Soap Note Example
Soap Note Example
Soap Note Example
S: The athlete came into the athletic training room after practice on Monday complaining of
dorsal right foot pain. The athlete states that the injury first occurred the previous day during
practice when he went to strike a ball and the top of his foot hit the bottom of another players
cleat. He states that he did not hear any noise at the time of injury nor has he noticed any
deformities, just swelling on the top of his foot. The athlete complained of pain while walking
around campus to class and of pain during soccer related activities on Monday with the most
pain occurring as he was on the balls of his feet. The athlete stated he did not have any
instability. The athlete states that he has no prior history of injury or surgery to either foot. The
athlete states that his pain felt pretty sharp. The athlete states that his pain was a six out of ten
at the time of the injury and remained somewhere between a five or six. The athlete states he
has not had any numbness or tingling down into his toes or in his foot. The athlete states that his
pain does not radiate up his leg or down into his toes. He goes on to state that he has not done
any self-treatment or taken any medication for his injury.
O: Observation swelling just proximal to first metatarsal head over the extensor hallucis
longus. Slight discoloration. No observable deformities.
Palpations moderate pain and swelling over the first metatarsal just proximal to the metatarsal
head, the pain does not radiate anywhere with palpation.
ROM: Ankle Active No pain with dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, or eversion. Mild pain with
Ankle Passive No pain with dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, or inversion. Mild pain with eversion.
Ankle Resistive All motions pain-free.
Toe Active Strong pain with great toe extension. No pain with toe flexion.
Toe Passive Mild pain with great toe flexion. No pain with toe extension.
Toe Resistive Mild pain with great toe extension. No pain with toe flexion.
Special Tests Negative anterior drawer. Negative calcaneal bump test. Negative intermetatarsal
glide test. Negative leg squeeze test. Negative inversion talar tilt test. Negative eversion talar tilt
test. Negative Kleigers test.
Treatment Post-Practice: Ice bag for 20 minutes and instructed the athlete to elevate to try and
move swelling out of the foot. Pre-Practice: milk massage to move swelling out if still present.
Practice: turf toe taping to limit great toe extension if it is felt that it is needed.
A: Diagnosis after the evaluation the injury is most likely a contusion to the extensor hallucis
longus tendon. D/D: turf toe
P: Follow-up with athletic training staff before and after practice/workouts, daily treatments and
taping as needed, practice as tolerated. Quentin Tingle, ATS