Amanda Anderson Idp
Amanda Anderson Idp
Amanda Anderson Idp
her diet in the fact that shes extremely picky. So many of the events are difficult when it comes
to snacks and parents sharing treats with the other kids.
Cognitive Development
Jacelyn is currently in the 5th grade and is right on track with her peers. Her teacher is
highly impressed by her skills and loves hearing what Jacelyn has to say. Her teacher uses a lot
of scaffolding techniques and Jacelyn is excelling with it. She is currently fascinated by Ellen
DeGeneres and watches all of her videos. So Jacelyn loves to add in input from Ellens shows.
Jacelyn is a quick learner, but is also motivated to find answers when shes falling behind. She
would benefit by being in a gifted and talented class, especially in science. Her will to succeed
in great and she shows great promise for her future.
Although shes highly motivated, Jacelyn struggles in the topic of mathematics. From my
perspective, it isnt because shes not good at it, but rather uninterested. She finds math to be
boring and she thinks theres no use for it in the real world. Throughout the years, I believe shell
come to realize that math is more interesting through the teachings of different educators and that
there is, in fact, a use for it in our everyday lives. Thanks to Allan Paivia, we know that through
the aid of dual code theory, pictures would be a wonderful tool in helping Jacelyn develop in
mathematics. Also, maintenance rehearsal could help her memorize many techniques in math.
Overall though, the many different strategies taught by different educators, could change the way
she feels about mathematics.
Socio-emotional Development
When it comes to Jacelyns socio-emotional development, she has many struggles.
Jacelyn is very social and loves to be part of large groups. However, she struggles with younger,
less mature children. Jacelyn is ahead of her group in maturation and she gets along best with
adults. Although this seems like it could pose for a negative development, she seems to have a
good grasp on how to handle it. Jacelyn is always the leader of the group. Sometimes she may
come across bossy, but I believe her to just be a natural born leader.
A very interesting topic in the field of education is Jean Piagets stages of development.
He groups people into certain categories all based on age, and explains them. When it comes to
Jacelyn, she fits in wonderfully into his category of formal operational. Although slightly ahead
of Piagets stages, her ideas are independent concepts and she has a wonderful way of thinking
abstractly. In class, shes seen as the odd one out, but only because she thinks in a more mature
manner. Through observation, I have found that she feels insecure about her emotions and her
self-concept seems to be negative. However, it seems like a very slight negativity because shes
so uplifting about many other aspects. She just knows that shes a little different than the other
kids her age. Jacelyn still has friends and is wonderfully social. She just isnt as in-tune with
them as she is with older kids. This is a wonderful example of Vygotskys Theory of Cognitive
Development, because Jacelyns culture and upbringing had a huge impact on the way she
Summary of major findings
Even though Jacelyn shows extreme maturation with other children her age, I believe her
to be quite amazing. Shes a role model to all of the children around her and has an amazing
fascination with the beautiful world that surrounds her. Jacelyn finds all things to be uplifting and
she chooses to surround herself with positivity, like Ellen DeGeneres. She has so many great
leadership qualities, and has so much promise in the future.
It can be concluded that Jacelyn is ahead and excelling in all aspects. So as she grows,
others will catch up. However, I believe her to be an over achiever. I see this child as one who
will prosper in her school work and be a wonderful leader throughout the years. With the help of
educators, Jacelyns physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional skills will only be enhanced and
shell be able to exceed in any field she chooses. This wonderful child has given me such insight
into the field of education and has only made my want to be a teacher, grow. I look forward to
helping students grow and help each one become their own person.
Works Cited
Hinson, S., & Parsons, R., Sardo-Brown, D. (2001). Educational Psychology: A practitionerresearcher model of teaching. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning.