Native Nutrients : A Condensed Selection of Natural Remedies For The Health Conscious and College Bound

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Native Nutrients;

a condensed selection of natural remedies for the

health conscious and college bound

Common Symptoms and treatments:

Diuretics and Purifiers
Eye irritation
Insomnia & Trouble sleeping
Nausea/motion sickness and vomiting
Sore throat
Upset stomach & indigestion
Skin ailments
Acne hot compress of strong papaya mint tea, horseradish
vinegar wash, ladys mantle contains salicylic acid, an active
ingredient in acne meds, functions as a peeling agent.
Acute irritation and Rash
Dermatitis/eczema raw potato poultice, wash with heartsease
tea, sheep sorrel poultice, lemon juice, black soap (dudu osun),
Cold and Flu
Fever reducers bee balm, feverfew
Congestion & other sinus problems
Cough coltsfoot bee balm
Wound care
Bites and Stings
basil for bee stings, aloe, clary sage
Infection prevention
Small cuts, Scrapes, Scratches
For the College-bound
Caffeine Dependency wane of with coffee alternatives that pack
less caffeine
Memory problems

Mild Depression
Ramen Spices and Other Tips
Commonly used ingredients and their properties (Table)
(table) organise by diuretics (dandelion), anthelmintics,
anticeptics etc.

What if instead of running to our local drugstore to solve our health problems
we could pick up what we need with our groceries? What if instead of browsing isles for
tums or cough syrup or some NSAID painkiller, we could reach into our cabinets, free of
charge, for relief to our symptoms? What if your remedy was something you may have
been cooking or snacking with earlier in the week? Or growing in the backyard?

There is an abundance of natural remedies available through the products we

already enjoy that most youth are unaware of. At times, our modern, technology loving
society can forget about or neglect the medical properties and uses of the plants and
natural substances at our disposal.

With natural medicine, we can treat symptoms and improve the quality of life at
low cost.

Before this, I knew very little about natural medicine. My mother, holding on to
her native Haitian culture, filled our medicine cabinet with more teas than pills but I
knew nothing past that she used aloe veras bitterness to get me to stop sucking my
thumb, and that garlic was apparently vampire repellant.

As I watched my mom reach for that same aloe to cover my skinned knees instead
of neosporin It looked to me like something from my favorite books about elves and
druids. So, when I came home from school and learning about a world of rocketships
and bionic legs the aloe plants healing ability faded to fiction with the wizards and
shamans I associated the notion with. I was a skeptic of natural medicine because it was
never really explained to me to my satisfaction. I did not want to put anything on or in
my body unless I was sure it would work and I could wrap my head around how.
I trusted modern medicine because of cited research, but I also noticed all the sideeffects and possible interactions of all these unnatural products people were putting in
their bodies. I concluded that our technology just isnt at a level that we can trust a pill
for everything.
However, as I entered High school I saw my mothers natural remedies less and
less. My dad began drinking nyquil to sleep off his cough, the girls in my school carried
skin astringents and painkillers in their purses, and because it was convenient I saw
many in my age group resorting to pills exclusively for their ailments. In many cases my
peers popped the pills expecting it to work on the same blind faith I had rejected my

natural methods for. Suddenly the natural and modern methods seemed more equal.
When I investigated many of the common tablets and syrups I was shocked not just at
potential risks and side-effects but th potential for abuse as well. When I saw a kid at a
park drinking cough syrup for a high, I thought, thats not just medicine anymore. Herbs
have far less potential for abuse, the active ingredients as their found in nature come in
tiny doses. I imagine if natural medicine was a more common approach there would be
less potentially abusable chemicals around in the first place. After all, society can usually
only discover a drugs dark side after its already been released to the public.

In 2015 nutrition has become a movement. Stores advertise their organic

products and every restaurant wants to sell quinoa. This makes it the perfect time to
raise awareness about the medicinal properties of the healthy natural foods their already
beginning to eat more of. As my fellow students graduate and begin their independent
lives I feel the information here will be critical to stay healthy and save money.

Gathering/preparing Herbs, Oils, Teas, Tinctures and

Fresh herbs can be gathered at almost any time provided you dont kill the

To dry and store:

Gather Flowers at the beginning of the flowering period, usually

Gather leaves before and during the flowering period

Gather roots either in early spring or early autumn
Gather fruits at the time of ripening


Teas can be made light or strong according to need and
For most herb teas, use just over a tsp of the herb per cup of
Steep fresh herbs for about a minute or less
Steep dried herbs twice as long as you would fresh ones (about
1-2 mins)
1. Chop or mince and lightly bruise the plant material
to be used
2. Bring an appropriate amount of water to a boil
3. remove heat and steep plant matter in the water
through a tea bag, or other filtering material (for increased
effect some herbs can be boiled down into the tea rather than

Tinctures or vinegars:
Vinegars can be infused with plants like garlic or horseradish to
concentrate active ingredients in a liquid form

A tincture is typically an alcoholic extract of plant, almost like

an alcohol tea.
Use high proof (30-40%) fruit or corn/potato based alcohol
Can be used in drops to add the active flavors or medical
properties of different plants to other teas and also externally diluted
in a wash or compress.
Tinctures have a much higher concentratiob of a plants active
ingredients than teas
1. Loosely fill a sealable container almost to the top
with the desired herb or other plant
2. Pour the alcohol or vinegar over the plant matter,
filling the container
3. Seal and let sit for at least 14 days at room
4. Strain if desired.
Can be made from herbs or flowers
Good for scents and for cooking
1. Cut and lightly bruise plant substances and place in
a bottle
2. Fill about 2 finger widths above the flowers or herbs
3. Let stand for at least 14 days in a warm place (e.g. in
the sun or by the stove)

For external use

Helps to hold an active ingredient in contact with the affected

Best for skin conditions and rashes
1. Finely chop a generous amount (2 large double
handfuls) of the herb, flower or root
2. heat around 500 grams of lard or similar fatty
substance in a pan
3. Once the fat is hot mix in the plant matter, let it
crackle briefly, stir, and remove the pan from the heat
4. Cover the whole mix and cool overnight
5. Warm entire mixture the next day, filter with a linen
cloth or similar substance, and store.

Anxiety hits everyone sometime. It is a general feeling of worry that can be onset by all
kinds of stimuli from forgetting to put on deodorant to studying for finals.
Chamomile contains chamazulene, an anti-inflammatory agent that
relaxes muscles, and alpha-Bisabolol and apigenin which are considered
spasmolytic, and relax both rough and smooth muscle tissue.

Valerian contains camphor, a relaxer and expectorant, and the active

ingredient Valepotriate. According to a preliminary trial by the national library
of medicine, valepotriates may have a potential anxiolytic effect on the psychic
symptoms of anxiety. Scientists aren't sure how valerian works, but they believe
it increases the amount of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in
the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and helps regulate nerve cells.
It has a calming effect on anxiety. Drugs such as alprazolam (Xanax) and
diazepam (Valium) also work by increasing the amount of GABA in the brain.
Researchers think valerian may have a similar, but weaker effect.
Lemon Balm is approved for "nervous sleeping disorders" and
"functional gastrointestinal complaints" by Commission E of the German Federal
Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Commission E is the German
governmental agency that evaluates the safety and effectiveness of herbal
products. The United States does not have a comparable agency to evaluate
herbal products Several studies have used Lemon balm, and Lemon
balm/Valerian combinations to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia. The studies
have shown improved sleep patterns and reduced stress and anxiety. In one study
a Lemon balm/Valerian combination was found to be as effective as the
prescription drug Halcion.
St.Johns Wort has been studied extensively for anxiety and depression
according to the University of Maryland Medical Center and Sigma Aldrich. The
active compounds, Hypericin and hyperforin are believed to work by inhibiting
serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine synaptic reuptake. Serotonin is
associated with positive moods, norepinephrine with calming the fight or flight

response, and dopamine is like currency in the brain's reward system. Inhibiting
the reuptake of these neurotransmitters enhances their effects.
With food:
Sage or Rosemary both contain the calming substances Thujone and
Camphor. Thujone is a GABA antagonist, blocking this inhibitory
neurotransmitter can improve the mood. Camphor soothes tissues as a mild pain
Chocolate -- Dark chocolate contains caffiene, a stimulant, but also
Tryptophan.Tryptophan is an amino acid that also works as a precursor to
serotonin. It is unconfirmed but plausible that by ingesting more dark chocolate,
you're improving your serotonin levels. Also, Theobromine, the ingredient that is
toxic to dogs, seems to have a positive, mood elevating effect on those that ingest
it according to Calm Clinic.
With a quiet moment:
Breathe, inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds, repeat 20 times
while listening only to your breath. Quieting and stilling yourself is something we
dont all do as deliberately as we should. It can help us to think more clearly and
manage stress.
Preform a relaxation exercise or meditate, this could include Yoga,
Tai Chi, or a simple game. I like to visualize I am out in a sunny forest quietly
making camp for myself, I try to be very detailed in my imagining. This takes my
mind far from my worries and when I come back to reality I feel fresher.
Take a nap. Sleep was made for the stressed. A power nap has been
shown to increase problem solving ability in young adults and seniors alike. Also,
sleep is necessary for long term information storage

Constipation is a change in your normal bowel movements, going less frequently than
you usually do, passing hard, dry stools; or straining when you defecate. Herbs used for
constipation fall into two categories: bulk forming laxatives and stimulant laxatives.
Bulk forming laxative have digestive fiber and help get whats already in your gut
manageable. Stimulant laxatives flush the bowels by causing large contractions.

flax seeds make a good bulk forming laxative because theyre high in
figs and prunes are well known bulk forming laxatives, high in fiber and
Senna - is used in over the counter laxatives. It works by irritating the
colon wall, causing muscles to contract. Take no more than 300 mg one time per
Aloe latex is a very powerful stimulant laxative and should be used for
extreme cases only, dilute otherwise.

Drowsiness can come from lack of sleep, stress, physical activity and as a result of mild
allergic reaction. It is a feeling of depleted energy often accompanied by heavy eyes and
muscles and sleepiness.

To Drink

Cold water forces the body awake as the metabolism work must work to
heat the fluid and reheat the body
The amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar help muscle tissues in
the body process the fatigue causing lactic acid that can build up in the body from
exercise or stress.
Caffeine is a common go to for drowsiness but coffee isnt the only
source, teas like green tea, dark chocolate and roots like ginseng also
contains the methylxanthine. What caffeine does in the brain is to block an
inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. This way, it increases the firing of
neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and
norepinephrine. According to the National Library of Medicine the alerting
effects of caffeine may be related to the action of the methylxanthine on serotonin
neurons, increasing sensitivity. The effects of caffeine on learning, memory,
performance and coordination are rather related to the methylxanthine action on
arousal, vigilance and fatigue.
Ginseng The major active components of ginseng are a diverse group of
steroidal saponins, labeled ginsenosides. Many of these act as a slight central
nervous system stimulants (activates brain activity), hypertensives, anti-fatigue
agents, anabolics (stimulates deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), protein, and lipid
synthesis), and as a mental acuity and intellectual performance enhancer
according to Sigma Aldrich.
To Eat
The crisp texture and sensation of biting into fresh fruit is very
stimulating, especially when coupled with tartness. Tart fruits also tend to be

high in antioxidants, the oxidative action of which can eliminate pollutants in the
body that contribute to feelings of drowsiness
Sleep, a power nap can sometimes do the trick to get you ready and alert.
The length of your nap and the type of sleep you get help determine the brainboosting benefits. The 20-minute power nap is good for alertness and motor
learning skills like typing and playing the piano, napping for around 30 to 60
minutes is good for decision-making skills, such as memorizing vocabulary or
recalling directions and getting 60 to 90 minutes of napping is enough time to
reach REM sleep which plays a key role in making new connections in the brain
and solving creative problems

Diuretics and antimicrobials are good for detox and recovery from allergic reaction or
poisoning. A diuretic is any substance that promotes the production of urine and water
loss from the kidneys. Cleansing the system with natural astringents and antibiotics can
promote quick recovery from toxins that have entered the body such as heavy pollution,
substances youre allergic to, and poisons.

Milk Thistle contains Silymarin and Silybin which has has a potent
antibacterial activity, killing harmful bacteria within the body. Milk thistle also
contains tannins which are tissue astringents, or tighteners.

Calamus root - active ingredients in calamus include flavonoids, lectins,

phenols, and saponins. There was detection of flavonoids and phenols as
inhibitors of the growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus at Sigma
Life Science, demonstrating antibacterial properties. Flavonoids and phenols
typically have anti-inflammatory properties and Calanus is no exception.
Dandelion -- Is extremely common, you can find it almost anywhere in
most U.S. regions. Dandelion is not just a weed however, but has diuretic
properties. Sesquiterpenes lactones are responsible for these and may contribute
to dandelion's mild anti-inflammatory activity. Lactones in Dandelion increase
bile production and flow to the gall bladder (choleretic), and exert a direct effect
on the gallbladder causing contraction and release of stored bile .

Diarrhea is usually a symptom of another health problem, such as an infection, virus or
digestion issue. It is an increase in the wateriness, volume, or frequency of bowel
movements. Diarrhea causes foods and fluid pass too quickly or in too large an amount
through your colon so your body doesn't absorb the fluid. It is a relatively common
symptom and most people encounter it at some time. Acute diarrhea is very
uncomfortable but usually not very serious. It should go away in a few days on its own
but if it lasts longer, your stool contains blood, or the diarrhea is very severe, you should
see a doctor. Diarrhea also causes dehydration, children and elderly people are at higher
risk of severe dehydration and should see their doctor sooner.

