Acei 2 2 Lesson Plan
Acei 2 2 Lesson Plan
Acei 2 2 Lesson Plan
Number of Students: 22
exit slip
Count the Beans worksheet
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by Van
de Walle, Karp, Bay-Williams
HCPSIII/Common Core Content Standards:
K.NBT.1: Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundation for value.
- Compose and decompose numbers from 11-19 into ten ones and some further ones,
e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each composition or decomposition by a
drawing or equation; understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.
1.NBT: Understand that two digits of a two-digit number represents amounts of tens and
ones. Understand the following as special cases:
a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a ten
b. The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, or nine ones
NCTM Process Standards/Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:
Communication Standard: instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade
12 should enable all students to:
- organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication
- communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers,
teachers, and others
Representation Standard: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12
should enable all students to:
- create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate
mathematical ideas
- select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve
Observe and ask:
- During partner work:
Decomposing a
number into a group
of ten
Decomposing a
number to find more
Using a drawing to
record decomposition
3- MP (meeting
Student was able to
put a group of ten
onto the tens
section of the place
value mat.
Student was able to
put the correct
number of beans
onto the ones
section of the place
value mat.
Student was able to
draw the correct
number of tens and
ones on their
Numerically writing
the decomposition of
a number
2 DP (developing
Student miscounted
the correct number of
beans but placed it
onto the ones
section of the place
value mat.
Student was able to
draw the correct
number of tens or the
correct number of
ones on their
Student was able to
write the correct
answer for two
sections on their
worksheet: number of
tens, ones, or total
number of beans.
Student was able to
draw or record the
correct number of
groups of ten, ones,
and total number of
1 NY (not yet)
Student was not able
to put a group of ten
onto the tens
section of the place
value mat.
Student was not able
to place beans onto
the ones section of
the place value mat.
Student was not able
to draw the correct
number of tens and
ones on their
Student was able to
write the correct
answer for the
number of tens,
ones, or total number
of beans on their
Student was not able
to draw or record the
correct number of
groups of ten, ones,
and total number of
Activities/Instructional Strategies
Day 1: (about 10 minutes per group) (As a class): 15 minutes
Preparation in order for the glue to dry, the beans need to be glued onto the popsicle
sticks at least a day in advance
1. Call students in small groups
2. Explain that for math, well be working with groups of ten
3. Show students the bean stick and explain the representation of the beans on the
popsicle stick
a. For our math activity, we will be using beans
b. Each bean represents a one
c. Explain that the popsicle stick will represent our group of ten
d. Ask students, How many beans do you think we will need to glue on our
popsicle sticks to create a group of ten?
i. Explain that you need ten beans to make a group of ten because
you need ten ones to create a group of ten
4. Give each student a popsicle stick and a bowl of beans
5. Show students the model of the group of ten
6. Have students count out 10 beans and glue it onto their popsicle stick
a. Help students evenly glue 10 beans on the popsice stick
7. Collect popsicle sticks and set on a tray to dry
8. When dry, place popsicle sticks in Ziploc bag with 20 beans (1 popsicle stick per
Ziploc bag)
Day 2:
Introduction/Building Background (5 minutes)
1. Call students to their lines
2. Discuss the objectives and standards that the students will learn during this
a. Today we will learn about composing (building) numbers into a group of
ten and ones
3. Ask students to talk to their side partner about what they did yesterday with the
beans and the popsicle sticks
a. What did you do with the popsicle stick?
b. How many beans did you add to the popsicle stick?
c. Why do you think we made a group of ten beans with the popsicle stick?
4. Call on students to share their answers with the rest of the class
5. Make sure during the discussion to go over these points:
a. We made a group of ten with our beans and our popsicle sticks by gluing
10 beans onto a popsicle stick
b. Making the popsicle stick with 10 beans will help us see how many groups
of ten are in a number
Mini Lesson: (50 minutes)
1. Introduce the place value mat to the students
a. Were going to practice decomposing a number into groups of ten and
more ones
2. Model an example on the board with the number 14
a. Stick the place value mat on the board
b. Ask students
i. Is 14 more or less than 10?
c. Remind students that the popsicle stick with 10 beans is one group of ten
d. Tape the popsicle stick under the tens place (in the rectangle) on the place
value mat
e. Ask students
i. How many more beans do we need to make 14?
ii. Since we already have one group of ten, lets count on from 10 up to
1. 11.121314
2. We need 4 more beans to make 14
f. Tape four beans under the ones place (in the circle) on the place value
g. Ask students, How many groups of ten are in the number 14?
