Age of Rebellion - Game Master's Kit (SWA03) (OCR)

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his booklet contains an exciting adventure
Tas designed
to be run in one to two sessions, as well
new rules for running military squads and squadrons. The adventure provides a number of opportunities to use the squad and squadron rules (found
on page 28), and it can be run immediately after
the Age of Rebellion Beginner Came, after the
adventure in the back of the Core Rulebook, or as a
stand-alone experience. The players should already
have created characters and established their individual or group Duties. GMs should read this entire
adventure to familiarize themselves with the overall
narrative before running it.

violent and seize control of the ship. It is up to the

PCs to rescue the crew and regain control of the
Raptor before it drifts into a black hole.
Once the ship and crew are safe, the PCs are
assigned to investigate who betrayed them, starting with the privateers. A trail of clues reveals that
the pirates were actually Imperial agents and leads
the party to an abandoned factory on the allegedly
neutral planet of Teagan. As it turns out, the factory is a secret Imperial Intelligence facility and the
source of all the droids.

This adventure sends the PCs on a mission to
acquire a much-needed shipment of droids for the
Rebel Alliance. A team of pirates functioning as
Rebel privateers recently acquired a large haul of
Imperial droids, and the party is sent to negotiate
on behalf of the Alliance. Unfortunately, when the
PCs bring the shipment back to the Rebels on the
Nebulon-B frigate Shadow Raptor, the droids turn

Getting players involved in an ACE OF REBELLION

adventure is often a matter of having an element of
Alliance leadership, be it a local Rebel organizer or
Alliance High Command, assign the party a mission.
In this case, the Rebels are given their mission by
General Airen Cracken of Alliance Intelligence. The
party can be a team that has worked together on
previous missions, or they can meet each other during this mission. Early scenes give the party plenty
of time to get to know each other.



fter ensuring all game preparations are complete, read the following opening crawl aloud:

Despite recent victories, the Rebel Alliance flounders in its struggle against the evil Galactic Empire.
Desperately short on supplies, the Rebels investigate every lead to resupply their forces.
As part of this effort, a team of elite operatives is
sent to the Alliance Intelligence flagship Shadow
Raptor to oversee resupply efforts along the rimward sectors of the Hydian Way...
The PCs begin the game on board a small, rustedout Rebel transport dubbed the Spinster's Loom,
moments from dropping out of hyperspace. If the
party has its own ship, it was left behind due to
security concerns. If this adventure is used to introduce the PCs to one another, GMs may want only
one or two PCs on the Spinster's Loom and the rest
in the Shadow Raptor's briefing room. The Spinster's pilot is a female Wookiee named Brahtikka,





and her co-pilot is a talkative LE-series repair droid

named LE-LU979, or Lelu.
Allow the team a moment to talk with Lelu. The
droid doesn't know much, and some information is
classified. Still, she is able to reveal the following
during conversation:
The ship is en route to the Shadow Raptor,
the Alliance Intelligence headquarters for the
Trans-Hydian Borderlands.
The Raptor's coordinates are classifiednot
even Brahtikka knows them. They are encrypted
and stored deep inside Lelu's memory banks,
where even she can't consciously access them.
Lelu and Brahtikka are Rebel insertion specialistsessentially smugglers working for the Alliance. They also fly more routine transportation
jobs for the Alliance between covert insertions.
When the party is ready, Brahtikka brings the
Spinster out of hyperspace to a seemingly empty
region. Have the PCs make a Hard ( O C ^ O ) PercepTION check. Success means that they notice a few
stars vanishing in the black void of space. O O O

but it can also be run as part of a larger
using the adventures in the ACE

his adventure can be played independently,



and official supplemental adventures found

at Should a
CM wish to create a campaign from the official adventures in this fashion, the suggested
order is Welcome to Onderon. Operation:
Shadow Point. Perlemian Haul. Operation:
Shell Came, and finally, Dead in the Water.
Structurally, Welcome to Onderon and
Operation: Shadow Point are linked. Upon
successfully locking down the listening post
on Onderon, the PCs are alerted to the
existence of Vuld Tansen (a former Imperial
officer), which sets into motion the events of
Perlemian Haul. Due to their heroism and
growing reputation, the leadership of the
Alliance's Titan Base requests the party for
their assault on Hammer Station, setting
in motion the events of Operation: Shell
Came. The Imperial shipping manifests stolen during that adventure can provide the
spark that ignites the events of Dead in the
Water. If the GM does not have access to the
ACE OF REBELLION beta, the Onderon listening
post can provide the same information.
means that they realize they are pulling alongside
some kind of ship. A ($) means that they recognize
the faint outlines of a matte-black Nebulon-B frigate
running dark. The Spinster's Loom docks beneath
the boom that separates the tall forward hull from
the engines. When the party enters the airlock, read
the followine:
A series of familiar mechanical clangs and clunks
accompany the cycling of the airlock. As it opens,
you are greeted by a bug-eyed porcine humanoid. His four powerful forearms have ritualistic
tattoos of star systems and nebulae starting on
the backs of his hands and disappearing under
the rolled-up sleeves of his coveralls. He grunts
at the party in broken Basic.
"This be Shadow Raptor. / Tay Coomsay. Come.
Bridge." With a wave of the meaty forearms on
his left side, Coomsay leads you down the ship's
boom corridor, which runs the length of the ship
toward the forward fuselage.

The Bosph navigator Tay Coomsay escorts the

party to the bridge. He takes them through three
hatches to a bank of two large turbolifts. The deck
numbers run from one to thirty-five, top to bottom.
Coomsay points out that the barracks for operatives are on Deck 8, where the party can stow their
gear. The bridge is farther down, on Deck 17. If
the party asks about his tattoos, he explains, in his
monosyllabic way, that Bosphs have star maps tattooed for every place they ever travel. If the party
suggests this might be a security risk, Coomsay
gets offended. He says he'd never betray the Alliance, but he rolls down his sleeves. If the party likes,
Coomsay can bring them to the barracks to stow
their gear before leading them to the bridge.
Upon entering the bridge, the party is greeted by
a commanding view of a distant vermillion nebula
spiraling around the event horizon of a black hole.
The bridge crew is an assortment of non-humans at
a dozen consoles split between a trio of sunken crew
pits. A Mirialan woman stands behind the captain's
chair. She has exotic green-gold skin, and geometric
tattoos spill from the corners of her eyes like tears.
She turns to the party, prompting a brief exchange
with Navigator Coomsay. The navigator nods and
joins the quiet hum of activity in the forward crew
pit alongside a Lafrarian helmsman. The Mirialan
introduces herself as Captain Hylo Sortuli and, after
exchanging pleasantries, leads the party aft toward
her ready room to start their briefing.

Walking through the hatch, Captain Sortuli nearly

trips over her fat, sleeping pet lizard. "Stang it,
Bonebark!" The lizard flicks a long tongue over its
eye and blinks. After extricating herself and ruffling the loose tufts of down-covered skin on the
back of his neck, Captain Sortuli heads through
another hatch to the main conference room. Inside
is a large table with a holoterminal at its center.
The captain activates the holoterminal with a
datacard, and a ruddy-faced man with gray hair
and weary bags under his eyes materializes.
"Thank you for arriving on such short notice. I'm
General Airen Cracken, Alliance Intelligence. As
you know, we are always in need of supplies and
materiel. At the moment, we are critically short
on droids. The crew of the privateer gunship Contispex Crusader recently liberated a major cache
of Imperial droids and is selling them for truguts
on the credit. Your mission is to meet with Captain Oglerk. negotiate for the droids, and get
them safely back to the Shadow Raptor."
General Cracken can answer the following questions:
Why do we need the droids? The droids are
needed for processing signals intelligence, logistics
labor and bureaucracy, maintenance, medical services, and serving as astromechs for starfighters.
Where did the droids come from? A daring raid
on Hammer Station by operatives in the Corva
Sector yielded an Imperial shipping manifest. The
manifest was split up and shared with local cells
and Rebel-aligned privateers in the area, including
the crew of the Contispex Crusader.
Is the Empire looking for the droids? The incident was reported as an act of piracy. There is no
reason for the Empire to tie it to Alliance activity,
but they are undoubtedly keeping their ears open.
What do we know about the Contispex Crusader and her crew? The ship is captained
by Shyndi Oglerk. a young human female who

recently took to piracy. It is unknown how she

acquired her ship and crew. They give quarter
when asked and mostly target the Corporate
Sector Authority and the Hutts. Their letter of
marque, which authorizes them to act as Alliance privateers, was only signed last month.
How do we pay? There is a briefcase datapad
capable of performing a credit transfer to their
account via the Bank of Bonadan. Captain Sortuli hands this to the characters when they ask
or once the briefing is over.
Where do we make the exchange? The privateers have asked to meet at a smugglers' haven
known as Port Tooga.
How do we get there? The Spinster's Loom
stands ready to depart for Port Tooga at the PCs'
convenience. The rendezvous is in twelve hours.
The party can leave for Port Tooga immediately
or explore the Raptor first. If the party chooses
the latter, the GM can skip ahead to Episode II for
information about the spaces on board the Raptor.
Otherwise, the PCs can board the Spinster and make
an uneventful hyperspace jump to Port Tooga. When
they come out of hyperspace, read the following:
The brightness of the Listehol system's mainsequence star at such proximity is blinding.
Brahtikka wears a thick pair of welding goggles
as she makes her approach to Port Tooga. You
fear the shadows she and Lelu cast might create
permanent tan lines across your face if she holds
course much longer. Fortunately, Brahtikka turns
the ship about and puts the star behind you,
bringing Port Tooga into focus. The station's ray
shield shimmers like a glow dome as it pulses
against the star's intense radiation, making the
particulars of station activity difficult to see. As
Brahtikka clears the station shields, the muddy
shell-like hull of the station snaps into focus. A
flock of bulk freighters drifts near the station
around a collection of containers, like a herd of
banthas guarding their cubs.

Allow the party to explore the station as they

see fit, but their rendezvous is at the Barvy
Harpy with Captain Oglerk.

Astronavigation Data: Listehol system, Kwymar
Sector, Outer Rim region
Orbital Metrics: 77 days per year /1 2 hours per day
Government: Shoola the Hutt's cartel
Population: 6,500 (human 30%, Mirialan 10%,
Gigoran 5%, Brizzit 3%, Shatras 3%, Ferroan 3%,
Devlikk 3%, Rarririan 3%, other 40%)
Languages: Basic, Bocce, Taarja, Huttese
Terrain: artificial space station
Major Cities: none
Areas of Interest: Barvy Harpy, Tooga Bazaar, Nova
Room, Biscuit Barren
Major Exports: spice, contraband
Major Imports: foodstuffs, technology, contraband
Trade Routes: Hydian Way, Listehol Run
Special Conditions: none
Background: A major transshipment point for spices
and all manner of illicit goods along the Hydian Way,
Port Tooga is a haven for pirates and scoundrels
throughout the Tingel Arm. Though it was previously
held by the Techno Union as a research and development lab, the station is of unknown alien origin.
Strange machinery and ancient geometric markings
are everywhere. Shoola the Hutt claimed the station
after the Clone Wars. Most remnants left behind by
Port Tooga's Separatist guests have been long since
looted or otherwise appropriated.
Two thousand meters in diameter, this disc-shaped
station has a hull of hexagonal plates that form a testudinal shell; Port Tooga gets its name from a species
of armored reptile favored as a Hutt delicacy. The
station avoids Imperial detection by orbiting dangerously close to the star of the Listehol system, where
solar winds, stellar ejections, and radiation confound
sensors. Most ships would struggle to deal with the
radiation were it not for the exotic alien ray shield
projected by Tooga at all times.
A ring around the ship's diameter is littered with
more than one hundred docking tubes which lead to
interior hangar bays. Beyond the bays is the main
passage, known as Shoola's Ring, which is filled wallto-wall with tents, shops, cantinas, and eateries. Atop
the center of the station is an alien command center,
which Shoola the Hutt has converted into her throne
room and reception hall. The centermost areas of the
station are dedicated to various ship functions, such
as the power core, life support, and other, unidentifiable alien technology.


Around the edge of the station, a number of docking

tubes have been installed by Shoola the Hutt, giving
Port Tooga the capacity to berth 1 25 medium and
light freighters at once. Shoola's henchmen, typically Mirialan overseers with Gigoran brutes, wrangle the droids that handle loading and unloading.
The standard price for docking is 200 credits plus a
500-credit fee for cargo-handling services, which is
mandatory for any cargo transfer.

One of the many cantinas along Shoola's Ring, the

Barvy Harpy is famous for raucous brawls, shady
deals, and a never-ending string of bands which have
no problem playing through it all. Having at least one
good Barvy Harpy story is an almost-mandatory mark
of authenticity among veteran denizens of the underworld. The cantina's name refers to Shoola the Hutt,
who has been known to take an obsessive romantic
interest in some of her smugglers, which can make
negotiations with her difficult. Many a smuggler has
come to the Harpy to erase his memory of the past
few hours after a long negotiation session with the
bulbous temptress.

An open market comprising a combination of tents,

storefronts, and beings who carry their wares inside
their jackets, the Tooga Bazaar is a place where one
can find just about anything. While all types of spices,
arms, and other contraband are easy to find at reasonable prices and great quality, more mundane
necessities are at a premium. Here, countless NPCs
are pushing wares, seeking distribution contracts
with smugglers, or trading the last few items in their
inventory for a ride off the station. Rebel characters
walking the bazaar might notice the unique hardware
of an enterprising outlaw tech, a frog-like Shatras
named Billdip. Characters with the Tech Procurement
Duty should be interested in acquiring some of his
equipment or recruiting him.

Hidden behind an armored door on the inner side of

Shoola's Ring is the Nova Room, a lounge for highstakes gambling. While most need an invitation first,
a show of several thousand credits is often enough
to get in the door. The interior is all granite and greel
wood with rich red velvet upholstery, typical of the
Muun neoclassical decorating style. Sabacc is the
most-played game, though pazaak, dejarik, and some
other games are also popular. There is a strict rule
about checking weaponry at the door, making the
Nova Room one of the safest locations on the station.



The proprietor, a human named Kris Wahl, is an

elderly but energetic man with a meandering stripe
of facial hair that runs from ear-to-ear. Kris has a soft
spot for young, down-on-their-luck gamblers and can
be very lenient about letting them carry modest tabs.
Players who visit the Nova Room for a drink can overhear a conversation between two pirates about buying some starfighters. Apparently, last week a man in
the Barvy Harpy claimed he'd have access to Rebel
starfighters in a week or so, which should interest
anyone with the Internal Security Duty.

There is an archway on Shoola's Ring that spouts alien

gibberish every time someone walks through. At the
very end of the brief message, the sounds "bikkik barran" are clearly audible, which led an enterprising chef
to rent the space and serve some of the best breakfast sandwiches and shakes in the Outer Rim. While
the TaggeCo fast-food chain Biscuit Baron might take
issue with the appropriation and modification of their
iconography, the food is considerably better than the
semisentient food paste the galactic chain offers. The
Barren is considered required eating on every visit to
Port Tooga. If the PCs visit, they overhear two spacers discussing a delivery they just made to the planet
Teagan. The spacers suspect the delivery location is
some sort of secret Imperial facility. This should be of
interest to anyone with the Intelligence Duty.


Shoola has taken over the station's top-central floors

and converted them into her personal quarters. While
a few attendants, droids, and dancers flit about her
chambers, the room is private by Hutt standards. The
only visitors she allows there are those with whom
she'd like to mix business with pleasure. Below the
parlor is her more public reception hall, where she
conducts business. The lower decks are run by her
engineering staff and her small army of thugs and misfits. Access to the station's center is restricted to those
with an escort or directly under Shoola's employ. It is
well known that Shoola has no love for the Empire;
any PCs with the Political Support Duty should take
an interest in sounding out a potential alliance.



The Barvy Harpy is in full swing, with species of
all hinds drinking, dancing, fighting, and generally carrying on and having a wildly fun time. The
music consists of a lively quetarra and synthviol duet masterfully played by a pair of ZabraH
and the rhythmic stomping of those dancing and
clapping along.

The PCs don't know what Captain Oglerk looks like, so

they must either ask around or wait to be approached.
During their search, the party is confronted by a growling, mangled Wookiee named Roowarra, who has lost
one of his eyes and nearly half his fur to a fire. Between
the loud music, Roowarra's drunken slurring, and the
odd dialect, the party must make a Hard
^ ^)
Xenology check to understand his grievance. If they
succeed, they realize he has mistaken them for Imperial customs agents who impounded his ship. Only
now, Roowarra is flying into a rage, and calming him
down seems unlikely. Allow a member of the party to
make an Average
) Charm or Hard ^)
Coercion check to explain to Roowarra that he should
seek his revenge elsewhere.
Failure means Roowarra strikes the party member
who last spoke to him, starting a brawl. Roowarra
is joined by four aliens of various species, who take
his side. Although the Wookiee has a bowcaster and
his comrades have blasters, none of them draws a
weapon, and no security or patrons attempt to break
up the fight. If anything, the crowd seems to be in
even better cheer as soon as the brawl starts. However, should one of the party members draw a blaster,
virtually every patron in the Harpy draws as well,
strongly encouraging the party to leave the premises.


I f the CM is running a campaign that inteI grates the Obligation and Duty mechanics
as well as the careers from both EDGE OF THE
EMPIRE and ACE OF REBELLION, this scene is perfect for introducing EDGE OF THE EMPIRE PCS to
the rest of the party or for triggering Obligation. Port Tooga's Barvy Harpy is a natural
environment for characters operating outside
the law, and it is possible that Alliance Intelligence hired a local smuggler or mercenary
to watch over the party and keep them out
of trouble. Any such characters are paid when
they return with the party and shipment of
droids to the Shadow Raptor. If a party membens a droid, it can be introduced during the
inspection in the Shopping Smart encounter.


Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2. Melee 1, Piloting (Space) 1,

Ranged (Heavy) 1, Survival 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Wookiee Rage (when Roowarra suffers any
wounds, he deals + 1 damage with Brawl and Melee
attacks; when suffering a Critical Injury, he deals +2
damage with Brawl and Melee attacks).
Equipment: Bowcaster (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage
10; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Cumbersome 3,

negotiate the price of the droids.

Shyndi indicates a long string of five cargo containers lined up behind a hyperspace-capable tug. She
asks the party to select any two containers to inspect
the droids. Inspections confirm that each cargo
container has about two hundred droids of various
makes and models common to the Imperial bureaucracy. The droids appear to be in working order and
exactly as advertised.
The Rebels should designate a primary negotiator
who makes the opposed rolls with Shyndi. Other characters can assist, providing or making cooperative
checks, at the CM's discretion. The GM should require
the primary negotiator or a PC assisting to make a
statement or response for every check. Note that the
CM can use First Mate Kog in the same way.


Skills (groups only): Brawl, Mechanics, Perception,

Ranged (Light), Vigilance.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun

Shyndi suggests that they all move somewhere
quieter and leads them to Docking Bay 99. Waiting there is an older man she introduces as First
Mate Kog. The man, who has a datapad set atop a
pair of crates, eyes the party with casual disinterest.
Shyndi suggests that they get down to business and





The Alliance is prepared to spend up to four million

credits, but if the party can get the droids cheaper,
they should be rewarded with Duty points. Shyndi's
lowest price is three million credits. Her initial offer is
five million credits. The CM should set the offer made
after each check, based on the results.

Shyndi opens negotiations by claiming the droids

would retail for ten million credits, but she offers
to sell them at the bargain price of five million.
Shyndi makes an opposed Negotiation check

The PCs should make a counteroffer by initiating an opposed check using any social skill, at
the CM's discretion. Shyndi claims that the damage from the raid, which earned her an Imperial
bounty, is the reason she can't accept the Rebel

Shyndi makes an opposed Deception check

as her final counter-offer. She suggests that she
might just take her droids and see what offers
she can get in Hutt Space. Her new price includes
the space tug in the deal.

The PCs' final counter-offer may use any appropriate social skill. Shyndi accepts whatever offer
is made.

Once the price has been settled, Shyndi turns over

the access codes for the tug and the PCs transfer the
agreed-upon amount to her account. Now they just
have to figure out how to get the cargo back to the
Shadow Raptor.

Although the tug is hyperspace capable, it does not
have the systems necessary to accept the encrypted
coordinates to the Shadow Raptor. The PCs have several options for solving this problem:

The PCs can try to slice the encryption on the

coordinates, which requires a Hard
^ ^)
Computers check. But first, the party must convince Brahtikka and Lelu to let them attempt it,
which requires a Daunting ( ) Coercion
check or an Average
+) Charm check

The PCs can sell the tug for about 1 5,000 credits. However, it takes three trips to move all the
containers with only the Spinster. The PCs should
be warned that this could attract attention and
provide hyperspace telemetry to anyone scrutinizing their movements, compromising the security of the Shadow Raptor. If left unattended too
long, the containers could be stolen.
The PCs can try to slave the tug's hyperdrive to
the Spinster, which is probably the safest course
of action. This requires an Easy (^) Charm check
on Brahtikka and Lelu and an Average
Computers check. It does, however, add ^ to
any Astrogation checks made by the Spinster
while slaved.

Skills: Coercion 1, Cool 2, Deception 3, Education 2,

Leadership 1, Melee 2, Negotiate 1, Piloting (Space) 1,
Ranged (Light) 2, Skulduggery 2, Warfare 2.
Talents: Adversary 1.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), datapad.

Skills: Athletics 1, Coercion 2, Cool 3, Deception 2,

Discipline 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 3, Leadership 1,
Piloting (Space) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Skulduggery 3.
Talents: Adversary 1.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), datapad.




When the party returns to the Shadow Raptor, the

five containers are split between the forward and
aft docking bays and organized so that shuttles and
starfighters can still launch if needed. Some of the
droids are activated immediately to augment the
Raptor's skeleton crew and help with intelligence
analysis. The PCs are given a few hours to write their
after-action reports, rest, and recuperate. During this
time the party can also explore the Shadow Raptor.
Afterward, they're ordered to report to the captain's
conference room for debriefing.


and find General Cracken already on the holo with
Sortuli and a newly acquired protocol droid.
he PCs arrive in the captain's conference room

Cracken orders all the droids' memories wiped while

en route to rendezvous with the Alliance fleet. Captain
Sortuli congratulates the PCs on their success. She
then smiles and departs for the bridge to make ready
to jump to lightspeed, coaxing a stubborn Bonebark
along with her.
Cracken clears his throat and continues the briefing, either congratulating or chastising the party
based on their performance in the previous episode.
If the PCs sold the tug or kept a droid for themselves,
they must make a Hard ( ^ ^ ^ ) Negotiation check
to convince Cracken to let them keep the tug or
credits from its sale or an Average
^ ) Negotiation check to keep a PC droid. Add to the check
if the team overpaid Captain Oglerk and another
if they failed to observe security precautions to protect the Shadow Raptor's location. Despite any mishaps, Cracken is relieved to have the droids. As the
debriefing winds down, read the following aloud:

"You can't know how badly we need these droids

good job. I'll see you all at the fleet. Cracken out."
Cracken's visage contracts toward the table into
nothingness, as if swallowed by a black hole. A
high tone blasts twice over the ship's intercom.
"Attention, all hands: attention, all hands. Make
ready for jump to hyperspace. Batten all hatches
fore and aft. and assume jump positions." The message repeats, and moments later the deck hums
with energy as the Shadow Raptor comes about
to its jump vector. A momentary lurch throws your
sense of gravity to all sides of the room at once as
the Raptor engages its hyperdrive.
The smooth hum of hyperspace is interrupted
by a violent rumble below deck, followed by two
muffled pops. The lights flicker, and emergency
klaxons wail. The Raptor twists and tumbles
uncontrollably through hyperspace. overloading
the inertial dampeners. You remember the stories of the lost Permondiri Explorer, the Queen
of Ranroon. and a dozen other famous ships lost,
never to be heard from again.
One final boom rocks the Raptor into silence. The
deck plates are no longer humming. The alarms
have stopped. The ship isn't in hyperspace anymore, and the ion engines are silent.
The newly acquired protocol droid suddenly
^ t t a c k s the PCs without warning (use the
profile found on page 22). Shutting
the droid down via its power switch
requires a Hard ( )
check. If
the droid is a PC who was acquired from
the deal, allow the PC to make a Formidable
Discipline check to
retain control of its systems. This check
may be attempted each round, and
the difficulty is reduced one step
each round until the droid
B r

w |


Give the players a moment
to take stock of their situation. There are four hatches
in the conference room,
Lbut they are sealed shut.
F*Tne first leads forward to


the captain's ready room and, through there, to the

bridge. The second leads aft, toward the escape pods.
The third leads amidships, toward a passageway to
the turbolifts and the tactical action officer's war
room, and through the latter, to the bridge. The final
hatch leads to a smaller conference room. Examining
a vent reveals life support is also offline. The briefing room still has a functioning wall comm. computer
terminal, and holoprojector. Have each PC make a
Hard ( + ) Vigilance check. Success means that
the PC brought his primary weapon to the debriefing.
Every O is an additional piece of his equipment, at
the GM's discretion.
A junior officer named Lieutenant Hastings contacts the party via the wall comm or comlink. He says
Captain Sortuli is assessing the damage and assures
the PCs that a tech is on the way to open the hatch.
He can also provide the following information:

Captain Sortuli relays the following objectives to

the party:
Warn the Rebel fleet that their location is not
secure (see P-Comm, page 15).

Disable the primary communications array

before the droids can call in reinforcements (see
P-Comm, page 1 5).

Issue an "abandon ship" order from S-Comm,

so the crew can at least try to escape before
the Raptor is swallowed by a black hole (see
S-Comm, page 16,).

Disable hyperspace-capable craft in both hangar

bays to prevent damaging intelligence from getting into the hands of the Empire (see Forward
and Aft Hangar Bays pages 1 7 and 20).

Free captured intelligence operatives and reclaim

the ship (see Analysis Deck, page 18).

There were several explosions throughout the ship.

Captain Sortuli's comlink goes silent. Have the party

The Raptor dropped out of hyperspace and is make an Average
^ ) Knowledge (Warfare)
presently in a slow-but-uncontrolled spin toward check or, if they use the briefing room computer, an
a black hole.
Easy (^) Computers check to bring up a schematic
The ship's current location is near the Listehol Run. of the Raptor. Success reveals the following:
The ion engines, hyperdrive, life support, hatch
control, and communications systems are offline.

Primary Communications is on Deck F-01, sixteen decks up.

The forward hangar bay is on Deck F-07, ten

decks up.

Deck F-08 is also the barracks and training deck

for intelligence operatives, and houses an armory
and brig.

Many crew members are cut off from their stations, because their jump seats were beyond a
hatch in another space.

Once the information is relayed, the party hears a

stampede of several dozen droids in the passageway
"Wait, something's happening." Hastings's
voice shakes with anxiety. A hatch opens and
unleashes a cacophony of clanks, shouts, and
blaster fire, followed by a mechanical voice
devoid of any emphasis or emotion.
"This ship is now property of the Galactic Empire.
You are all my prisoners. Take them away." The
wall comm cuts out, replaced by the iron resolve
of Captain Sortuli's voice.
"This is Captain Sortuli. I'm trapped in the bridge
'fresher, and they'll discover me any moment.
Our hyperdrive has coordinates to the Rebel
fleet. We cannot let that information fall into
Imperial hands. Your team is our only hope."


The PCs are free to pursue their objectives in any
order, though there are three timed strategic events
that trigger certain effects depending on PC actions.
The PCs begin play locked in a conference room
on Deck F-17, the bridge deck. Each encounter (or
approximately every 1 5 minutes of in-game time)
advances the timer by 1. If the PCs are divided, then
encounters said to be taking place simultaneously do
not each advance the timer. See Table 1-1: Event
Timer for event details and timing. The purpose of
the event timer is to create tension and to force the
party to choose between objectives or split up and
risk being overpowered.