Cinnamon -- High tannin content in cinnamon gives it astringent

properties on gastrointestinal tissues, meaning it brings cells tighter together
helping to clear out the disturbing material quickly before too much fluid is lost.
Cinnamon also contains eugenol, though not as potent as in cloves, giving it pain
inhibiting actions. Because cinnamon also contains camphor, it is also effective in
reducing associated itching. For a tart flavor, raspberry and blackberry
leaves are another excellent source of tannins.
Garlic --The sulfur compound alliin (S-allyl-l-cysteine sulfoxide)
produces allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate) via the enzyme allinase when the bulb is
crushed or ground. Allicin is the primary active ingredient in garlic, responsible
for promoting bile secretion and the bulbs vascular and antimicrobial effects.
Slippery elm bolsters the walls of the intestines with mucilage in
acordance with its anti-inflammatory action, proving maximun protection to
intestinal cilia and flora.
Malva - contains tannins, natural astringents, as well as mucilage, a
coating substance that can soothe an irritated digestive tract. Astringents tighten
up the cell membranes of the intestines, promoting more complete bowel
movements. This will reduce the number of trips to the bathroom before youre
all well.

Eye irritation
Eye inflammation is tricky, the eye is too sensitive for most astringents and many anti
inflammatory agents so youve got to pick the right one.

Eyebright is true to its namesake. It contains Iridoid glycosides. This

class of astringents is gentle enough that is safe to wash the eyes with it to treat
Cucumber - When used topically, cucumber has a cooling and soothing
effect that decreases swelling, irritation and inflammation. Cucumber slices can
be placed on the eyes to decrease morning puffiness

Flatulence is usually caused by mild indigestion, nervousness, or the
consumption of ver oppositely pHd foods. A carminative substance is one that cobats
flatulence. This is either done by preventing gases from forming or facilitating the
expulsion of said gas.
Peppermint tea contains menthol which is both soothing and
antispasmodic, this can relieve intestinal spasms or cramps contributing to gas.
as well as release trapped gas.
Cinnamon can be taken in tea or with a snack, it has carminative effects
in preventing gas formation in the intestines
Garlic works on both fronts of the carminative edge and both prevents
gases from forming through choleric action like bile stimulation in the liver and
helps relieve gas as it passes the intestines.
Fennel seeds provide fiber but also contain anetho, a carminative
substance that will silence persistent flatulence.

Frostbite is when the skin and the tissue just under it freeze. This requires
immediate medical care.

To investigate a possible case of frostbite or attempt to halt its onset run

the affected area under warm, not hot, water.
If the skin tingles and burns as it warms, your circulation is returning.
If the skin does not seem to warm, if it remains numb, or if it does blister or swell, seek
immediate medical attention.
If feeling begins to return, use aloe to begin healing the damage done to
the skin cells

When humans drink alcohol, we metabolize it twice. First we convert the alcohol
to aldehyde with alcohol dehydrogenase, then the aldehyde is converted to acetate by
aldehyde dehydrogenase. The leading theory on why people experience hangovers so
negatively is that the body processes the alcohol faster than the aldehyde is processed.
That middle state, the aldehyde, is actually toxic and remnants of this substance could
be the source of the malaise.
Ginseng improves alcohol clearance in humans by 30-50%,
by enhancing metabolic activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde
dehydrogenase. Faster metabolization means the alcohol, or aldehyde, is
processed out of the body faster.

Garlic can soothe the nausea or vomiting of a very serious

hangover by rebooting the gastrointestinal system. Suck or chew on a clove
of garlic next time you have a nauseous next morning.

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. The most common type of
headache is likely caused by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaw. This
type of headache is called tension headache and can be caused by stress, depression,
anxiety, a head injury, or holding your head and neck in an abnormal position. Other
types of headache include Migraines and sinus headaches. Migraine headaches involve
severe pain and usually occur with other symptoms such as vision changes, sensitivity to
sound or light, or nausea. A sinus headache causes pain in the front of the head and face.
It is due to swelling in the sinus passages behind the cheeks, nose, and eyes.

Sleep is the number one treatment for getting rid of a headache, the brain
repairs minor chemical imbalances more effectively during sleep.
Massaging and Stretching can do the trick for tension headaches, you
can literally relieve the tension
Meditation and relaxation techniques can reduce the stress that may
be behind a headache. Listen to some classical music or try a breathing exercise,
inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 7, do this 5 times then lengthn the inhales and
exhales by 2 and 3 seconds and repeat. This can be done up to 30 second inhales.

Willow Tree bark contains salicin, a natural painkiller from which

aspirin was originally derived. Tea made with willow tree is effective in reducing
the pain of a headache and can have fewer side effects than synthetic painkillers.
Chamomile contains Chamazulene, alpha-bisabolol, and apigenin which
are proven to have anti-inflammatory actions against proinflammatory agents.
The Chamazulene inhibits both cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase (LOX),
and therefore, inhibits prostaglandins and leukotrienes, reducing and preventing
inflammation even in your head.
Feverfew contains parthenolide, It functions to inhibit serotonin and
prostaglandins from being released, both of which are inflammatory chemicals
considered to lead to migraines. By inhibiting these amines as well as the creation
of inflammation inducing histamines, this plant can help to control inflammation
and stop blood vessel spasms which might lead to headaches. Since it controls the
inflammation, it prevents any constricting of the blood vessels in the head which
can also lead to headaches.

Insomnia & Trouble Sleeping:

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Insomnia is defined as
difficulty initiating, or maintaining sleep at least 3 nights per week, in addition to
complaints of sleep-related daytime impairment. Sufficient and restful sleep is a human
necessity. The average adult needs slightly more than 8 hours of sleep a day, but only
35% of American adults consistently get this amount of rest.

Chamomile is a calming herb, its antispasmodic effects relax the muscles

and promote rest. Bisabolol is responsible for Chamomiles spasm inhibiting
Kava kava - Kava root contains kavalactones, which have been
extensively studied in laboratory and animal studies. according the university of
Maryland. They have been found to reduce convulsions, promote sleep, and relax
muscles in animals. They also have pain relieving properties, which may explain
why chewing kava root tends to cause a temporary numbness and tingling
sensation on the tongue.
Warm Milk is meant to elicit a cozy feeling. the temperature and thicker
than water texture can promote melatonin secretion, helping you get sleepy.
Lavender -- Lavender contains volatile yet calming oils. It promotes
natural melatonin release. Scientific evidence suggests that aromatherapy with
lavender may slow the activity of the nervous system, improve sleep quality,
promote relaxation, and lift mood in people suffering from sleep disorders.
Studies also suggest that massage with essential oils, particularly lavender, may
result in improved sleep quality, more stable mood, better concentration, and
reduced anxiety.
Valerian -- contains Valepotriate, a calming substance

Nausea/Motion sickness and Vomiting

Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often comes before vomiting. Vomiting is
the forcible voluntary or involuntary emptying ("throwing up") of stomach contents

through the mouth. Nausea can be set off by foods, smells, motions and even sights that
just dont sit well with a person.

