Algebra 2 Syllabus
Algebra 2 Syllabus
Algebra 2 Syllabus
-To keep students on task with homework, I will give a weekly homework understanding
check. This will include problems from or problems similar to the assignments from the
week. This will be graded on accuracy.
-Homework can be turned in late for partial credit up to a week after due date.
Homework is corrected in class. To receive full credit, your assignments must be done in
pencil, show all work, and attempted all problems. If your assignments do not meet the
requirements from above, you will lose points. If you are absent, it is your responsibility
to get the assignments that you missed; the calendar on the wall and the tray with
worksheets or check the website for missed homework. Check the Student Handbook to
know how much time you have to complete an assignment after an absence.
Notes are taken daily. They are given to help you better understand the concept that we
will be learning for the day, and also help when you are completing your homework.
Notes will be graded and part of your employability grade. If you are absent it is your
responsibility to get the notes from the binders on the shelf or from the class website.
When you come in to class each day you need to complete the warm ups/MDI that is on
the board. These will be graded and part of your employability grade. If you are absent, it
is your responsibility to get the warm up from the binder.
There will be a test at the end of each chapter. If you miss the test with an excused
absence, you have one week to make up the test. It is your responsibility to set up the
time when you will be making up the test. If caught cheating on the test, you will receive
a zero.
A- To A 90%-100%
B- To B + - 80%-89%
C- To C + -70%-79%
D- To D + -60%-69%
F- 59% or below
Homework- 20%
Tests- 70%
Employability- 10%
I have read and I understand the attached syllabus and the procedures stated therein.
Student signature
Parent/guardian signature
Please return this completed form to Mrs. Casillas no later than Wednesday, September
9th, 2015