Once the event timer reaches 2, the stale, uncirculated air begins to take its toll. Have each PC make an
Average ( ) Resilience check before each ensuing combat encounter. Increase the difficulty of the
check one step every other encounter. Failure means
the PC suffers 2 strain, which cannot be recovered




Event Name

Event Timer

Event Description

Shortness of Breath

2 (~30 minutes)

Life support has been disabled. PCs must make Resilience checks to avoid
suffering strain.

Shortness of Breath*

5 (~75 minutes)

NPC crew are unconscious from lack of oxygen.

Black Hole

6 (~90 minutes)

The Shadow Raptor is in danger of being swallowed by a black hole.

Shortness of Breath*

8 (~ 120 minutes)

NPC crew are dead from lack of oxygen.

Reinforcements* *

9 (~ 135 minutes)

Imperial or Rebel reinforcements arrive at extreme range.

Black Hole***

1 0 ( ~ 1 5 0 minutes)

The Shadow Raptor is swallowed by a black hole

"Ignore if life support is repaired.

* 'Ignore if reinforcements aren't requested.
* * 'Ignore if the ion engine is repaired.

until either life support is repaired or breathing equipment (such as emergency breath masks) is acquired.
If the party fails to reactivate life support before the
event timer reaches 5, the NPC crew fall unconscious;
NPC crew die when the event timer reaches 8. The
droids give senior officers breath masks to preserve
them for interrogation.

II hile Episode II is designed to allow the
W PCs to address each objective as they
see fit, some GMs may prefer a more structured approach. The CM may opt to present
encounters in the following order:

Encounter P-Comm (page 15)


Encounter S-Comm (page 16)


Event Shortness of Breath

(page 10)


Encounter Forward Hangar Bay

(page 17)


Encounter Life Support (page 17)


Encounter Intelligence Operatives'

Barracks/Brig (page 16)


Event Black Hole (page 11)


Encounter Engineering (page 21)


Event Reinforcements (page 11)


Encounter Aft Hangar Bay or Ion

Engine 5 (pages 20 and 21)


Event Black Hole (page 11)

To help guide the PCs along, the CM can use

a few different techniques to draw them to
certain areas. This can include alarms alerting
them to issues that need to be resolved, helpful
hints from rescued crew members, or even having TJ-11 taunt the group over the intercom.


Unless the party has already reactivated an ion

engine before the event timer reaches 6, the droid
leader, TJ-11, announces that the Shadow Raptor is
60 minutes from the black hole's event horizon. (The
ship arrives at the event horizon when the event timer
reaches 10.) TJ-11 also orders its shuttle be prepped
in the aft hangar bay. Any data objectives obtained
by the droids, such as astrogation data, encryption
codes, or the intelligence datacore, along with the
captain and navigator, are moved to TJ-11 's shuttle.
(For information on TJ-11, see the TJ-11's Mission
Orders sidebar on page 1 4.)
Have the PCs each make an Average (^ ^ ) Fear
check. Failure by any party member means that the
event timer is advanced by 1 while the PCs debate
abandoning ship. When the event timer reaches
10, the Shadow Raptor is sucked into a black hole,
destroying the ship and anyone still on board.

If the PCs do not disable P-Comm or a droid escapes

into hyperspace, the ISD Iceheart exits hyperspace at
extreme range from the Raptor when the event timer
reaches 9. The Iceheart launches two squadrons of
TIE fighters, but it takes until the event timer reaches
11 for them to close to weapons range. Alternatively,
if the PCs call for reinforcements, the CR90 Remember Alderaan and an X-wing squadron arrive at long
range from the Raptor to lend assistance. It is possible that both Imperial and Rebel ships arrive.



While the sealed hatches and turbolifts restrict the

party's ability to move about the ship, there are several ways the PCs may try to circumvent the shipwide
lockdown. The party should make an Average ( )
Stealth check to prevent being discovered by droid
patrols (use the profiles on page 22). However, the



GM should not bog down PCs with too many encounters while they maneuver around the ship. Unless
attempted during a combat encounter, repeated
checks to overcome the following obstacles should
be limited to extenuating circumstances that are cinematically appropriate and to results of

encryption. If the check is successful, then for the rest of

the episode the comlink can be used to unlock the nearest hatch or turbolift as an incidental action. Players
can end the lockdown entirely with an Average ( 0 0 )
Computers check from the damage-control console
in engineering or a Daunting ( 0 0 0 0 ) Computers
check from the bridge.

Hatches can be opened several ways. PCs can slice a
hatch with a Hard ( 0 0 0 ) Computers check, but <>
or & alerts the droids, who dispatch a patrol to investigate. An Average ( 0 0 ) Mechanics or Skulduggery
check triggers a hatch's mechanical release; the hatch
then requires an Average ( 0 0 ) Athletics check to be
forced open. Any weapon with the Breach quality can
blast open a hatch with an Average ( 0 0 ) h
the skill appropriate to the weapon. However, if the
weapon is an explosive, it alerts the droids, who dispatch a patrol to investigate. Finally, PCs can recover
an internal comlink from one of the droids and make
a Daunting ( 0 0 0 0 ) Computers check to slice the

e c K

The Nebulon-B frigate has two hulls separated by a

long boom. The forward hull contains the bulk of ship
functions, while the aft hull houses ion engines and
the main reactor. The boom access corridor is the
primary means of transit between hulls, though there
are other possibilities. Add 15 minutes and increase
the difficulty of any Stealth checks by one step if the
PCs move between the forward and aft hulls via the
boom access corridor. With proper equipment, the
PCs can spacewalk between hulls and slice exterior
hatched with a Hard ( 0 0 0 ) Computers check.
They can also jump to the hangar bay with a Hard

The Shadow Raptor coordinates all Alliance Intelligence efforts in the Outer Rim between the Hydian
Way and the Perlemian Trade Route. While the ship
runs with a light crew,, a company of analysts and
cryptographic technicians work with an assortment
of analysis droids to sort through all the intelligence
collected in the Trans-Hydian. Most of this information is analyzed, archived, and sent via secure courier
to the office of General Vernan, the head of Alliance
Intelligence. However, some of the intelligence is considered actionable, prompting the deployment of a
team of operatives to take appropriate action.

( 0 0 0 ) Coordination check. The PCs can also

travel between hulls by launching an escape pod into
the opposite hangar bay in two maneuvers, which
requires a Hard ( 0 0 0 ) Piloting (Space) check.
The Raptor has two main turbolift banks: one set
in the forward hull that runs thirty-five decks, and
another in the aft hull that runs seventeen decks.
Slicing a turbolift at the lift requires a Hard ( 0 0 0 )
Computers check, but slicing it at a security or damage-control station requires only an Average ( 0 0 )
Computers check. Using another remote terminal
makes it a Daunting ( 0 0 0 0 ) Computers check.
Each deck has a maintenance hatch just aft of the
turbolift banks that can be used to climb between
decks with an Average ( 0 0 ) Athletics check.



Originally the Imperial escort frigate Eccentric Lad,

the Shadow Raptor was liberated from Contruum
Shipyard by Airen Cracken and his crew of resistance fighters when he fled his homeworld. When
Cracken's crew officially joined the Rebel Alliance,
the rechristened Shadow Raptor was put into service coordinating Intelligence operations throughout
the thirty-plus sectors of the Trans-Hydian Borderlands, with Cracken acting as captain and senior
intelligence officer. When Cracken was promoted
to the rank of general and given a larger area of
responsibility, he turned over command of the Raptor to Captain Hylo Sortuli.
Captain Sortuli keeps the ship well maintained
and is generally liked by her crew. However, while
the crew is disciplined, they lack military bearing.
There are no uniform requirements and no more
military pomp than might be found on board a commercial transport of similar size. However, Captain
Sortuli takes her job very seriously and considers
protecting the Raptor's location and its mission her
top priority. Her misfit crew is largely made up of
aliens local to the Trans-Hydian region who have a
personal stake in seeing the Empire defeated.

The Shadow Raptor has been modified in a number of ways from a baseline Nebulon-B frigate. First,
the hangars have been modified to accommodate
Alliance starfighters instead of TIE racks. The hull
is painted matte black, and the running lights are
largely disabled, with the exception of some that are
used to mimic the density of local star fields. Finally,
the sensor suite and comms array have both been
upgraded to make certain that the Raptor discovers
any Imperials in the area long before she is spotted.


Hull Type/Class: Frigate/Nebulon-B.

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Extreme.
Ship's Complement: 683 officers, pilots, and
enlisted crew.
Starfighter Complement: Twenty-four starfighters
and eight transports.
Encumbrance Capacity: 3,500.
Passenger Capacity: 75 intelligence operatives,
1 50 intelligence analysts.
Consumables: Two years.
Price/Rarity: 8,500,000 credits (R)/7.
Customization Hard Points: 0.
Weapons: Six port and six starboard turretmounted retractable medium turbolasers (Fire Arc
Forward, Aft, and Port or Forward, Aft, and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach
3, Slow-Firing 1).
Three port, three starboard, three forward, and
three aft turret-mounted retractable light laser cannons (Fire Arc Port or Starboard or Forward or Aft;
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]).
Three forward-mounted heavy tractor beam emitters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage - ; Critical - ; Range
[Medium]; Tractor 6).



TJ-11 is the T-series tactical droid in charge
I of this Imperial operation. Its orders are
as follows, in order of importance:

Disable the Hyperdrive: Go to engineering and disable the hyperdrive

motivator. If the ship is allowed to
jump to the fleet, the droids are likely
to undergo memory wipes before
being brought aboard Rebel ships.

2. Secure the Ship: Slice the damagecontrol console and trigger a shipwide
hull depressurization alarm, sealing
all hatches and locking out overrides.

Capture Astrogation Data: Necessitates taking over the bridge and

slicing the navicomputer. If necessary, remove the datadrive for later
analysis and take the ship's captain
and navigator prisoner.


Alert the Imperial Fleet: Necessitates taking over P-Comm. While

in control of P-Comm, acquire Rebel
communication encryption codes.
If unobtainable, disable comms so
Rebels cannot call reinforcements.


Necessitates taking over the analysis deck. Gain access codes and
copy the data, or physically remove
the datacore for later analysis.


Life Support: Send a detachment

to shut down ship life-support functions to distract and weaken any
Raptor crew resistance and provide
leverage during interrogations.

7. Asset Recovery: If possible, bring the

Shadow Raptor to an Imperial port.

Asset Denial: If control is lost,

extract intelligence assets and scuttle the Shadow Raptor.



Hull Type/Class: Escape pod.

Manufacturer: Faberstien-Lago.
Hyperdrive: None.
Navicomputer: None.
Sensor Range: Medium.
Ship's Complement: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10
Passenger Capacity: 5.
Consumables: Two weeks.
Price/Rarity: 5,000 credits/7.
Customization Hard Points: 1
Weapons: None.

Hull Type/Class: Life boat

Manufacturer: Faberstien-Lago.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1 2.
Navicomputer: None; astromech droid socket.
Sensor Range: Long.
Ship's Complement: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 50.
Passenger Capacity: 25.
Consumables: Two months.
Price/Rarity: 15,000 credits/7.
Customization Hard Points: 2.
Weapons: None.

Named for a millennia-old legend of the Mirialan people, Hylo left her homeworld of Mirial at a young age
to seek adventure among the stars. She was a part of
Cracken's original crew during the Contruum resistance
and helped Cracken steal the Shadow Raptor. When
Cracken was promoted, she became the captain of the
Shadow Raptor. She has a pet lizard named Bonebark
that always seems inconveniently underfoot.

Skills: Cool 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 3, Leadership 2,

Negotiate 1, Piloting (Space) 2, Ranged (Light) 1.
Talents: Adversary 1.
Abilities: Command (add per rank of Command
when making Leadership checks; affected targets
add to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours).
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range (Medium); Stun setting),


Deck: Forward-01.
Objective A: Stop droids from calling reinforcements. If failed, the ISD Iceheart arrives near the end
of the episode.
Objective B: Call for Alliance reinforcements. If
achieved, an Alliance CR90 Corellian corvette and a
squadron of X-wings arrive near the end of the episode.
Objective C: Warn the fleet that its location isn't
secure. If failed and the Empire obtains the fleet location, the fleet suffers a devastating attack that costs
dozens of ships and thousands of lives.
Objective D: Disable P-Comm to prevent future calls
by droids for Imperial reinforcements.
Objective E: Erase encryption codes. If failed and
any Imperials escape with the codes, Rebel commu-


for members of the Raptor's
NPCs should be drawn from pages
uring some encounters, GMs may require

4 0 9 - 4 3 3 of the AGE OF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Comm techs should use the Imperial
Naval Engineer stat block, maintenance
techs the Rebel Mechanic block, pilots the
Rebel Starfighter Pilot block, ground crew
the Underworld Shadowport Mechanic block
(replacing the Underworld skill with Warfare),
and analysts the Underworld Infochant block.
Officers vary but are generally rival versions
of the minions they lead. The bridge crew is
a mix of rival NPCs, each with an adversary
profile related to the station he operates.
The Rebel operatives include forty Rebel
trooper minions and four of each rival Rebel
NPC type found in the AGE OF REBELLION Core
Rulebook, pages 411-415.
nications are not secure during a future adventure at
the worst possible moment.
Saboteur Droids: One saboteur astromech, ten saboteur protocol droids, and a saboteur medical droid.
Rebels: Thirty comm techs and five officers. None
Just forward down a short passageway from the turbolift, P-Comm consists of a central watch floor, two
comms-array control rooms, encryption and decryption rooms, a secure comms station, and administrative offices. The watch floor has a central holographic
projector and a dozen workstations at which techs
route comms, message traffic, and other information
packets from outside local space.
the event timer is 4 or under, the droids have not
called for reinforcements. When the PCs enter,
the Raptor's crew is kneeling on the watch floor,
held at blaster point by two minion groups of
ve saboteur protocol droids each. The communications officer, a gruff Mirialan man
named Commander Figlia, is being interrogated by a saboteur medical droid who
wants the access codes to the communications consoles. The astromech droid is
attempting to slice the consoles in the
After the PCs eliminate the droids
and call for reinforcements, the communications crew balk at the idea of
disabling P-Comm, especially if the PCs'
felan for disabling it involves permanent destruci b n . The PCs must find a compromise, or convince the crew that destruction is neccessary.