Chamomile has calming characteristics and by its essential oils antiinflammatory and antispasmodic properties as well. The relaxation of muscle
tissues eases nausea and and inhibiting smooth muscle spasms helps to inhibit
Garlic - Garlic promotes bile secretion and proper digestion through
choleric and anti-inflammatory properties. Through its carminative properties
gases can be released, eliminating a possible cause of nausea. If there was
vomiting from improper digestion Garlics choleric action should help.
Peppermint - Menthol, the active ingredient in peppermint cuts through
and dissolves both mucus and nausea. The powerful expectorant and astringent
properties incite a clean and clear feeling.
Gingers primary function is as an anti-inflammatory and next to treat
nausea, even ginger ale helps reduce nausea and upset stomach. At the University
of Maryland, one trial of 80 new sailors who were prone to motion sickness, those
who took powdered ginger had less vomiting and cold sweating compared to
those who took placebo.
Apple cider vinegar can reset the pH of your stomach or restart a halted
digestive process y helping the break down foods. If the nausea or vomiting is due
to an indigestion issue this may help.
Cardamom - essential oils of Cardamom include cineole, limonene,borneol
and terpinene. Together the oils and enzymes strengthen the stomach lining and
increase gastric secretions. This should bolster a weak stomach or digestive tract
and cure nausea.

Sore Throat:
Allergies, dry air, outdoor pollution, bacteria, as well as illnesses like the common cold,
flu, measles, chickenpox, mononucleosis (mono), and the croup, can all cause
inflammation and sore throats. When our throats hurt, regardless of what causes it, its
because the cells in the mucous membranes have become swollen and inflamed.

By gargling with

salt water you decrease the swelling, as salts primary

function is to draw out water, which in turn shrinks the swollen

cell and eases the pain. It also helps wash away the excess mucous and allows
your stuffy nose (if you have one) to drain properly.

Adding baking soda too, for its antibacterial effect or

tumeric for the same reason can help flush out irritants like bacteria.
the sodium bicarbonate damages bacterial cell walls and tumeric
contains curcumin, a natural antibiotic.

teaspoon salt per 8 oz cup, 1 teaspoon turmeric if used, add baking soda
in equal parts to salt.

Hydrogen peroxide is also an antibacterial agent

useful in disinfecting the

throat. This can also reduce itchiness.

Sage is an astringent, meaning it causes body tissues to contract, which

means that it can help with swelling since the tissues at the back of your throat
get swollen when youre ill. The phenolic acids in sage are also known to fight and
kill off the bad bacteria that could be the culprit or a contributor to your
symptoms. In this case, a good way to use the sage is in the form of a gargle.
Goldenseal, according to professor of Pharmacology Varro E. Tyler, Ph.D., has
the same effect. Goldenseal contains Berberine, an antibiotic. infusions of either
herb are effective.

To drink:
Juices of fruits w/ antioxidants like pomegranate. This boosts the immune system

Warm tea: Coats the throat as well as depositing soothing agents like menthol.

Common teas include Chamomile, and Lavender

but teas in general are helpful. The University of Maryland
Medical Center adds that Peppermint has menthol, which
helps thin mucus and calm sore throats and coughs.
Essential oils in Chamomile inhibit interleukins, a class of signal proteins
involved in inflammatory action. This gives it its anti-inflammatory effect.
Licorice root tea - the active ingredient of glycyrrhiza acts as a
demulcent, a soothing, coating agent, and as an expectorant, meaning it helps get

rid of phlegm. Slippery Elm has similar coating and soothing properties and
increases the viscosity of teas. It contains mucilage, a substance that becomes a
slick gel when mixed with water that coats and soothes tissues of the mouth
throat and intestines. Marshmallow root also contains mucilage.
One especially effective tea is Pepper honey tea, which can be made
with cayenne pepper and almost any honey, drank alone or in another tea.
Cayenne (and other hot peppers) have a chemical compound called capsaicin that
temporarily relieves pain, much like Advil or aspirin does. It accomplishes this by
hindering something called substance P, which is what
transmits pain signals to your brain. Thus, the discomfort
from your sore throat is diluted when coming in contact
with the Cayenne.
Almost any tea w/ Lemon added can also do some good. Citric acid cuts
through bacteria and mucus. You could make a hot toddy, left virgin for those
under 21.
Honeysuckle. Thanks to its bacterial fighting properties, it can help
clean your system. It flushes toxins out of your bloodstream, and works as an
anti-inflammatory to help reduce the swelling tissue in your throats. Brew
yourself a fresh cup of hot tea. 2 cups honeysuckle flowers and leaves per quart of
Agrimony tea soothes throat irritation thanks to the high flavonoid
content and Aconitine, the anti-inflammatory action of which is not completely
understood, but studies confirm it soothes mucous membranes.

Apple cider vinegar, with its high levels of acidity can kill
bacteria very efficiently, and when mixed with honey it can soothe
the soreness in your throat as well
as honey coats the inflamed area
and can hold the vinegar there slightly longer for
increased effect.

Echinacea/Sage: throat spray has been shown in studies to work just as well for
throat pain as chlorhexidine/lidocaine spray, a common pharmaceutical remedy.

Honey has anti-inflammatory properties and maintains a moist wound

condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to
prevent infection. Also, honeys acidic pH (around 4) prevents growth of
pathogenic bacteria. In the laboratory, honey has been shown to
hamper the growth of foodborne pathogens such as E. coli and
salmonella, and to fight certain bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, both of which are common in hospitals and doctors' offices.

Ginger - Zingiber officinale- The underground stem

(rhizome) can be used fresh, powdered, dried, or as an
oil or juice. ginger reduces inflammation by partially
inhibiting two important enzymes that play a role in
inflammation, cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5lipoxygenase (LOX). While anti-inflammatory drugs block COX more strongly, they
don't affect LOX at all and therefore do not address the problem as completely.

To chew, breathe or suck:

Steam it out: working on similar principles as warm tea, steam can open up the
sinuses and ease dryness. This is especially good if your throat pain/dryness is caused by
congestion induced mouth-breathing.

Garlic: garlic contains and gets its odor from allicin, a compound that has both
antibacterial and antifungal properties. This can kill the bacteria that causes infections
like strep throat and fight the germs causing pain and irritation. Sucking on half a clove
is the easiest method of use for the purpose of easing a sore throat. Raw Garlic is most
effective but because larger doses can cause gastrointestinal upset, baking or stir frying
it with food is recommended.

Cloves: cloves contain eugenol. Eugenol is a natural pain

killer that inhibits nerve sensitivty and can act as an antibacterial as well. Chewing on whole cloves will slowly

release that eugenol, and slightly numb the pain in your throat. Dont use clove oil
because its potency can lead to upset stomach when swallowed. Pop a clove or two into
your mouth and suck on it until it becomes soft, and then chew as if it were gum.
Swallowing them afterwards is not harmful.