i. Remind students were not looking at how many beans, were
looking at how many groups of ten (meaning popsicle sticks) are in
the number 14
h. Write 1 next to how many groups of ten?
i. Ask students, How many more ones do we need to make 14?
a. Instead of putting the beans on the place value mat, draw the beans on
the place value mat
9. Repeat steps 5 and 6
10. Ask students if they have any questions or if there is something that they do not
11. Go over one more example with the number 17
a. Have students draw the beans on the placemat, write the number of
groups, number of ones, total, and number sentence for the number 17
12. Explain the count the beans activity and instructions to the class
a. When they go back to their seats, they are going to do the same thing that
they did with their partner, but this time it is independent work
b. They can use the beans for help, but they are going to draw what they
built in the tens (rectangle) and ones (circle)
c. They are going to write how many groups of tens, ones, and total on the
lines below
d. Complete as many problems as they can before it is time to clean up
13. Collect the materials and excuse students to their seats
14. Pass out the worksheet and bag of beans to each student
15. Walk around and gather the students who are struggling and pull them into a
small group
16. Model the first problem again using the modeling procedures from step 2
17. Excuse the students who understand the concept and continue to work with the
students who are struggling
18. Tell students to put their papers under their caddy and meet back on their lines
AFTER: (15 minutes)
19. Ask students to talk to their partner about the favorite thing that they learned
today in math
20. Create a class discussion about what they have learned
a. Define a group of ten
b. EX: How many groups of ten are in the number 13? How about 16? How
about 18?
c. If there is one group of ten in the number 13, how many more ones do we
d. If there is one group of ten in the number 16, how many more ones do we
e. If there is one group of ten in the number 18, how many more ones do we
Exit Slip:
Name: ______________________
Date: ___________
What is
3- MP (meeting
Student was able to
put a group of ten
onto the tens section
of the place value
2 DP (developing
1 NY (not yet)
Student was not able
to put a group of ten
onto the tens section
of the place value
Decomposing a
number to find more
Using a drawing to
record decomposition
Numerically writing
the decomposition of
a number
Writing Number
Student miscounted
the correct number of
beans but placed it
onto the ones
section of the place
value mat.
Student was able to
draw the correct
number of tens or the
correct number of
ones on their
Student was able to
write the correct
answer for two
sections on their
worksheet: number of
tens, ones, or total
number of beans.
Student was able to
partially write the
correct number
sentence for the
10+ ____ = ____
also learned in class that children will have a more conceptual understanding of a
concept if they learn through authentic activities that have them explore concepts rather
than procedures. I split my lesson into two different days so students have the
opportunity to focus on creating a group of ten before moving onto applying that group
of ten into a complex lesson.
Another math concept that I had to understand in order to teach this lesson was the
importance of differentiating between the concept of teaching place value versus
teaching students to decompose a teen number into a group of ten and more ones. Van
de Walle states on page 143, The numbers 10 and 20 are not an appropriate place to
discuss place-value concepts. That is, prior to a much more complete development of
place value, students should not be expected to explain the 1 in 16 as representing one
ten. Because of this information, the original lesson plan that I had was having
students write how many beans are on the popsicle stick (10 beans) rather than how
many groups of ten beans are on the popsicle stick (1 group of beans). However, my
mentor teacher has been striving to teach students to understand the place value
system by the end of kindergarten, so she revised my lesson plan to introduce the place
value system in my lesson. As a compromise, I created a lesson that had students write
the amount of groups of ten, how many left over ones, and the total amount of beans. I
made sure to not push too much place value concepts into the lesson by not having
students understand that the 1 in a teen number represents one ten. Since this lesson
is an introduction to place value, I also added standard 1.NBT: Understand that two
digits of a two-digit number represents amounts of tens and ones. Understand the
following as special cases: a) 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a
ten. B) The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones
During the middle of my lesson, my mentor teacher informed me that I should
connect the decomposing concept to addition by writing number sentences. Although I
personally did not believe that this was the right lesson to connect decomposing teen
numbers to number sentences, I taught the concept to the students. The math concept
that I needed to understand in order to teach this part of the lesson was part-part-whole
relationships. According to Van de Walle on page 139, There is a clear connection
between part-part-whole concepts and addition and subtraction ideas. A teacher needs
to understand that decomposing a number is equivalent to breaking a whole into two
parts. It is also essential to understand the subtraction is the reciprocation of addition.
That way, teachers can see the connection between composing a number and
decomposing a number.
