Mass Transfer Coefficients
Mass Transfer Coefficients
Mass Transfer Coefficients
3.4.3 Correlation of mass transfer coefficients for single cylinder
Bedingfield and Drew (1950) studied the sublimation from a solid cylinder into air
which is flowing normal to its axis. They developed a correlation for the mass
transfer coefficient from their experimental data which can be represented as:
kG P
0.281Re 0.4 Sc 0.56
In this case the Reynolds number is defined based on the diameter of the
cylinder. Gm is the molar mass velocity of the gas and P is the total pressure. The
correlation is applicable in the range of 400 < Re < 25000 and 0.6 < Sc < 2.6.
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where the physical properties of the gas are evaluated at the bulk conditions of
the moving gas. Sherwood number and Reynolds number are based on tower
diameter. Linton and Sherwood (1950) studied the mass transfer by extending
the Schmidt number. They developed a correlation with the extended data set
and the data set of Gilliland and Sherwood which can be represented as:
Sh 0.023 Re0.83 Sc1 / 3
In the range of 0.4104 < Re < 7.0104 and 0.6 < Sc < 3.0103
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6(1 )
Where is the porosity or void fraction and d p is the particle diameter. Various
investigations have been carried out for estimating the mass transfer coefficients
in packed beds and developed correlations for mass transfer coefficient from
their experimental results. For both gas and liquid packed and fluidized bed of
spherical particle, Gupta and Thodos (1962) developed a correlation which can
be expressed as
St D Sc 2 / 3
0.863 /
Re0.58 0.483
The correlation is valid only in the range of 1 < Re < 2100. Sherwood et al.
(1975) developed the following correlation for gases in the range of 10 < Re <
St D 1.17 Re0.415 Sc 2 / 3
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Costello et al. (1993) developed a correlation for mass transfer coefficient for
liquid flowing through the shell parallel to the fiber which can be represented as:
Sh f ( ) Re0.53 Sc0.33
where the packing fraction, refers to the fraction of the cross sectional area that
is occupied by the fibers. f() is the function of fiber packing fraction which is
written as:
f ( ) 0.53(1 1.1 )
The Sherwood number and Reynolds numbers are defined as 2Rk L/DAB and
(2Rv0(1-))/() respectively. R is the fiber radius and v0 is the superficial liquid
velocity. The above correlation is valid in the range of 30<100<75 and
20<Re<350. In case of flow through the lumen and constant wall concentration
which is more common in application, Cussler (1997) made a correlation which is
given by
1/ 3
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where Sh = dikL/DAB is the Sherwood number for module length L. d i is the fiber
inside diameter.
The correlations are also given in tabular form in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Correlations for mass transfer coefficient for different cases
(natural convection)
(forced convection)
kG P
0.281Re 0.4 Sc 0.56
where 400 < Re < 25000 and 0.6 < Sc < 2.6.
Sh 0.023 Re0.83 Sc0.44
Circular pipes
where 2.0103 < Re < 3.50103 and 0.6 < Sc < 2.5
Sh 0.023 Re0.83 Sc1 / 3
St D Sc 2 / 3
0.863 /
Re0.58 0.483
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St D 1.17 Re0.415 Sc 2 / 3
where 10 < Re < 2500.
Hollow-fiber membrane
Sh 1.62 Pe D i
1/ 3
Where Re ( di v / ) 2100
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