Baroque Architecture
Baroque Architecture
Baroque Architecture
Bramantes design was feminine, seeming like a snowflake
Michelangelos design is masculine and robust, with curving and angular surfaces
dome is similar to that of Brunelleschis; paired columns articulate the drum, reflected in the
interior through flat pilasters
high altar and baldachin were designed by Bernini
182.9 m interior length; 222.5 m exterior length
137.2 m interor width; 152.4 m exterior width
137.8 m high from ground up
45.7 m high nave
25.6 m wide nave
Michelangelo wanted to achieve a centralised form to emphasise and to give the full experience
his dome in the interior as well as the exterior. Madernas addition of 3 nave bays lessened and
completely defeated Michelangelos plan for the church.
basic central arrangement gives concrete expression to the belief that this is the place where St.
Peter was buried
it is also the centre of the power of St. Peter and his successors, the Popes
built of travertine stone
giant order of Corinthian columns
central pediment rising in front of a tall attic surmounted by 13 statues
crescendo in articulation towards the centre
114.7 m wide
45.6 m high
total layout consists of two centers and a path that connects them
one center, the interior, is located under the dome, and is occupied by the main altar and
baldachin designed by Bernini
the other centre, the exterior is made up of the obelisk
both centers convey the meaning of goal, of arrival, arrival at the end of a pilgrimage, and final
arrival at the end of our life-path under the dome of heaven
Saint Charles of the Four Fountains
designed by Francesco Borromini
the space is longer along the entrance axis than it is wide
the rectangular ordering is interrupted by cutting the corners
could also be understood as an elongated octagon
further complexity is introduced by the variation in the spacing of the twelve columns carrying
alternating round and flat headed openings, the curvature of the corners, and the inventive
geometrical themes are reinforced by the central octagonal wellhead on an oval base and the
octagonal capitals of the upper columns
small church which can fit in one of the piers of St. Peters Basilica
elliptical dome supported on four pendentives
20.1 m long
11.9 m high
three principal parts: lower order at ground level, transition zone of the pendentives, oval coffered
dome with its oval lantern
provocative variation of a centrally planned church
a Greek cross with a central dome pressed into an oval, creating thereby a space in tension or
new version of the integration or synthesis of a circular and longitudinal arrangement by fusion
and super-imposition of one on the other, resulting in transition without break
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, compared to the Hagia Sophia, a structure where the
longitudinal and centralised layout is successfully merged, beautifully integrates the centralised
and longitudinal plan into one through the use of ellipses. There are no clear divisions between
the spaces, such as in the Hagia Sophia.
overriding meaning of interior and exterior space is that of integration of seemingly conflicting
elements into an organic whole
exterior is complementary to interior
two-storey entrance facade is a continuation of della Portas Late Renaissance arcades of
superimposed Doric and Ionic orders
in totality, the exterior synthesises the Renaissance dome with the gothic tower
plan is based on a star-hexagon and shows an alternation of apses and convex recesses, the
typical concave-convex rhythm
continuous wall and dome articulation unify the broken-up space
basic intention of S. Ivo is the idea of attaining vertical continuity by carrying the complex shape
of the ground plan without interruption into the dome
dome has lost the traditional character of static enclosure and seems to be undergoing a process
of expansion and contraction, a process that gradually comes to rest towards the circular ring
under the lantern
in spite of its novel, rich shape, the interior of S. Ivo is one of the most unified spaces in the
history of architecture
facade was made concave to make a continuous arcade
form was derived through the intersection of 2 equilateral triangles, creating the Star of David
(Star of Solomon at the time, meaning wisdom)
lower two levels are concave
drum doesn't support the domethe dome is inside the structure
concave buttresses and lantern
convex dome
the dome is not classically a hemispherical one but follows the shape of the plan then flattens out
at the apex
drum is made up of windows which, when seen outside, emphasise the verticality of the drum
paired pilasters are used to mark off the ends of a curving wall, with another pair of intermediate
pilasters in between
the room seems to be expanding outward and pushing inward at the same time, making the
space dynamic through the use of concave-convex curves
27.1 m long
25.9 m wide
dynamic, centralized, vertical space
use of the spiral form in architecture may be considered as one of the efforts to reconcile the
vertical and the horizontal
in the interior and exterior spaces the concave and convex movements work against one another
like motifs in the polyphony of Bach, with whose music Borrominis architecture has often been
as wide as the church
inscribed in a square
oval in shape
annular (ring-shaped)
located behind the choir
interlaced network of 8 slender ribs
instead of a web at the intersections of the ribs, there is only space and light
where one would expect mass to strengthen the structure, Guarini placed a well-lighted opening
ribs of dome form an abstraction of interconnecting, grotesque and mysterious human faces
dematerialized by defining but not limiting interior space
Guarini uses purely architectural means to put gravity at defiance, creating the typical Baroque
feeling of mystery and infinity
dome of the Mosque Al Hakem in Cordoba, Spain, was used as inspiration
plan consists of two rectangular blocks placed next to each other
larger block contains the main central, domed space and the narthex
smaller block holds the oval choir for the altar and the annular vault behind it
main central interior space and the choir are literally carved out of the squarish block with almost
no relation to the outside, which illustrates the interest of Italian Baroque architects in molding
interior space
synthesis between central and longitudinal arrangements
character of skeletal construction
attempt to bring several conflicting spaces together expresses the ardent desire to resolve the
conflicts of the age in an ultimate unity
unresolved contradictions in the spatial arrangements reveal a sense of dynamic exuberance
and mystery while the complexity of the interior space conveys the complexity of the Baroque
and the following civilizations
fuses Baroque rhetoric with medieval verticality
Westwork of Gothic configuration
convex-concave facade
flat towers
modified Latin cross plan
has a crossing where four vaults collide
no dome
has more windows, not seen in earlier churches of this style, which illuminate the space, creating
a diaphanous effect
no distinction between the verticality of the arcades and the horizontality of ?
altar of 14 saints
walls of nave undulate, as if pushing inward and outward at the same time
Rococo ornamentation (exaggerated and profuse, almost as right angles)
boundaries are eliminated by the curves of the walls and the ornamentation
no boundary between ceiling and wall
curves are not simple and compound
integral calculus was discovered by the German and the English around the time the church was
built, which helped in the derivation of the curves used in the structure
blurring boundaries between vertical and horizontal elements, interior and exterior spaces
everything is created to produce a magical, theatrical effect
grand Baroque illusion is utilised to increase religious fervour and experience
last Gesamtkunstwerk of Western Christianity, in which genuine works of sculpture and painting
are totally integrated with the architecture
irregular beats/rhythm in architecture
syncopated music
unexpected architectural elements
two systems combined: a biaxial organism and a conventional Latin cross
as the centre of the biaxial lyour does not coincide with the crossing, an especially strong spatial
syncopation results
total space is more defined by the baldachins overhead than by the ground plan, resulting in a
complex syncopated integration
space is both differentiated and integrated, infinite and contained
as a pilgrimage church, it conveys especially the meanings of mans life path and his arrival in the
world beyond
Gallery of Mirrors
War room
Royal Chapel built by Mansart (classical on lower level, baroque in ceiling ornamentation)
10.5 m in width
73.0 m in length
12.3 m in height
summer palace
where the king can entertain his visitors in private
most likely built for Marie Antoinette
appearance is imitated often, especially by English buildings
radial avenues, the central one linking the palace with the city of Paris, converge on the palace
the avenues intersect in the kings bedroom, which doubled up as audience room and state
chamber, making, therefore, the bed of the king the climax of the total layout
straight line is the principal element of form used here, in two interpretations: the approaching
line stars in Paris and ends in the kings bedroom, and the departing line starts from the kinds
bedroom, continues through the vast park and goes into infinity
palace symbolizes and conveys the absolute power of the king and centrally organised authority
radiating lines, symbolizing the rays of the sun, conveyed the essence of the Sun-KIng, as
Louis XIV liked to be called
designed by Jules Hardouin-Mansart
independent spaces
clearly defined Greek cross in plan
plan is similar to the Taj Mahal
4 satellite chapels
more neoclassical than Baroque
instead of using curves, the architect uses gradually projecting planes
like in Il Gesu, the plane project toward the centre, and the facade becomes more sculptural as
one nears the centre, creating a gradual increase in architectural intensity toward the center
pilasters turn to columns toward the centre
increase in architectural intensitycrescendo
Napoleon Bonapartes sarcophagus lies in the crypt
157.9 m long
36.9 m width of nave
75.0 m width across transepts
111.3 m high
84.7 m height of outer dome
vibrating, seemingly alive outside wall surface
rich interplay of volumes: transparent vestibule in the middle, the flanking three-storey apartment
and the tower-like corner pavilions
based on a conventional cour d honneur (a three-sided courtyard, created by flanking the main
central block, or corps de logis, with symmetrical advancing secondary wings containing minor
rooms) plan
built by the same architect who designed the Palace and Park of Versailles, Louis le Vau
owned by Fouquet, the greatest finance of his time, who was put in prison for the rest of his life
by Louis XIV
no contrapuntal motif
Grand Salon (Great Room) is the only space which shows the defining characteristic of the
Baroque stylea dynamic, curving space
Baroque in ornamentation
holds Berninis Ecstasy of St. Therese
squarish room which is hardly boundless but finite
Spanish Steps
Baroque urban design
1. BALDACHIN - an ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently placed over the altar in a
2. BELVEDERE - a building or architectural feature of a building, designed and situated to look
out upon a pleasing scene
3. BAROQUE - a style of architecture originating in Italy in the early 17th century and variously
prevalent in Europe and the New World for a century and a half, characterised by free and
sculptural use of the classical orders and ornament, dynamic opposition and interpenetration of
spaces, and the dramatic combined effects of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the
decorative arts
4. ATLAS - a sculptured figure of a man used as a column
5. CARYATID - a sculptured female figure used as a column
6. CONTRAPUNTAL - a system of two voices singing the same song; curving concave-convex
surfaces of Borromini, Guarini, Neumann, Zimmermann
7. CRESCENDO - gradual buildup of emotional intensity; as seen in the Invalides, where the flat
pilasters become circular and the number of elements is multiplied
8. SYNCOPATED - unexpected accent of beat/rhythm (Vierzenheiligen)
9. SACRISTY - a room in a church where the sacred vessels and vestments are kept; also called
10. ROCOCO - a style of decorative art that evolved from the Baroque, originating in France about
1720 and distinguished by fanciful, curved spatial forms and elaborate, profuse designs of
shellwork and foliage intended for a delicate overall effect