If TJ-11 decides to abandon ship and the droids

hold this space, then they move Commander Figlia
and some encryption hardware to the aft hangar bay.
Securing the commander and hardware should be of
prime concern to any PC with the Personnel or Internal Security Duty.


Deck: Forward-02.
Objective A: Make an "abandon ship" order. Direct
the crew to bring back help and warn the fleet. If
achieved, a dozen escape pods jettison as any crew
not trapped by the lockdown abandon ship.
Objective B: Alternatively, the PCs can make a Hard
Leadership check to call upon the crew
to resist the droids, which results in the crew getting
slaughtered but reduces the number of enemy droids
by one minion group in each section.
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur astromechs.
Rebels: Twenty comm techs and two officers. None
Just aft of P-Comm and down a ladder well. S-Comm
comprises two watch floors: one to handle internal
ship comms and another for local-space communications. It also has five small office spaces, a large
office, and a routing array. Lt. Commander Colm, the
son of a trade baron whose corporate assets were
nationalized by the Empire, is the senior officer.
The two droids have secured the crew in the large
office, and they have split up to cover both watch
floors. Unfortunately, after the party relays its message, TJ-11 uses the ship's comm to scramble two
Y-wings to disable the escape pods. Any PCs who
have the Space Superiority or Personnel Duties
should be interested in taking over a bank of the Raptor's laser cannons or acquiring starfighters to protect the escape pods. As it stands, droids control the
Raptor's weapons systems, and they fire on the PCs if
they launch any vessels.

Deck: Forward-08.
Objective A: Free the intelligence operatives trapped
in their own brig. If achieved, the operatives help take
back the ship.
Objective B: Resupply weapons, ammunition, and
supplies from armory. If achieved, the party gains
access to additional arms and equipment.
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur medical droids and
twenty saboteur protocol droids.
Rebels: Seventy-two Rebel operatives and two officers. None armed.



may not have the skills required
Dto groups
complete some of the challenges they
epending on character composition, some

encounter. This can be a problem, especially if it means getting the life support back
online! In these cases, the CM is encouraged
to come up with creative solutions to allow
the skills the characters do have to help them
in the situation. For example, in the Life Support encounter, the PCs may be able to use
Computers to reprogram one of the disabled
droids to do the repairs for them, or perhaps
succeed at a Knowledge (Warfare) check to
realize that there is a back up life support
system that they can activate one deck below.

Along the starboard side of Deck 8 is a row of cells

where seventy-two intelligence operatives have been
crammed into a brig built to hold thirty. What would
typically be a large medical ward is mostly converted
into barracks and training space, including a gymnasium and a pair of thirty-meter firing ranges. The
aft end of the deck is the reinforced sublevel of the
forward hangar bay, which is four decks high. With a
Hard ( + +
Knowledge (Warfare) check or help
from a freed operative, the party discovers a maintenance crawl space that can get them inside the hangar bay near the magnetic field.
The saboteur medical droid rivals each lead two
minion groups of five protocol droids, or the CM can
use the squad rules to make two squads, each led by
a medical droid. It is possible to avoid real combat by
distracting the droids and freeing the operatives. To
do this, one of the PCs must make a Hard
Stealth check to sneak past the droids to one of the
weapons ranges to create a distraction. Half the droids
are sent to investigate. The PCs then can make an
Average ( $ ) Computers check to unlock the brig
security fields, freeing the prisoners. The Rebel operatives overpower their oppressors in moments, taking
up their arms and hunting down the remaining droids.
When the operatives are freed, they offer to split
their force to reinforce the areas the party has recaptured. With an Average ( ) Negotiation check.
the party gains five Rebel trooper minions or one rival
per PC. The PCs can use the minions to form squads
or minion groups. Alternatively, the PCs could try to
convince the operatives to retake the bridge or either
of the hangar bays. Without the help of the party, the
operatives are destined to fail, but one enemy rival
and five minions can be removed from encounters at
that location.

Deck: F-26.
Objective A: Repair and activate ship life support.
If achieved, Resilience checks to resist asphyxiation
are no longer required before combat encounters,
and strain can be recovered normally.
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur medical droids and
one saboteur astromech.
Rebels: Five maintenance techs. None armed. .
Life support consists of a small watch floor with
four crew stations for. water, power, air, and gravity. The astromech droid is plugged in, monitoring
the power and gravity stations simultaneously. It is
overseen by a medical droid. The Rebel life-support
technicians are locked in an empty cistern.
To restore life support, the
party must first make

a Hard (0 0 0) Computers check at the air station to slice the saboteur droid firewall and regain
control of the system. Unfortunately, a simple diagnosis reveals that there has been an alteration to
the air recyclers, causing them to take oxygen out of
the air, accelerating the effects of hypoxia. The recyclers are along the starboard side of the ship and
must be repaired at three different points, requiring an Average (00) Coordination check to worm
into the .crawl space and then an Average (0 0)
Mechanics check to repair.the damage. After the
PCs repair the,second unit, a minion group of five
saboteur protocol droids exits, the turbolift and
attacks the party.
Deck: Forward-07.
Objective A: Secure the hangar bay. If achieved, the
party gains access to eighteen X-wings, six Y-wings.
and two shuttles which they can use to assist in a
variety of objectives.
Objective B: Disable the shuttles and starfighters.
If achieved, the droids must first repair the ships
before they can use them to escape or call for

Objective C: Stop the droids from destroying the
escape pods or jumping to hyperspace.
Saboteur Droids: Four saboteur astromechs, three
saboteur load lifters, and ten saboteur protocol
Rebels: Two pilots, ten" ground crew, and twenty
maintenance techs. None armed.

The forward hapgar bay holds two. squadrons of

starfighters, the captain's pinnace, and a utility
shuttle. The hangar occupies most of Decks 5, 6,
and 7 and represents the largest interior space on
board. The TIE fighter launch racks have long been
removed to make room for Alliance starfighters.
Crew on watch during .the hyperspace jump have
been/locked inside a pilot's ready room and are
guarded by the saboteur

^ & r ^ protocol droids. The

rest of the droids
are scattered

the controls with any weapon possessing the Breach

quality or with any starship weapon. If the field is
destroyed this way, it requires an Average
Mechanics check and advancing the event timer by
to repair.
The pilots, if freed, can be used to form squadrons
with party members. A Mon Calamari named Chief
Moheed is the senior crew chief and can assist the
party in disabling the hyperdrives and communicakons arrays on the starfighters and shuttles. The chief
5 a longtime member of the Rebellion and seems
nfazed by the ship-jacking. Moheed and his men
tan be ordered to take up arms and keep the hangar
iy secure or to accompany the party to the aft hangar to disable the vessels there.

Deck: Forward-1 5.
Objective A: Secure and/or wipe the
intelligence datacore. If failed, future
adventures may be negatively affected
by Imperial Intelligence.
Objective B: Free the captured officers and
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur medical droids,
one saboteur astromech, and ten saboteur proto^ col droids.
Rebels: Ten officers and fifty analysts. None

out the hangar bay,

prepping the two alert
fighters for launch. If the
order to abandon ship has
been given, then two Y-wings
launch just as the party enters
the hangar bay. The party can see the
Y-wings blasting launched escape pods.
Instead of fighting all of the droids, it is possible to
vent all the protocol droids into space from the hangar bay control room. The crew is safe in the ready
room, but the astromech droids and load lifters can
counter this tactic with magnetic clamps and onboard
propulsion. To clear the protocol droids out requires
an Average ( ) Stealth check to sneak into the
control room and an Average ( 4 ) Computers
check to vent the space. Two astromech droids in
the control room must be dealt with. Alternatively,
the PCs could use the maintenance access from Deck
F-08 to sneak directly to the magnetic field that
shields the hangar bay from open space. If the PCs
involved have a space suit and some form of magnetic
clamp or propulsion, they can disable the field with
a Hard ( ) Computers check or by attacking



The module that takes up Decks 14 through

6 is typically used for passenger space but
has been converted into berthing and workspace for the Raptor's 150 intelligence analysts. The intelligence shop is on Deck F-15,
which consists of a main watch floor and dozens of offices in which analysts and officers
inspect imagery, comms and signals intercepts,
transcripts of interrogations and debriefings, and
reports from Rebel forces. All of this information
is fed into a central intelligence datacore, which
requires encryption keys to access.
The intelligence datacore has information on
countless Rebel cells, operatives, double agents,
sympathizers, and other assets vital to the Rebellion
in the Trans-Hydian Borderlands. Should the Empire
obtain the datacore, it would cripple Alliance efforts
in the region. If TJ-11 decides to abandon ship and
the droids hold this space, the datacore is moved to
the aft hangar bay. Securing or wiping the datacore
should be of prime concern to any PC with the Internal Security Duty.
When the party enters, the astromech is plugged
into the intelligence datacore, trying to slice past the
encryption. The intelligence officer on watch, Commander Keene, is tied to a chair and being tortured
by the medical droids as they attempt to obtain

the datacore's access codes. Two saboteur protocol

droid minion groups stand guard over four offices
where nine officers and fifty analysts are secured.
The remaining intelligence personnel are held in the
berthing decks above and below the analysis deck.

Deck: Forward-1 7.
Objective A: Secure the bridge. If achieved, the crew
can move the Raptor away from the black hole once
the ion engines are online.
Objective B: Secure the navicomputer. If failed, the
Empire could gain the astrogation data needed to
locate and launch an attack on the Alliance Fleet.
Saboteur Droids: Four saboteur astromechs and
five saboteur protocol droids.
Rebels: Ten Rebel bridge crew members. None
The bridge module contains the actual command
bridge as well as a number of conference and ready
rooms. The command bridge consists of an elevated
command deck with four large view screens and a
panoramic transparisteel viewport. Twelve crew workstations are divided among three sunken crew pits.
The forward pit has astrogation, helm, communications, and shields. The portside pit has engineering,

power, logistics, and life support stations. Finally, the

starboard pit has stations for sensors, gunnery, security, and flight control. All of these stations can be
controlled from the captain's chair, though other than
helm and astrogation, all stations are merely monitoring or command relay stations for the appropriate
section elsewhere on the ship.
The tactical action office is in the aft portside corner of Deck 17. While the bridge can do everything
tactical can, the bridge concerns itself with all aspects
of ship operations; tactical is solely focused on threat
identification and response. The five workstations in
tactical are dedicated to tagging threats on the sensor board, directing the gunnery teams and fighter
squadrons, and angling deflector shields. During
combat operations, tactical typically functions in an
advisory capacity.
Once the party secures the bridge, the PCs notice
that Captain Sortuli and Navigator Tay Coomsay are
missing. Lt. Hastings explains that they were taken
by TJ-11 to the escape pods. If the PCs check the
sensors or view screens, they can see an escape
pod shooting across the emptiness of space to the
aft hangar bay. Hastings believes the droid means to
escape with the captain and navigator and begs the
PCs to rescue them.





Deck: Aft-07.
Objective A: Secure the hangar bay.
Objective B: Disable the six shuttles. If achieved, the
droids cannot use the shuttles to get reinforcements.
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur astromechs, four
saboteur load lifters, ten saboteur protocol droids,
and TJ-11.
Rebels: Ten ground crew, ten maintenance techs, Captain Sortuli, and Navigator Coomsay. None armed.
Weapons: Medium hangar tractor beam (Fire Arc
Entire Hangar; Damage 10; Critical 2; Range [Long];
Tractor 4).
The aft hangar bay has room for six shuttles of silhouette 4 or smaller. This deck also contains cargo storage for most of the aft hull. Three of the droid containers are located in the aft hangar bay. The ground
crew and maintenance staff are locked in one of the
smaller portside cargo bays, guarded by a minion
group of five protocol droids. One of the astromechs
is working around one of the shuttles, prepping it
for launch, while the other is in the control room to
operate the docking-bay tractor beams. The remaining protocol droid minions are guarding Captain Sortuli and Navigator Coomsay, while the tactical droid.
TJ-11, oversees launch preparation.

droid is overseeing final preparations. If the PCs did

not stop the droids from acquiring the intelligence
datacore or the comms encryption codes, these
items are being loaded onto the shuttle along with
the captain, navigator, and navicomputer datadrive.
Should the PCs trigger a combat encounter, TJ-11
forms a squad with a minion group of five protocol
droids, while the other twenty fight as a separate
minion group. One astromech droid continues prepping the shuttle, while the one in the control room
uses the hangar's medium tractor beam to drop
cargo crates on the party. The tractor beam is considered an improvised weapon with a silhouette of 3
for the purpose of these attacks.

An aging shuttle model, the Kappa-class shuttle is

an all-purpose vehicle that saw use during the Clone
Wars and the early years of the Empire. Versatile
enough to perform escort, logistics, and combat
drop duties, it is still effective despite having been
replaced by a variety of new, specialized shuttlecraft.
The rear vehicle bay holds two ISP-6 shuttle pods,
which can launch as a maneuver.

If TJ-11 has previously given the order to prep a

Kappa-class shuttle, then when the PCs arrive, the

I f the shuttle escapes the hangar, the party
I has a number of ways to react. There are
five other Kappa-class shuttles and a dozen
ISP-6 shuttle pods in the bay. The pods only
take one maneuver to launch, while the shuttles take two. PCs may instead use a Raptor
gunnery station to attack the shuttle or rush
to the forward hangar to acquire Y-wing fighters. They may pursue multiple options. Keep
in mind that rushing to another part of the
ship takes time and gives TJ-11 an opportunity to gain a lead. There are also two shuttle
pods in the back of TJ-11 's Kappa-class shuttle, and if the party closes to medium range,
TJ-11 deploys the pods with astromech pilots.
The party should attempt to disable rather
than destroy the shuttle, especially if Sortuli and Coomsay are on board. The shuttle
needs ten rounds to plot a course for hyperspace or twenty if the party disabled the
hyperdrive earlier. If the ISD Iceheart has
not yet shown up but the droids did get word
out for reinforcements, it arrives during this
chase at extreme range from the Raptor.

Hull Type/Class: Shuttle/Kappa-class.

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 18.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Short.
Ship's Complement: One pilot, one co-pilot, and
two gunners.
Starfighter Complement: Two silhouette 2 support
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 50.
Passenger Capacity: Forty.
Consumables: Two months.
Price/Rarity: 80,000 credits (R)/6.
Customization Hard Points: 2.
Weapons: One top and one bottom turret-mounted
double blaster cannons (Fire Arc Port or Starboard or
Forward or Aft; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close];
Linked 1).
Two auto-blasters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 3;
Critical 5; Range [Close]; Auto-fire, Linked 1).

The ISP-6 shuttle pod is a short-range combat utility

vehicle with echoes of the Lambda-c\ass shuttle in its
design. Only lightly armed, the shuttle pod is often
used to survey damage, assist on spacewalks, or provide close air support to ground forces.




Hull Type/Class: Shuttle/ISP-6.

Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks.
Hyperdrive: None.
Navicomputer: None.
Sensor Range: Close.
Ship's Complement: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 8
Passenger Capacity: None.
Consumables: Two weeks.
Price/Rarity: 1 5,000 credits (R)/6.
Customization Hard Points: 1.
Weapons: Two light blaster cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1).

Deck: Aft-09.
Objective A: Secure engineering. If achieved, Chief
Engineer Duago provides to any Mechanics or
Computers checks to restart the sublight engines.
Objective B: End the hatch lockdown. If achieved,
the party can move freely about the ship and the
crew are freed to resist their droid captors.
Saboteur Droids: Two saboteur astromechs and fiv
saboteur protocol droids.
Rebels: Three officers and forty-five maintenance
techs. None armed.
Engineering occupies most of Decks 8 and 9 and
includes not only the main engineering watch floor
but also the ship's three primary fuel cells and their
power regulators. The chief engineer's office is just aft
of the watch floor, and a number of workshops, partsstorage facilities, and fabrication shops are scattered
throughout the deck.
When the party arrives, the droids don't immediately notice, as they are busily filing a report to TJ-11,
who is on the bridge. The ship is slowly approaching the black hole's event horizon. The engineering
staff says that any of engines 1, 2, or 5 by itself can
save the ship, but they have no estimate of when any
engines might come back online.
The crew has been locked in the storage locker on
the port side of the deck. Freeing the Sullustan chief
engineer, Duago, and retaking engineering provides
to any checks to restart the sublight engines later,
but the sublights can only be reactivated from a sublight-engine control room.. The hatch control override is here, however; after clearing out the droids,
an Average
^ ) Computers check can restore
normal function to all hatches on the Shadow Raptor.


Deck: Aft 12-15.

Objective A: Secure sublight-engine control room 5.
Objective B: Activate sublight engine 5. If achieved,
the bridge regains enough control of the ship to
maneuver away from the black hole.
Saboteur Droids: Three saboteur astromechs, two
saboteur load lifters, and ten saboteur protocol droids.
Rebels: One officer and twelve maintenance techs.
None armed.
The sublight-engine control room is a two-deck space
built around each of the Raptor's seven ion engines.
Catwalks and gantries line the engine housing for
access to maintenance hatches and control panels.
There are twelve different monitoring stations spread



throughout to track power flow from fuel cells and

watch over the reactor, temperature, radiation levels,
thrust, and more.
When the party arrives, the thirteen Rebel crew are
under guard by the protocol droids, while the astromechs are plugged in to the crew stations, oblivious
to anything but their efforts to reactivate engine 5.
Instead of fighting all of the droids, the PCs can disable the static discharge vane system with a Hard
(t 1 C o m p u t e r s check at any terminal. Success
creates an ionization overload that takes out all the
droids in all seven engine rooms, though ^ on this
check knocks out critical components needed to
restart the engine, doubling the time to complete the
engine restart.
Once the party eliminates the droids, they can
work with the maintenance staff to restart the engine,
which requires a Daunting ( + ) cooperative Computers check followed by a Hard ( + )
cooperative Mechanics check Each check takes
two rounds to complete. Assistance from the maintenance crew can add to these checks, and if Chief
Engineer Duago is in control of engineering, he can
provide an additional Q

Skills (group only): Charm, Knowledge (Education),

Knowledge (Xenology), Negotiation, Perception,
Ranged (Light).
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
immune to poisons and toxins).
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage
6; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting).

Cybot Calactica CLL-series load lifters are capable

of bludgeoning enemies with their powerful loading arms or bashing them with large crates and


FX-series and 2-1 B medical droids wield a variety of

surgical scalpels and syringes filled with useful chemicals for interrogations. These saboteur models have
been equipped with a potent anesthetic injector to
deal with organic resistance.

Skills: Discipline 1, Medicine 3, Perception 2.

Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
immune to poisons and toxins).
Equipment: Built-in diagnostic and surgical tools
(count as a medpac as well as a stimpack that can be
used once per session), vibroscalpel (Melee; Damage
2; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1),
anesthetic injector (Medicine; Damage 8; Critical 5;
Range [Engaged], Stun Damage).

Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Melee.

Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
immune to poisons and toxins), silhouette 2.
Equipment: Truncheon lifters (Brawl; Damage 6;
Critical 5; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2), large improvised weapon (Melee; Damage 7; Critical 5; Range
[Engaged]; Cumbersome 4).

R2- and R3-series astromech droids with upgraded

piloting and gunnery protocols. These droids are
capable of slicing computer terminals and repairing
damaged machinery. They have an arc welder that
they can use as a weapon, though astromech droids
flee combat if their protocol escorts are destroyed.


A variety of different protocol droids with upgraded

chassis and armed with blaster pistols integrated
in hidden compartments. Saboteur protocol droids
operate in minion groups of five droids each.




Skills: Astrogation 3, Computers 3, Cool 2, Gunnery

2, Mechanics 2, Piloting (Space) 3.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
immune to poisons and toxins).

Equipment: Arc welder (Melee; Damage 3; Critical - ;

Range [Engaged]; Stun Damage), built-in repair tools
(counts as a tool kit).
A T-series tactical droid restored by Imperial Intelligence, TJ-l I was programmed to lead the mission to
ship jack the Shadow Raptor and discover the location of the Rebel Fleet. TJ-11 is cold and pragmatic
to a fault, working its way down a series of preprogrammed objectives and assessing its next move by
calculating odds of success.

to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours), Field Commander (as an action, may make an Average ( )
Leadership check; three allies may immediately suffer 1 strain to perform a free maneuver).
Abilities: Command (add per rank of Command
when making Leadership checks; affected targets
add to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours),
Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and
can survive in vacuum and underwater; immune to
poisons and toxins).
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting),
comlink, datapad.

Skills: Coercion 2, Cool 2, Leadership 3, Knowledge

(Education) 1, Knowledge (Warfare) 2, Perception 2,
Ranged (Light) 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks against this target twice), Command 2 (add
t o Leadership checks; affected targets add

The Shadow Raptor is most likely rescued by the

PCs and spared the gruesome fate of experiencing
a black hole firsthand. After ousting the remaining
droids, the Raptor can make a quick jump to hyperspace to avoid Imperial reinforcements. Captain Sortuli, if rescued, orders the PCs to investigate who sabotaged the droids. If Captain Sortuli was captured or
killed, Lt. Hastings can plead with the PCs to rescue
or avenge her instead. If the Raptor is headed for the
black hole, this might be Hastings's dying wish before
being swallowed by the event horizon.

T here are two possible paths to starting the investigaI tion into the attack on the Shadow Raptor. If the
Raptor survived, the PCs might examine any of the
droids brought on board, including TJ-11 if it has not
escaped or been destroyed. However, if the Raptor was
destroyed by the black hole or captured by the ISD
Iceheart, they won't be able to pursue this line of investigation. Their other option is to return to Port Tooga
to track down the Contispex Crusader and her captain
and learn more about where the droids originated.
Examining any droid other than TJ-11 with an Average
Computers or Mechanics check reveals
a non-standard chip hardwired onto the droid's brain
and stamped with the letters "TTC." O O reveals
the chip is a modified behavioral inhibitor similar to a
restraining bolt. If TJ-11 is examined, a Hard
Computers or Mechanics check reveals that several components are similar to old Baktoid Combat
Automata designs. A Hard
^ ^ ) Outer Rim or
Knowledge (Warfare) check reveals that Baktoid
once had a factory on Teagan as part of the Listehol
Run during the Clone Wars. If the party doesn't have
access to any droids because of their choices in Episode II, they can instead return to Port Tooga to pick
up the trail.

It is also possible to examine the navicomputer on

the tug the PCs acquired earlier, if they still have it.
The navicomputer has been wiped, but a Daunting
4 ^ ) Computers check reveals that before
Port Tooga, the tug recently left the planet of Teagan.
If the party goes to the Barvy Harpy, they are once
again approached by the disfigured Wookiee from
their last visit. Roowarra apologizes for his drunken
behavior, explaining that all humans look alike to
him, especially when he is drunk. Roowarra explains
that he just misses his ship and hates the Empire
for stealing her. He is very sorry and wants to make
amends. This should attract the attention of any PC
with the Recruiting Duty.
If the PCs ask Roowarra about Captain Shyndi
Oglerk and the Contispex Crusader, Roowarra directs
them to the bar, where a drunken Weequay named
Aymus is half-asleep. Aymus has had his left arm
replaced with an antiquated mechanical one. With an
Easy (^) Charm or Negotiation check and a drink,
or a Hard ( ) Coercion check, the PCs can get
Aymus to share his story. Read the following aloud:





"Yeah, sure I've seen 'er before. What you lot

want with 'er anyway?" Aymus takes a long swig
of his Gizer ale. "Don't really matter, I s'pose.
Ain't no pirate, if that's what you wanna know."
Aymus scratches just above his elbow, where the
droid arm joins with his flesh. "How do I know?
Because I'm a kriffing pirate!"
"See, I heard the Crusader was prize-happy,
going after CSA and Imperial treasury ships and
the like. My kind of crew. I hear the first mate is
on station and figure I'll sign on, right? Only I
go to their bay. and they aren't taking on crew,
just cargo." Aymus looks around expectantly.
"Pirates always take on crew, see. Always. And
another thingthat ship she had? That wasn't
nothing no pirate'd ever get 'er hands on. Too
new, too shiny. No self-respecting pirated show
up here with it. Just as like to get taken. No,
mate. Whatever the Crusader is, it ain't a pirate
ship. I heard rumors it berths on a planet named
Teagan just off the Listehol Run."
With that, Aymus demands another drink for his
help but has no additional information to offer. He
says that Shoola the Hutt should have some sort of
docking and sensor logs and might share them if the
PCs are feeling open-minded. Then Aymus chuckles
and returns his full attention to his drink.

Gaining an audience with the Hutt paramour requires

an Average (^^) Negotiation or Deception check
to convince her roguish major-domo to put the PCs
on her schedule. The PCs are led up to Shoola's
palace, an elaborate audience hall that seems part
nightclub and part boardroom. Shoola does business
beneath a sound-dampening field, which extends to
anyone within engaged range of Shoola. Any Perception checks made to eavesdrop are increased by two
steps in difficulty from short range or farther. The
PCs can still faintly hear music blasting throughout
the hall but otherwise have privacy with Shoola and
her translator droid.
Securing Shoola's help requires an Average (<^^)
Charm check, a Hard (^<^<^) Negotiation check, or
a Daunting ( > 4 ' ) Coercion check. If charmed,
Shoola negotiates various romantic encounters for her
assistance. Information she has off the top of her head
might cost a PC a romantic dinner in her private chambers, while access to her security feeds might require
a week-long romantic yachting excursion.
When asked about the Contispex Crusader, Shoola
notes that she has heard of the new ship working the
Listehol Run but hasn't heard of any survivors from
their raids. Shoola taxed the droid shipment the PCs



purchased and was paid a combination of hard currency and a few of the droids for her personal staff. No
sooner do the PCs learn this then they are attacked
by two minion groups of five saboteur protocol droids
wielding blaster pistols. While Shoola's thugs fend off
a horde of reinforcement droids, it's up to the PCs to
protect Shoola as she retreats toward a secure turbolift to her private chambers at long range.
Once out of danger, Shoola is much more forthcoming. If the PCs failed a social check at the start
of this encounter, they can now retry, with the difficulty reduced one step. If the PCs examine the
droids' remains, they uncover "TTC" chips like the one
described earlier in this episode. Shoola has the following information to share:
On Captain Shyndi Oglerk: Shoola comments
on her lack of style or culture but notes that she
paid her import tax on her droid shipment without any haggling, which was odd.
On First Mate Kog: Shoola pays no mind to
underlings, but the PCs are welcome to her dock
master's logs and security feeds, which detail
Kog's visit without Shyndi a week ago. He docked
a small modified Nubian transport and spoke
with a Bimm junk dealer and later a balding
spacer with long sideburns at the Barvy Harpy.
Kog and Shyndi used the same transport the day
they met with the PCs.
On T-series tactical droids and TTC droid
chips: Shoola directs the party to Kwiggley, a
Bimm junk dealer specializing in droid parts. She
provides a holomessage that ensures the Bimm is
forthcoming with any and all information he has.
Any promises the PCs make to Shoola should be
fulfilled as soon as they finish their investigation.
Failure to do this could create complications for the
PCs during future adventures. Should the PCs include
their dealings with Shoola in any debriefing or reports
later on, the Rebellion orders them to fulfill their end
of the bargain.

If the party did not yet visit Shoola but wants to

check Shoola's Ring for anyone selling components
like those found inside the saboteur droids, have
them make an Average
^ ) Mechanics check
Success means that the party finds Kwiggley, a nearhuman Bimm junk dealer with a few rusted Baktoid
B1 battle droid remote-processor modules and some
random chassis parts.
The half-sized Kwiggley is a shrewd merchant who
cites customer privilege and privacy, but he can be convinced to identify Kog with an Average (^^) Coercion
or Negotiation check or a Hard [4^ 4}
Charm or
Deception check. Kwiggley sold Kog a T-series tacti-

By now the party should
realize that the answers to their
questions lie on Teagan. PCs curious
about Teagan can make a Hard
Astrogation, Mechanics, Outer Rim,
or Xenology check to compare notes on
bthe planet. Using a navicomputer or other
\ data resource reduces the difficulty one
step. The hyperspace jump itself from Port
Tooga to Teagan is uneventful and should
not require a check. The party can learn
the following:

Astrogation or Outer Rim: Teagan

is in the system of the same name
in the Kwymar Sector just off the
Listehol Run.

cal droid logic processor and fielded a number of

technical questions about compatibility with Arakyd
components. If the PCs show Kwiggley a TTC chip they
pulled from a saboteur droid, he reveals that TTC stands
for the Teagan Tech Consortium, a high-end droid manufacturer on the world Teagan.
IS T H I S F O R H E R E O R T O G O ?
If the PCs aren't sure what to do next, Roowarra
offers to buy them a meal at Biscuit Barren. While
they are eating, have them make an Average ( )
Perception check to overhear a conversation at a
nearby booth, where two spacers (one of whom has a
receding hairline and bushy sideburns) are discussing
a delivery from last week. Depending on the check
results, the party gleans the following information:
Success: Two weeks ago, the spacers delivered a
shipment of droid parts along the Listehol Run.

Xenology: The short and mysterious Devon are the native species.
Their vocalizations and hearing range
are incompatible with most humanoid species.

Mechanics or Outer Rim: Protocol droids are

huge business on Teagan, and the Teagan Tech
Consortium has recently released their RWWseries droid, a soft-shelled protocol model marketed as a budget human-replica droid.

Astronavigation Data: Teagan system, Kwymar
Sector, Outer Rim region
Orbital Metrics: 312 days per year / 22 hours per day
Government: Devon Trade Council
Population: 350 million (Devon 85%, Mirialans 4%,
Neimoidians 3%, humans 3%, other 5%)

Languages: Basic, Bocce, and Denosh

O A customs mix-up between the pilot and Terrain: terrestrial, mountainous
Ganaang Traffic Control was resolved by a TTC
Major Cities: Ganaang Spaceport, The Warrens
protocol droid.
O O The delivery was made to a planet called Areas of Interest: Teagan Tech Consortium headquarters, Kwymar Automaton Ltd. factory
0 The parts were delivered to a warehouse not
far from the spaceport.
If, after hearing any or all of this, the PCs wish to
question the spacer telling the story, he can be convinced to share all the information with an Average
Charm, Coercion, or Negotiation check

Major Exports: droids

Major Imports: raw materials
Trade Routes: Hydian Way, Listehol Run
Special Conditions: none
Background: Named for the wife of a Trade Federation board member decades ago, Teagan was once a
manufacturing world ruled by the Trade Federation.
During the Clone Wars, the Separatists manufactured
the LEP-series servant droids and PK-series worker




droids on Teagan. When the Empire nationalized the

Trade Federation after the war, it decided to abandon Teagan to its own devices. Most infrastructure,
including countless droid factories, was abandoned,
and the remaining inventory and assets were shipped
offworld by the Empire.
The natives are short, squat creatures called
Devon who evolved deep beneath Teagan's mountain ranges. When outside their warrens, Devon wear
thick goggles and cover themselves in voluminous
robes and heavy scarves to protect against ambient light, which can blind Devon and damage their
skin. Devon communicate via a series of ultra-highfrequency chirps and whistles that carry through the
caves where they evolved. Most of these sounds are
far outside the normal humanoid hearing ranges, and
conversely, the Devon cannot hear most phones of
humanoid languages, making them entirely dependent on protocol droids.
The Devon have taken over many of the abandoned
factories to create new droid-manufacturing companies, but countless abandoned factories, warehouses,
and office buildings that date back to the Clone Wars
remain vacant.
A stellar-class spaceport run by a few Devon and a
swarm of droids, Canaang has a steady stream of merchant traffic importing refined materials and exporting droids. Customs is handled by droid-assisted
Devon. The planetary government keeps taxes and
trade tariffs considerably below galactic averages to
attract outside investors, but they have had little success in attracting much interest in Teagan.
The most prosperous manufacturer on-world, Teagan Tech Consortium manufactures the RWW-series
protocol droid, which is among the most advanced
protocol-droid models in the galaxy. The RWW-series
is everywhere on Teagan, as its grasp of the Devon
language is unparalleled, making it the preferred
translator for any meeting.

Depending on what information the PCs have, the they
can follow the trail to Kwymar Automaton Ltd in a few
different ways. If the PCs have the Teagan Tech Consortium behavioral chips from the saboteur droids,
they might take the chips directly to TTC and demand
an explanation. TTC is staffed entirely by Devon, who
need a protocol droid to translate the PCs' demands.
The droids don't translate word for word, and they
always soften insults and enhance compliments,
which adds to any Coercion checks and to any



Charm or Negotiation checks. TTC techs can analyze

the chips and acknowledge that they manufacture
them. The chips were designed to convert old Separatist battle droids into peaceful utility droids, inhibiting violent behavior. The techs say that the chips have
been modified in a way that allows them to override
a peaceful droid's life-preservation programming subroutines which prohibit droids from violence. The techs
discover that the chip in question was part of a batch
sold to KA Ltd. a month ago, and they happily give the
PCs directions to that company's headquarters.
If the PCs know that Kog flies a Nubian shuttle,
spaceport personnel can be bribed or tricked into sharing launch and landing clearance information, or the
party can attempt to slice the information. The Nubian
ship is easy to spot, and the party can trace its registry
to KA Ltd. The ship was never docked at the spaceport
but did request launch clearance and permission to
land both times it left and returned to the planet in the
past two weeks. Customs provides directions to KA Ltd.

An abandoned factory on the outskirts of Canaang,

Kwymar Automaton Ltd. used to be a droid-component import-export business, but it folded a decade
after the fall of the Republic. The facility consists of
a large warehouse, a garage, and an office building
surrounded by a tall security fence. At a glance, the
facility appears abandoned at a glance, but a chain
is over the main gate. The PCs can make an Average
Perception check to notice the active surveillance cameras and signs of recent speeder traffic.
The PCs can attempt to sneak in, con their way in,
or storm the building while blasting. Regardless of the
method, the PCs are able to reach any of the buildings without generating a visible reaction. There are
no windows to peek inside, so the PCs must blindly
choose which building to enter. Each requires an
Skulduggery check to pick the lock.
The offices are vacant and coated in dust. However, a
computer terminal is tied to the security camera system. The PCs can make a Hard (tt
t) Computers
check to slice the terminal and gain access to the past
few weeks' surveillance footage from cameras inside
the offices, warehouse, and garage. Any PC with the
Intelligence Duty should desire to make a copy of this
data to bring back to the Shadow Raptor.
If the party enters the garage, they see a familiar
Nubian transport with Shyndi at the helm preparing
for takeoff. The boarding ramp is down, but five armed
protocol droids stand guard while a dozen labor droids
load the transport with crates. If TJ-11 jumped to
hyperspace, any information or prisoners the droid

may have stolen are on board the Nubian transport,

and TJ-11 itself can be seen on the boarding ramp,
discussing one or more of the stolen items with a loading droid, when the PCs investigate the garage.

High Command has a number of new interests to

pursue as a result of the adventure. The Rebels are
interested in opening a number of arms and material manufacturing plants on Teagan and might ask
the PCs to open negotiations with the Devon. The
If the PCs are discovered, the droids attack. If Shyndi
Shadow Raptor leadership may also want to recruit
hears blaster fire in the garage, she lifts off and conRoowarra to act as a permanent agent on Port Tooga.
tacts her allies in the warehouse to ask them to inves- Alternatively, the Rebels might want to court Lady
tigate. If the PCs can somehow sneak aboard and take Shoola as a resource. If the GM wishes, the Rebel
her unawares, they can prevent this from happening.
Alliance might even require a new captain for the
Shadow Raptor, because Captain Sortuli is dead,
missing, or promoted. Each of these plot threads can
As the PCs enter the warehouse, they walk in on a be picked up to carry an entire campaign.
dozen labor droids maneuvering crates toward the
rear loading dock, supervised by five stormtroopers
and a stormtrooper sergeant (see page 420 of the
Core Rulebook for profiles). A human named Lucien
and a Devon named Tobias, both engineering types
are arguing with each other while packing equipment
into crates. First Mate Kog is also there, armed with a
heavy blaster pistol.
Combat ensues. Kog orders the two engineers to
retreat to the garage and then signals the stormtroopers to attack the PCs. During the third round
of combat, Shyndi and five additional stormtroopers join the fight. Once all the original stormtroopers and their sergeant are eliminated, Kog retreats
to the garage. Shyndi cries out at Kog's betrayal. She
fights until she loses all her stormtroopers and suffers
wounds, and then she surrenders.


Kog should escape in the Nubian transport, but the
PCs can recover several crates of intelligence and capture Shyndi. Her interrogation reveals that her actual
name is Lieutenant Hura Kogler, Imperial Intelligence,
making her father the legendary Hyndis Kogler. Hura
offers the PCs a choice between letting her go now or
dying when her father comes back for her, but there
is doubt written across her face. She confesses that
the droids were part of a plot to learn the location of
the Rebel fleet, but then she clams up and won't say
anything more.
Investigating the area and pulling records and data
reveals details of the saboteur droid project, the
planning sessions for getting the droids onto a Rebel
ship, and the development of their cover identities as
pirates. Alliance High Command is pleased that the
PCs got to the bottom of the infiltration droid incursion and rewards them with commendations and
Each Player Character should receive 10 Duty plus
an additional 2 for any completed objective that was
connected to the PC's specific Duty. Also provide
each PC with 1 5 XP.



n many campaigns, PCs fight alongside other Rebel
I soldiers
against the evil Galactic Empire. The squad

and squadron rules allow GMs and players to organize minion groups under the leadership of PCs or
rival and nemesis NPCs. Squads are groups of infantry on the ground, while squadrons are groups of
vehicles, particularly starfighters and airspeeders.
Organizing minion groups in this way can empower
PCs and story-critical NPCs and scale up combat as a
whole without adding initiative slots or sacrificing the
cinematic pace of combat.
To create a squad or squadron, the character who
wants to lead makes an Easy (^) Leadership check
as a maneuver. If successful, the character can lead
up to eleven allied minions
already within engaged
range. These minions are
now members of their

squadron and, as such, no longer receive a turn in

combat and do not roll for initiative. Crew members
on board vehicles do not count as valid minion targets
to form a squadron. A squad or squadron's silhouette
size is 1 higher than that of its largest member.
While leading a squad or squadron, a leader may
redirect any hit he or his vessel suffers to a minion in
his the squad or squadron instead, which destroys,
disables, or otherwise eliminates that minion from
the encounter, at the GM's discretion. Additional
benefits are gained by ordering squads and squadrons into the formations covered later in this section.
Once a squad or squadron is formed, it remains
in operation until it is disbanded by the leader as an
incidental action, until the leader or all minions of the
group have been disabled or destroyed, or as a result
of <>,
or a failed fear check. Upon disbanding,
any remaining minions are formed into minion groups
and each round take their turns directly after their
former leader. Minions can rejoin a squad or squadron by spending two maneuvers during their turn.

The most basic role of any squad
or squadron leader, beyond
keeping up morale, is to
deploy his troops in a manner that maximizes their
advantage over the enemy.
At the lowest levels of the
military order of battlethat is, squads of troops
and squadrons of vehicles
this is accomplished through
the use of formations.
A leader can order his
squad into a formation by
making an Average
Leadership check as a
maneuver, though combat
conditions may alter the difficulty. Organizing into a formation
outside of combat is usually a Simple (-) or Easy
Leadership check. If the targeted minions possess
Discipline as a group skill, add to the check. Success indicates that the squad or squadron has successfully transitioned into the new formation, while failure
means it cannot establish the new formation and loses
any benefits from the previous formation. No check is
required to maintain an existing formation.








Result Options
If spent after a successful Leadership check to enter a formation, may enter the formation as an incidental action
instead of a maneuver.
If targeting a squad or squadron, force one minion in it out of position. The leader loses the benefits of that minion
until the minion returns to formation.


On any check while leading a squad or squadron, spend to order it into a new formation as an incidental action
If targeting a squad or squadron, may eliminate one minion in it.

If leading a squad or squadron, the minion allies may make a free, immediate attack. Calculate this attack as if all
the minions in the squad or squadron are an independent minion group. No minion group can have more than 5
ranks in a skill for the purposes of this attack, even if there are more than five minions.




Result Options

If leading a squad or squadron, one minion is separated from the it and placed at close range.

If leading a squad or squadron, cannot redirect the next successful attack to a minion.

or ^

If leading a squad or squadron in a formation, that formation is broken.

If leading a squadron, a minor collision between squad mates occurs (see collision rules in the Age of Rebellion
Core Rulebook, page 256). In addition, the two affected minions are separated from the squadron and moved
to close range. Note that because minions are immediately incapacitated by Critical Hits, this means that both
minions are lost unless their roll for the Critical Hit is 0.
If leading a squad or squadron, it is considered disbanded.

Note that the Leadership check does not represent

just the coordination of the minions under a leader's
command but also their willingness to follow orders. A
ruthless band of pirates, however, might be extremely
undisciplined. The GM should consider adding to
Leadership checks to represent the pirates' hesitation to follow orders.


encounters. It is designed to prevent the loss of the

entire unit to a single area attack.
Effect: Add to any Vigilance checks made by the
squad or its leader to determine initiative or to any
Perception checks to detect an enemy while in this
formation. Also requires enemies to spend one additional O to activate the Auto-fire or Blast weapon
qualities when making attacks targeting this squad.

Trained in guerilla warfare, Alliance infantry squads

are agile, able to create their own mission objectives
and serve as the basic building block of the Alliance
army. Squads use teamwork to protect each other
and favor hit-and-fade tactics to complete their missions. For logistics purposes, Rebel ground forces are
administratively organized into battalions, regiments,
and brigades, though they are rarely deployed in
units larger than a company or platoon.
A squad that digs in assumes a defensive posture to
increase its survivability under heavy fire.
Effect: Add to any attack targeting the squad or
its leader while in this formation. This effect can stack
with other defensive bonuses, such as cover.
Soldiers are given overlapping fire arcs to scan for
enemies. This formation is used to ward off ambushes
while traversing unsafe areas between combat

Concentrating fire on a single target is a tried-andtrue method for punching through even the thickest
Effect: Add to any attack made by the squad
while in this formation.
Battlefield objectives sometimes require skilled specialists for activities such as slicing a door, repairing an artillery cannon, treating a wounded officer,
or appropriating a disguise to infiltrate enemy lines.
Squads are typically built to provide an assortment
of skills for overcoming a wide variety of challenges.
Effect: While his squad is in this formation, the squad
leader can use the Leadership skill to perform a single Computers, Mechanics, Medicine, Skulduggery,
Survival, or any Knowledge check. The squad must
remain in this formation for the duration of the check.
The leader can only do this a number of times equal
to his ranks in the Leadership skill per session.



It is often advantageous for a squad to move into
position undetected.
Effect: Add to all Stealth checks made by the unit
while in this formation.
When running enemies to ground or locating units
lost in the field, squads are able to work efficiently
and cover more ground through the use of search
patterns, grids, and divided areas of responsibility.
Effect: Add to any Survival checks to track a target
and to all Perception checks, at the GM's discretion.


The squadron is the fundamental combat

unit of the Rebel Alliance. The Rebellion
^ ^ ^ ^
favors offensive guerilla tactics that
require a handful of fighters to inflict
immense damage and then retreat before
enemy reinforcements arrive. This strategy requires
fast, often hyperspace-capable craft laden with proton
torpedoes or concussion missiles or bombs. However,
the Alliance Starfighter Corps is required to do much
more than hit-and-fade assaults; many pilots are delegated to fly escort missions for critical personnel and
supplies, provide close air support for infantry and top
cover for evacuations, run reconnaissance missions, or
combat air or orbital patrols.
Concentrating fire on a single target is a proven
method for punching through even the thickest
Effect: Add to any attack made by the squadron
while in this formation.
Going evasive allows a squadron to juke and corkscrew its ships along a wide path while still all moving in the same general direction. The erratic flight
patterns make the ships hard to target, confounding
target locks and manual firing alike.
Effect: Add to all attempts to gain the advantage,
and add to enemy attempts to gain the advantage
on this squadron. Enemies also must spend an additional O to activate the Auto-fire or Blast weapon
qualities against this squadron.
Starships decrease their visibility by disabling their
ships' transmitters, transponders, active sensors, and
running lights. While this can effectively hide a unit
from sensors and visual scans, it makes squadron
coordination much more difficult.



Effect: Downgrade difficulty of Stealth checks ma

by the unit one step and upgrade the difficulty of all
Leadership checks while in this formation.
Typically while in a wide line or circle of craft, each
vehicle directs its sensors and visual scanning to a
unique arc of responsibility, with some minor overlap
with its neighbors. This allows a squadron to effectively look in all directions simultaneously.
Effect: Add to any Vigilance checks by the squadron
to determine initiative and to Computers and Perception checks to detect targets while in this formation.
Starfighter squadrons typically rely on preprogrammed hyperspace jump coordinates, though it's
also possible to plot new courses in the field. In either
case, this is often handled by the best navigator in
the unit, assisted with the rest of the squadron.
Effect: While in this formation, the squadron leader
can substitute a Leadership check for a single Astrogation, Computers, Mechanics, or any Knowledge
check. The squadron must remain in this formation
for the duration of the check. This formation can only
be used a number of times per session equal to the
leader's ranks in the Leadership skill.

Most Alliance vehicles are better protected than their
Imperial counterparts. Pilots have trained to use this
to their advantage, arranging themselves in tight ball
formations wherein they can put the full strength of
their shields to a single fire arc and strengthen the
group. If the vehicles in the unit don't have shields,


it is still possible to achieve a similar effect, though it

requires precision flying.
Effect: While in this formation, add 1 to ship defense
in all zones. If the squadron entering this maneuver
does not have shields or has lost them for any reason, upgrade the difficulty of this check one step.



Andrew Fischer

Andrew Navaro



Zoe Robinson

Keith Kappel



Eric Knight

Christine Crabbe, Molly Clover, and Shannon Roberts





Chris Gerber

Deb Freytag and Amanda Greenhart



EDGE Studio, David Ardila, and Chris Beck


Corey Konieczka



Chris Beck

Michael Hurley



Brian Schomburg

Christian T. Petersen



Mark Molnar and Magali Villeneuve


Adam Lane, Anthony Devine, Claudio Pozas,

Ignacio Bazan Lazcano, Jake Murray, Jason
Juta, Mark Molnar, Sara Betsy, Thomas
Wievegg, and the Lucasfilm art archives

"APB" Jens Melinder with Claes Florvik and Bo Centerhed.

"Strange Assembly" Christopher Stevenson with Jay
Earle and Mike Cook. "The Death Star Contractors"
Craig Atkins with Doug Ruff, Mark Chralesworth, Josh
Jupp, Nathan Wilkinson, and Julian Garner. "Team
Fandom" Keith Kappel with Josh Carr, Madeleine
Riehs, and Ryan Brooks. Eric Franklin with Stephanie Franklin, Aaron Stultz, and Wade Rockett.



Carol Roeder

Jennifer Heddle


Leland Chee


Fantasy Flight Games

9 9 5 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113

& TM Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific
written permission. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG Logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-61 661 -781 -3

Product Code: SWA03

Printed in China
For more information about the Star Wars: AGE OF REBELLION line, free downloads,
answers to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at

With the galaxy under the rule of the Galactic Empire, it-is difficult to know
whom to trust. Agents of the enemy are everywhere; and even a simple supply
mission can become a desperate fight for survival.
Take your Star Wars: AGE OF REBELLION campaign to the next level with the
ACE OF REBELLION CAME MASTER'S KIT. The forces of the Empire are fearless
and plentiful, but with the rules for forming squads and squadrons found
within, players can take on these overwhelming forces alongside formations
of allies. The kit also contains a brand-new adventure, new rules and advice
for GMs, and a deluxe Game Master's Screen that places the most commonly
referenced rules close at hand.
This product includes a 32-page book and a 4-panel Game Master's screen.
A copy of the AGE OF REBELLION ROLEPLAYINC GAME core rulebook is required to
use this supplement.






01 - 09

Easy ( )

Mechanical Stress: The ship or vehicle suffers 1 point of system strain.

1 0 - 18

Easy (4)

Jostled: A small explosion or impact rocks the vehicle. All crew members suffer 1 strain and are disoriented for one round.

1 9 - 27

Easy (4)

Losing Power to Shields: Decrease defense in affected defense zone by 1 until the Critical Hit is repaired. If the ship or vehicle has no
defense, suffer 1 point of system strain.

28 - 36

Easy (4)

Knocked Off Course: A particularly strong blast or impact sends the ship or vehicle careening off in a new direction. On his next turn, the pilot
cannot execute any maneuvers and must make a Piloting check to regain control. The difficulty of this check depends on his current speed.

3 7 - 45

Easy (4)

Tailspin: All firing from the ship or vehicle suffers until the end of the pilot's next turn All crewmembers are immobilized until the end of
the pilot's next turn.

4 6 - 54

Easy (4)

Component Hit: One component of the attacker's choice is knocked offline, and is rendered inoperable until the end of the following round. For a
list of ship components, see Table 7-10: Small Ship or Vehicle Components or Table 7-11: Large Ship or Vehicle Components depending
on target ship silhouette.

55 -


Shields Failing: Reduce defense in all defense zones by 1 point until the Critical Hit is repaired. If the ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 2
points of system strain.


Navicomputer Failure: The navicomputer (or in the case of a ship without a navicomputer, its R2 unit) fails and the ship cannot make the
jump to hyperspace until the Critical Hit is repaired. If the ship or vehicle is without a hyperdrive, the vehicle or ship's navigation systems fail,
leaving it flying or driving blind, unable to tell where it is or where it's going.

73 - 81


Power Fluctuations: The ship or vehicle is beset by random power surges and outages. The pilot cannot voluntarily inflict system strain on the
ship (to gain an extra starship maneuver, for example), until this Critical Hit is repaired.

82 - 90


Shields Down: Decrease defense in affected defense zone to 0, and decrease defense in all other defense zones by 1 until this Critical Hit
is repaired. While the defense of the affected defense zone cannot be restored until the Critical Hit is repaired, defense can be assigned to
protect that defense zone from other zones as usual. If the ship or vehicle is without defense, suffer 4 points of system strain.

91 - 99


Engine Damaged: The ship or vehicle's maximum speed is reduced by 1 point, to a minimum of 1, until the Critical Hit is repaired.

6 4 - 72

100 - 108

109 - 1 1 7

118 - 126



Shield Overload: The ship's shields completely fail Decrease the defense of all defense zones to 0. This Critical Hit cannot be repaired until
the end of the encounter, and the ship suffers 2 points of system strain. If the ship or vehicle is without defense, reduce armor by 1 until the
Critical Hit is repaired.


Engines Down: The ship or vehicle's maximum speed is reduced to 0 until the Critical Hit is repaired, although it continues on its present
course thanks to momentum. In addition, the ship cannot execute any maneuvers until the Critical Hit is repaired.



127 - 133

134 - 138

( )

( )

139 - 144

( )

145 - 153
1 54 i


Major System Failure: One component of the attacker's choice is heavily damaged, and is inoperable until the Critical Hit is repaired. For
a list of ship components, see Table 7 - 1 0 : Small Ship or Vehicle Components or Table 7 - 1 1 : Large Ship or Vehicle Components
depending on target ship silhouette.
Major Hull Breach: A huge, gaping tear is torn in the ship's hull and it depressurizes For ships and vehicles of silhouette 4 and smaller, the
entire ship depressurizes in a number of rounds equal to the ship's silhouette. Ships and vehicles of silhouette 5 and larger tend to be highly
compartmentalized and have many safeguards against depressurization. These ships don't completely depressurize, but parts do (the specifics
of which parts depressurize is up to the CM; however, each section of the ship or vehicle that does lose air does so in a number of rounds
equal to the vehicle's silhouette). Vehicles and ships operating in an atmosphere can better handle this Critical Hit. However, the huge tear still
inflicts penalties, causing the vehicle to suffer the Destabilized Critical Hit instead
Destabilized: The ship or vehicle's structural integrity is seriously damaged. Reduce the ship or vehicle's hull trauma threshold and system
strain threshold to half their original values until repaired.
Fire!: Fire rages through the ship. The ship or vehicle immediately takes 2 points of system strain, and anyone caught in the fire takes damage
as discussed on page 214. A fire can be put out with some quick thinking and appropriate skill, Vigilance, and/or Cool checks at the Game
Master's discretion. Once going, a fire takes one round per 2 of the ship's silhouette points to extinguish.
Breaking Up: The vehicle or ship has suffered so much damage that it begins to come apart at its seams, breaking up and disintegrating
around the crew. At the end of the following round, the ship is completely destroyed and the surrounding environment is littered with debris.
Anyone aboard the ship or vehicle has one round to get to an escape pod, bail out, or dive for the nearest hatch before they are lost.
Vaporized: The ship or vehicle is completely destroyed, consumed in a particularly large and dramatic fireball. Nothing survives.

J When rolling for a Critical Hit. add + 10 for every Critical Hit the starship or vehicle is already suffering.

Difference in Silhouette
Firing vessel has the same silhouette as
target, or the silhouette is 1 larger or
smaller than the target.


PAGE 249

Average (44)

Firing vessel has a silhouette 2 or

more points smaller than the target


Firing vessel has a silhouette 2 points

larger than the target ship.


Firing vessel has a silhouette 5 points

larger than the target ship.


Firing vessel has a silhouette 4 or

; more points larger than target ship.

Lucasfilm Ltd. & T M



( )

Total Strain

PAGE 247

Total Hull Trauma


System strain less than half system

strain threshold.

Hull trauma less than half vehicle's

hull trauma threshold.

Easy (4)

System strain equal to or more than

half vehicle's system strain threshold.

Hull trauma equal to or more than

half vehicle's hull trauma threshold.

Average (44)

System strain exceeds vehicle's

system strain threshold

Hull trauma exceeds vehicle's hull

trauma threshold.






Current Wounds

Medicine Check

Current wounds equal half or less of wound threshold.


Current wounds equal more than half of wound threshold.

Average (44)

Current wounds exceed wound threshold


Recover Critical Injury.

Critical Injury severity rating












During a character's turn, the character can perform one

action and one maneuver. The character can also suffer
two strain to perform one additional maneuver, as long
as they do not perform more than two maneuvers total

01 - 0 5


Minor Nick: The target suffers 1 strain

0 6 - 10

Easy (4)

Slowed Down: The target can only act during the last allied Initiative slot on
his next turn.

11 - 15


Sudden Jolt: The target drops whatever is in hand.


Easy (4)

Distracted: The target cannot perform a free maneuver during his next turn.


21 - 2 5

Easy (4)

Off-Balance: Add to the target's next skill check.

Aim: Gain a bonus on the next attack.


Easy (4)

Discouraging Wound: Flip one light side Destiny Point to a dark side Destiny
Point (reverse if NPC).

Assist: Grant a bonus to an ally's check.

31 - 3 5


Stunned: The target is staggered until the end of his next turn.

Guarded Stance: Take penalties to melee attacks for a

bonus to melee defense.


Easy (4)

Stinger: Increase difficulty of next check by one.

41 - 45

Average (44)

Bowled Over: The target is knocked prone and suffers 1 strain.

Interact with the Environment: This could be anything from

moving objects to manipulating control panels.


Average (44)

Head Ringer: The target increases the difficulty of all Intellect and
Cunning checks by one until the end of the encounter.

Manage Gear: Draw, holster, or put away weapons and

items, or load a weapon.

51 - 55

Average (44)

Fearsome Wound: The target increases the difficulty of all Presence and
Willpower checks by one until the end of the encounter.


Average (44)

Agonizing Wound: The target increases the difficulty of all Brawn and
Agility checks by one until the end of the encounter.

61 - 65

Average (44)

Slightly Dazed: The target is disoriented until the end of the encounter.


Average (44)

Scattered Senses: The target removes all from skill checks until the end
of the encounter.

71 - 75

Average (44)

Hamstrung: The target loses his free maneuver until the end of the


Average (44)

Overpowered: The target leaves himself open, and the attacker may
immediately attempt another free attack against him, using the exact same
pool as the original attack.

81 - 8 5

Average (44)

Winded: Until the end of the encounter, the target cannot voluntarily suffer
strain to activate any abilities or gain additional maneuvers.


Average (44)

Compromised: Increase difficulty of all skill checks by one until the end of
the encounter.

Spend an Action to Activate an Ability: Some abilities

require spending actions without checks.

91 - 9 5



At the Brink: The target suffers 1 strain each time he performs an action.

Activate a Force Power: Use a Force power.




Crippled: One of the target's limbs (selected by the CM) is crippled until healed
or replaced. Increase difficulty of all checks that require use of that limb by one.

101 - 105



Maimed: One of the target's limbs (selected by the CM) is permanently lost.
Unless the target has a cybernetic replacement, the target cannot perform
actions that would require the use of that limb. All other actions gain

Perform a Skill Check: Anything that requires a skill check

requires an action to perform unless specifically stated



Horrific Injury: Roll 1 d 10 to determine which of the target's characteristics

is affected: 1 - 3 for Brawn, 4 - 6 for Agility, 7 for Intellect, 8 for Cunning, 9
for Presence, 10 for Willpower. Until this Critical Injury is healed, treat that
characteristic as 1 point lower.



Temporarily Lame: Until this Critical Injury is healed, the target cannot
perform more than one maneuver during his turn.



Blinded: The target can no longer see. Upgrade the difficulty of all checks
twice. Upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three times.



Knocked Senseless: The target is staggered for the remainder of the


1 0 6 - 110


Of; _

1 zr\


Gruesome Injury: Roll 1 dlO to determine which of the target's

characteristics is affected: 1 - 3 for Brawn, 4 - 6 for Agility, 7 for Intellect.
8 for Cunning, 9 for Presence, 10 for Willpower. That characteristic is
permanently reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.

131 - 140

( )

Bleeding Out: Every round, the target suffers 1 wound and 1 strain at
the beginning of his turn. For every 5 wounds he suffers beyond his wound
threshold, he suffers 1 additional Critical Injury. Roll on the chart, suffering
the injury (if he suffers this result a second time due to this, roll again).

141 - 150

( )

The End Is Nigh: The target will die after the last Initiative slot during the
next round.

151 +

Dead: Complete, obliterated death.

When rolling for a Critical Injury, add + 10 for every Critical Injury the character is already suffering.

u r i n g tneir turn.

Mount or Dismount: Mount or dismount from a vehicle or

Move: Move within range bands or change ranges with something else.
Drop Prone or Stand from Prone: Drop to the prone position or stand up.
Preparation: Take a maneuver to prepare something for
something else.

Exchange an Action for a Maneuver: Take a maneuver
instead of an action.

Perform a Combat Check: Perform a skill check with additional

rules to attack someone.







Adverse Environment Gear

Armored Clothing

Heavy Battle Armor

Heavy Clothing

Laminate Armor

Personal Deflector Shield

Padded Armor





Dam Crit Range

Encum HP Price

Rarity Special

Energy Weapons
Holdout Blaster

Ranged (Light)

4 Short


4 Stun setting

Light Blaster Pistol

Ranged (Light)



4 Stun setting



4 Stun setting

[Blaster Pistol

Ranged (Light)

Heavy Blaster Pistol

Ranged (Light)



Blaster Carbine

Ranged (Heavy)

3 Medium


5 Stun setting

Blaster Rifle

Ranged (Heavy)



5 Stun setting

Heavy Blaster Rifle

Ranged (Heavy)




Light Repeating Blaster

Ranged (Heavy)



(R) 2.250

7 Auto-fire. Cumbersome 4. Pierce 1

Heavy Repeating Blaster




(R) 6.000

8 Auto fire. Cumbersome 5. Pierce 2. Vicious 1

Ion Blaster

Ranged (Light)




| Disruptor Pistol

Ranged (Light)



(R) 3.000

6 Vicious 4

Disruptor Rifle

Ranged (Heavy)


21 Long

(R) 5,000

6 Cumbersome 2. Vicious 5

Slugthrower Pistol

Ranged (Light)



Slugthrower Rifle

Ranged (Heavy)



3 Cumbersome 2




Burn 3. Blast 8



(R) 7.500

Blast 10. Cumbersome 3. Guided 3, Breach 1. Prepare 1. Limited Ammo 6

Stun setting

6 Auto-fire. Cumbersome 3

3 Disorient 5. Ion


I Explosives and Other Weapons

Flame Projector

Ranged (Heavy)

Missile Tube


Frag Grenade

Ranged (Light)

4 Short


Blast 6. Limited Ammo 1

Armor-Piercing Grenade Ranged (Light)


3 Short


Blast 4. Limited Ammo 1. Pierce 3

NA Short


Stun Grenade

Ranged (Light)

Anti-Vehicle Mine



2 Engaged

0 (R) 1.400

Anti-Personnel Mine



(R) 850

Thermal Detonator

Ranged (Light)


2 Short

(R) 2.000


6 Blast 2. Breach 4, Limited Ammo 1

6 Blast 4, Vicious 4, Limited Ammo 1

Blast 15. Breach 1. Vicious 4. Limited Ammo 1


c i.:11

u n



Brass Knuckles



+0 1

Brawl Weapons


4 Disorient 3, Stun Damage. Blast 8. Limited Ammo 1

HP Price


5 Engaged






Melee Weapons
Shock Gloves
Force Pike

Disorient 3

Stun 3



2 Engaged


4 Pierce 2. Stun Setting




1 Engaged

(R) 10.000




5 Engaged


10 Breach 1. Sunder, Vicious 2






Pierce 2. Sunder, Vicious 3




2 Engaged


Pierce 2. Vicious 1






Defensive 1. Pierce 2. Vicious 1



+ 1

5 Engaged




5 Engaged

Cumbersome 2




Cumbersome 4

1 Disorient 2

Improvised Weapons




The following ore summaries of weapon qualifies. Full descriptions can be found in the Core Rulebooh. Active qualities
require O O to trigger unless listed otherwise.
Accurate (Passive): Add

per rating to attack checks.

Auto-fire (Active): Increase difficulty of attack checks by

one. May trigger multiple times to generate additional hits.
Breach (Passive): Ignore 1 point of armor (10 points of
soak) per rating.
Burn (Active): When triggered, target suffers weapon's
base damage for a number of rounds equal to rating.
Blast (Active): When triggered, targets engaged with tar
get suffer wounds equal to rating.
Concussive (Active): When triggered, target is staggered
a number of rounds equal to rating.
Cortosis (Passive): Weapons are immune to Sunder,
armor is immune to Pierce and Breach
Cumbersome (Passive): Must have Brawn equal to rating, or increase difficulty by difference to all checks.
Defensive (Passive): Increase melee defense by rating.

Deflection (Passive): Increase ranged defense by rating.

Disorient (Active): When triggered, target is disoriented
a number of rounds equal to rating.
Ensnare (Active): When triggered, target is immobilized a
number of rounds equal to rating.
Guided (Active): Requires O O O t o trigger. If triggered
and attack misses, makes additional attack with ability
equal to Guided rating.
Knockdown (Active): Requires additional O per silhouette beyond 1 to trigger. When triggered, target is
knocked prone.
Inaccurate (Passive): Adds|

to attack checks equal to

Linked (Active): When triggered, may generate additional

hit on same target. May trigger number of times equal to
Pierce (Passive): Ignores number of points of soak equal
to rating.
Prepare (Passive): Must perform a number of preparation
maneuvers equal to rating before using weapon.
Slow-Firing (Passive): After using, must wait number of
rounds equal to rating before using again
Stun (Active): When triggered, inflicts strain equal to rating.
Stun Damage (Passive): Attacks deal damage as strain
instead of wounds. This is still reduced by soak.
Sunder (Active): Trigger to damage weapon or item.

Inferior (Passive): Adds ') to all check results, decreases

base damage or defense by 1 (if no defense, then
decreases soak by 1).

Superior (Active): Adds O to all check results, increases

base damage by 1 or soak by 1.

Ion (Passive): Deal damage as system strain.

Tractor (Passive): On hit. target may not move unless it

passes a check to break free.

Limited Ammo (Passive): May make number of attacks

equal to rating, then must be reloaded.

Vicious (Passive): When scoring a Critical Injury or Hit.

add 10 times rating to the result.




P A G E 19

Success # symbols are canceled by Failure T symbols; if there

are any Success # symbols left, the check succeeds.
Triumph Q> symbols count as Success # symbols and may also be
spent to trigger a powerful positive consequence.

Difficulty Level


Advantage O symbols indicate a positive side effect or

consequence, even on a failed check. They cancel and are canceled
by Threat <) symbols.
Failure Y symbols cancel Success & symbols. If there are enough
Failure T symbols to cancel all the Success # symbols, the check
is a failure.
Despair ^ symbols count as Failure T symbols (they cancel
Success & symbols) and may also be spent to trigger a powerful
negative consequence.
Threat @ symbols indicate a negative side effect or consequence,
even on a successful check. They cancel and are canceled by
Advantage O symbols.



Die 4









Routine, with the outcome rarely in

question Usually not checked unless the
GM wishes to know the magnitude of
success, or indicate the possibility of

Picking a primitive lock, tending to minor

cuts and bruises, finding food and shelter
on a lush planet, shooting a target at close


Picking a typical lock, stitching up a small

wound, finding food and shelter on a
temperate planet, shooting a target at
medium range, or trying to strike a target
while engaged


Picking a complicated lock, setting broken

bones or suturing large wounds, finding food
and shelter on a rugged planet, shooting at a
target at long range.

Picking an exceptionally sophisticated lock,

performing surgery or grafting implants,
finding food and shelter on a barren desert
planet, shooting at a target at extreme range

Picking a lock with no comprehensible

mechanism, cloning a new body, finding food
and shelter on a planet without breathable









P A G E 219

Result Options


Recover I strain (this may be selected more than once).



to the next allied active character's check.

Notice a single important point in the ongoing conflict,

such as the location of a blast door's control panel or a
weak point on an attack speeder.
Inflict a Critical Injury with a successful attack that deals
damage past soak ( O cost may vary).
Activate a weapon quality ( O cost may vary).
Perform an immediate free maneuver that does not
exceed the two maneuver per turn limit.



PAGE 217

Rng Band



Easy (4) plus modifiers depending on weapon used, see below.


Easy (4)









Melee attacks (Brawl or Melee checks) are always Average


to the targeted character's next check

Add to any allied character's next check, including the

active character.
Negate the targeted enemy's defensive bonuses (such as
the defense gained from cover, equipment, or performing
the Guarded Stance maneuver) until the end of the
current round.
Ignore penalizing environmental effects such as inclement
weather, zero gravity, or similar effects until the end of the
active character's next turn.



When dealing damage to a target, have the attack disable the

opponent or one piece of gear rather than dealing wounds
or strain. This could include hobbling him temporarily with a
shot to the leg, or causing him to drop his blaster. This should
be agreed upon by the player and the GM. and the effects
are up to the GM (although the Critical Injury table is a good
resource to consult for possible effects). The effects should be
temporary, and not too excessive.
Gain + 1 melee or ranged defense until the end of the
active character's next turn.
Force the target to drop a weapon it is wielding.
Upgrade the difficulty of the targeted character's next
Upgrade any allied character's next check, including the
current active character.
Do something vital, such as shooting the controls to the
nearby blast doors to seal them shut.
When dealing damage to a target, have the attack destroy
a piece of equipment the target is using, such as blowing
up his blaster or destroying a personal shield generator.




Engaged w Ranged (Light)

+ 1 difficulty

PAGE 223

Engaged w/Ranged (Heavy)

+ 2 difficulty

Engaged w/Cunnery

May not make Gunnery checks when engaged with an opponent.



P A G E 219

Result Options
The active character suffers 1 strain (this option may be selected more
than once).

or @

or ^

The active character loses the benefits of a prior maneuver (such as

from taking cover or assuming a Guarded Stance) until he performs the
maneuver again.
An opponent may immediately perform one free maneuver in response
to the active character's check

to the targeted character's next check.

The active character or an allied character suffers on his next action.

The active character falls prone

or ^

The active character grants the enemy a significant advantage in the

ongoing encounter, such as accidentally blasting the controls to a bridge
he was planning to use for his escape.
The character's ranged weapon immediately runs out of ammunition
and may not be used for the remainder of the encounter.
Upgrade the difficulty of an allied character's next check, including the
current active character.
The tool or melee weapon the character is using becomes damaged.

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