SHA 315 China Business and Economy Dr. Thomas Lairson The Global Energy Race
SHA 315 China Business and Economy Dr. Thomas Lairson The Global Energy Race
SHA 315 China Business and Economy Dr. Thomas Lairson The Global Energy Race
2020 (est.)
As recently as 2001, China was able to meet most of its energy needs from its
own resources.
Prior to 2001, Chinas rapid GDP growth was accompanied by much lower
growth rates in energy consumption.
Reform, TVEs, competition, new technology, profit motive all help reverse the
very bad energy intensity of Chinese production during the Maoist era.
Until the mid 1990s China was able to meet its energy needs and export energy.
After 2001
After 2001 the energy growth rates increased from about 4% per year to 13% per
Much of this is from the increasing role of heavy industry and this sectors very
high levels of energy intensity and to the inefficiencies of Chinas energy system.
70% of energy demand in China is from industry, much higher than GDP levels
would predict.
54% of energy is for heavy industry, up from 39% 5 years ago.
Chinese heavy industry receives large capital and other subsidies, which
undermine incentives to improve energy efficiency. Local officials influence
capital allocation to heavy industries to generate economic growth.
Heavy industry and industry in general is caught up in the process of local
officials using various forms of subsidies to promote growth.
The number of steel enterprises doubled from 2002-2006.
Creates a system of overcapacity and wasting of energy
Basic Critique of Chinese Energy Usage
Low investment in energy efficiency
China is the worlds largest emitter of SO2: acid rain, reduced visibility, and
respiratory problems.
Results in considerable tension with Korea and Japan. Hong Kong air quality
threatens its competitiveness.
Effects are felt at lower levels on US west coast.
China surpassed the US in 2007 as the world's largest emitter of CO2.
Even in 2030 China will be lower in per capita production of CO2.
Environmental effects of growth in China are very large, leading to considerable
political protest
The Chinese government has taken steps to place environmental impacts at a
same par as economic growth
Local Chinese governments attempt to avoid environmental costs
Chinas Environmentalism
Future Projections:
Projections of future global energy needs see China equaling the US in energy
demand by about 2020.
This has very serious implications for the entire global economy, the global
environment and for international politics and global security.
China is already the largest contributor to global warming and this position will
get much worse.
Chinese competitiveness as a producer of manufactured goods is threatened
o Long energy intensive supply chains and logistic systems
o Cost of moving a 40 foot container from Shanghai to New York in 2000
was $3000; today it is $8000; at $200 barrel for oil price is $15000
b) Shift to subsidies for alternative energy production in US
and China
c) Mandatory environmental and efficiency standards for
d) Cooperation in oil production and distribution avoid
energy spheres
Installed wind power has risen from 1GW in 2005 to 60 GW in 2012 with a
predicted 180GW in 2020.
Rapid growth of wind turbine manufacturers
Chinas solar strategy has been to use subsidies and policy loans to ramp up
capacity, achieve economies of scale, drive down prices to defeat competitors and
achieve this through exports of underpriced products dumping
Most Chinese manufacturers lose money
Solar prices fell by 47% in 2011; wholesale prices fell from $3.30 per watt in
2008 to $1.20 per watt in 2011 and to 78 cents per watt in 2012;
China now is stimulating domestic purchases purchases less than 1% of its
production with a new feed-in tariff
China has 3.2GW installed capacity in 2011; 50 GW goal for 2020
Chinas strategy directly threatens US solar manufacturers
US has imposed tariffs in retaliation of 35 % - 250% on Chinese exports of solar
panels which have reached $3.1 billion in 2011
U.S. exports polysilicon and the production equipment for making solar panels
trade surplus with China in solar industry; the complexity of US economic
interests fractures the political position of the industry
US strategy has been to capture value at the design and innovation level: improve
efficiency of panels and develop production equipment
Some US solar manufacturers have moved production facilities to China; at least
three have filed for bankruptcy
One Chinese manufacturer has moved an assembly plant to the US
Germany has reduced subsidies (feed-in tariffs to electricity producers using solar
Global market share in solar panel production
Source: New York Times March 20, 2012
This chart correctly shows the $34 billion pledged to Chinese solar manufacturers, but
omits the fact that only a small portion has actually been borrowed.
And the chart also omits some of the support by governments in the US: