Day 2 Lesson Upo
Day 2 Lesson Upo
Day 2 Lesson Upo
Briefly wrap up any leftover information from the previous day and remind students of
what was discussed
Nationalism activity:
o Students will get into groups purposefully assigned by the instructor
o Work together to list a rough set of features for a country they would create
These lists will be turned in
o Bring the class back together and talk about what they came up with
o Ask the class to imagine if their country was real; Answer the following questions
as a class:
Would they want the nation to be powerful?
Have a lot of land under its control?
Have its language be the dominant one in the world?
Have everyone in the world looking at it in envy?
o Once all those questions are answered, more than likely with yess, ask the class
what it would take to reach that point.
How many wars would be fought?
How many people would need to forget their language and their culture?
How much racism and suffering would occur as a result of wanting all the
things they answered yes to?
Transition into discussion: How nationalism caused the war
o Discuss with the class how each major European nation thought they were the
greatest; ask if they hear similar talk in America
o Ask for the definition of Patriotism, and based off of the discussion so far how
nationalism is different.
Define nationalism in a straightforward manner
An entry ticket will be assigned to remind students of what was discussed in the class
Students will be assessed as the activity and discussion proceeds. Teacher will walk
between the groups while they discuss their answers