L D. (A) Find An Expression
L D. (A) Find An Expression
L D. (A) Find An Expression
a. 0.72 mJ
b. 0.32 mJ
V0 +-
c. 0.50 mJ
d. 0.18 mJ
a. 36 F
b. 32 F
c. 28 F
d. 24 F
9. A parallel-plate capacitor is constructed by filling the space between two square plates with
blocks of three dielectric materials, as in Figure. You may asume that l >>d. (a) Find an expression
for the capacitance of the device in terms of the plate area A and d, k1, k2, and k3. (b) Calculate the
capacitance using the values A= 1 cm2, d = 2 mm, k1 = 4.90, k2= 5.60, and k3= 2.1
10. a) Find the work to move a charge Q=-20C from the origin to (4,0,0) m in the field:
b) Now move the charge from (4,0,0 )to (4,2,0) and determine the work done.