Syllabus 2014-2015
Syllabus 2014-2015
Syllabus 2014-2015
RM. 229
and Guidelines
Class Expectations:
1. Be respectful. That means respecting each other, the teacher, and the
classroom. That means listening when others are speaking, being polite when
responding to others, and making sure that the classroom stays picked up and
2. Be organized. This will include such things as being on time for class and being
prepared for class by having all the necessary materials needed. You will find that
this will allow you to participate in class, which leads to greater success.
Remember the little things as they usually become the BIG problem. Remember
that the road to success is paved in work and shouldered by responsibility with few
who will select its path. Be one of them!
3. Be on time. Your assignments are due at the beginning of the period on the day
that they are due. I will give you one last reminder to turn in the assignment and
then collect them out of the turn in bin. If you turn it in after I have collected them
your assignment will be counted as late and it will not receive full credit. Once it is
late it is automatically half credit. This includes not turning it in when it is collected
on the day that it is due. Being on time also means being on time to class. If you
are not in the room at the end of the bell you are tardy. The first four times you are
tardy you will lose your 5 participation points for that day. After that you will be
sent to the office.
Materials Needed for Class Everyday:
1. Book
2. Computer
3. Something to write with
1. Grading will be based on a point system in which each assignment and test will be
given a certain value based on points. This percentage will be assigned a letter
grade based on the schools approved grading scale shown below:
A+= 99-100%
B+= 87-89%
C+= 77-79%
D+= 67-69%
A = 93-98%
B = 83-86%
C = 73-76%
D = 63-66%
A- = 90-92%
B- = 80-82%
C- = 70-72%
D- = 60-62%
Anything below a 60% is failing.
2. For the semester, each quarter is worth 45 percent of your grade with your
semester test being worth 10 percent.
3. I will accept BEST tickets. 10 tickets = 1 Homework exemption. They may be used
to be exempt from a homework assignment that is worth up to 20 points. You may be
exempt from 2 homework assignments during the semester.
4. You will be able to retake 1 exam during the semester. You must have come and
told me that you want to retake it within one week after they have been graded
and returned to you. You then must also complete your make up exam within a
week of telling me you want to take it.
Classroom Guidelines:
1. You will be given an out of class punch pass at the end of this week. You will have 5
chances to leave class this semester. This is for any reason: bathroom, locker, etc.
Once you are out of those 5 punches, you are not allowed to leave again. If you do
not have your pass you will not be able to leave. If you do not use this pass you will
earn to 5 points of extra credit at the end of the semester.
2. Everything on my desk is off limits. If you need to borrow a pencil for note taking
then you can find them in the back cabinet.
3. There will be no cell phones or electronics allowed at any time between 8:15 and
3:20. If you are caught using your phone/electronic it will be taken to the office and
you may get it back at the end of the day.
4. Food is NOT allowed, unless I give you permission.
Academic Dishonesty:
1. If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing on an assignment/assessment the
assignment/assessment will be taken away immediately and the student shall
receive a 0 grade for that assignment/assessment. The parent/s of the student
will be notified of the academic dishonesty by the end of the school day. If the
student is caught cheating on an assessment the student will be asked to re-take
that assessment for zero credit.
Make-up work:
1. When a student is absent from school, whether excused or unexcused, he/she will
be required to make up all work that was missed during the absence. It is your
responsibility to come and see me when you have been absent to get your make
up assignments.
1. If you are late to class you have to have a pass. If you do not you will be marked
unexcused tardy. When you arrive to class, excused or unexcused you will need to
sign in on the tardy sheet.
2. Tardies will be handled as follows:
a. Unexcused tardy #1-4: Loss of participation points for that day.
b. 5th and following: Office referral.
The teacher reserves the right to amend the syllabus, as a whole or in part, at any time.
STUDENT: I have read and understand the above syllabus from Mrs. Fynaardts
classroom. By signing below I agree to follow the above expectations and guidelines.
PARENT: My student has shown me the syllabus from Mrs. Fynaardts class and we have
discussed it so that I understand what the expectations of my student are.