Aounallahs Class
Literature is no ones private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own
way for ourselves. - Virginia Woolf
Guiding Rules
Be prompt.
Be prepared.
Be equipped with
supplies for
classroom activities.
courtesy and respect
to faculty and peers.
Strive for intellectual
*Special Rule*: This is a NO
whining zone. Everything I do is for
your best interest. Please respect
Class Expectations
1.Be in seat when tardy bell rings.
2.Put proper heading on all papers.
3.Do not use electronic devices in class
without teacher permission.
4.Use restroom during passing breaks
or restroom pass wisely.
5.Maintain a clean and orderly work
area. Take all of your belongings, pick
up any scrap papers around you, and
put your desk back in line before you
leave each day.
6.Bring all of your supplies to class
7.Complete all of your work and turn it
in on time.
8. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy
9. No food or drink, except water
unless you have a doctors note.
10. Never line up at the door before
11. Use polite and appropriate
language. Offensive, derogatory, and
profane terms are not tolerated.
12.All BBJH rules and policies shall be
observed within the classroom.
Course Description
Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts!
Our focus this school year will be
learning and developing our skills as
critical thinkers, readers, writers,
speakers, and listeners. The
development and mastery of these
important literary skills not only is
important to achieving success in the
Language Arts classroom, it is a
critical component of achieving
success in other school subjects,
building strong relationships with
others, and attaining a flourishing
career as an adult. Basically, the
quality of life you experience now
thorough adulthood will depend a lot
on how well you read, write, and
do I get if I follow class rules?
communicate with others.
Your appropriate behavior in class assures everyone of an
environment conducive to learning. Some possible rewards for
continuous appropriate behavior are: intrinsic value (satisfaction
of learning), improved skills, verbal praise, positive note to
parents, tangible trinkets, and special class activities /
Grading Scale
On-Level Classes
District Common Assessment
District Common Assessment
Pre-AP Classes
Re-Test Policy
Teachers have the discretion to provide
retesting opportunities for summative
assessments for all students who are
willing to complete or redo practice
assignments and/or attend tutorial
sessions to enhance learning. Students
must fill out a retest form. Only one
retest is allowed per assessment and it
may be a different version of the original
assessment. The retest grade will only be
used if it is higher than the original grade
on the previous assessment. Students
are not permitted to take a retest on 9
week tests, released STAAR tests, or
major projects.
Suggested Supplies
One handheld pencil sharpener
One set of four or more highlighters
Glue or tape
Colored Pencils or markers
What do I do if I am absent?
Always check the class website site for agendas, handouts, and
assignment due dates. A student has one extra day to turn in
any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz
was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must
be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously
assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is
due on the first day the student returns otherwise it is
considered late. UNEXCUSED absences on the day of an
assignment, test, quiz, project, presentation, paper, etc. will
result in a zero.
*Students missing more than 10 minutes of any given class
I have
to read
of -class?
or endoutside
of the period
will be counted absent
All students will be expected to read independently on a daily
basis. Students must bring a reading book to school so they are
prepared for independent reading during Reading Workshop.
*A book talk will be due every quarter and must be completed
on an independently read book the student finished that
What types of writing will I do this year?
Process Pieces refer to essays that students will complete on
their Google Drive account. Numerous process pieces will be
completed throughout the year (at least one per quarter). Even
though the process pieces will be worked on and stored in the
students Google Drive, the completed piece must be printed off
and turned in to the teacher on the DUE DATE.
Remind 101
On Level Classes
To receive messages via text,
@levelen to 81010. You can
of messages at anytime by
'unsubscribe @levelen'.
Pre-AP Classes
To receive messages via text,
@daoun to 81010. You can
of messages at anytime by
'unsubscribe @daoun'.
What is Plagiarism?
Any act of plagiarism will not be tolerated at any level. Joseph Gibaldi in MLA
Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing states, Forms of plagiarism
include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when repeating
anothers wording or particularly apt phrase, paraphrasing anothers
argument, and representing anothers line of thinking. You may certainly use
another persons words and thoughts, but the borrowed material must not
appear to be your own creation. In writing, then, you must document
everything you borrow; not only direct quotations and paraphrases, but also
information and ideas (34). Any student who commits plagiarism will be
facing one or all of the punishments as outlined in the BBJH Student
*Repeat offenders will be dealt with even more severely (35).
Double-check your work. Make sure all answers are correct and
complete, the heading is correct and there is a title at the top of
the page when appropriate.
Work on missing or incomplete English work
Review vocabulary words
Complete extra-credit assignments when available
Read choice novel
Methods of Communication
School Phone: 281-356-6088
Planning Period: 4th
Conference Period: 7th
Tutorials: Tuesdays 6:50- 7:20 or
by appointment.
Student printed name
Student signature
Check all the statements that apply to how you would like to communicate with Mrs.
Aounallah about your students progress. I will, of course, call for major concerns or
accomplishments, but with approximately 130 students, I like to know how youd prefer to
_____ I/We have internet access at home, so we will check Parent Portal at least twice per
week to check on my/our students progress. I/We will contact Mrs. Aounallah about any
concerns we have.
_____ I/We plan to email Mrs. Aounallah weekly or monthly for an update.
_____ I/We do not have internet access at home, but I/we would like to have regular
contact with Mrs. Aounallah. I/we will call for an update on a regular basis.
Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Mrs. Aounallahs
class and that you will help your student be accountable for the information. If you have
questions about the course or your
students work, please do not hesitate to contact me; email is the best way to reach
me quickly. See the front of this sheet for my email address.
Parent/Guardian printed name
Parent/Guardian signature
Parent/Guardian e-mail
Parent/Guardian daytime phone number
(please print)
Parents and guardians, please CIRCLE the best way for me to contact you: