Regulatory Issues For Herbal Products - A Review

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Sachan V.*, Kohli Y. and Gautam R.

Ram-Eesh Institute of vocational and technical
education, Greater noida (U.P), India

Author for Correspondence:

 In the last few decades, there has been exponential growth in the field of herbal medicine. The
growing use of botanicals (drug and other products derived from plants) by the public is forcing
moves to evaluate the health claims of these agents and to develop standards of quality and
manufacture. It is clear that the herbal industry needs to follow strict guidelines and that
regulations are needed. This article presents the element of methods of different aspects on quality
control and standardization of herbal drugs and formulation. It is followed by international
guidelines of WHO for manufacture, quality control and evaluation of botanicals. Herbal drugs
regulations in India is discussed in detail, followed by an overview of regulatory status of herbal
medicine in USA, China, Australia, Brazil, Canada and Germany.
• According to European Union definitions, herbal medicinal products (medicines) are “medicinal
products containing as active ingredients exclusively plant material and/or vegetable drug
• Herbal drug technology includes all the steps that are involved in converting botanical materials
into medicines, where standardization and quality control with proper integration of modern
scientific techniques and traditional knowledge will remain important. (1)
• All countries where medicinal plants and traditional medicines are used are aware of the need for
regulating the use of these medicinal substances.
• There is a need for countries to regulate the use of medicinal plants because there is a growing
interest in herbal medicines in the population of these countries. (2)

(Based on their origin, evolution and the forms of current usage)
Category 1: Indigenous herbal medicines

• Historically used in a local community or region and is very well known through long usage by the
local population in terms of its composition, treatment and dosage.
• Detailed information on this category of TM, which also includes folk medicines, may or may not be
• However, if the medicines in this category enter the market or go beyond the local community or
region in the country, they have to meet the requirements of safety and efficacy laid down in the
national regulations for herbal medicines.
Category 2: Herbal medicines in systems

• Medicines in this category have been used for a long time and are documented with their special
theories and concepts, and accepted by the countries. Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha.
Category 3: Modified herbal medicines

• These are herbal medicines as described above in categories 1 and 2, except that they have been
modified in some way–either shape, or form including dose, dosage form, mode of
administration, herbal medicinal ingredients, methods of preparation and medical indications.
• They have to meet the national regulatory requirements of safety and efficacy of herbal medicines.
Category 4: Imported products with a herbal medicine base

• This category covers all imported herbal medicines including raw materials and products.
• Imported herbal medicines must be registered and marketed in the countries of origin. The safety
and efficacy data have to be submitted to the national authority of the importing country and
need to meet the requirements of safety and efficacy of regulation of herbal medicines in the
recipient country.

 Safety category  Specific requirements for assessment of safety of four
A drug is defined as being safe if it categories of herbal medicines
causes no known or potential harm
Category 1: Indigenous herbal medicines
to users. There are three categories
• If the medicines in this category are introduced into the market or moved
of safety that need to be beyond the local community or region, their safety has to be reviewed
considered, by the established national drug control agency. If the medicines belong
as these would dictate the nature of to safety category 1, safety data are not needed. If the medicines belong
the safety requirements that would
to safety category 2, they have to meet the usual requirements for safety
of herbal medicines. Medicines belonging to safety category 3, i.e.
have to be ensured.
‘herbal medicines of uncertain safety’, will be identical to that of any
Category 1: safety established by
new substance.
use over long time Category 2: Herbal medicines in systems

Category 2: safe under specific

• The medicines in this category have been used for a long time and have been
conditions of use (such herbal officially documented. Review of the safety category is necessary. If the
medicines should preferably be medicines are in safety categories 1 or 2, safety data would not be
covered by well-established needed. If the medicines belong to safety category 3, they have to meet
documentation) the requirements for safety of ‘herbal medicines of uncertain safety’.
Category 3: herbal medicines of
Category 3: Modified herbal medicines

uncertain safety (the safety

data required for this class of • The medicines have to meet the requirements of safety of herbal medicines
drugs will be identical to that or requirements for the safety of ‘herbal medicines of uncertain safety’,
of any new substance) depending on the modification.
Category 4: Imported/exported products with a herbal medicine base

• Exported products shall require safety data, which have to meet the
requirements for safety of herbal medicines or requirements for safety
of ‘herbal medicines of uncertain safety’, depending on the safety
requirement of the importing/recipient countries. (3)

• It is essential to know what regulatory and legislative controls on the manufacture and
sale of such herbal medicines exist or required to be implemented in various places
around the world.
• Linked to this area are the issues of quality control, both of the raw material and the
finished product, and of standardization of herbal medicines. (2)
• World health organization (WHO) has tried to establish internationally recognizable
regulatory guidelines to define basic criteria for the evaluation of quality, safety and
efficacy of botanical medicines.
• Guidelines for assessing the quality of botanical materials mainly emphasize the need
to ensure the quality of medicinal plant products by using the modern techniques and
applying suitable standards.
• In 1997, WHO developed draft guidelines for methodology on research and evaluation
of traditional medicine(TM).
• It mainly focuses on current major debates on safety and efficacy of traditional
• It also tries to provide answer for some of the challenging questions concerning evidence
base of the evaluation of botanical medicine, and also recommend new approaches
for carrying out clinical research.
• Specific objectives of these guidelines are to harmonize the use of certain accepted and
important terms in TM.

 Purity and quality of botanicals is a critical LIMITATIONS -

determinant of safety. (i) Analysis of secondary metabolites is restricted to those plants that produce a suitable

 The first stage in assuring quality, safety and range of metabolites which can be easily analysed and which can distinguish
efficacy of botanical medicines is between varieties.
identification and selection of the correct (ii) The metabolites being used as markers should ideally be neutral to environmental

plant species. effects and management practices.

 Regulatory authorities for control of raw (iii) Establishing the presence of a marker compound in a herb is not sufficient to

material have suggested various methods. determine desired quality, since the marker compound may not be necessarily be
Most of the guidelines suggest macroscopic responsible for the biological activity that is attributed to the whole herb.
and microscopic evaluation and chemical • There is a need for new approaches that can complement or serve as an alternative
profiling of the botanicals. for the existing methods.
a) Characterization using sensory parameters like
• Some of the newly emerging techniques for ensuring quality are Herboprint
color, odor, taste and surface characteristics are capillary electrophoresis and DNA analysis.
studied in macroscopic evaluation. Size and shape
of the plant part used is also taken into  Toxic Contaminants
consideration.  Over the past decade, several adverse effects of botanical medicines due to
b) However, since these characteristics are judged
chemical composition of botanicals or extraneous matters present in/on the plant
subjectively and substitutes and adulterants may material have been reported.
closely resemble the genuine material, it is often
necessary to substantiate the findings by  Microbial contamination
microscopy and/or physicochemical analysis. • Risk assessment of the microbial load of medicinal plants has become an
c) An examination by microscopy alone cannot important subject in the establishment of Modern Hazard Analysis and
always provide complete identification, though Critical Control Point (HACCP) schemes.
when used in association with other analytical • Various guidelines such as WHO, British Herbal Pharmacopoeia (BHP), Indian
methods it can frequently supply supporting Herbal Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia have issued special
evidence. guidance for assessing microbial contaminations of both raw as well as
 Chemoprofiling using HPLC, HPTLC and processed botanicals.
GC have wide applicability in quality control • All these guidelines provide specific limits for the contaminants(Table 1).
of herbal medicine.
• The Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia (2002) recommends the WHO limits for
 Spectroscopic analysis has also been microbial contamination.
suggested by certain pharmacopoeias for

analysis of botanicals.

Microbial WHO BHP
WHO suggests that plant materials of unknown
Analysis history should be tested for groups of compounds
rather than individual pesticides and in case where
Pretreated the pesticide to which the plant material is exposed
Form of Crude Pretreated Other for with boiling Other is known or can be identified by suitable means, an
botanicals internal use water Herbs established method for determination of that
particular pesticide should be employed.
Total viable -- 107/g 105/g 107/g 105/g Heavy Metals
aerobic count Many herbal products contain undisclosed heavy
Total fungal 105/g 104/g 103/g 105/g 104/g
WHO has proposed the maximum amounts of lead
Total -- 104/g 103/g -- 103/g (10mg/kg) and cadmium (0.3mg/kg) based on
Enterobacteriacea Allowed Dietary Intake values.
e The methods for determining the content of arsenic,
E.coli 104/g 102/g 10/g 102/g Nil lead and cadmium have been given in WHO Quality
Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials.
Salmonela -- Nil Nil -- Nil
typhi Atomic absorption spectrometry is a more precise
technique, enabling individual elements to be
Table 1─Permissible limits of microbial contaminants Radioactive Contamination
Pesticide Residue Even at maximum observed levels of radioactive
Every country producing medicinal plant materials (naturally growncontamination with
or cultivated)should the
have atmore dangerous
least one control
laboratory capable of performing the determination of pesticide inradionuclides, significant
accordance with risk is associated
the procedure specified in only with
Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials. consumption quantities of over 20 kg of plant
The guidelines suggests intake of pesticides residue from medicinal plant per year should
materials so thatberisk
1 periscent
total intake from all sources, including food and drinking water. unlikely to be encountered given the amount of
Chromatography (mostly column and gas) has been recommended medicinal plant material
as the principal method that would
for the need to be
determination of
pesticide residues. ingested. Additionally, the level of contamination
 might be reduced during the manufacturing process.
Therefore, no limits for radioactive contamination
are proposed. (4)


 Recognizing the global demand, • Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board-mentioned
Government of India has realized Good in section 33-C
Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for the • The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee-
pharmacies manufacturing Ayurvedic, mentioned in section 33D
Siddha and Unani medicines to improve • Misbranded drugs-mentioned section 33E
the quality and standard of drugs.
• Adulterated drugs-mentioned in section 33EE
 The new rules came into force from
June 2000 as an amendment to the • Spurious drugs-mentioned in section 33EEA
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. • Regulation of Manufacture of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani (ASU) Drugs-
 Department of Indian Systems of Section-33-EEB states the regulations on manufacture and sale of ASU
Medicine and Homeopathy (ISM&H) is drugs.
trying to frame safety and efficacy (A) Requirements of factory premises and hygienic conditions-described in
regulations for licensing new patent and schedule 1 (Rule 157)
proprietary botanical medicines. (B) Manufacture on more than one set of premises
 Indian Pharmacopoeia covers few (E) Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
Ayurvedic medicines. Monographs have drugs-mentioned in section-33-EEC
been given for some ayurvedic drugs (D)
 Power of Central Government to Prohibit Manufacture etc. of ASU Drugs in
like clove, guggul, opium, menthe, Public Interest-mentioned in section-33-EED (5)
• Government Analysts-mentioned in section 33F
 The ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India
• Inspectors -mentioned in section 33G
gives monographs for 258 different
Ayurvedic drugs. The standards • Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug in
mentioned are quite inadequate to build contravention of this Chapter-As prescribed under section 33-I
quality of the botanical materials. • Penalty for subsequent offences-As mentioned in section 33J
 Indian Drug Manufacturers Association • Confiscation-As mentioned under the section 33K
(IDMA) has published Indian Herbal • Application of provisions to Government departments.-As mentioned in
Pharmacopoeia (2002) with 52 section 33L
monographs of widely used medicinal • Cognizance of offences-As mentioned in section 33M
plants found in India. The latest
available scientific data has been • Power of Central Government to make rules-As mentioned in section 33N
incorporated in theses monographs. (4) • Power to amend First Schedule-As mentioned in section 33-O (6)
 (C)
Organisation of Directorate General of Health
Services has recently issued GCP guidelines.
These guidelines recommend the approach to Some of the recommendations are:

