Case Question
Case Question
Case Question
teams to improve quality. This action was strongly encouraged by its biggest customer, a major
automobile manufacturer. The competition in the original equipment manufacturing (OEM)
business is especially critical the major automobile manufacture (Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda etc)
now demand high quality parts at extremely low cost and they often play supplier against the
other to force the OEM industry to meet their standards.
A training need analysis of the middle level and first level production manager was conducted.
These managers were responsible for the operations of the pars production system. A system that
is highly mechanized and somewhat automated. The labor force in this area is primarily high
school graduates but many have less education. This managers responsibility prior to the change
was to ensure that the hourly workers did their jobs in the proper manner and the right amount
and type of parts were produced to meet the production schedule.
The TNA showed low technical knowledge among these managers because they have been hired
to monitor the hourly employees. They did not really understand the machinery and equipment
and had never operated it. Most of them used a confrontational style because they felt if they
took a gentler approach; the unionized workforce would take advantage of them. The manager
were all selected on the basis of their high need to control the environment, high need to achieve,
and willingness to work with others to get work done. These trails still characterize this group of