Generalization Lesson Plan Edu505
Generalization Lesson Plan Edu505
Generalization Lesson Plan Edu505
List in bullet form, all of the materials you will need to accomplish this lesson.
5 types of candy to taste:
sweet tarts
reeses pieces
mike and ike
survey chart
Vocabulary and definitions to be listed on the classroom whiteboard.
Survey: Examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as
to construct a map, plan, or description.
The objective will state the learning that the students will attain by the end of the
State the objective in behavioral terms, as follows:
1. A=Audience, 3rd grade class
2. B=Behavior, Complete survey on favorite candy
3. C=Conditions, Teach lesson
4. D=Degree of accuracy needed to achieve the objective. Complete with
100% accuracy
The key question to ask: Can this objective be assessed and what will the
student be able to think, say, or do when the objective is accomplished?
Students can record results in journal after determining the classs most liked
Note: In this lesson plan, the objective will include the following words: finding
generalizations that are supported by data.
SAMPLE OBJECTIVE: After the lesson on using data to support generalizations,
Describe clearly how you would assess student performance in this lesson.
Student will complete a KWL chart on surveys
Label your method of assessment as authentic, formal, or informal.
Formal: KWL Chart
Clearly state where/how this assessment will be kept (portfolio, gradebook)
The assessment will be kept in the students journal.
Include rubric, checklist, or other tool that will be used to assess each
K (What we know)
L (What we learned)
How will this assessment be used? (part of final grade, to adjust teaching
strategies, as part of a portfolio, etc.?)
This assessment will be used as part of final grade, and to be a part of their
4. PURPOSE (5 points)
Have a clear definition in your own mind of the reason for teaching this lesson.
Where does this fit into the overall curriculum?
It is important for students in the 3rd grade to take data and record it onto the
chart according to the CCSS. This will provide a fun way to put this concept into
Fully script, in words you will use with the children, why it is important for each
student to learn this lesson. How does this affect a students lifelong learning?
Why will the student benefit from this learning?
Today we will be learning about taking and completing a survey. We will each
take turns tasting 5 different candies. After each of you finish tasting the candy
we will all share and record your favorite candy onto a chart. After filling out the
chart we will then make a graph to show the results of our survey. This will affect
a students lifelong learning because it is a fun and exciting approach to
completing and graphing a survey students will learn more and also remember
this concept. Students will benefit learning this concept because it is part of our
standards and it will also be used plenty of times as they continue their
It is important to complete this concept because students are expected to
know this concept according to CCSS.
You begin by doing something to get the students interest hooked into what you
are about to teach. Ask leading questions. Describe related activities or
experiences they have had before. Remind them of previous learning. Use
artifacts, hands-on math or science activities, photographs, costumes, hats,
sounds, music, videos, books, etc.
I will first ask students who loves candy. I will then explain that they will be given
a chance to taste 5 different candies and pick their favorite one.
Ask the students to state here, in their own words, what they learned about the use of
data to form generalizations. It is here that you pull them back together as a class for a
What did you learn from the data today concerning __Surveys__?
What have we learned about using facts/data/evidence to solve problems
(generate new ideas, form conclusions, etc.)
The issue here is to help students learn the PROCESS as well as to develop the
PRODUCT. They should be able to express in their own words the learning they
Ask them if they have any other comments. Script possible responses.
Teacher should restate the learning one last time in another way.
Fully script what you will say as well as possible student responses.
Today we will be learning about taking and completing a survey. We will each
take turns tasting 5 different candies. After each of you finish tasting the candy
we will all share and record your favorite candy onto a chart. After filling out the
chart we will then make a graph to show the results of our survey.
Provide a rationale.
After creating our chart I will ask students to record the results from 1 st to last place and the number of
likes for each candy. I will have them attempt it without me saying them allowed but the chart will be
up there for assistance if needed. Then we will review the results together.
The list of generalizations will still be visible on the board or a chart and students
can also list them in the journal. Some will need the reference and others wont
need it at all but you have taken care of a diverse range of writers and thinkers.
Assignment must be valuable and further support the learning stated in the
How will this assignment be assessed? Is the assessment tool/rubric included
in the overall assessment plan? KWL chart
Where will the product/ homework assignment be placed? Will it be part of a
journal, a portfolio, on display on the bulletin board, etc.? You must have a plan.
KWL chart and data will be recorded in students journal.
Red - Weaknesses
Green Strengths
Blue - What you are doing about both strengths and weaknesses.
any other behavior or cultural factors to consider in planning instruction. What did the student do that gave you this impression?
Nathan is a six year old boy who has been diagnosed with ADHD and has been prescribed
medication to help calm him down. Although he takes medication, however Nathan still has
difficulty at times focusing in class and is also easily distracted. Nathans home and only language
is English and enjoys reading. Nathan is exceptional in his reading and writing. Because of
Nathans difficulty in focusing he is a kinesthetic learner. Nathan is able to focus and learn if he is
given the opportunity to learn with a hands on activity. Although at times Nathan has difficulty
transitioning to new activities and can often act out in anger. Nathans personal interests include
soccer and playing with dinosaurs.
Prescribe /Describe Three Adaptations for Instruction
Link each adaptation to specific characteristic of this students needs. Link to specific parts of standard /objective.
1. Because the student __throws tantrums in transitioning___I will __give Nathan a few warnings that our time on the subject is
coming to an end___.
2. Because the student _enjoys reading_ I will give him _a five minute break to read a book if having a hard time focusing or feeling
3. Because the student _is a kinesthetic learner_ I will give _him more hands on activities_.
Noelle is a six year old girl who is currently receiving all As in each subject. Noelle is born and
raised here in Moreno Valley and speaks English. Noelle is naturally gifted in each subject but
shines in reading, writing, and mathematics. Noelle enjoys dancing and playing academic games on
the computer.
Prescribe /describe Three Adaptations for Instruction
Link each adaptation to specific characteristic of this students needs. Link to specific parts of standard /objective.
1. Because the student__is advanced in writing__I will __ask the student to write more and add more detail__.
2. Because the student _is advanced in math_ I will _provide extra mathematics problems to solve_.
3. Because the student _is advanced in reading_ I will _provide extra books that are at the students reading level_.
Structure of Knowledge
Cognitive Level
Rationale for using this Lesson Model in relationship to the cognitive level.
Highlight/color the cognitive levels that fit with the Lesson and provide a rationale for your
I used the Generalization lesson for this standard because students will meet the evaluation level by
completing a chart and graph.
I used the Generalization lesson for this standard because students will meet the synthesis level by
creating a hypothesis of which candy will win as the favorite.
o Modeling
Creating chart, graph
o Guided Practice
Journal writing,
completing chart and
o Independent Practice
Completing KWL chart,
o Whole group
o Works
KWL chart, recording
results in journal
o Advanced
Record results
without assistance
o EL
One on one time
Integration of
o Writing
KWL chart, journal
o Speaking
Class discussion
o Vocabulary
Vocabulary terms
o Active Learning
Discussion, completing
graph and chart
o Rubric
Used to assess
o Group
o Written
KWL chart, recoding
data in journal
o Oral
Class discussion
o Summative
KWL chart
o Test
KWL chart
o Linked to
o Integrated with
Language Arts
Discussion, KWL
o Age Appropriate
Using Grade 3