clinical trials of herbal remedies and • Plants and herbal remedies should prepared strictly in the same way as
medicinal plants. described in the literature while incorporating GMP norms for
• For herbal remedies, it may not be necessary to undertake Phase 1 studies
• If there are reports suggesting toxicity or when the herbal preparation is to
 For the herbal remedies and medicinal be used for more than 3 months, toxicity studies (4-6 weeks toxicity
plants that are to be clinically evaluated for study in 2 species of animals) are needed for phase 2 trials.
use in the Allopathic System and which may • For Phase 3 trial toxicity studies (4-6 weeks toxicity study in 2 species of
later be used in allopathic hospitals, the animals) are needed.
procedures laid down by the office of the • Clinical trials should be carried out with herbal preparations only after
Drugs Controller General of India for standardization and identification of markers to ensure that the
allopathic drugs should be followed. substances being evaluated are always the same.
 When an extract of a plant or a compound • Ethical guidelines (patient information, informed consent, protection of
isolated from the plant has to be clinically vulnerable populations etc) for biomedical research should be
evaluated for a therapeutic effect not followed.
originally described in the texts of
traditional systems or, the method of • Clinical trials should to be approved by the appropriate scientific and
preparation is different, it has to be treated ethical committees of the concerned Institutes.
as a new substance or new chemical entity • Clinical trials should be carried out only when a competent Ayurvedic,
(NCE) and the same type of acute, sub acute Siddha or Unani physician is a co-investigator. (7)
and chronic toxicity data will have to be •
generated as required by the regulatory
authority before it is cleared for clinical
 An extract or a compound isolated from a
plant, which has never been in use before
and has not ever been mentioned in ancient  The legal process of regulation and legislation of herbal medicines
literature, should be treated as a new drug, changes from country to country. The WHO has published guidelines in
and therefore, should undergo all regulatory order to define basic criteria for evaluating the quality, safety, and efficacy
requirements before being evaluated of herbal medicines aimed at assisting national regulatory authorities,
clinically. scientific organizations and manufacturers in this particular area.
 The document also provides general Furthermore, the WHO has prepared pharmacopoeic monographs on
guidelines on clinical trials of herbals, herbal medicines and the basis of guidelines for the assessment of herbal
toxicity studies, need for standardization, drugs. Thus, the need to establish global and/or regional regulatory
and compliance with GCP in all clinical mechanisms for regulating herbal drugs seems obvious. (8)
trials. •

US FDA Guidance for Botanicals
• Clinical trials of botanical products
– There may be special problems associated with the incorporation of
traditional methodologies, such as selection of doses and addition of
The US FDA has issued draft guidance for botanical

