Paid For Free
Paid For Free
Paid For Free
Introduction..........Page 1
How This Works....Page 2
Choose Your Webhost Wisely....Page 3
Finding Programs.....Page 4
Design A Website.....Page 5
Promotion.............Page 6
More Money.........Page 7
Conclusion.............Page 8
Resources..............Page 9
One of the problems I know most people have with making money online is selling. Personally I couldn't
sell iced water in a desert. But that needn't be the case with this method. All you need is a website a
free offer to promote and a few ideas on how and where to advertise to bring in your audience. There
are many ways to make money giving away free stuff, some only pay pennies for getting someone to
'opt in' or sign up to an offer. And some pay $5 to $35 on average. The 'trick' here is how you set it up
and then drive traffic towards the free offer you are promoting. And again like with most things you
promote, stick with one offer or two if they're related. Don't set up a website that has multiple offers,
simply because you need to 'funnel' people in to that sign up process and having more than one offer
will confuse your audience, seriously, and all the hard work of the traffic you've built up will not pay.
There's nothing wrong in setting up two, three or even four different websites with differing offers but
you must drive quality, qualifying traffic to each in order for this to work. Quality, qualifying traffic just
means those visitors who are already pre-sold on your websites offering either from the ads you have
displayed in order to push them towards visiting or your website is found in the search engines for a
particular search phrase which you are targeting. This is where most people get it wrong and diversify
thinking more is good, its not. Capture them from the start by sticking to whatever it is you are
promising to do for them.
about the company you are promoting, so be enthusiastic, just dont go overboard and promise
something that is not available. This is how to set this rolling.
Choose Your Webhosts Wisely
First things first you need a website as you will need to join an affiliate network that promotes these
offers and you can't sign up to them without a website. Some pay per lead programs are available
independently should you do a search on most search engines but I always deal with those that can be
found within an affiliate network system for legitimacy of the program and of course when it comes to
getting paid any disputes are handled by the network. For your webhosting I recommend Siteground as
the cost is average to most webhosts but the quality of hosting is far superior. Siteground are also
leaders in wordpress and website security and in many other ways when it comes to hosting and offer a
lot more than most along with 24/7 support. As this is your online business you really shouldn't
compromise on cost, quality or security issues. As you havent and cant yet choose which offers you are
going to display, Siteground takes care of that with a website under-construction page, automatically
set up when you sign up, which will be enough to satisfy most affiliate networks. Choose a domain
name that is memorable for people to remember, it could be your own name but try and keep the
length down to around 8 to 12 characters. You dont have to worry so much about trying to get a
domain name that closely relates to what youre website is about as your site will not be penalised for
it, unless you have a preconceived idea about what it is you are likely to promote. Most of how your
website will be perceived by the search engines as to where to place or index your page/document
comes from your page Title (in the header section of your website) the H1 headline tag and your on
page content. I have made a video on how to create a website using a free template and free HTML
editor that will guide you on what your website should look like see Resources.
Finding Pay Per Lead Programs
Next you will need to sign up for a program to promote before deciding on the design or content of your
website. Finding networks, you can do a search on Google for 'pay per lead affiliate networks' cost per
action affiliate networks and choose one or two to sign up with as this will give you a broader choice.
Some of the ones I use and have used are listed here.
Peerfly - Mostly for USA and Canada and Uk audiences.
Clicksmob - Universal.
Shareasale - Universal
T3Leads - USA Canada Australia and UK Payday Loans
Commission Junction - Now Conversant Universal
MaxBounty Currently my Favourite. Most countries including quite a few European countries you
dont find on other networks and some of their pay per lead programs pay from $1 to $100 a lead.
Whilst these have the most cost per lead programs, Shareasale 290+, Conversant likewise, there are
many other affiliate networks who offer this kind of program but sometimes you have to dig deep to
find them but that is what you should do and not leap on the first one because it pays highly or can do
this or other. Consider these points first before choosing, after all this is your income stream you are
setting up. Firstly read over the terms, what you can and can't do to advertise as some can be very
restrictive which means you are limiting your reach when it comes to promotion. Secondly would you
be 'happy' to promote this. Can you get enthusiastic about it? You need some level of commitment to
follow it through and if it feels like a drudge it will be an uphill struggle. Thirdly does it 'grab' you, would
you sign up? Does the program offer enough of an incentive for people you are pushing toward it to
actually fill in their details? Can you promote it 'offline'? That's to say flyers in your neighbourhood or
placing an advert in a local shop window or on a community board in a local supermarket. And lastly is
it a 'niche' idea? That's to say "Is it something not many other people are or would be doing but there's
a need or demand for it."
You see even pay per lead programs that pay $1 or $2 per lead could be easier to convert than those
paying higher. 10-15% from 1,000 (100 to 150) visitors signing up per day via Lower MyRX at $1.25
would give you the same income as Kiwi Crate mentioned earlier at a lower conversion rate, so choose
based on what you think will work for you and what you can work with, if you can see multiple ways in
which you can promote it then thats the one.
Design Your Website
Now that youve researched the program or offer youd like to promote, you need to design your
website to convert what will be your audience. As already stated be direct, people dont mind being told
what your website is about, its when you write long essays and bore them with too much information
theyll forget why they came. If your ads are doing their job; half of the work is done for you as this is
what brought them to your website in the first place. When writing about the offer it should be done in
the form of a review rather than as a sales page. This has many advantages as you can use other online
review authority sites to write a short review and drop your websites link in there to draw them back to
your website for them to read more, an excellent traffic tip and back links for your website. Define the
positives of the offer, have bullet points and benefits of why they should sign up and dont forget WIIFM
(Whats In It For Me) Your Audience! What do they get, what can they get, what are their expectations
from signing up? When designing the site have your main headline (the capture heading with attention
grabbing words) a sub headline (the follow up to what you are trying to express) but as you are trying to
convert them to signing up have your affiliate link as a call to action at the end of your review.
Summarize and conclude your review with a call to action, actually tell visitors to click the link,
otherwise you may find they enjoyed your review but click back out of your site. It may sound obvious
but as already stated lead them by the hand in their decision to commit and TELL them how to get the
service or product your review is about. Dont put banners, direct links or prices at the beginning of the
page, otherwise it will look more like a sales page and people will be more guarded to what you have to
say because of that. Write personally as if you were writing to a friend, keeping it warm and low key will
soften people to what you are saying about the program and will be more pliable and therefore more
likely to follow your instruction if they feel you are being honest in your review.
Don't ramble or lie, lying about a promotion will get you banned. And another NO - NO is to fill it with
Google ad sense. Think about it, you've created a website with an offer, spent time and effort and some
money to bring in a relevant audience then for the sake of earning a few pennies from Google, you
direct them to another site with the same offer as yours and you've lost them. Websites with Google
ads can take longer to load as well, as the ads these days are contextual by reading your website and
showing relevant ads to your pages. It's also one more distraction to what you are trying to portray
about your offer. Keep it clean and simple. The website template I use is the one shown in the video and
is only one page and that is sufficient to capture an email and promote three similar type programs, it
really doesnt have to be fancy. You can see it here as an example as to what can be a very profitable
website with nothing more than a few recommendations.
Driving Traffic/Promotion
This is your most important job and for some the hardest to fathom. Yes you need to be found in the
search engines and you need to have a seo plan but that's long term when you don't have to do so
much work to get visitors, when your website is more visible in the search engines. Short term you need
to advertise on classified sites (some free-Craigslist etc.), Social sharing sites and PPC search engines but
not Google or Yahoo and Bing, too expensive and will end up costing you money in the long run. Firstly
classified sites and pay per click search engines. You will need to create a couple of ads, this is known as
creating a campaign. This is a way of keeping track on your advertising efforts as to which ad performs
the best. You will need to create 3 to 4 ads at first to test and play around with lead capturing titles.
