Delta Dunarii 1
Delta Dunarii 1
Delta Dunarii 1
The climate of the Danube Delta is a specific one for the regions with semiarid
climate, and thats why the temperatures are highs ones in the summer season. In
the winter the low temperatures comes with white and fluffy snow and cold wind
which gives you the feeling that you are cut by thousands sharp knives.
Even if the Danube Delta is a region known for its natural environment and for its
originality in the world, can present a lot of touristic attractions in some ancient
times and places as: Argamum Citadel- Orgame, an archaeological site located in
the eastern county of Tulcea or the old churches built in 1869- The Ortodox Church
Announciation , or the Azizyie Mosque built in 1863.
The region of the Danube Delta is original in the world for its fauna, flora and
environment defined by colour, shape and the imagination of the nature which gives
to this region a fairytale flow.