new botanical ingredients based on response, which will need to be
products. resolved.
 Traditional herbal medicines or currently marketed – The credible design for clinical trials studies will be randomized, double
botanical products, because of their extensive blind, and placebo-controlled (or dose-response). For most
though uncontrolled use in humans, may require conditions potentially treated by botanical drugs (generally mildly
less preclinical information to support initial symptomatic), active control equivalence designs would not be
clinical trials than would be expected for synthetic credible.
or highly purified drugs. – For expanded i.e., Phase 3 clinical studies on a botanical drug product,
more detailed information on CMC and preclinical safety is
 Requirements for Investigational New Drug (IND) necessary as compared to the information required for a Phase 1 or
applications of botanicals legally marketed in the Phase 2 study. This additional information should be provided
United States as dietary supplements or cosmetics: regardless of whether the product is currently lawfully marketed in
the United States or elsewhere as a dietary supplement.
- Very little new chemistry manufacturing – All study data should conform to standard ethical guidelines of good
and controls (CMC) or toxicologic data are clinical practice (informed consent, approval from ethics committee)
needed to initiate early clinical, if there are
no known safety issues associated with the
for all clinical trials.
product and it is used at approximately the • Documentation for early trials (IND)
same doses as those currently or
traditionally used or recommended. – Description of Product and Documentation of Human Use
 - As the product is marketed and the dose thought • Description of Botanicals Used
to be appropriate and well tolerated is known, • History of Use
there should be little need for pilot or typical • Current Investigational Use
Phase 1 studies. Sponsors are allowed to initiate
more definitive efficacy trials early in the – Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls
development program. If there is doubt about the • Botanical Raw Material
best dose of the product tested, a randomized, • Botanical Drug Substance
parallel, dose-response study may be particularly
• Botanical Drug Product
useful as an initial trial.
• Placebo
 Requirements for botanical product that has not
• Labelling
been previously marketed in the United States or
• Environmental Assessment or Claim of Categorical Exclusion
anywhere in the world
- Certain additional information (CMC,
– Pharmacology/Toxicology Information
toxicology, human use) is required to assist • Exclusive marketing rights
FDA in determining the safety of the
product for use in initial clinical studies. – US FDA has a provision to grant exclusive marketing rights for 3-5 years
even in the absence of patent protection. During the period of
 - If the product is prepared, processed, and used
according to methodologies for which there is exclusivity, FDA will not approve, or in some cases even review,
prior human experience, sufficient information certain competitor products unless the second sponsor conducts all
studies necessary to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of its
The European agency of evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMFA) CHINA
provides general guidelines for setting uniform set of specifications If a new medicinal plant product or a crude drug is to be imported
for botanical preparations manufactured and sold in Europe. from abroad to be sold in the Chinese market, then the approval of the
Botanicals that have been used for at least 30 years, with a minimum provincial department of public health is required. The Pharmacopoeia
of 15years in EU are eligible for registration as traditional medicinal People’s Republic of China has got a section on “Standard for
products in EU. Processing of Chinese Materia Medica”.
Preclinical and clinical studies are proposed if a completely new If Chinese herbal medicines are produced in factories either for export
indication is requested for the botanical product has been already or for local use in other parts of the country, these have to be undergo
marketed for a different use. quality control tests before being released.
However, if the product has well-established medicinal use with Another set of rigid criteria has been laid down for assessing patented
recognizable efficacy and acceptable level of safety, these study are traditional Chinese medicines. Only after assuring that the product
exempted. conforms to the Chinese traditional system of medicines, that it is safe
Further, due to complex composition of botanical preparation, and that the ingredients are not incompatible with each other will the
pharmacokinetics studies are not suggested unless there are safety patent medicine be allowed to be released to the market. (2)
concerns. BRAZIL
AUSTRALIA The legal requirements for registration of herbal medicines in Brazil
Complementary medicine , including botanical medicines in Australia demand complete documentation of efficacy, safety and welldefined
are regulated under therapeutic goods legislation. quality control.
Based on risk, Australia has developed two approaches for regulation For old medicinal herbs already registered, the law established 5 and
of these therapeutic goods. Listed medicines are considered to be of 10 years for the assessment of their safety and efficacy, respectively.
lower risk than registered medicines. CANADA
Most, but not all, complementary medicines are Listed medicines, The Canadian regulatory system is consistent with WHO guidelines for
which are individually assessed by the Therapeutic Goods the assessment of herbal medicines.
Administration for compliance with legislation. They are not
evaluated before release. They may only be formulated from
Germany’s Commission E (phytotherapy and herbal substances) was
ingredients that have undergone pre-market evaluation for safety and
established in 1978. It is an independent division of the German Federal
quality and are considered at low risk. Listed complementary
Health Agency that collects information on herbal medicines and
medicines may only carry indications and claims for the symptomatic
evaluates them for safety and efficacy.
relief of non serious conditions, health maintenance, health
Three possibilities for marketing herbal drugs exist: 1) temporary
enhancement and risk reduction.
marking authorization for old herbal drugs until they are evaluated for
Registered medicines are individually evaluated for safety, quality
safety and efficacy; 2) monographs of standardized marketing
and efficacy before they are released onto the market.
An important feature of risk management in Australia is that early authorization, and 3) individual marketing authorization.
Evaluations are published in the form of monographs that approve or
market access for low risk complementary medicines is supported by
disapprove the herbal drugs for over-the-counter use. (8)
appropriate post-market regulatory activity. (4)


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