2. What experiences did students have prior to the lesson that should have
helped them be successful? What are some concepts and procedures they
should have had some understanding of to be successful? (cite sources)
Since the students came back from spring break (for about two weeks), my mentor
teacher has been teaching the student how to decompose teen numbers into ten and
more ones. During my first math lesson, I introduced the decomposition concept by
having students connect cubes into a group of ten ones, place the ones that are left on
a ten frame, write the total number of cubes, and represent their understanding by
drawing their models. The standard that was the focus of that lesson was CCSS.K.NBT.
This lesson helped students to become comfortable with making a group of ten. The
lesson also gave students the opportunity to explore and work with decomposing teen
numbers into tens and more ones.
In the lesson that I just implemented in the classroom, students connected what was
taught in my first lesson and applied it to the new concept that was taught in this current
lesson. Because of the first lesson, students were comfortable with creating a group of
ten and visualizing what ten ones look like in a group. However, in this lesson students
needed to change their understanding of a group of ten. Instead of looking at a group of
ten as 10 ones, students needed to see and understand a group of ten as 1 ten.
Although it seems that 10 ones and 1 ten are the same, the subtle difference changes
the lesson from decomposing teen numbers into a group of ten and more ones into an
introduction to the place value.
I feel that in order for students to be successful throughout this lesson, they need to
have a good understanding of making a group of ten: The concept of a unit of ten is
challenging for a kindergarten or early first-grade child to grasp (Van de Walle, 2013).
Kindergarten students need time to understand the concept that a bundle of ten known
as a ten. Making a group of ten using authentic tasks and activities is a way for
students to better grasp the concept of a group of ten.
To sum up everything I have said in the previous paragraphs, students needed to
have a solid understanding of groups of ten before starting this lesson. The background
knowledge that was taught in my previous lesson helped students prepare for the
information taught during this lesson. Students were taught how to create a group of ten
to find the total amount of ones in a teen number. In this current lesson, students
needed to change their thinking process and convert 10 ones into 1 ten, which is a
foundational understanding needed to understand early place value concepts.
3. Reflect on your assessment plan. Were you able to use it? Why or why not?
Useful data allows you to monitor individual, small group and whole class
progress toward developing conceptual understanding, procedural fluency
and reasoning/problems solving skills. If you were not able to collect useful
data for at least half of your children, how would you change your
assessment plan?
During the middle of my math lesson, my mentor teacher came up to me and asked
if I could teach students how to write number sentences that correspond to the drawings
and models they have built. Because of this, I spent much more time on the floor
modeling and guiding students through problems. It was very hard for students to
understand why we write the number 1 for one group of ten, but write the number 10
when we write a number sentence. By the time I felt that most students had an
understanding of how to draw and write the decomposition of a teen number, I only had
ten minutes left in the math block. I made the decision to use the independent
worksheet in place of the exit slip as a form of summative assessment. Students had
about ten minutes to complete four decompositions. While students were working on the
worksheet, I observed students at each table and wrote down which students could use
the beans and popsicle sticks to decompose the teen number. I wrote my observations
on the assessment data table. At the end of math block, I collected the independent
worksheets and assessed it in place of the exit slip.
Because of the sudden change in my lesson plan, I changed the assessment rubric
and data table. Instead of assessing the exit slips, I assessed the work they finished on
their worksheets. On my assessment rubric, I eliminated the criteria for the exit slip
grade. In place of the exit slip, I created criteria for the number sentence. The rest of the
assessment rubric and data table remained the same.
In the future, I would like to focus more on collecting as much formative assessment
data as summative assessment data. What I could do is create an observation
recording log. Each child could have a designated box on the observation log, and
whenever a child participates in class discussions, I could put a tally in that students
box. I would also write down anything significant that a student says throughout the
lesson. I feel that formative assessment could give me a better idea of students how
understand the concept and the students who do not feel as confident as others.
4. What understandings did the children exhibit? List at least five specific
things the students did and said that are evidence of understandings. If
they did not show evidence of understanding, what would you have asked
to get more information?
1. Out of the 19 students who participated in the activity, 16 students were able to
correctly complete the decomposition worksheet. That shows that those 16 students
were able to model the decomposition of teen numbers using beans and popsicle
sticks, represent the model using drawings, record the groups of ten, more ones,
and total number of beans, and represent the decomposition using a number
sentence. I feel that this is major evidence that shows most students were able to
understand the concept of decomposing a teen number into a group of ten and more
ones. I am very pleased to see these results because I did not expect a majority of
students to grasp this lesson. Since most of this lesson dealt with a first grade
standard, I expected most students to struggle more than they did throughout the
lesson. Hopefully they can take this understanding and apply it to place value when
they move up to first grade.
