"The Great Gatsby" and Literary Analysis: Before Reading Strategies
"The Great Gatsby" and Literary Analysis: Before Reading Strategies
"The Great Gatsby" and Literary Analysis: Before Reading Strategies
Materials: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, What Makes the Great
Gatsby Great by Sara Churchwell (article from The Guardian), Was Gatsby
Black? by Elizabeth Manus (Article from Salon.com), Dream Deferred by
Langston Hughes, Bulletin Board Paper, Markers, KWL chart (anticipatory
set), Imagery Graphic Organizer, Annotation Guide, SOAPSTone Graphic
Digital Materials: www.rewordify.com, www.storybird.com, 2013 film
adaptation of The Great Gatsby, http://www.history.com/topics/roaringtwenties (The Roaring Twenties: History Channel Video and Packet),
www.visualthesaurus.com, www.pixton.com, www.wordle.com
the map, with all the other categories branching off. Each category must
provide at least two subcategories. Students will present and submit their
mind maps as a formative grade.
Background Information: The next stage would be to present a power
point presentation on the actual text (The Great Gatsby). The teacher will
introduce F. Scott Fitzgerald, the literary setting, and the American Dream.
Analysis: The KWL chart and short History Channel video are extremely
important for building upon prior knowledge and for building background
knowledge on the text. These activities allow students to ponder about how
much they might have learned about the topic in other classes. The
immediate video does not delay the delivery of missing information. It is the
combination of these two activities that allow for a completed KWL chart.
The video is an excellent supplementary text that provides background
information to visual/spatial learners, and to English Language Learners who
might not have the immediate background information on American history.
The mind map activity appeals to Accountants because there is a specific
task that must be completed within a specific amount of time. Attorneys also
appreciate the mind map because it allows them to understand how each
category connects to the other. Associates enjoy this task because they are
allowed to work in a group in order to play upon one anothers ideas.
The Essential Questions appeal to all learners because it establishes a
purpose for reading. Readers understand exactly what to look for in their
texts. There is also comfort in the fact that everyone is looking to answer the
same questions. The final assessment will relate to these essential questions,
as students will work throughout the novel to answer these questions.
Defining the literary devices ahead of time strengthens minimally skilled
readers. Defining these terms reinforces theses students understandings of
the devices, making sure that they have a foundation before seeking them
out in the text. My inclusion of the visual thesaurus helps not only English
Language Learners, but also helps the entire class in their vocabulary
retention because students are free to choose whichever word they find
difficult. The visual outlay of the words appeals to visual learners, as well as
Visual Thesaurus: Students are to use their visual thesaurus to define ten
difficult terms per chapter. This process allows students to take control over
the vocabulary they do not understand. They will earn a formative grade for
this process after each chapter.
eventually be tools used to answer the essential questions at the end of the
unit. These are not meant to be graded. At times, students are given
opportunities to complete these graphic organizers in groups.
Mind Map: Students will create a mind map in order to organize and
categorize how and why authors use their elements and literary devices to
reinforce one another.
Readers Theater: Students are given the opportunity to get into groups
and interpret their understanding of the text through acting. Students must
use their annotations as tools to identify different elements of the setting,
character, conflict, and plot.
Pixton: Students will be asked to choose an event in the novel and create a
Pixton comic through www.pixton.com. The website provides a format and
tools for students to create their own comics. This allows students to
illustrate and summarize their understanding of the text. This may count
towards a formative assessment.
Mind Map: Students will create a mind map in order to organize and
categorize how and why authors use their elements and literary devices to
reinforce one another.
Formative Assessments:
Annotations: Evaluating the annotation process allows the teacher to see
what the students are noticing/observing/identifying per chapter. This allows
the teacher to modify his/her teaching, and allows for students to identify
their weaknesses before the summative assessment.
Storybird: This group assessment gives students the opportunity to apply
their understanding of the interrelationship between literary elements. This
group activity allows gives various learners the opportunity to get
student/teacher feedback on their learning processes and understandings.
Pixton: This assessment allows students to illustrate their understandings of
the text in order to clarify any misunderstandings.
Group Problem Solving: The class is divided into chunks and each given
an excerpt from the text. The teacher will ask a general question to all
groups i.e. How does Fitzgerald establish the setting your piece? How was
the character of Daisy developed in your piece? How does Fitzgerald
characterize the character in your piece? As a group, they must discuss and
determine the answer this question.
Reader Response Journals: This assessment gives students the
opportunity to respond/question the text in order to deepen the writer-reader
Writers Workshop: This assessment shows readers that writing is a
process. Students are given the opportunity to edit one anothers work. Each
editor is given a specific set of questions to answer about the individuals
work. The questions for the writers workshop are attached.
Student/Teacher Conferences: After the writers workshop, students are
given the opportunity to have a one on one conference with their teacher
about their essays. The student must come prepared with specific questions
about their writing.
Summative Assessments:
Literary Analysis Essay: Students are to compose a literary analysis of
The Great Gatsby. They must answer the following questions in one essay:
How does F. Scott Fitzgerald use literary elements and devices to establish
his theme? How does the authors tone reinforce this theme? The rubric is
attached alongside this document.
Teaching an entire novel is a difficult task for most teachers. The reason that
the process of teaching a novel is so difficult is due to: 1) Students not
reading the assigned text 2) The difficulty in determining/gaging a students
understanding of the text before the summative assessment. The
combination of these two factors leave students frustrated, lost, and
unmotivated. A way to overcome this problem, and motivate students, is
through read alouds, alternative library sources, and a growth mindset.
Reading portions of a shared text aloud helps model the reading process for
students. Reluctant readers learn the metacognitive reading process from
their teachers and learn how to get themselves out of difficult situations. The
required reading is also divided up into smaller chunks for the student so
that he/she can read independently at home. He/she has gone through a
process of modeled reading and, therefore, is more motivated to try it alone
at home.
Alternative reading sources create great motivation for all learners. This is
because the teacher allows his/her students to explore the text through other
media sources. These sources help scaffold the learning process so that the
student does not feel completely dependent on the teacher. This sense of
independence is a great motivator, as students feel like they are in control of
their own learning and are more willing to do the work independently.
A growth mindset is key to creating motivation in the classroom. Through
formative assessments, the teacher and the student can focus on the
learning process, as opposed to just the final summative grade. The teacher
will take the student from chapter to chapter, as to make sure that the
student does not fall to the side. The student sees that the teacher is on
his/her side. Learning, in turn, becomes a purposeful and personal process.
Overall, I do not think that the student must choose the book for it to be
enjoyable. We cant, as teachers, avoid anchor texts in the classroom.
Therefore, it is our job to make the text as enjoyable as we can. Through
read alouds, alternative library sources, and a growth mindset, teachers can
create hype around a text. It is important for the teacher to interact with the
multiple intelligences in her classroom, as well as appealing to her minimally
skilled, ELL, learning disabled, and gifted students.
"Search for Synonyms Using the Visual Thesaurus." Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus. Thinkmap Visual
Thesaurus, 2015. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"Storybird - Read, Write, Discover, and Share the Books You'll Always Remember." Storybird.
Storybird, 2015. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds." Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds. Wordle, 2015. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.