Clove oil may be too potent for a sore throat, but the concentrated
eugenol within is relieving to a severe toothache. Drop clove oil on a cotton ball
and hold it in your cheek over the sensitive area or bite down on it. Do not keep
the clove oil on one spot too long because the numbing can cause nerve damage
from exposure longer than 40 minutes to an hour.
Activated charcoal powder has a similar but slightly milder numbing

Upset Stomach and indigestion:

An upset stomach can be caused by inflammation, indigestion or Irritable bowel
syndrome which occurs when muscles in your large intestine contract faster or slower
than normal. This causes pain, cramping, gassiness, sudden bouts of diarrhea, and
constipation. For remedy, we must reduce the inflammation allowing faster healing,
disinfect the gastrointestinal tract, and promote digestive processes like bile production
and secretion as well as the healthy function of native intestinal bacteria.

Choose to what suits your palate best, inclinations like these are
how our bodies tell us what we need.

In/As tea:

Peppermint oil is used traditionally for digestive problems, and some

studies show it may help relieve symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome,
including gas and cramping. Peppermint tea calms a nervous stomach and can
reduce nausea through the soothing active ingredient menthol.
Chamomile contains alpha-bisabolol, which has been found to inhibit
the induction of ulceration by indomethacin, stress, or ethanol, meaning it helps
protect against ulcers. Apigenin, also found in chamomile is antispasmodic and
with present flavonoids and coumarins relax smooth muscle tissue like that of the
Nutmeg, taken in tea or honey relieves stomach pain by the action of the
oils myristicin, elincin, camphene and borneol, which have anti-inflammatory
and antispasmodic properties as well as being stimulating to the liver and
secretion of stomach acids and bile. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory
properties come from the inhibition of signaling molecules within the bodys
inflammatory response.
Blackberry leaf- The high active tannin content of this leaf gives it
astringent properties in the gut, helping to clear out irritating substances and
reduce inflammation.
Ginger- The underground stem (rhizome) can be used fresh, powdered,
dried, or as an oil or juice. It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties in the
gut, it inhibits two inflammatory response related enzymes in the body while not
completely halting the inflammatory process so the healing parts can continue.

Gingers essential oils also give it antiemetic and antispasmodic qualities

meaning it suppresses nausea and prevents cramps.
Turmeric - Curcumin, the active compound in Turmeric, has similarly
powerful anti-inflammatory powers to ginger and also inhibits COX and LOX
enzymes that cause inflammation.
Calamus root-Active constituents include flavonoids, lectins, phenols,
and saponins. There was detection of flavonoids and phenols as inhibitors of the
growth of antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogen. The oils in
calamus also soothed inflation by inhibition of -glucoronidase, another
inflammatory response enzyme released in inflamed tissue.
Apple cider vinegar is acidic enough to mimic stomach conditions and
helps break food down. Its acidity also kills excess yeast in the body and halts
acid reflux. Pectin gives the vinegar antispasmodic properties to defeat cramps.
Pathogenic bacteria survive best in alkaline conditions, the low pH of apple cider
vinegar will inhibit their growth in the body.
Ginseng- The results of an in vitro study indicate that ginseng saponins,
have inhibitory effects on the recombinant serotonin type 3A receptor which is
related to nausea and vomiting. So Ginseng can treat nausea this way. It may also
reduce inflammation as demonstrated by reduced levels of creatine kinase, betaglucuronidase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) following oral
Panax ginseng administration in a study published by Sigma Aldrich.

To munch or add to food:

Garlic can ease even very severe stomach pain and indigestion through
the active compound allicin, contained in sulfurus oils that kill harmful bacteria

while also strengthening native intestinal bacteria. It is also effective as an

anthelmintic and vermifuge, meaning it helps the body expel worms and
parasites. It stimulates the activity of intestinal bacteria, aiding digestion and
relieving gaseous pressure.
Ginger, through active ingredients shogaol and gingerol treat
inflammation by inhibiting associated enzymes; this anti-inflammatory effect is
boosted by monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes which disrupt other mechanisms
leading to cell inflammation, pain, and help kill infectious bacteria in the stomach
and intestines. The natural antibiotic Zingiberene, also found in ginger inhibits
the growth of harmful bacteria. Ginger also has properties as a laxative as it
stimulates peristalsis and intestinal muscle tone and a sialagogue meaning it
increases salivary secretion and its content in ptialina and mucin which protects
against ulcers.

Goldenseal has astringent properties, tightening gastric tissues to promote

toxin expulsion and processing. Berberine is an active natural antibiotic in goldenseal

that is effective against infection causing bacteria and parasites.

Turmeric, with its active ingredient curcumin, has been associated with

the inhibition of chemical signals related to inducing the inflammatory process;

substances like interleukin-8 and monocyte inflammatory protein-1. This will
ease the sensitivity and swelling brought on by the bodys inflammatory process.
Turmeric also has choleretic actions, meaning that it stimulates the liver to
increase bile output helping digestion.
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, this will help start or restart
the digestive process, aiding indigestion.
Both Basil and Thyme contain flavonoids and essential oils including
estragole and methyl chavicol. Estragole improves colon and intestinal health by

binding to primary bile acids to prevent the formation of potentially toxic

secondary bile acids and other substances. Methyl chavicol is a choleretic and
increases bile flow.


Skin Ailments

Garlic - Freshly mashed in gauze, garlics penetrating rubefacent and
antimicrobial properties can go to work on acne. The garlic increases blood flow
to the area while also disinfecting. Zits can be coerced into popping cleanly in
moments with this.
Ladys Mantle -- Ladys Mantle contains Salicylic acid. This astringent is
the active ingredient in most acne medications today and is an effective peeling
Swedish bitters - on a piece of cotton or gauze, the antimicrobial
properties of swedish bitters can be applied directly to problem areas. Present
volatile oils attack what infects your face and tannins tone and tighten the skin
This functions as a disinfecting astringent

Acute irritation and Rash:

Acute skin irritation can follow contact with a toxic poisonous or caustic

Cayenne pepper contains Capsaicin which has very powerful pain-

relieving properties when applied to the skin. It reduces the amount of substance
P, a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain, in your body. When there is
less substance P, the pain messages no longer reach the brain, and you feel relief.
Aloe Vera contains a lot of mucilage in its gel, it coats areas thickly,
soothing burning or itching sensations and shutting out infection. Topical aloe's
anti-inflammatory properties do not appear to interfere with wound healing, and
in fact fibroblast stimulating activity of mannose-6-phosphate in aloe is thought
to increase wound tensile strength.
Calendula flowers - Alcohols and terpene lactones make Calendula an
antiseptic, antibiotic and fungicide. The presence of Flavonoids and faradiol
triterpene alcohol gives Calendula, also known as Pot Marigold, the antiinflammatory properties to ease pain. The essential oils in Calendula promote
wound healing and come with antispasmodic properties that reduce itching.
Cloves, as well as cinnamon basil and nutmeg all contain the Antiseptic
and anti-inflammatory painkiller eugenol. Clove oil should be diluted before
applied as it is up to 95% eugenol. Cinnamon or Nutmeg if ground or
powdered can be used to coat the inflamed area for immediate relief. If basil
leaves are on hand they can be bruised and rubbed on the afflicted area for relief
as well.
Corn starch relieves itching on contact

Poison Ivy:
You can treat poison ivy like any rash, but this method is especially effective for poison
ivy and other toxic plants

Before rash appears rinse with water, then squeeze the juice of a green tomato onto the
To soothe after rash appears-1. a salve of equal parts buttermilk, vinegar and salt.
2. a tea made of equal parts willow leaf and water will turn dark after it cools,
rub this on the affected area.
3. a paste of baking soda and water will stop itching fast.
4. apply apple cider vinegar, diluted for sensitive skin.


