Keegan Evans Megan Fechter Everett Fisher Max Garneau-Drab Nicholas Glover Chance Goulet
Keegan Evans Megan Fechter Everett Fisher Max Garneau-Drab Nicholas Glover Chance Goulet
Keegan Evans Megan Fechter Everett Fisher Max Garneau-Drab Nicholas Glover Chance Goulet
Chris Fougner
First off I want to say
thanks to my parents and
sister for making me who
I am today. Shout out to
GH Dust, the Torquay
Crew and the boys,
you guys are beauties.
Chewp and Rocky, you
have helped make me a
great person on and off
the field. Back to back
Colonist Cup winners
for soccer! Basketball
has been so much fun as
well. Finally, I want to say
thanks LP for the best
four years of my life so
far, I will never forget all
the memories.
If youre going through
hell, keep going.
Megan Fechter
Oh my god, I never
thought this day would
come. Now its coming
faster than ever. Thanks
to all my girls for always
being there. Thanks Mom
and Dad, I wouldnt be
where I am today without you. Cant wait to see
everyone in the future.
#reunion . Through the
good times and bad I
wish you the best!
Scott Fradette
I dont know right now
as I-Im very into- tituh
uniberse, you know like
how was created, you
know, like, what is it, you
know? S-Solar system is
so huMANgos big right?
But if you see the like
our solar system and our
galaxy on the like on the
side, you know, like, and
were so SMAWL you can
never see it our galaxy is
slike huge BHAT if you
the beeg picture our galaxy like ssmall ting like
dot in urr- the unicerse
like, and I fink like, and
we have some problems
heres on the earth we
worry about? Compared
to like nuffing. Just
be happy. Dont worry be
happy right now.
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Everett Fisher
Occasionally in life there
are those moments of
unutterable fulfillment which cannot be
completely explained
by those symbols called
words. Their meanings
can only be articulated
by the inaudible language
of the heart. - Martin
Luther King Jr.
Max Garneau-Drab
Much love to those who
showed love.
Natalie Fuller
Thank you to my family,
friends, teachers, and
everyone else who has
helped my along the way.
Congratulations to my
fellow grads of 2013.
The two hardest things
to say in life are hello for
the first time, and goodbye for the last. Moira
Aneil Grewal
These past four years
at Lambrick were life
changing. I made some
great friends, hanging
out with them every day
showed me how much I
am going to miss them
after I grad. I would like
to congratulate all of the
grads and wish you all
the best. Shout out to
Leighton and Simran, you
guys are real OGs.
Nicholas Glover
Secondary school was a
timeless experience for
me, in all ways. Those
moments as a grade nine
newcomer, just waiting
for high school to end,
and those times when I
wished some experiences
would last just a second
longer. Id like to thank
my parents for giving me
the motivation to step
out the door every morning and to get through
every day, my sister for
giving me answers to
most of my assignments
and tests, my teachers for
giving me the knowledge
I have today, and my
friends for being there
for me for the good and
bad times. One of the
most memorable times
was when I finally built
up the courage to say hi
to Graeme Clark.
Tasia Hartnell
After 13 long hard years
of the British Columbia
Public School System Im
proud to say that I can
finally tie my shoes Boff
of em!
Dont sweat the petty
things, pet the sweaty
Holla, peace out!
Chance Goulet
Throughout the last
twelve years of my life
Ive learned so much. Not
from class, but from life
experiences; the things
that happened in class
when youre not paying
attention and goofing off
with friends. I could go
on forever but you get
the point. Goodbye, Grad
Kelsey Hays
I cant believe its the last
year of high school. It
has gone by so fast, and
I cant wait to start the
next stage of my life.
3/6/2013 2:12:16 PM