Complete Abed-Year-4-Acp-Report-2015
Complete Abed-Year-4-Acp-Report-2015
Complete Abed-Year-4-Acp-Report-2015
Provide evidence of how the aims of the project were met or not met and why with reference to the relevant educational theory and/or
literature or policy cited in the plan
Comment on the progress according to the action plan included in the Plan and advise of any changes to this plan and the reasons for any
Evaluate the success or otherwise of the expected measurable outcomes with reference to the evaluation methodology described in the
Describe how each of the five, or more, professional skills (planning, negotiating, project management, problem solving, team work, time
management, evaluating, communicating, reporting and researching) you nominated in your plan where used/applied during your ACP.
Submission Deadline:
Each preservice teacher is required to submit this report to their Praxis Inquiry lecturer no later than the week
commencing 21st September, 2015.
Preservice Teacher to complete
ACP Mentor Teacher to complete
Sections 1 - 5
Section A
PST Name
PST Name
PST Name
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2. Provide evidence of how project aims were met or not met and why with reference to relevant
educational theory/or literature or policy cited in the plan.
Overall we believe that our project aims were met. The initiative/ team building lessons was so successful that we had
requests from other classes for us to run the session for them, which we did. As a group we noticed a change in our
students after these sessions as they began to work much better as a team and werent so fussy about working with
different people in-group tasks back in the classroom.
Our outcomes relevantly linked to POLT in the following ways: POLT: 1.1 builds positive relationships through knowing
and valuing each student and 1.2 promotes a culture of value and respect for individuals and their communities.
3. Comment on progress according to your Action Plan and advise of any changes to this plan and these
reasons for any changes.
Within the action plan we had noted that as a team we would pick students who would most benefit from our project and
run the sessions with those chosen students. However due to time restraints and other class commitments we found that
this was not going to work out. We then chose to run the ACP with our own mentor classes, helping one another (team
teaching) when possible. The second session (Initiative activities) ran so well with our own classes that we were
requested to run it with a number of other classes within our neighbourhood. Again, time restraints/needing to get through
the required curriculum meant that not every single lesson that was planned was taught to our classes.
4. Evaluation
Our original plan was to provide students with a feedback survey at the end of the project in order to see how they felt
about specific areas of the project, however time permitted us from doing so. It was clear though through conversations
with students that they gained an array of the benefits we had listed in our plan including students developing better
social skills, communication skills and greater resiliency.
5. Professional Skills Utilised
Describe how each of the five, or more, professional skills (planning, negotiating, project management, problem solving,
team work, time management, evaluating, communicating, reporting and researching) you nominated in your plan where
used/applied during your ACP.
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Preservice Teacher:
Please Tick
Victoria University may use this information to advertise and report on the work of Project Partnerships
Preservice teachers must ensure that all signatories (above) receive a copy of this ACP plan. Preservice teachers are to
submit a copy of this Report to their Praxis Inquiry lecturer no later than the week commencing 21st September, 2015.
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