Brad Corrected
Brad Corrected
Brad Corrected
Cultural Immersion
Destiney Pattillo
Georgia State University
Over the course of two months Social Work students focused on research and analysis over
specific cultures in society. The focus of the analysis was to learn in depth the social issues
people of various cultures experience. The focal point of this analysis was the LBGTQ
community and religion. The researcher wanted to understand how religion and family values
play into the coming out process for individuals of the LBGTQ population. The study consisted
of an interview which focused on the cultural issues, and discrimination people of this group face
growing up. The candidate being interviewed spoke about the trends, and bullying that this
population faces throughout life based on religious beliefs of what is right and wrong.
Members of the LBGTQ community face many different forms of discrimination today in
America. The analyzer that was focused on researching the LBGTQ population had been
exposed to many different stereotypes surrounding this group in the past. One of the biggest
stereotypes that are believed about this population is the misconception that every person in this
unit is the same, with the same story. Individuals of this population are discriminated against at
the work place, and in school. Gender roles and the churches view of what is right and wrong is
the root to LBGTQ oppression. In particular I had heard many negative responses about this
community in church, and was looked down upon for befriending individuals that were gay. It
became clear that people of this community were shunned by the Christian church I attended,
and it sparked an interest. How does religion play into the coming out process, and how does it
influence discrimination of these people (Lum, 2011)?
Members of the LBGTQ community are targeted by society in many different ways.
There are an extreme number of homeless young adults struggling on the streets due to being
kicked out for being gay. Research suggests that parental acceptance or alienation plays a major
role in the mental health, and success of teens struggling with sexuality (Meyer, 2003). Members
of the LBGTQ community are at a higher risk of mental health disorders, suicide, and substance
abuse. This statistic is directly linked to the societal stresses people of this community face
(Meyer, 2003).
Religion also plays into the discrimination that many individuals face after coming out to
their family and community. The majority of homeless teens on the streets link family culture
and religion to why they were kicked out of their house (Galupo, 2011). Also one study revealed
that the Christian church family is one of the last groups a person comes out to, strictly out of
fear of being judged (Galupo, 2011). Individuals of this population face extreme intersectionality,
which causes discrimination to form within their group. The idea behind intersectionality
involves the intersecting of social identities.
This occurs for example, when a person is oppressed for being LBGTQ, but also is
discriminated against for being a Christian. The Trans community has staggering statistics
surrounding intersectionality. For example, Transgender individuals of color are more likely to
be assaulted, and discriminated against. The rate of suicide is also higher for Transgender
individuals of color. Also women transitioning into men are still labeled as a weak sex, and
treated with Sexism views from society. This occurrence shows clearly that members of the
LBGTQ community are marginalized for different reasons, and all have unique experiences
based off of culture (Crenshaw, 1993).
coming out experience compared to majority of his friends. He has a family that loves and
protects him first, but others are not that lucky. The subject did say however, that without
religious judgement he feels he would be culturally accepted in his family, and for some reason
something that is known to represent love hinders him in so many ways. The subject still
considers himself a Christian, and feels God has helped him be comfortable with himself over a
rough few years, but he whole heartedly feels people are misguided.
Cultural Work
One strategy that the researcher feels is necessary to use when working with members of
the LBGTQ community is to come into the situation with a want to learn. Social Workers cannot
box people up into categories, and each unique story is important. Many people think they know
numerous gay people so they get their struggles, but every struggle is special. Family
background, and culture play into each persons story, and they are not just a member of the
LBGTQ community. These individuals represent many other groups in society and in some cases
get even more hate thrown their way simply because of their culture.
Even with the recent success the LBGTQ community is still a marginalized minority in
America today. Although, the right of marriage was passed in 2015 the fight for equality is not
over. Members of the LBGTQ community are still being fired, oppressed, and violently attacked
for their sexual orientation. Based on research found at twenty transsexual individuals
have been killed in 2015, these statistics show that even with progress major issues still remain.
The hatred that is spread regarding this population does not go away with the passing of laws,
and it will take years of action to see true equality.
Alida, B. (2010). A Systematic Review of Parental Influences on the Health and Well-Being of
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth: Time for a New Public Health Research and Practice
Agenda. Primary Prevention , 33.
Lum, D. (2011). Culturally Competent Practice . Belmont, Ca: Cengrage Learning .
Meyer, I. (2003). Prejudice, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual
Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence. HHS , 24.
Ortez, V. (2007). Racial Identity and Racial Treatment of Mexican Americans. Acedemia , 16.
Paz, G. (2011). Advancing Diversity through a Framework of Intersectionality: Inclusion of
LGBT Issues in Higher Education. Diversity Digest , 12.
Rivas, J. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from