The headline and body of the ad needs to be descriptive and catchy. There is no definitive this method
works more than this other one, its sometimes a case of trial and error. For guidance on writing your
ads though you should take your time to read what you yourselves are promoting to get a feel for its
benefits and pick out the main words that sold it to you. Look at other peoples advertising and try again
to see which words in an ad triggered your response to want to know more. Free isnt the magic word
some people think it is, even a free offer has to have some kind of perceived value as to what they get
for parting with their details.
Put two in several of the online classified sites and the other(s) in the pay per click search engines. The
reason to do this is to test which ad works best at converting traffic. You can do this by giving each ad a
different link or email address (some classified advertising sites like to collect their surfers details and
only allow emails and not direct links). This way you can keep an eye on which ad is driving the most
traffic and use that one. It may be none of them and you have to re-write. The reason behind this is
when you do find which ad drives the most traffic you can then pay that little bit extra to drive even
more traffic knowing it gets results. Don't launch in with huge campaigns and spent 100's before you've
tested. This is known as ROI (Return On Investment). Lets say one of your ads costs $25 for a campaign
and the audience converts at 10% and that ad brings in 2,000 visitors and the offer pays $2 a sign up,
thats 200 sign ups times $2 equals $400, a profit of 375 for your outlay and another ad costs you $10
and brings in 3,000 visitors at the same conversion rate of 10%. At 300 sign ups at $2 that will equate to
$600, a profit of $590. At first glance from the figures laid out in front of you its obvious which one is
performing the best but your websites basic stats will only tell you, you had 5,000 visitors and the
company whose offer you are promoting will tell you, you had 500 people sign up. So which ad
performed the best and gave you a better ROI? This is where you need to get smart and use a link
tracking service which will pay for itself in the long run as you sort the wheat from the chaff when it
comes to which advertising source and which ad to run that is worth paying for. After all if you paid less
for one advert and it brought you more visitors, doesnt it make sense to put more money in to that ad
and drop the other? By assigning a link to each ad that you run on different networks it should become
clear to you which is bringing in most of the traffic. You can assign a different link using this free service
and upgrade when the time comes. Or if you don't want to pay recurring membership fees you can
manage your own conversion statistics with Split Test Profits, which as well as tracking your ad
campaigns will test your website copy to see which pages are converting your visitors into spenders. A
one of payment that puts more money in your pocket.
A search on Google for 'advertising sites' 'classified ads' or 'ppc advertising' will bring up literally
hundreds of thousands of different sites. Look for advertising networks like or
and AdLandPro They offer advertising from 1cent to 10cents per click on over thousands of sites with
over 2 million visitors a month. For a budget of around $25 a campaign you could easily get 2 to 3,000
visitors a day. Search engines that have ppc can be a similar result, not everyone uses Google or Bing as
their search engine. Other top search engines with cheaper ppc advertising are Miva , 7Search , ABC
Search , as the top leading searches (known as second tier search engines) with reaches of over 3 billion
across their networks. Some offer incentives to sign up with advertising credit to get you started.
With PPC search make sure your ad is loaded with your keywords, example, if you are running a 'Prize
Draw' then make sure it's in the headlines, as ppc works on a keyword basis either for search engines or
ad networks. This is why you must read the terms first when promoting a program as some will not
allow bidding on certain keywords. You can and should set your budget, don't pay more than you think
you will make. That's a big mistake, start low, test your ads then when you have the one that works you
can up the anti. Once you start making money you can re-invest some of the profit. Don't forget
promoting offline as mentioned, putting your website in the advert. If you need more understanding on
ppc and how to utilise it to its maximum and other sources of traffic to advertise I have a short ten email
course you can sign up for in the resources section. To gain an advantage about what your competitors
are using as there keywords You can download and use PPC Spy for Free.
Another great source of free traffic is social networks. Write an article around or similar to your
promotion, again in the form of a review and place in places like Reddit, look for their sub-Reddit
categories and youll not only find targeted traffic for those that have similar interests to your offer but
if your article gets liked and shared within the community it will also give your website back links. An
audience and seo all in one. Now as a caution and as is etiquette with most sharing platforms, read the
rules, take your time before posting and dont overdo it (how you get yourself barred or banned is up to
you if you dont). Rather than post varying links to all the different social networks available I would like
to refer you to this link . Like? From Magical Elves to file sharing, music lovers, book readers and so on,
it just takes a little imagination as to how best you can cultivate the audience available and funnel
them back to your website. As part of your advertising and promotion you should consider this site .
One million views for free, by adding your website as the exit page and promoting your link to sign
others up you can in turn through your efforts and those you sign up get more visitors to your offers.
Long term advertising is promoting your website in the search engines. Mostly building back links on a
consistent basis. When it's a new website start slowly with around 50 to a 100 links in the first month
and then on average 100 to 200 over the next six months. Too many links at first then very little or
nothing will see your site disappear for good. Promoting a website as a linking strategy is quality and
If you have the money to invest at the beginning of your project I suggest using these as this is all you
really need to build up those back links. You can of course let your site make money then give these a
SEOVine , Search Engine Blaster .
Making More Money from Your Visitors
You have a website that promotes one particular product or offer that is free to sign up to and you have
spent some money, time and effort to gain visitors, they sign up with that company and you never see
them again, meaning you have to keep advertising and promoting to bring in a new audience. What if
you could make them your captive and continue to promote similar offers or promotions to the one
you know theyre already interested in? You could then make more money from them rather than see
them disappear. This requires nothing more than setting up a page on your site with an email capture
and lead promotion of something you can offer them that is connected to an autoresponder. This is one
of the greatest mistakes affiliates make when promoting an offer in not capturing their own visitors
details to later promote other offers.
Autoresponders are great at hands off promotion as you just need to set up your email campaigns once
with the links to those offers and every time someone signs up the autoresponder goes to work 24/7
365 days of the year, not you. With pay per lead programs youre in a great position to offer more free
trials and capture someones email. You know what your audience wants and with your affiliate
network can offer them varying other promotions, some of which might be buy now items which are
related. There are many different autoresponders out there and many are costly for what they do. The
one I recommend as effective and straight forward is Email Aces, free for your first 500 sign ups then
$8.97 a month. This is a great way if youve never used an autoresponder before to learn without
paying until youve built your customer database and started to earn money from your list. Sign up to
my email course for more advertising and ppc ideas and Ill share a secret about your own list to make
even more money from it. Email Aces have a great tutorial section or you can watch this video , where I
show you how to set up a series of emails and insert an autoresponder in to your web page.
As I hope you can see, you can start an online business for little or not a lot of expense and some of the
information that I have imparted is useful and helpful to understanding how it is others are making
money. Treat your online business as though it were a bricks and mortar store. Just like in the physical
world you have to work at creating your website and promoting it. There are no real guarantees you
will make money or how much if you do. That can only come from your own efforts. Sometimes it just
takes a little bit longer than you might anticipate. Find something you like, stick with it and it will work
out. To conclude then the strategy laid out is simply a website an offer and lots of promotion, along with
an autoresponder to promote other offers further down the line that you can research.
Quality web hosting SiteGround
Autoresponder Email Aces
Ten Day Advertising Course Click Here
Create a Website Video Click Here
Free Web templates Open Source Web Design
Two Free Templates (used in my videos) Click Here
Free HTML Editor Click Here
Advertise to Over 500,000 Classified Sites for Pennies Click Here
Link Building SEOVine
Website Promotion Ebook Click Here
Cheap Advertising - Save on Block Advertising
Ezine Advertising - Direct Promotion
Direct Email Advertising - Click Here
I wish you every success should you have any questions, comments improvements, good or bad to
add about this free ebook and its contents or have some success yourself by following this ebook and
want to let others know then please go here and I will endeavour to answer all reasonable requests
This ebook is part of the How To Do Stuff Series. More of which can be found at EbooksforFree
You can give away this ebook as a free gift to your subscribers or just give it to your friends, host it on
your website as a freebie. But it must be kept intact and no portion tampered with or separated.