesson plans. I think it is very important to revamp the
program and add new twist on the old programming. While doing that, I also think that it is
important for the staff coordinators to go through training on how to produce effective
This program is funded by the State. I would go about continue my funding by keeping
my program active and adding more activities. I would also make sure that I follow the
guideline. I will go for new funding by searching grants that will apply to this type of program.
Some of the quality that I would look in an employee or intern as a director would be
team player, dependency, punctuality, caring, compassionate, and mostly understanding.
Finally, this is a very good program; however, the director of this program needs to think about
more learning and exiting activities in other to keep these kids in this program. They need to
keep in mind that they work with teenagers who have been in school all day, the last thing they
want to do is an activity that seems likes schoolwork.
Delaware Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant, 2010. Retrieved on 3/22/2015