Poultices and salves:

Raw potato poultice -- Starches in the potato will neutralize the itching
sensation on skin from conditions like eczema.
Aloe vera - The soothing and coating effect of Aloes mucilage containing
leaves is effective to stip dermatitis related itching.
Calendulas triterpene lactones reduce inflammation and redness.
Essential oils like faradiol-3-O-palmitate, arnidiol-3-O-palmitate, and
calenduladiol-3-O-palmitate give Calendula ointment the antispasmodic effects
to stop itching. Calendula ointment can be homemade or purchased.
Lemon Balm The caffeic and rosmarinic acids in lemon balm offer
profound antibacterial and antiviral properties . Topical lemon balm has been
shown to reduce redness and itching from infections and eczema. It also contains
eugenol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps soothe painful

Turmeric - powdered on the skin turmeric can relieve even very acute
external irritation through its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric inhibits
two enzymes critical to the swelling and sensitivity associated with inflammation.


Lemon juice is high in citric acid, this will disinfect the afflicted area.

Lemon juice also contains skin tightening tannins and vitamin C, which can help
skin recover from bouts of eczema.
black soap (dudu osun) - Black soap is made of Pure honey, Shea
butter, Osun (Camwood), Palm kernel Oil, Cocoa pod ash, palm bunch ash, Aloe
Vera, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, Water and Fragrance.

Moisturizers are kind of all the same, oils or glyserides used to lubricate, but natural
moisturizers come
Shea butter is an off- white or ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of
the African shea tree. It is a triglyceride derived mainly from stearic acid and
oleic acid and has a high vitamin and mineral content compared to other
moisturizers, including vitamins E, K, A, D, Iron, potassium and magnesium.
Butters last longer on the skin than lotions and oils.
Coconut oil absorbs into the skin quickly and carries with it a host of
moisturizers, vitamins E and K, amino acids and lauric acid. The human body
converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which is helpful in dealing with viruses and
bacteria that cause diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even

HIV. This means when you moisturize with coconut oil your body getsn immune
system boost.

Overexposure to the sun can damage the skin, sunburn is what happens when your skin
cells take too much light damage and become sensitive or inflamed.

Aloe vera gives a cool sensation from its mucilaginous gel, it is soothing
to irritated tissues. The high viscosity and healing action of aloe vera gel repairs
the damage of sunburn. In an article published in Phytotherapy Research, the
authors concluded "Our results suggest that Baby aloe shoot extract may
potentially protect the skin from UVB-induced damage..."
Apple cider vinegar has many topical uses, it is effective for sunburn
because the acids and astringents within the vinegar remove dead, or very
damaged cells and pull the healthy one closer together.

Apple cider vinegar - Douse a cotton ball in the vinegar and secure it to the
affected area overnight. The volatile vinegar will penetrate and suffocate the wort
and its rufescent, or redness and tightening effect on the skin should then make it
easier to remove. Apply lotion to protect the surrounding area from dryness.
Greater Celandine sap - Greater Celandine sap has antimicrobial and
antifungal properties stemming from the presence of soaplike saponins, acids
and over 30 alkaloids. This is bad news for a wort.


Cold and Flu

Colds are caused by more than 100 different viruses, although most colds are caused by
rhinoviruses. Young children with respiratory symptoms often spread rhinovirus. You
can get a cold by touching a person with a cold (for example, by shaking hands) and then
touching your nose or eyes, or by touching a surface that a person with a cold has
touched, such as telephone or keyboard. Colds are also transmitted through the air,
when someone with a cold coughs or sneezes.

Although you're more likely to get a cold in winter, exposure to cold outdoor air
does not increase your risk of getting sick -- but stress may do so.

A fever can have so many different causes even Doctors are stumped half
the time. Because a fever is usually the bodys response to infection
strengthening the immune system and flushing out toxins is the best way to
treat a fever.
Agrimony contains the Aconite alkaloid Aconitine. Sigma Life Science
concludes that Aconitine stimulates the response of IFN-gamma-activated
expression of an antigen by macrophages by increasing plasma corticosterone

levels. This makes Agrimony beneficial to the immune system and thus good to
treat fever.
Feverfew contains parthenolide, It functions to inhibit serotonin and
prostaglandins from being released, both of which are inflammatory chemicals
considered to lead to migraines.
Echinacea has an amazing ability to boost the immune system.
Immunostimulatory properties of echinacea appear to target both non-specific
and specific immune function. Non-specific effects include increases in
macrophage proliferation and phagocytosis, as well as secretion of interferon,
tumor necrosis factor, and interleukin-1. This helps the find and identify possibly
dangerous substances or bacteria. Specific immune responses include the
activation of alternate complement pathway components and elevated
levels/activity of T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. This increases the
power of the immune system in fighting identified threats.
Garlics essential oils give it antibiotic, anthelmintic, antispasmodic,
vasodilating and expectorant qualities, as well as sudorific action to help one
sweat out toxins. The immunologic activity of garlic may include enhanced
phagocytosis, lymphocyte proliferation, enhanced killer cell activity and cytokine
production, and prevention of immune suppression.This means a boost to the
entire immune system, inhibition of pathogenic growth and a flushing out of
toxins through sweat and intestinal stimulation. In other words, this is a
powerhouse plant to get well soon.
Apple cider vinegar has a very acidic Ph and will not only help a weaked
stomach digest food but also eliminate harmful bacteria. Apple cider vinegar
containing the mother has probiotics and digestive enzymes to strengthen the

Willow tree bark contains Salicin and salicylic acid, which works like a
natural NSAID (Non-Steriodal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). It was the original
source of Aspirin.

Congestion & Other Sinus problems:

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, usually due to infection and preventing the
drainage of mucus thus blocking the sinus cavities. Congestion is the buildup of mucus
or phlegm in the nose, throat or chest.