2. When I asked students, Why do we write the number 10 instead of 1 in the number
sentence 10+2 = 12? a student replied, Because were counting the beans. And
1+2=3, not 12! This showed that this student was relating the knowledge that was
taught in this lesson to his prior knowledge to create a conceptual understanding of
the concept. He understood that when we want to find the total, we are finding the
total amount of beans, not popsicle sticks. He used his knowledge of early number
sense to realize that 12 is a much bigger number than 1+2. His response showed
me that he was thinking about the context of the problem rather than looking at the
process and procedures needed to solve the problem.
3. While students were attempting to solve their first example problem with their
partners, I walked around and asked them questions such as, How many beans are
on your popsicle stick? If theres 10 beans on your popsicle stick, how many
groups of 10 do you have? How many more beans do you need to make the
number ___? Many groups were not able to answer the questions, so I had to
scaffold the questioning by asking more specific questions. However, as they were
given more opportunities to struggle through problems, they began to answer the
questions I was asking them. Some groups replied that they needed to put down a
popsicle stick because 14 is more than 10. Other groups replied by saying 10+5=15,
so that is why they need to put down a popsicle stick. Students were beginning to
understand what they were doing with the manipulatives and drawings, and why
they were decomposing the number into ten and more ones.
4. During independent work, some of the students came up to me with a completed
worksheet within the first five minutes. The ability to draw, write, and create a
number sentence of four decomposition problems within five minutes show that
those students were confident with the concept. When I checked their work, those
students correctly completed all four problems, which was very impressive.
5. Although this seems like a small observation of student understanding, I think it
pertains to an important concept. When students were representing their groups of
ten by drawing their model onto their worksheets, a majority of students drew ten
beans in each group of ten. This shows that the students understand that there are
ten ones in a group of ten, which is important for students to become comfortable
with in order to prepare for learning place value. Students took the time to count and
draw ten circles into each rectangle to represent an accurate group of ten.
5. What misunderstandings did the children exhibit? List at least five specific
things that students did and said that are evidence of misunderstandings?
If they did not show evidence of misunderstandings, what could you ask to
get more information?
1. One of the major misunderstandings that some of the students exhibited was
understanding the difference between one group of ten and ten ones. After
completing a couple practice problems on the board, I asked one student to come to
the board and write the number sentence for the decomposition of the number 17.
He came up to the board and wrote 1+7=17. From that evidence, I was able to tell
that this student did not understand the difference between ten beans and one
popsicle stick, or 10 ones and one group of 10. I explained the class that when we
want to create a number sentence, we are finding the total number of beans, not
popsicle sticks. Therefore, they need to count all of the beans. The student came
back to the board and corrected his work.
2. During independent work, one student continued to struggle with the difference
between 10 ones and one group of 10. I had to guide her through step-by-step in
order to finish the problem set. In the future, I would not mix number sentences with
groups of ten because I understand how confusing it can be to students who have
not mastered either concept.
I did not notice any other signs of misunderstandings, but in the future I could improve
by creating ways to get students insights. One way that I could do this is by asking
students questions as they are completing their independent work. Some questions
could include, Why did you write 10+____=_____? What does the popsicle stick
show? How many more ones do you have? Asking students questions and listening
to their responses can give you a better idea of how well they understand a concept.
6. What would you do the same and differently if you could teach this lesson
again? Include specific ideas that are related to the Process Standards (pp.
3-5), the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices (pp. 5-7),
Selecting Worthwhile Tasks (pp. 36-42), Orchestrating Classroom
Discourse (pp. 42-46) and/or Planning for All Learners (pp. 64-70).
During the middle of my lesson, my mentor teacher informed me that I should
connect the decomposing concept to addition by writing number sentences. At first, I
was hesitant because I thought they would be confused between writing 1 group of ten
on the place value mat and then writing 10+_____=____. I would personally have
connected students knowledge by having them write 10 beans and 2 more beans
equals 12 beans, which translates to 10+2=12. Instead, I followed my mentor teachers
request and attempted to connect the number sentence to my lesson. As predicted,
some students became confused because they were writing 1 when classifying the
group of ten, but writing 10 when they were creating a number sentence. In my opinion,
students should not have to go back and forth between thinking of 10 as 1 group of ten
and thinking of 10 as 10 ones. In the future, I would focus my lesson on understanding
that a group of ten ones is seen as one group of ten. I would not integrate creating
number sentences until students feel comfortable understanding how one group of ten
contains ten ones.
