Unit Lesson Plan - Local Government Day 6
Unit Lesson Plan - Local Government Day 6
Unit Lesson Plan - Local Government Day 6
Students will be learning about the different types of a local
Students will be learning in detail about who a mayor is and what a
mayor does
Students will listen to a presentation from their mayor and will learn
different things going on in their community that the mayor deals with
Integration of Learning Outcomes
Students will name and briefly describe the two types of government
Students will write a short reflection after the mayors visit
Students will write a letter to their mayor about something they would
like to see changed in their community and know why this is important
NCSS C3 Framework Standards:
D2.Civ.1.3-5. Distinguish the responsibilities and powers of government
officials at various levels and branches of government and in different times
and places.
D2.Civ.2.3-5. Explain how a democracy relies on peoples responsible
participation, and draw implications for how individuals should participate
PA Standards:
5.3.3.C: Identify services performed by the local governments.
5.3.3.C: Identify services performed by the local governments.
Anticipatory Set
To engage my learners I will ask them, What do you know about our local
government? Does anyone know who our mayor is? Has anyone ever met the
mayor? Then I will tell them, Later today the mayor will be coming in to
talk to us, but first we need to learn a little bit more about the mayor so we
are ready for his visit.
1. First I will have them quietly read the sections of the book titled,
Reflection on Planning
I think my planning went very well for this lesson. I first looked at what the
textbook had in terms of content and went from there. I thought the main
concept in this section of the book was the mayor so I based my lesson on
that. I briefly touched on the differences in the city government and the
county government so the students are still getting that information but the
main focus was on the mayor. From there I thought about what would make
this information stick in their heads the best. I figured that since we were
talking about local government it should not be hard to have the mayor come
into school and give a short presentation to the class. I knew I would need a
follow up activity so that is where the letters came in. I think this is an
activity that will stick in their heads for a long time.
Something I need to think about when doing the lesson is to make sure all
students are paying attention during the presentation. I also need to make
sure the students ideas of things they would like to see changed in the
community are achievable and serious since the letters will actually be sent
to the mayor.
Content Outline
Point Value
Total /30