Alevyjonathan CV 11 2014
Alevyjonathan CV 11 2014
Alevyjonathan CV 11 2014
Department of Economics and Public Policy
College of Business and Public Policy
University of Alaska Anchorage
Phone: 907-786-1763
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public Policy, University of Alaska Anchorage,
2014 - present
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2009 2014
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Resource Economics, University of Nevada Reno,
2006 2008
Consultant, The Millenium Challenge Corporation, United States Department of State, 2008 - 2014.
Economist, The IRIS Center, University of Maryland College Park, 2003 2005.
Consultant, Environment and Socially Sustainable Development Sector, The World Bank, 2002.
Consultant, Operations Evaluation Department, The World Bank, 1998 1999.
Ph.D. Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland College Park, 2006.
M.Sc. Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland College Park, 2001.
B. Sc. Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1995 (honors).
Essays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,
Financial Economics.
Field Experiments on the Anchoring of Economic Valuations, forthcoming in Economic Inquiry,
(with Craig Landry and John List).
Gender- and Frame-specific Audience Effects in Dictator Games, Economics Letters, 2014 (with
Frank Jeffries and Yonggang Lu).
Ambiguity in Choice and Market Environments: On the Importance of Comparative Ignorance,
International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2013.
Measuring Regional Economic Impacts from Wildfire: A Case Study of Southeast Oregon CattleRanching, Review of Regional Studies, 2012, (with Man-Keun Kim, Julia Zhu, and Thomas
R. Harris).
How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Non-Market Valuation? An Example from the
Preference Reversal Literature, Land Economics, August 2011 (with W. Adamowicz and J.
Right-to-Choose Auctions: A Field Study of Water Markets in the Limari Valley of Chile,
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, April 2010 (with O. Cristi, and O. Melo).
The Community Business Matching Model for Targeted Rural Development, in Targeting
Regional Economic Development, editors S.Goetz, S. Deller, and T. Harris, 2009 (with L. Cox,
T.R. Harris, B. Andreozzi, J. Wright, and G. Borden).
Information Cascades: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Financial Market Professionals,
Journal of Finance, February 2007, (with M. Haigh and J. List).
Behavioral Economics and the Valuation of Non-Marketed Goods and Services: The Lab, The
Behavioral Anomalies, and The Policymaker, Economic Experiments for Environmental
Policy, edited by John List, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007, (with W. Adamowicz and J. List).
The Economic Effects of Rural Road Rehabilitation in Nicaragua, 2014 (for the Millenium
Challenge Corporation, U.S. Department of State).
Proyecto Mercado Electronico Del Agua en Chile: Informe Final, 2011 (with Oscar Cristi, and
Oscar Melo for CORFO, Chile).
BLM Wild Horse and Burro Policy: Auction Design and Feasibility Study, 2009 (with Jeffrey
Englin, Tom Harris, Man-Keun Kim, Li Yiheng, Michael Price, and Jens Schubert for the US
Bureau of Land Management).
Colorado River Region Targeted Economic Development Analysis: A Community Business
Matching Model Approach, 2008. (with Buddy Borden, Tom Harris and Rob Grumbles),
UCED, University of Nevada-Reno.
The Restoration of Property Rights in Romanian Forest Land, 2007 (with Clifford Zinnes for
Economic Impacts of Federal Grazing in Elko County, 2006 (with Elizabeth Fadali and Tom
Harris), UCED Technical Report, University of Nevada-Reno.
The Size and Character of the Informal Sector and Its Shadow Economy in Mongolia, 2005 (with
Clifford Zinnes for the Open Society Forum, Ulaanbaatar).
Rural-Urban Linkages and Well-being in Romania, 2002 (with Timothy Thomas, Henry Gordon,
Oscar Melo, and Hernan Gonzalez for the World Bank).
Working Papers
Do as I Say, Not as I Do: Others Advice and Asset Pricing, revision requested by Experimental
Economics, 2013 (with Michael Price)
Right-to-Choose Auctions in the Lab and Field, 2013 (with Julianna Butler, and Michael Price)
A Classroom Financial Market Experiment, 2013, (with Paul Johnson).
Risk Aversion and Seasonal Effects, 2014 (with Audrey Tanaka)
Cognitive and Affective Influences on Ethical Behavior, 2014 (with Frank Jeffries, and
Yonggang Lu).
Work in Progress
Natural resource markets in Chile (with Oscar Cristi, Oscar Melo)
Choice processes in recreational demand (with E.L. Howe and Craig Landry)
The effects of seasonality on economic decision making (with Michael Young)
Infrastructure and economic development in Nicaragua (with Alejandra Palma)
Business ethics in the laboratory (with Frank Jeffries and Yonggang Lu)
Attention and anomalies (with Bogdan Hoanca and Todd Cherry)
Cross cultural examination of savings behavior (with Angie Zheng)
University of Alaska Anchorage: 2009-2014
ECON 350 Money and Banking
ECON 321 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 123 Introduction to Behavioral Economics
Lecturer: UAA Incoming Student Workshop, 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Guest Lectures: ECON 333, ECON 201, PS 301, PS 102
Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile: 2009
Experimental Economics Short Course for faculty
University of Nevada - Reno: 2006-2007
APEC 202 Natural Resource Economics
APEC 310 Microeconomic Theory
APEC 322 Futures and Options Markets
APEC 760 Advanced Natural Resource Economics
University of Maryland School of Public Policy: Summer 2000
Instructor: Advanced International Economics
Seed Grant: Principal Investigator, NSF Alaska EPSCoR Southcentral test case Research, 2014
Workshop Grant: Principal Investigator, IFREE Workshop in Eye-tracking in Economics, 2014.
Award: UAA College of Business and Public Policy, Garth Jones Faculty Writing Award, 2014.
Award: UAA College of Business and Public Policy Researcher of the Year, 2012-2013.
Research Grant: UAA INNOVATE Award, Seasonality and Economic Behavior, 2013.
Research Grant: NSF Alsaka EPSCoR Phase IV, Adapting to Changing Environments, 2012-2017.
Investigator, South Central Test Case.
Research Funding: Experimental Research on Financial Intermediation, Northrim Bank, 2013.
Workshop Grant: Co-Principal Investigator, UAA/IFREE Workshop on Charitable Giving, 2012.
Research Grant: NSF Alaska EPSCoR, Junior Faculty Research grant, 2009.
Research Grant: Field Experiments with Water Market Derivatives, Government of Chile, 20072011 (with Oscar Cristi and Oscar Melo). Funded amount $770,000, (UAA $67,000).
Award: Best Paper, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Market Microstructure.
Alevy, Jonathan E., Michael Haigh, and John List, Information Cascades: Evidence from a
Field Experiment with Financial Market Professionals, 2004.
Research Grant: Information Disclosure and Multiple-principal Regulation - Maryland Agriculture
Experiment Station, 2002-2003 (with Loretta Lynch). Funded amount $30,000.
Additional Professional Training
NSF EPSCoR science communication workshop, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2013
Workshop in Behavioral Economics, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
European Union Consortium Course in Experimental Economics, University of Bari, Italy, 1999.
Pre-doctoral fellow: University of Arizona Economic Science Laboratory, 1999.
Workshop in Experimental Economics, University of Arizona, 1998
Conference Presentations and Academic Seminars
Complex Systems Group Seminar Series, UAA Department of Computer Science, 2014
Alaska EPSCoR South Central Test Case, Kenai Peninsula College, 2014
Western Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2013
Alaska EPSCoR South Central Test Case, Kenai Peninsula College, 2013
UAA College of Business and Public Policy, Seminar Series, 2013
Economic Science Association North American Meeting, Tucson, 2012
UAA College of Business and Public Policy, Seminar Series, 2011
Academy of Behavioral Finance, UCLA, 2011
Chapman University, 2011
Economic Science Association North American Meeting, Tucson, 2010 (two papers)
University of Alaska Anchorage, College of Business and Public Policy, 2009
Economic Science Association International Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 2009
NAREA Workshop on Experimental Economics, Burlington, Vermont, 2009
NSF Alaska EPSCoR All Investigators Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, 2009
University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2009
Western Regional Science Association, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2008.
University of Anchorage, Alaska, 2008.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 2008.
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 2008.
Claremont McKenna College, Department of Economics, 2007
Economic Science Association North American Meeting, Tucson, 2007.