The main two standards that I feel I could improve on are the Communication and
Connections Five Process Standards (Van de Walle, 3). Students benefit from
understanding and learning more about a concept through communicating with other
peers. If I could improve my lesson, I would have students synthesize what they have
learned during the closure part of my lesson. Instead of having me ask questions and
students answer, I would have students think of their own questions or insights about
the lesson and have them share with multiple peers. That would give students the
opportunity to hear from other students and communicate their mathematical thinking
coherently to others in the classroom. I would also improve my lesson by working on the
Connections Standard. Because students became confused when I attempted to
connect the number sentence to the place value mat, I feel that it was not the right time
to introduce that connection because of the students amount of understanding. Instead
of connecting number sentences, I would work on connecting students knowledge that
a group of ten ones is equivalent to one group of ten.
If I could do this lesson again, I would take into consideration flexible grouping in
order to plan for all learners (Van de Walle, 67). During the lesson, I noticed that some
students did not need the extra practice on the floor. In the future, I would send those
students to their desks to complete part of the worksheet. That way, it could be a form of
formative assessment to see if those students can independently complete the
worksheet without extra assistance. I would keep the students who were struggling on
the carpet and work with them in a small group. That way, the students who do not need
the extra guidance do not need to be bored doing extra problems as a class, and
students who do need extra guidance can receive more attention.
I feel that my lesson falls under the Procedures with Connections Task (Van de
Walle, 37). This is because the decomposition of a teen number was represented in
multiple ways by using the beans and the popsicle sticks as manipulatives, drawing the
representation, writing the representation, and writing a number sentence. I also believe
that the procedures in my lesson led students to the underlying conceptual idea that
teen numbers can be decomposed into a group of ten and more ones. In the future, I
would improve my lesson by creating a mathematical text that requires more complex
and problem solving thinking. Having students struggle through a lesson and find their
own understanding of a concept would be most beneficial to students.
Lastly, in the future I could improve my lesson by incorporating more reasoning and
elaborating to enhance classroom discussions (Van de Walle, 43). Instead of asking
students one-word or one-number answers, I would ask students to explain their
reasoning to the rest of the class. For example, I could ask students, Do you agree or
disagree with this answer and why do you think that? I could also ask students to
elaborate to challenge students to participate and deepen students understanding.
7. If you were to teach a follow-up lesson, what would be the focus of the next
lesson? What would the specific problem/task be? (Written as it would be
presented to students)
If I were to teach a follow-up lesson, my main focus would be ensuring that students
understand number sentences before connecting it to their knowledge learned in the
previous lesson.
I would review math vocabulary:
What does it mean to add?
What does total mean?
What does the equal sign mean?
How do you write a number sentence? What symbols do you use?
Building Background:
Ask students to count out 20 cubes and put it in front of them
Model a simple example in front of the class
Lets say that I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner. The recipe
says I need to buy two carrots.
Ask students how many cubes they should put in front of them
Make sure that all students put two cubes in front of them
I also need two onions. How many vegetables do I need to buy in all?
Ask students how many more cubes should they put in front of them
Make sure that all students put two more cubes in front of them
So if I bought two carrots, and two onions, how many vegetables did I buy? What
was the total amount of vegetables that I bought?
Model the number sentence on the board
2+2 = 4
State another word problem and have students use their cubes to model the answer:
If I read five books, and my teacher told me to read 3 more, how many books do I
need to read in all?
After students have completed modeling, have a student come to the front and show
how he/she solved the problem
Ask another student to write the number sentence on the board
Mini Lesson:
Repeat the same steps in the building background with word problems that show the
composition of 10+ ___=____.
1. I need ten balls to play dodgeball. Mr. Ro said that he needs three more balls.
How many balls would we need to play dodgeball?
2. The pet store had 10 puppies. They then brought in 5 cats. How many animals
did the pet store have in all?
3. I have ten video games. My grandma gave me 8 more games for Christmas.
What is the total number of video games that I have in all?
Keep all of the number sentences that you wrote on the board:
Ask students to talk to their side partner and talk about the patterns, or what they
noticed about the three problems on the board. How are they similar? How are they
different? Do you see any connections that you can make?
Have students elaborate and explain their reasoning behind their answers.
Have a class discussion with students to connect the idea that:
1. number sentences show what numbers you are adding and the total.
2. A teen number is always composed by 10 and more ones.
3. There is a pattern between the teen number and the more ones (the 10+3=13).
4. Relate the concept of ten back to the previous lesson (10 is the same as 1 group
of ten, which is what you made with the popsicle stick and beans).
Work Cited
Van de Walle, J., Karp, K., & Bay-Williams, J. (2013).Elementary and middle school
mathematics teaching developmentally. (8th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson
Education, Inc.