Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Professor Sipin
English Comp: 211C
March 17, 2015
pleasant. Not saying that all deaths are pleasant but most people do not die begging for air. Sam
walker explains, "There's a widespread pattern in American policing where resisting arrest
charges are used to sort of cover - and that phrase is used - the officer's use of force (Lind).
Most resisting arrest charges are cover ups. Most of the time you would not hear of someone
resisting arrest.
Can the cops be controlled? Its never been easy: according to one old sociological
chestnut, the monopoly on the legitimate use of violence is what defines modern government,
and this monopoly is jealously protected against the second-guessing of puny civilians
(Madar). The FBI has about 470 justified homicides. Knowing that cops cannot be controlled
is bad. Modern law enforcement is more about protecting the police than the citizens. Citizens
are more afraid of the police than the people doing the crimes.
Statistics show that 18 percent of African American suspects were killed by police, while
8.7 percent were white (McKay). In Ferguson, 67 percent of African Americans in Ferguson
account for 93 percent of arrests made from 2012-2014 (Berman and Lowery). Knowing things
like this is something that would make me not want to trust the police. When you are young,
youre taught that cops are the good guys and they help. Today, as we grow the cops are look
more like bad guys. The process of writing this paper and being a criminal justice major only
open my eyes up to most things people do not see.
Works Cited
Berman, Mark and Wesley Lowery. The 12 key highlights from the DOJs scathing
Ferguson report. n.d. March 2015.
Lind, Dara. 5% of New York cops turn in 40% of "resisting arrest" cases. 6 December
2014. March 2015.
Madar, Chase. Why Its Impossible to Indict a Cop. 24 November 2014. March 2015.
McKay, Tom. One Troubling Statistic Shows Just How Racist America's Police
Brutality Problem Is. 18 August 2014. March 2015.