Steam is a great decongestant, as it hits the esophagus and nasal

pathways it thins and dislodges mucus so you can blow it out. Steams can be
made more effective if the water is infused with a decongestant or expectorant
like capsaicin form peppers or menthol from mints.
Anise contains the essential oil Anithol a powerful expectorant great for
dry coughs or getting the phlegm out. Anithol is volatile and cuts through and
breaks down mucus as well as relieves a runny nose. The oil can be extracted to
be used in teas or steams but the fresh or dried plant is also effective.
Lungwort tea --Saponins are soapy glycosides that thin and dissolve
mucus, Lungwort tea is full of both Saponines and Mucilage which itself coats
mucus membranes in the nose and throat to reduce irritation. Other great
saponin sources include thyme, ginseng, and garlic.
Cayenne pepper, like most peppers contains capsaicin. Capsaicin dilates
veins and capillaries creating more room in the nasal cavities and also dissolves
mucus quickly, making it a powerful decongestant. A little pepper with a meal or

chewed if you can take it will clear your nose in no time. This can also work as a
Horseradish contains volatile mustard oils that like capsaicin in peppers
functions both as a vasodilator and mucus dissolver. The hot sensation from
horseradish is over much faster however, although many people prefer the taste
of paper. Grate some horseradish to season a meal or take straight with honey or
sugar to make it more palatable or with apple cider vinegar to lengthen the effect
time. Wasabi, made from horseradish, is also effective.
Peppermint is the strongest of the mints and contains the largest
amount of the mint active ingredient menthol. Menthol is a very powerful
decongestant and expectorant. It gives a cool soothing sensation on most tissues
and cuts mucus like a knife. This is a good tea or steam.
Seneca snakeroot -- Snakeroot is a native american traditional herb
that contains the substance Senegin, which has been shown to have expectorant
properties. Snakeroot promotes productive cough and lets you blow your nose.
Good as a tea or in steam.

Coughing is important to keep your throat and airways clear by getting rid of mucus or
other irritating particles. However, a long-lasting or severe cough may mean you have
an underlying disease or disorder. Serious coughing is often due to a cold, flu, or sinus

Chamomile - Apigenin, found in chamomile is antispasmodic and with

present flavonoids and coumarins relax smooth muscle tissue like that of the
lungs. The expectorant effect anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile is owed to
its essential oils, which inhibit inflation signaling compounds like Interleukens.
Honey coats the throat as it dissolves mucus, forming a protective
antimicrobial layer while also inhibiting inflammation.
Mullien has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of
Staphylococcus aureus and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. In addition,
saponins promote productive cough while mucilage soothes membranes.
Seneca Snakeroot- Snakeroot is a prairie herb with essential oil
containing senegin, a cough suppressant.
Peppermint contains menthol, a powerful decongestant and
expectorant. Menthol dissolves mucus and soothes irritated mucous membranes.
Honey -- In a study that involved 139 children at the University of
Maryland Medical Center, honey beat out dextromethorphan (a cough
suppressant) and diphenhydramine (an antihistamine) in easing nighttime cough
in children and improving their sleep. Honey has antispasmodic, antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. The slightly acidic pH level of honey
(between 3.2 and 4.5) is what helps prevent the growth of bacteria, while its
antioxidant constituents cleans up free radicals. Honeys high viscosity lets it coat
the throat, soothing irritation. In the laboratory, honey has been shown to
hamper the growth of foodborne pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella, and to
fight certain bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, both of which are common in hospitals and doctors' offices
Echinacea gets disinfectant properties from echinacosides but also
contains the polysaccharide heteroxylan, which stimulates aster immune

Slippery Elm is rich in mucilage and coats the mouth and throat the
anti-inflammatory effect of slippery elm will last longer because of this.
Anise and Hyssop both contain expectorants promoting mucus
expulsion and productive cough. In anise, the active ingredient is transanethol
which thins mucus, In Hyssop the active compound is marrubiin which causes
expectorant action by irritating the lining of the throat.
Garlic is an expectorant. its sharp scent, borne of a sulfurus active
compound allicin, opens up the sinuses slightly.


Wound care

Bites and Stings

Basil essential oil contains phenolic compounds and polyphenols like
flavonoids that give if anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. a study
presented at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's annual event, revealed that
"extracts of O. tenuiflorm (Holy basil) were shown to reduce swelling by up to
73%, 24 hours after treatment".
Clove oil - Clove oils strong analgesic properties come in handy for bites
and stings. One drop directly on a bite freezes the itch.
Aloes soothing properties take the edge off of all but the worst stings. The
thick aloe sap is what we use for this rather than the mucilaginous gel.
Apple cider Vinegar neutralizes itching sensations from insect bites and
reduces the burn from stings as well.

A bruise is bleeding under the skin, because it is so close to the surface it appears as a
dark blotch on the skin.
Garlic shrinks early scar tissue and speeds scab healing through
fibrinolytic actions, meaning it enzymatically breaks down fibrin. Fibrin is the
insoluble protein end product of blood coagulation and speeding its bread own
may also shorten the lifespan of a bruise.
Dab Apple Cider Vinegar on skin to fade bruises with anti
inflammatory and astringent properties from tannins and flavonoids.

First degree
Run cool water over the injured area for 10 min then
make a cool compress
Avoid all astringents, oils, butters, or ice for the first
few hours these can bind to the skin and have burning effects
Use Aloe vera gel , Honey or Calendula ointment to
dress the burn when ready.
Second degree
Do not burst blisters and run under cool water
Keep the burned area above the heart of possible to
reduce pain
Use Honey or Aloe to dress it when ready

A team of plastic surgeons reported in the Journal of Pakistan Medical

Association that when comparing the effects of Aloe versus silver sulfadiazine, a modern
treatment, on second degree burns, the burn wounds among the patients treated with
Aloe vera healed remarkably earlier compared to those treated with with 1% silver
sulfadiazine (SSD).

Third degree
Do not remove clothing or anything melted to the
Run under cool water but do not immerse a a large
Try to keep the burned area above the heart and
Seek Emergency assistance

Small cuts, Scrapes, Scratches

We all get a little scraped up sometimes dont we? an accident here or there. Isnt it nice
there are herbs for accidents.

Calendula --Calendula officinalis extract may aid in wound healing by

promoting epithelial growth and by enhancing immune responses like

stimulation of phagocytosis, where white blood cells devour harmful substances
and bacteria.
Aloe vera --Topical aloe's anti-inflammatory properties do not appear to
interfere with wound healing, and in fact fibroblast stimulating activity of
mannose-6-phosphate in aloe is thought to increase wound tensile strength

Lemon - lemon juice disinfects and induces blood clotting on an open

sore. In very thin lacerations lemon juice seals the wound in a matter of minutes.
Sage The presence of camphor and camphene in Sages essential oil gives
it antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This oil is capable of
inhibiting infections both internally and externally.
Honey has anti-inflammatory properties from its ash and enzyme
constituents. Topically it promotes healing and seals a wound with its viscous
Tumeric, Cinnamon, Basil, Rosemary and Thyme all contain Berberine or
Eugenol giving them pain relieving and disinfecting properties for external use if


For the College-bound

Caffeine Dependency
Becoming dependant on a caffiene kickstart whenever you feel out of energy can
lead to motivation issues, intense craving or heavier than normal drowsiness when left
without it. Also, caffeine increases energy metabolism throughout the brain but
decreases at the same time cerebral blood flow. It dehydrates you, and your brain
specifically, which can lead to a drop in performance some people may associate with
needing another cup of coffee or red bull.

