Hoover Dam: Hisyory of Technics
Hoover Dam: Hisyory of Technics
Hoover Dam: Hisyory of Technics
Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the
Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona
and Nevada. When completed in 1936, it was both the world's largest hydroelectric power
generating station and the world's largest concrete structure. It was surpassed in both
these respects by the Grand Coulee Dam in 1945. It is currently the world's 35th-largest
hydroelectric generating station.
The first attempt to gain Congressional approval for construction of
Boulder Dam came in 1922 with the introduction of two bills in the House of
Representatives and the Senate. The bills were introduced by Congressman Phil D. Swing
and Senator Hiram W. Johnson and were known as the Swing-Johnson bills. The bills
failed to come up for a vote and were subsequently reintroduced several times. In
December 1928, both the House and the Senate finally approved the bill and sent it to the
President for approval. On December 21, 1928, President Calvin Coolidge signed the bill
approving the Boulder Canyon Project. The initial appropriation for construction was
made in July 1930, by which time Herbert Hoover had become President.
Early plans called for the dam to be built in Boulder Canyon, so the project was
known as the Boulder Canyon Project. The dam site was eventually moved downstream
eight miles (13 km) to Black Canyon, but the project name remained the same. A major
motive for relocating to Black Canyon was that a dam at Boulder Canyon would not have
provided sufficient physical control of the river below the damsitethe area of what is
called the Boulder basin. Black Canyon provided a better total control of the river that far
Herbert Hoover
To protect the construction site from flooding, two cofferdams were constructed.
Construction of the upper cofferdam began in September 1932, even though the river had
not yet been diverted. A temporary horseshoe-shaped dike protected the cofferdam on the
Nevada side of the river. After the Arizona tunnels were completed, and the river
diverted, the work was completed much faster. Once the cofferdams were in place and the
construction site dewatered, excavation for the dam foundation began. For the dam to rest
on solid rock, it was necessary to remove all the riverbed's accumulated erosion soils and
other loose materials until sound bedrock was reached. Work on the foundation
excavations was completed in June 1933. During excavations for the foundation,
approximately 1,500,000 cubic yards (1,150,000 m3) of material was removed. Since the
dam would be a gravity-arch type, the side-walls of the canyon would also bear the force
of the impounded lake. Therefore the side-walls were excavated too, to reach virgin (unweathered) rock which had not experienced the weathering of centuries of water seepage,
wintertime freeze cracking, and the heating/cooling cycles of the Arizona/Nevada desert.
River diversion
To divert the river's flow around the construction site, four diversion tunnels were
driven through the canyon walls, two
on the Nevada side and two on the
Arizona side. These tunnels were 56
feet (17 m) in diameter. Their
combined length was nearly 16,000
ft (4,900 m) or more than 3 mi (4.8
km). Tunneling began at the lower
portals of the Nevada tunnels in May
1931. Shortly afterwards, work
began on two similar tunnels in the
Arizona canyon wall. In March
1932, work began on lining the
tunnels with concrete. First the base, or invert, was poured. Gantry cranes, running on
rails through the entire length of each tunnel were used to place the concrete. The
sidewalls were poured next. Movable sections of steel forms were used for the sidewalls.
Finally, using pneumatic guns, the overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is 3 ft
(0.91 m) thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to 50 ft (15 m).
Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion
tunnels were sealed at the opening and half way through the tunnels with large concrete
plugs. The downstream halves of the tunnels following the inner plugs are now the main
bodies of the spillway tunnels.
Rock clearance
The two vertical foundations for each of the arch walls (the Nevada side and
Arizona side) had to be founded on sound virgin rock; free of cracks and the weathering
that the surface rock of the canyon walls had from thousands of years of weathering and
The men who removed this rock were called high-scalers. While suspended from
the top of the canyon with ropes high-scalers climbed down the canyon walls and
removed the loose rock with jackhammers and dynamite.
The first concrete was
placed into the dam on June
6, 1933. Since no structure
of the magnitude of the
Hoover Dam had been
constructed, many of the
procedures used in
construction of the dam
were untried. Since
concrete heats up and
contracts as it cures, uneven
cooling and contraction of
the concrete posed a serious
problem. The Bureau of
Reclamation engineers
calculated that if the dam
were built in a single continuous pour, the concrete would have taken 125 years to cool to
ambient temperature. The resulting stresses would have caused the dam to crack and
crumble. To solve this problem the dam was built in a series of interlocking trapezoidal
concrete pours. To further cool the concrete each form contained cooling coils of 1 inch
(25 mm) thin-walled steel pipe. River water was circulated through these pipes to help
dissipate the heat from the curing concrete. After this, chilled water from a refrigeration
plant on the lower cofferdam was circulated through the coils to further cool the concrete.
After each layer had sufficiently cooled, the cooling coils were cut off and pressure
grouted by pneumatic grout guns. The concrete is still curing and gaining in strength as
time goes on.
There is enough concrete in the dam to pave a two-lane highway from San
Francisco to New York.
Architectural style
The dam crosses the border between two time zones, the Pacific Time Zone and
the Mountain Time Zone.
The initial plans for the finished facade of both the dam and the power plant
consisted of a simple, unadorned wall of concrete topped with a Gothic-inspired
balustrade and a powerhouse that looked like little more than an industrial warehouse.
[citation needed] This initial design was criticized by many as being too plain and
unremarkable for a project of such immense scale, so Los Angeles-based architect
Gordon B. Kaufmann was brought in to redesign the exteriors Kaufmann greatly
streamlined the buildings, and applied an elegant Art Deco style to the
entire project, with sculptured turrets rising seamlessly from the dam face and clock faces
on the intake towers set for the time in Nevada and Arizona, in the Pacific Standard Time
Zone or Pacific Daylight Time Zone and Mountain Standard Time Zone time zones
respectively (although because Arizona does not observe daylight saving time, the two
Construction deaths
There were 112 deaths associated with the construction of the dam. There are different
accounts as to how many people died while working on the dam and who was the first
and last to die. A popular story holds that the first person to die in the construction of
Hoover Dam was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned while looking for an ideal spot
for the dam. Coincidentally, his son, Patrick W. Tierney, was the last man to die working
on the dam, 13 years to the day later. Ninety-six of the deaths occurred during
construction at the site.
Power plant
Two intake towers on the Arizona side.
Water flowing from Lake Mead through the
gradually-narrowing penstocks to the
powerhouse reaches a speed of about 85 mph
(137 km/h) by the time it reaches the turbines.
The entire flow of the Colorado River passes
through the turbines (except for seepage
around the edges of the dam through the semiporous volcanic rock it rests against). The
spillways are rarely used.
Power distribution
The Bureau of Reclamation reports that the energy generated is allocated as follows:
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
State of Nevada
State of Arizona
Los Angeles, California
Southern California Edison Company
Boulder City, Nevada
Glendale, California
Pasadena, California
Anaheim, California
Riverside, California
Vernon, California
Burbank, California
Azusa, California
Colton, California
Banning, California
The dam is protected against overtopping by two spillways. The spillway
entrances are located behind each dam abutment, running roughly parallel to the canyon
walls. This spillway entrance arrangement forms a classic side-flow weir. Water flowing
over the spillways drops sharply into spillway tunnels and connects to part of the
construction diversion tunnels, and reenters the main river channel below the dam. This
complex spillway entrance arrangement combined with the approximate 700 ft (210 m)
elevation drop from the top of the reservoir to the river below is a difficult engineering
problem and poses several design challenges. The overall spillway capacity was
empirically verified in post construction tests in 1941. This test also showed that the
spillway tunnels could be damaged from cavitation created by the high velocity flow
when running near full volume. After further damage was incurred during use in six
weeks in the summer of 1983, the tunnel linings were repaired and the spillway tunnel
design was modified to minimize cavitation potential.
The large spillway tunnels have only been used three times in the history of the
dam. In addition to use in 1941 and 1983, spillway use was required in 1999 when heavy
precipitation in the watershed filled Lake Mead.
Environmental impact
Hoover Dam and its
associated changes in water
use had devastating impact
on the Colorado River
Delta at the mouth of the
Colorado River. The
construction of the dam has
been pointed to as the
beginning of an era of
decline of this estuarine
ecosystem. For six years in
the late 1930s, after the
construction of the dam and
while Lake Mead filled,
virtually no flow of water
reached the mouth of the
river. The delta's estuary,
which once had a freshwater-saltwater mixing zone stretching 65 kilometres (40 mi)
south of the river's mouth, was turned into an inverse estuary where the level of salinity
was actually higher closer to the river's mouth.
Looking upstream from Hoover Dam in July 2009, the water level has decreased
The Colorado River had experienced natural flooding before the construction of
the Hoover Dam. The dam eliminated the natural flooding, which imperiled many species
adapted to the flooding, including both plants and animals.
The construction of the dam decimated the populations of native fish in the river
downstream from the dam. Four species of fish native to the Colorado River, the Bonytail
chub, Colorado pikeminnow, Humpback chub, and Razorback sucker, are currently listed
as endangered by the U.S. federal government.