Edcu 520 Assignment 1
Edcu 520 Assignment 1
Edcu 520 Assignment 1
Eric Yeap
Student No. S00185428
In designing a learning sequence for students in an alternative program I will first
provide a Case Study of an example of a student who would enter such a program.
Alex is a 16 year old boy entering Year 10
He has always excelled at sport. He has natural ability in any sport he undertakes
finds success in the sporting field very easy to come by. He is recognised and
admired for his sporting ability universally and in this endeavour he has very few
failures. He is taller and physically stronger than most of his peers. Despite (or
given) his sporting talent he puts in minimal effort into his sport, yet is able to still
achieve great results. He has been in many state and representative squads for
football and basketball.
Academically, however, he has had fairly poor results. He rarely hands in
assignments on time, he can be disruptive in class and shows minimal enthusiasm
and motivation.
He has been involved in some bullying incidents. This largely stems from a lack of
self-esteem. He is accustomed to success in a sporting sense and has little
experience of failure. However, because he finds academia difficult and is not
accustomed to working hard or failing at subjects, he does not know how to
respond in these situations. This manifests in disruptive behavior in class and has
led to bullying incidents.
His numeracy level is of grade 5 standard and has basic literacy levels.
He has little idea about career paths but thinks it will be something to do with
sport. He is on the roster of the Oakleigh Chargers under 18 squad and thinks he
will one day play AFL football.
He has never had a part-time job or a position of any responsibility.
School Setting
Alexs school is a co-educational Catholic school in the Eastern suburbs.
There are approximately 1000 students.
The vast majority complete VCE and go on to tertiary study.
Overview of the pathway into the Senior Years of school and beyond.
No. of
8 x 13
7 x 60
Beyond 10 Program
English / Literacy
Mathematics / Numeracy
Science and Technology
Elective 1
Small group
study/Vocational education
Religious Education
Pastoral Care / Student
Canteen Duty
No. of
8 x 13
7 x 60
Students will still need to meet the requirements of the Year 10 curriculum.
However, the content will be geared towards the specific needs and interests of the
students. Tasks will also have relevance to vocational training, such as job
application and resume writing, reading and understanding contracts, loan/credit
documents for example.
There will also be an emphasis on restoring confidence to the students, particularly
if they have had poor results through learning difficulties or behavioural issues.
Significantly, students individual learning needs will be addressed and catered for.
Once again students will need to meet the requirements of the year 10 curriculum.
There will be a focus on relevant and functional numeracy skills. Some examples will
be basic business and budgeting skills, learning about using credit, interest rates,
loans and mortgages and highlighting the negative consequences. A major goal of
the program is to ensure students have understood and can utilise basic maths
skills. Individual learning needs will be addressed.
Science and Technology
In todays work environment, science and technology have become a major focus.
Numerous studies, as mentioned earlier, have identified a need in increasing
literacy in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. The
PwC report predicts the loss of more than 600,000 jobs over the next 20 years due
to automation and computerisation. The report identifies occupations related to
STEM are going to be the fastest growing in the near future and that teaching of
these STEM subjects is a method of ensuring Australias economic future.
These students will need to be re-engaged into scientific thinking and literacy. The
science will need to be relevant, with a lot of hands-on investigations, inquiry based
content and applications to real world issues (Tytler 2007). If, for example we were
tailoring a subject for Alex, our case study student, we could explore the
biomechanics of the human body in sport or diet and nutrition relating to exercise.
Literacy in technology will also be crucial in helping the students adapt to an everchanging world. Once again there will be an emphasis on making content relevant,
particularly towards vocation. Skills could include spreadsheets, use of EFTPOS
machines linked to computerised cash registers and how to gain access/knowledge
to new technologies. In this subject there will also be information on using
technology correctly and addressing issues such as cyber-bullying and inappropriate
posts for example.
Elective 1
Students select an elective completely of their choice and in line with the
mainstream program.
Small Group Study/Vocational Education
In the small study groups, students will have additional opportunity to work closely
with teachers and peers to address any particular aspects regarding their schooling.
It may be additional assistance with a particular subject, working on projects, social
or behavioural aspects, vocational assistance or advice.
student confidence and positive well-being (Cahill et.al., 2012). Related to this is
positive teacher-student relationships. Cahill et al, 2012 cites studies which show
that students are more likely to seek help from teachers they trust, who they find
friendly and are non-judgemental. Teacher behaviours that students associate with
confidence are when they take an interest in what I do, talk to me, treat me with
respect, let me make mistakes, show that they are proud of me to name a few.
Consequently, it is important that particular teachers with these attributes are
chosen for this program. Also appropriate support and professional development for
the teachers will need to be provided. A successful SEL program has a number of
components and strategies, and teachers will need appropriate time and training to
implement them in the program effectively. Some of the strategies particular to
successful SEL programs are collaborative teaching, use active forms of learning,
focus on skills development and have explicit learning goals.
Family involvement will also be an important component of the program. It is
important that parents are also well educated in relation to the program and have
an understanding of their roles and responsibilities. An information session will be
given to the parents and there will be regular contact through the year.
As mentioned earlier, each student will need to satisfy the minimum requirements
of the Year 10 Curriculum. One of the goals of the program is to provide flexibility
and opportunity for the students and enabling them to enter VCE will remain one of
their options.
As part of the goal setting and review process, students and parents will engage in
3 way partnership meetings twice a semester. The start of the semester will outline
goals, expectations and discuss individual needs of each student, whilst feedback
and review will be conducted at the end of the semester.
Assessments will consist mainly of rubrics with an emphasis on personal
development and charting of improvement rather than a raw score.
There will still need to be some specific standards met in numeracy and literacy.
Punctuality, attendance and reliability will be seen as an important goal. A report
and written reference will be provided at the end of the year by the Canteen
manager and at the completion of their work experience/placement.
In this sample of an alternative Year 10 learning sequence I have endevoured to
create a program which meets the needs of a particular cohort of students who are
not engaged in the mainstream program. I have tried to make strong links with
vocational training and education and making the education as relevant as possible.
There is also a strong emphasis on building self-confidence, resilience and
emotional development through effective Social and Emotional Learning programs.
Cahill, H., Beadle, S., Farrelly, A., Forster, R. & Smith, K. (2014). Building resilience in
children and young people - A literature review for the Departmet of
Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Melbourne: Melbourne
Graduate School of Education.
Clarke, K. & Volkhoff, V. (2012). Entry to Vocations: current policy trends, barriers
and facilitaors of quality in VET in schools. Adelaide: National Vocational
Education and Training Research Program.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2015,
October). Retrieved from http://www.casel.org/guide
Minsiterial Council on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs. (2008). Melbourne
Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. Retrieved from
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2013).
Education at a Glance 2013. Retrieved from http://www.google.com.au/url?
PricewaterhouseCoopers. (2015, April). A smart move: Future-proofing Australias
workforce by growing skills in science, technology, engineering and maths
(STEM). Retrieved from https://pwc.docalytics.com/v/a-smart-move-pwc-stemreport-april-2015
Tytler, R. (2007). Re-imagining Science Education. Engaging students in science for
Australia's future. Camberwell: ACER press.