Wane off the caffeine with coffee/energy drink alternatives that pack less caffeine.
Getting your fix from multiple sources can help confuse and blur what to have a craving
for, making resistance easier. You may notice a decrease in the ability to concentrate at
first, this is normal for moderate to heavy consumers.
Black tea -- Made from the same plant as Green tea, but with a different
level of oxidation. This is the strongest tea in caffeine content at 60-90 mg per
8oz. cup. Coffee clocks in between 150 and 200 mg.
Ginseng -- Fresh or dried, Ginseng of any of the three varieties can be
added to teas, smoothies and even just water to harvest invigorating effects.
Among the essential oils in ginseng are saponosides which speed metabolization
and ginsenosides, which promotes protein synthesis --stimulating the whole
body-- and the breakdown of stress inducing chemicals and pollutants in the
body. Pancene, a vasodilator, and Theophylline, a stimulant similar to caffeine,
are also present, giving an alert and vitalized sensation. Panax Ginseng or Asian
ginseng is the most common, there is then American ginseng, Panax quiquefolius
and the less potent siberian ginseng, Elutherococcus senticsus.
Oolong tea is another variety of tea tree leaf that was gone through a
specific withering and oxidation process. Caffeine content ranges between 50 and
75 mg.
Green tea, the most common of its variety usually has between 35 and
70 mg caffeine, but at this lower level of oxidation, other properties of the tea
become more valuable, According to the Journal of Nutrition green tea contains
the amino acid L-theanine, which is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Ltheanine increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which
has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha

waves in the brain. L-theanine exists in all varieties of tea tree--Camellia

sinensis-- tea but at higher levels of oxidation found in lower concentration.
White tea, is the least caffeine potent averaging 30-55 mg per 8 0z cup.
However it still maintains the benefits of L-theanine.
Teas arent the only alternative source of caffeine, Ghirardelli chocolates
posts the caffeine content of their chocolate for marketing ranging from 20mg
caffeine per 13g square down to 9mg. A 12 oz can of Coca Cola has 34mg.

Memory problems
Some days are a little groggier than others. These herbs help improve memory and
Sage - A 50 microl dose of sage essential oil significantly improved
immediate word recall in a study of more than twenty people published in the
journal Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior.
The study authors wrote "(these results) represent the first systematic evidence that
Salvia is capable of acute modulation of cognition in healthy young adults." This shows
that natural medicine is not all old but that there is still a cutting edge to be on.
Speedwell tea - speedwell promotes memory and concentration and can
dispel dizziness and nervousness. However, herbologists are currently unsure
what active ingredients specifically elicit these effects between the plants
terpenoids, saponins, polyphenols, acids and flavonoids.
Rosemary - Rosemary reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone
released in response to anger or stress and like epinephrine is involved in the

fight or flight response. When cortisol levels are unusually high do to stress or
other stimulus is can decrease memory function and the ability to think logically.

Mild Depression:
Things get hard hard, and sometimes we can become unmotivated or apathetic, even
St, Johns Wort -- contains active ingredients hypericin and hyperforin
that have been shown across many studies to treat anxiety and depression. The
mechanisms are not completely understood but one theory is that the two
chemicals are inhibiting serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine synaptic
reuptake. Meaning the chemicals that stimulate good moods stay in the brain

According to the university of maryland medical center St. John's wort has been
studied extensively for depression. Most studies show it works as well as
antidepressants for mild-to-moderate depression. It has fewer side effects than most
antidepressants. It may take 4 - 6 weeks before you see any improvement. - Depression
| University of Maryland Medical Center.

Because St. John's wort interacts with a large number of medications, including
birth control pills, check with your doctor if you are taking prescription medications. St.
John's wort is not effective to treat severe depression.

Ramen Spices and Other Tips

Eating on a low budget can be very repetitive, to avoid the negative health affects of
eating the same thing every day ( ulcers and impaired digestion) make your meals with
different ingredients from time to time.

Garlic - Contains Allicin, promotes bile activity

Coriander - Contains Linalool, promotes bile activity
Tarragon - Contains estragole and ocimene, promotes bile activity
Thyme - Food Science and Technology International reported that thyme

oil, even at low concentrations, showed potential as a natural preservative of food

products against several common foodborne bacteria that cause human illness. A
Polish study published in Medicinal Chemistry found that thyme oil was effective
against bacterial strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia and
Pseudomonas genera. Food-borne illnesses will have a hard time infecting your
Rosemary- In Europe rosemary is often used to help treat indigestion Germany's Commission E has approved it for the treatment of dyspepsia.
Rosemary may also enhance concentration and memory, blood levels of a
rosemary oil component correlate with improved cognitive performance,
according to research in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology,
published by SAGE.
Basil - Contains Eugenol, coats intestinal tract

Keep Costmary around your books, especially if you hate bugs. Costmary repels
silverfish, which destroy books by eating pages and binding glue.

Bilberry will help you pull all nighters without straining your eyes. It contains
Anthocyanosides which are good for night vision and have been shown to exert direct
effects on the retina, including the alteration of local enzymatic reactions and
enhancement of the recovery of rhodopsin.

Just in case there is a crisis situation youve got to know your options. There is an
emergency supply of powerful antibiotics hiding where wed never expect. In the dirtiest
places, in the dirtiest things, but at least we know theyd survive a nuclear holocaust. Im
talking about cockroaches. Cockroaches, surprisingly enough, have 5 of the most
powerful natural antibiotics known to man stored up in their brains. If you dont want to
risk zombie infection from a papercut, better get comfortable with your friends in gross

It becomes clear when researching the science behind natural
remedies that there is a lot of work to be done in testing the effectiveness of
many procedures and natural substances. Many claims have never been
clinically tested and others to inconclusive results like those on the
usefulness of horsetail or calendula in treating tumors. The lack of formal

research makes it even more important to raise awareness of the worlds

natural resources that they may be examined more carefully.
This work focuses on claims backed by research of the university of
maryland and nation library of medicines standards and does not include
alternative treatments for emergency class ailments or life threatening
conditions like leukemia or a stroke. For these, I believe no known natural
treatments rival modern medicine and one should see a doctor. While other
works may contain treatments for conditions like these, research shows
they do not stand up to the scrutiny of medical authorities. Many studies
require long term clinical or animal trails that have simply yet to be

Authors Note:
These are foods and herbs that all or most of us know but havent
even thought of using to heal ourselves, garlics properties include functions
as a vermifuge, diuretic, stimulant, expectorant and when applied to the
skin a rubefacient. All I had ever known prior was that it was apparently
vampire repellant, and from my peers, students and adults alike I learned
that many people in my community had been at the same level. Not

I refrained from listing specific combinations so readers would not

feel like they cant mix things around themselves, I hope the whole
community can find their own tricks and preferences for any ailment.

My cousin Valerie inspired the Ramen and Tips section, she got
internal bleeding from eating ramen everyday in college and Id hate to see
a friend go that route.

Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S, M.A.Sc., director of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque
Mandal, Manisha Deb, and Shyamapada Mandal. "Honey: Its Medicinal Property and
Antibacterial Activity." Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. Asian Pacific Tropical
Medicine Press, n.d. Web. 04 May 2015.
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